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not the admiration, and love of the whole civilized world.

Now, this matter of sentiment, that sometimes is thought too lightly of, when properly directed and united to a fixed purpose, becomes a great moral force, underlying all true success in life, whether individually or collectively, and think as we may, it is this principle which brings us together as members of the Pacific Coast Dental Congress, imbued (I trust) with a common sentiment united to a fixed purpose that each may do his part in making its sessions a new point of departure in lifting our profession, on the Pacific Coast at least, to a higher plane of moral and professional excellence, and this will be done if a well directed sentiment is allowed to govern our actions, but this paper was not written so much for the purpose of emphasizing the value of this sentiment among the ethical members of the dental profession, however valuable that may be, as it is to try to arouse a sentiment which shall be the instrument to unite the forces which go to make up the medical and dental professions, for we cannot deny the facts, if we would, that there is not that union of sentiment and fellowship which it would seem ought to exist between members of the kindred professions. Not that there is any special antagonism between them, but that in a sense, as professional men, they are strangers to each other, quite as much so as are lawyers and physicians, useful to each other at times, but ordinarily seeming to have no special interest in


This, to the thinking ethical dentist, is all wrong, and ought not to be. Let us trace the cause and perhaps we may find a remedy for the complaint, and while we say all hail! and doff our hat to the grand old profession of medicine, yet your essayist must be true to history, which teaches that in the not very distant past, medicine, neglecting one of its functions, permitted the dental branch to be broken off from the parent stock, to be mutilated and kicked about by every tinker or blacksmith who happened along, until at last a few farseeing medical men, of an appreciative turn of mind, picked up the apparently lifeless branch and lopping off the dead boughs, planted it in a new but nevertheless a true medical soil, and by careful and persistent cultivation on the part of the successors of the original planters, from time to time adding such compost to the soil as the case seemed to require, there has been produced from that broken branch a large,

healthy tree of thrifty growth, bearing fruit of a quality not to be excelled by the old medical tree itself. Of course the young tree, like the old, has to be sprayed from time to time in order that the parasites shall do as little damage to the fruit as possible.

Now, if this dental tree is of the same stock as all other branches of the medical tree, though of an independent growth and development, it logically follows that there should be a full and free exchange of the fruits of each without involving arbitrary conditions by which such exchange may be made, therefore, whatever medical men of the past may once have thought of dentistry, the stomatology of today, as taught and practiced, is no longer an unknown quantity, but is truly as much a branch of the healing art and entitled to as full recognition as such as are the other branches termed specialties in medicine.

It is often urged by medical men, when spoken to on the subject, that the dental graduate, to be in touch with the medical profession, must possess the medical degree. But why should this be? The medical colleges have not now nor never have had the facilities or the inclination to teach stu dents in dentistry, and perhaps it is well that it is so, but because this branch of medicine is of independent growth, is no good reason why physicians and dentists should not be in full professional touch with each other.

It was of vital importance to this nation that Gen. Shafter should be in full touch with Rear-Admiral Sampson at the taking of Santiago, notwithstanding Shafter and Sampson were not educated in the same school of war, but we must not forget that in each of the schools in which these men received their fighting education, the line of studies, up to a given point, were the same. The fundamentals in both schools being identical, so that in their conferences and consultations. they thoroughly understood each other, and were thus enabled to act in concert for the common interest. Now why should not the same sentiment exist between the graduate in medicine and the graduate in dentistry? In waging war against human disease, it is equally true in dental and medical schools, as in the schools referred to, that up to a given point the line of studies are the same. All the fundamentals in both schools being identical and as thoroughly taught in the one as in the other, and thanks to the scientific progress be

ing made in all departments of human knowledge, together with the ever broadening culture of the age in which we live. necessitating a greater preliminary preparation on the part of the students, surely indicating that the unnatural estrangement which now separates the two professions will soon be a thing of the past, when there will be not only a passing recognition of the ethical dentist by the ethical physician, but a feeling of professional brotherhood which does not at present exist, but I would not have you understand that in order to bring this about there shall be any disposition by any means to toady to the physician on the part of the dentist, nor on the part of the physician to toady to the dentist, for the one is the peer of the other, and though the professional service rendered may differ in character, it does not in quality. Let us then as ethical dentists do all we can in a dignified professional way to bring ourselves into closer touch with the ethical members of the mother profession, and this we may do by always applauding the action of the medical profession in the establishment a few years ago of a stomatological section as part of all international medical congresses. It will then only remain for the state medical societies throughout the Union to follow the example of the international congress, to bring about a greater professional respect for the members of each profession by the other and this attrition will in itself teach us how much each has to learn before one is competent to sit ir judgment over his professional brother, and to hasten forward the time of this much wished for professional millenium, it is suggested, if not thought to be too presumptive on the part of a dentist to make it, that the local medical societies. throughout the land amend their by-laws so as to admit ast associate members all ethical graduates of reputable dental colleges, they paying like dues and having like privileges with the other members except the right to vote on the business affairs of the society, and let the same thing be done on the same terms in all local dental societies towards ethical medical men, giving them all the rights and privileges of the society except the right to vote in governmental affairs. It is further respectfully suggested to our medical brethren that they use their influence to have the medical colleges throughout the land establish, in addition to those special chairs already established, chairs on dental pathology. That diseases of the dental organs and associate parts, often so closely re

lated to lesions of the eye, ear and other reflex functional disturbances, may be better and more generally understood than at present by students in medicine.

Then all would be better able to discriminate between the ethical and non-ethical in both professions and thus, I take it, we would unite all the reputable forces of the medical and dental professions in the legitimate war each is trying to wage more or less successfully against human disease.



N. David Chapman, B. S., M. D., of Syracuse, N. Y., after detailing four cases of more or less severe burns in which he derived great help from the use of Unguentine, which was alternated and compared with the usual oily applications, reached the following conclusions regarding this valuable preparation: A-Easy to apply. B-Great relief to patient, it acting as a sedative, cooling and non-irritating. C-It does not dry out so quickly, and consequently the dressings do not have to be changed so often. D-Rapid cicatrizant. EWhen used prevents granulation tissues. F-It is non-toxic. G-Patients recover more quickly under the Unguentine treatment than any other. H-Prevents the necessity of skin grafting in a good many cases by hastening the reparative process. I-It is much more convenient, neat and practiable.-Abstract in article in New York Medical Journal.

The estate of the late Dr. Pepper is said to amount to $1,000,000 and is divided between the widow and three sons. In his will Dr. Pepper directed his body to be cremated and his brain given to the American Anthrometric Society.

By P. B. Wing, M. D., Tacoma, Washington.

Oculist and Aruist N. P. Railroad; Oculist and Aruist Fannie Paddock Hospital.

[Read before the Washington State Medical Society, May 10th, 1898.]

Enlarged tonsils and adenoids, the signs of which are seen in the facial expression of so many children, and which are so often overlooked by parents and sometimes by physicians, is the subject to which I wish to call your attention. I shall attempt to describe the symptoms, physical signs, method of diagnosis, complications and treatment.

Symptoms are mouth-breathing; in some cases this is constant, in others occasional. Choking and snoring during sleep are always well marked symptoms. The child often starts in its sleep, and sometimes sits upright in bed struggling for breath. Patient often chokes while eating and drinking. In small children it interferes greatly with nursing. The voice has that peculiar sound which always accompanies nasal obstruction. There is often a backwardness about learning to talk. There is difficulty in pronouncing words containing the letter "m." The child is often poorly nourished. pale and nervous, dull and listless. There is often a chronic discharge from the nose of thick mucous; sometimes, however, it is thin and watery, and excoriates the upper lip. Upon examination we can easily see the hypertrophied tonsils. but the diagnosis of adenoids is more difficult. We are pretty sure that if we have a case of hypertrophied tonsils we have also adenoids in the pharyngeal vault. If we have mouthbreathing without enlarged tonsils, and if the anterior nares are clear, we are quite sure that we have an adenoid; for in children deflected septi and hypertrophy of the posterior turbinals are very seldom if ever seen. So we make our diagnosis by elimination and by the symptoms given, provided, however, that we cannot use the mirror. I have given up the

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