bered. Seattle is a lively, pushing city, and the people there, medical and lay, make things hum when they attempt to do so, and those in attendance upon the meeting from without the state were unanimous in the view that the recent session was one which the medical profession of the state of Washington has reason to be proud. It is safe to say that Oregon will send a good delegation to the meeting of the Washington society next year at Tacoma. IDAHO STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. The sixth annual meeting of the Idaho State Medical Society will meet at Moscow on the 6th and 7th of September. Dr. A. C. Hoover, of Montpelier, is president, and Dr. Ed. E. Maxey, of Caldwell, is secretary of the society. Dr. R. C. Coffey, of Colfax, Washington, who was a large factor in securing the present meeting at Moscow, where he formerly lived, is vice-president. An excellent committee of arrangements, consisting of Doctors W. W. Watkins and Wilson Johnston, of Moscow, and Dr. C. W. Shaft, of Lewiston, have provided excellent facilities for the meeting and a program has been prepared, excellent in character. A feature of very great value in the coming session will be a symposium upon the subject of Tuberculosis, which, considering the fact that in this new state climatic conditions have not become fully known, ought to elicit in both papers and discussion information of lasting value. There should be a goodly attendance from Oregon and Washington. The program for the meeting is as follows: September 6th-Opening Session at 10 A. M. Called to order by the president, C. A. Hoover, M. D., Montpelier. Prayer by the Rev. D. O. Ghormley. Address of welcome, Hon. Alexander Ryrie, Mayor of Moscow. Report of Committee of Arrangements. President's address. September 6th-Afternoon Session, 2 P. M. Tuberculosis-(a) Modes of Infection and Communication as Effected by Environment, Occupation, Habits, Heredity, Altitude, Meteorological Conditions, etc., by Frank Wenz, M. D., Rathdrum. (b) Tuberculosis, Prophylactic and Medico-Legal Aspect, C. L. Sweet, M. D., Boise. (c) Sputa, Characteristics, Collection of and Technique of Preparation for Examination (with demonstrations), by W. H. Schuyler, M. D., Fort Sherman. (d) The Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis by the Carasso and other Methods, by Ed. E. Maxey, M. D., Caldwell. (e) Tuberculosis of Bones and Joints, by R. C. Coffey, M. D., Colfax, Washington. (f) Tuberculosis of the Meninges, by Henry Waldo Coe., M. D., Portland, Oregon. (g) Geni.a. and Genito-Urinary Tuberculosis, by W. H. Behle, M. D. Blackfoot. (h) Tuberculosis of the Larynx, Wilson Johnston, M. D., Colfax, Washington. September 7-Morning Session, at 10 A. M. Report of Board of Censors. Election of new members. Report of correspondence. Paper "The Influence of Physiology upon the Profession," I. L. Magee, M. D., Wallace. Discussion. Paper-"Chlorine Gas, Its Effect on those Engaged in the Treatment of God Ores by the Chlorination Process," J. A. McNevin, M. D., Gibbonsville. Discussion. September 7-Afternoon Session, at 2 P. M. The Medical Treatment of Appendicitis. Discussion by W. W. Watkins, M. D., Moscow; N. Fred. Essig, M. D., Spokane, Washington; E. F. Guyon, M. D., Montpelier; C. L. Gritman, M. D., Moscow, and others. Retroversion of the Uterus. Discussion by Dr. C. W. Shafi, of Lewiston; Dr. R. C. Coffey, of Colfax, Washington; Dr. G. V. Genoway, of Wallace, and others. Voluntary contributions and discussions, Medical legislation matters. election of officers, selection of time and place of next meeting, miscelaneous and unfinished business, adjournment. EDITORIAL NOTES. The twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Mississippi Valley Medical Association will be held at Nashville, Tennessee, October 11-14, under the presidency of Dr. John Young Brown, of St. Louis, Missouri. Mississippi Valley This association is second in size only to the American Medical Association, and has done most excellent scientific work in the past. The annual addresses will be made by Dr. Jas. T. Whittaker, of Cincinnati, on Medicine, and by Dr. Geo. Ben. Johnson, of Richmond, Virginia, on Surgery. The mere mention of the names of these gentlemen establishes the fact that the association will hear two scholarly and scientific addresses. Nashville is a most excellent convention city, and is well equipped with hotels, and with the record of the meeting in Louisville in 1897 as an example, the local profession under the leadership of Dr. Duncan Eve, as chairman of the committee of arrangements, has prepared to have a better meeting. Already titles of papers are being received. These should be sent to the secretary, Dr. Henry E. Tuley, No. 111 West Kentucky street. Louisville Kentucky, as early as possible to insure a good place upon the program. Reduced rates on all railroads will be granted on the certificate plan. NOTES. Oregon Eclectics to Meet. The eighth annual meeting of the Oregon Eclectic Medical Association will convene at the office of W. S. Mott, M. D., Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, September 28, 1898, at 10 o'clock A. M. Following is the program: Annual address of the presi dent, R. O. Loggan, M. D.; The X-Ray and Some of its Uses, H. E. Curry, M. D.; Neuroses of the Stomach, Chas. Dond, M. D.; The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schussler, A. A. Leonard, M. D.; Emergencies, Surgical, Etc., H. S. Henderson, M. D.; Chloroform, Its Use in Obstetrics, G. W. McConnell, M. D.; Psychological Therapeutics, W. S. Mott, M. D.; discussion of papers, election of officers, unfinished business, adjournment. In the Wonderland, '98.-For a unique and striking description of route covering a country full of health and pleasure resorts and a railorad running through scenery as varied as America produces, a little book called Wonderland, '98, by Olin D. Wheeler, descriptive of the Northern Pacific Railroad, is one of the neatest and most convincing little things which we have ever seen. It is neat because its author knows how to build such a book, and moreover he has material out of which to call into existence thrilling descriptive scenes when he takes up the subject of the Northern Pacific Railroad and its tributary country. A journey over the Northern Pacific 2000 miles in length, yet without a change of cars, is one of the greatest scenic studies in the world. Under the present management of the road the needs and comforts of the traveling public are superior to what is generally found elsewhere, and is not exceeded in the whole world. We are pleased to see that the Yellowstone Park region and the Pacific Coast are given due prominence in this book, and the Alaska summer and winter and other Pacific seaside resorts are pointedly presented. This represents greater activity in the management of the western sections of the road, which, incidentally, is of great value to the whole Pacific Coast region. A Natural Body Brace. We call attention to the advertisement of the Natural Body Brace Co., of Salina, Kansas, which with this issue appears in this journal for the first time. The brace manufactured by this company is most valuable in cases of internal displacements due to relaxed abdominal muscles, incorrect position, etc. It was commended by a paper read before the Oregon State Medical Society this year by Dr. Ernest F. Tucker, professor of gynecology in the Medical Department of the Oregon State University. This paper was published in the July number of the Sentinel. The brace is highly recommended by the celebrated Dr. Alexander J. C. Skene, of Brooklyn, New York, in his work upon "Medical Gynecology." It has high praise from all physicians who use it. Leading banks in Portland, Chicago, New York and elsewhere vouch for the gentlemanly and courteous treatment accorded by the company to all of its patrons. MEDICAL SOCIETIES. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINTH ANNUAL MEET ING OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. The ninth annual meeting of the Washington State Medical Society convened in Seattle, Washington, May 10th. 1898, Dr. J. B. Eagleson, president; Dr. F. H. Coe, secre tary. The president called the meeting to order at 11 o'clock A. M. Under reception of members by invitation, Dr. Thompson moved that Dr. Martin be extended the privileges of the floor during the meeting, which was adopted. The president, Dr. J. B. Eagleson, read the annual address. which was referred to the publication committee. The secretary read his annual report, and on motion of Dr. Kibbe it was received and placed on file. Dr. Kibbe moved that the report of the secretary be accepted and that the thanks of the society be extended to Dr. Coe for what he believed to be the best report ever made by a secretary of the society, being the most exhaustive and covering more ground than any former report made by the secretary, which motion was seconded and carried, and report ordered placed on file. The treasurer read his report, which was referred to the auditing committee. The president appointed, as the auditing committee, Doctors Sharpless, Thompson and Holmes. The report of the committee on tuberculosis was read by Dr. Coe, chairman, and on motion was received and placed on file to be taken up for discussion later and a continual committee arranged for. On motion the society adourned to meet at 1:30 o'clock P. M. |