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N.B.-Inverted commas mark verbatim quotations or words used in a
special technical sense by Hegel or by others. Brackets signify remoter
references, or references to the same subject in different words.

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234, 235, 237 n.

Agnoiology, 88.

| Ancient and modern art, 226.
Angels, 263.
Annihilation, 145.
Anthropology," 189, 191.
Antigone, 67.


Antinomies, 50, 54, 137, 187, 286.
A posteriori, 46 n., 49, 237, 238,
240, 247, 250, 251, 251 n.
Appearance and Reality, (21), 110-
114, 126, 281.

A priori, 23, 49, 184, 210.
Architecture, 223, 224, 227, 234.
Aristotle, 31, 32, 36-38, (50), 249.
Army, 210.

Arnold, quoted, 44, 180, 226, 231,
245, 290.

Art, arts, 200, 205, 224, 229, 237,


immortality, (223), 226.
religion, 202, 244, (248).

Agnosticism, 10, 11, 21, (24), 42, As regards Protoplasm, 105, (107).

114, 139, 143, 196, 244.

Alexander, 107.

All is space, 158.

All reality is thought. See Nothing
but thought exists.
Alps, 78, 81.

Ambiguities in Hegel, 28, 30,
121, 191, 195, (259), 278, etc.
American Hegelianism, 85 n.
(Dyde), Harris, Sterrett, Morris.

Asia, 250.

Aspects, 18, 228, 259. See Phases.
Association of ideas, 108 n., 185,
194, 232.
Atheism, 260.

Atonement, 243 n., 245, 268-270.
Aufklärung, 91, 207.


Backgrounds, 24.

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Bosanquet, 26, 114, 125, 147, 218,
220, 225.

Bradley, 28, 87, 109, 120, 121,
125, 126, 147, 160, 203, 213,
280, 282, 283, 289.
Brahmanism, (247), 255 n.
Browning, 126.

China, 247, 250, 255 n.
Choice, 216.

Christianity, 14, 69, 86, (92, 96,
104), 109, (161), 215, 221, 243,
245, 248, 249, 252, 254-273,

Christology, 258, 268.

Church, 69, 249, 256, 258, 267,

"Civic community," 209, 211,

Classical Art, 224, 230, 233.
Classification, 130, 131.
Compromise, 228.

Comte, 91, 126, 192, 207.
Conception "of Religion, 254,

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255 n.
Conceptualism, 131.

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Concrete," 94, 97, 129; compare

"Consciousness," 181, 189, 196,


Conservatism, (80), 91, (211).
Constitutionalism, (80), 210.
Content and form, 138.

quoted, 24, 70, 171, 187, 215, Contingency, 34, 153, 159–162,

229, 252, 276.

Bryant, 218.

Buddhism, 247, 255 n.
Bureaucracy, 209, 210.

CAIRD, Dr. E., 12 n., 14, 25 n., 42,
44, 51, 65, 66, 76, 79, 84, 85,
86, 86 n., 95-99, 106, 107, 125,
126, 134, 140, 244 n., 254, 283 n.,
284, 290.

J., 85, 95, 123, 254, 257, 290.

Caprice, 216.
Caricature, 229.
Carinthia, 66.

Carlyle, 67, 91, 99, 135, 207, 211.
Caste, 247, 248.

Casual. See Contingency.
Categorical Imperative, 57, (204).
Categories (Plato), 36; (Aristotle),
38; (Kant), 50-52; (Hegel), 120,
142, 184, 243, 279.
Causation, causality, 11, 45, 51,
132, 133, 162, 186.
Chemistry, (49), 133, 167, 187.

163, (179), (215), 240, 241 n., 267.
Continuum. See Presentation.
Contradiction, 17, 22, 24, 25, 28,
133, 137, 139, 205, 207, (214),
Copernicanism, 124, 124 n., (286).
Copula, 125, 125 n., 148.
Corporation," 210, 217.
Cosmological argument, 244.
Cosmos, 151.
"Cosmothetic idealism," 189.
Cousin, 81.

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(Arts and) Crafts, 227.
Creation, 262, 268, 285.
Critical Journal of Philosophy,
(32 n.), 72.

"Critical" periods, 91.
Criticism (Kant), 32, 42, 276, 284.
Critique of Pure Reason, 46–56, 95,
124, 128, 155, 184.

Practical 56-59, 204.
Judgment, 59-61, 164, 223.

Crystal, 223.
Cycle, 162.

DANCE, 227 n.

Encyclopædia, 20, 78, 81, 184.

Darwin and Hegel, 107, 123, 162 n., Epic of Hades, 10.


[blocks in formation]

Epistemology, 88, 89, 89 n., 102,
117, 184, 286.
Erdmann, 41.

Essayist merits, 26, 191, 220.
Essays in Philosophical Criticism,
114, 116, (162 n.), 183, 194.
"Esse is intelligi," 283.


Essence," 90, 139, 140, 142, 190.
Ethical Studies, 87 n., 109, 203,
208 2.

Ethics, 20, 203-217, 221 n.
Etymology, 142.

Development from Kant to Hegel, Evil, 122, 213, 262, 264.

42, 108 n., 116, 194.

de Wette, 81.

Dialectic (Plato), 35; (Kant), 52;
(Hegel), 26, 121, 122, 124, 125,
135, 139, 151, 156, 199, 212,
213, 240, 242 n., 261, 276, 277,

Diana Merrion, 230.

Evolution, 19, 60, 106, 168-174,
186, 191, 192, 206, 231, 233,
235, 242, 246, 252, 254, 257,
276, 277.

Excluded middle, 133.
Experience, 110, 111, 277, 288, 289.
Expressiveness, 223, 227.

Dictionaries, 31 n., 63, 89 n., (141). | FACT, 257, 266.

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Factory Acts, 210.
Fairbairn, 254.

Fairbrother, 86 n., 100, 102, 105,

Fairies, 178.

Fall of Man, 262, 268.
Family, 208, 217.

Fate, Fatalism, 69, 211.

Feeling, 177, 180.

Fatherhood of God, 262, 263.

Ferrier, 88, 89, 89 n.

Fetichism, 245.

EASTERN Civilisations, etc., 247, Fichte, 32, 62-64, 79, 91.

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"Formal" and "real freedom,"

80, 246 n.

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Higher Unity," (25), 28, 152.
Historic method, 21.

Foundation of Knowledge, (84), History, 17, 235-253, 258.

166 2.

Frankfort, 69, 71.
Free Libraries, 210.

Freewill, Freedom, 14, 57, 70, 102,

103, 108, 109, 144, 215, 246.

"Geist," 82.

George Eliot, (230), 289.
Germans, 180, 249, 253, 272.
GOD, 5, 39, 58, 61, 101, 116, 144,
171, 181, 188, 198 n., 221 n., 222,
254 n., 255, 258-264, 278, 284,


Goethe, 73, 75, 81, 163.
Good, 35, 176, 262.
Grace, 271.

Gradation, 15, 277, 279 [Degrees].
Gravitation, 167.

Great men, 246, 247.

Greek thought, 69, 80, 90, 238,
(241), 245, 248, 252, 253, 255 n.
Green, 11, 87, 99-104, 108, 118,
179, 183, 194, 203, 212, 213,
259, 283-286, 288.
"Ground," 134.

HALDANE, 114, 115.

Half-lights; half-way houses, 290.
Hamilton, 8, (24), 31, 50, 137, 189.
Hamlet, 20, 111.

Harris, 32 n., 93 n., 195, 198, 198 n.,
243 n., 264 n., 278, 279 n.
Hastie, 218.

"Hebraism and Hellenism," 245.
Hedonism, 205.

Hegel cited, 35 n., 43, 136, 138, 163,
164, 169, 170, 170 n., 186, 207,
211, 249, 250, 262, 265, 268.
Hegelianism and Personality, 115,


Hegelianism of "the Left," 83,
280, 282.

Heidelberg, 77-79.
Heine, 261.

Heraclitus, 33, 34.
Heredity, 186.

High Church Anglicans, 210.

History of Philosophy, 82, 136, 138,
(243), 248, 252.

History (or Science) of Religion,


Homer, 225.


Homogeneous," 172.
Hora Subseciva, 232 n.
Howells, 247 n.

Howitt (Mrs.), quoted, 13.
Humboldt (W. v.), 209 n.
Hume, 11, 12, 31, 44, 99.
Huxley, 162, 261.
Hypocrisy, 215.
“Hypothetical,” 160.

IDEA, Ideas (Descartes, Locke,
etc.), 31; (Plato), 33; (Kant), 44,
52, 56; (Hegel), 140, 142, 221,
223, 265, 267.

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Immortality, 58, 121, (174), 183,
259, 285 n.

Impersonality of Absolute, 260,
261, 279, 282.


Impotence of nature," 161.
Incarnation, 264, 267.

India, 250. See Brahmanism.
Individual, 118, 143, 160, 161,
179, 208.
Individualism, 209.
Infinite, 143, 155, 282.

"Inner nature," (112), 166, (166 n.),

Instrumental music, 227.
Intellectualism, (4), 102, 178, 181,
(196), (227), (243), 247, 272, 273,
283, (287).
Internality," 156.

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Materialism, 60, 164, 165, 232.

Mauvais pas, 155, 158.

Max Müller, 83.

Mechanics, 164, 174.

Mechanism, 12, 16, 163, 165, 216,
Mellone, 16.
Meredith, (230).
Metamorphosis, 169, 170.
Metaphysics, 138, 163, 194, 196,
241, 242; compare Ontology.
Michelet, 150-153, 236 n., 237 n.
Middle Ages, 249, 252, 253.
term," 143 n.

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Libertarianism, 14, 102, 103, 108, Moral (consciousness and) institu-

Leibniz, 43, 82, 133, 134.

109, 215.

Liberty of the press, 207.

Life, 60, 164, 167-174.

tions, 207, (209), (212), 267.
Moral Order and Progress, 107.
Morris, 235, 243 n.

Limitation of Knowledge, 15, (136), Music, 225, 234.

(228), 242, 287, etc.

Locke, 44, 183, 192.

Logic, 10, 15, 17, 64, 110, 120,
127-149, 175, 176, 184, 192, 238,
243, 276, 278, 279.

Logos, 34, 142.

Lotze, 60, 112, 124, 126 n., 163,
166 n., 180, 282.

Love, 181.

M'TAGGART, 28, (30), 33, 34 n., 119-
123, 126, 135-140, 146 n., 158,
159, 177, 238-240, 242, 244 n.,

Mystery, 264, 289.

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