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ext' boat, a small sailboat with a |ěm bär' gō, prohibition of vessels

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à tròç'i ty, extreme cruelty; great ir rep' å rå ble, that cannot be rewickedness.


be reave', to make destitute; to de- ir re triēv' à ble (-trēv'-), that canprive.

bril' lian çǎ (-yans-), sparkling luster. cāis' son (kā' son), a chest for ammunition.

ea' lyx, the cup of a flower.

com mit tëe, persons appointed to attend to any business.

not be recovered; irreparable.

le ġit' i mate, lawful or valid; real;

mon' o grăm, letters interwoven.
nås tûr tium (-shům), a plant having
white or yellow flowers.
neigh (nā), to whinny, as a horse.

con sti tu' tion, an organic body; păl' açe, a royal residence.

frame of government.

eôr rob' o rate, to confirm; to make more certain.

de lin' quent, neglectful of duty. · děv' as tāte, to lay waste; to ravage.

pär' ti san, one passionately devoted
to a party or faction.
pee' vish, cross; fretful.
vǎl' en tine, a sentimental token sent

on St. Valentine's day, February 14.



"He who needlessly breaks his appointment, shows that he is as reckless of others' time as of his own."

å ghast', terrified; struck with horror. ǎl' å bås ter, a fine-grained gypsum. ǎl' ti tūde, height; elevation.

ăn’ arch ý, social confusion; disregard of law.

eȧ rouse', to engage in revelry.

chá grín', vexation; the keenest mortification.

çir cùm' fer ençe, boundary line of a circle or sphere.

eûr' va ture, a curving; a bend.

mō' bile, easily moved; changed in expression.

păr à phêr nā' li a, trappings or orna


på rō' chi al, pertaining to a parish. per' pe trate, be guilty of; to commit. pět'u lant, cross; fretful.

prěj' u diçe, previous and unreasonable bias.

prov' en der, food for beasts.

půl' vēr ize, to reduce to powder.

de çi' pher, to translate; to interpret. | re fū' sal, the act of refusing; option.

děm' ȧ gogue, an unprincipled leader.

de mean or, behavior; bearing.

dôr' mant, inoperative.

smug' gle, to convey in secret; to ex

port or import unlawfully.

stim' u lus, incentive to action.

fleur de lis' (flur de lē'), a flower of va' ri e gāte, to streak; to mark with the lily family.

different colors.



hělm, the instrument by which a ship | lee' ward, the side opposite to the

is steered; rudder.

hull, the body of a ship.

jět' ti son, throwing overboard of

goods, in order to lighten a vessel in danger of wreck.


main' måst, the chief mast in a vessel.

miz' zen mȧst, the hindmost mast of a three-masted vessel.

keel, bottom timber of a ship from moor' ings, anchors, chains, etc., used stem to stern.

in securing a ship.

lär' board, the left hand side of a nau' tie al, relating to ships or sailors. ship.

läunch, to push into the water, as a


na val, relating to ships of war; as a naval station; having to do with shipping.

pōrt' hōle, an embrasure in a ship's sloop, a vessel with one mast. side.

pro pěl' ler, the screw wheel used in propelling a vessel.

prow (prou), fore part of a ship or

boat; the bow.

spär, a round piece of timber used as

a mast, boom, etc.

stär' board, the right hand side of a ship.

stern, hinder part of a ship.

rud' der, an appliance by means of tǎek, to change the course of a ship which a vessel is steered.

by means of her sails.

săl' vage, that part of property which ton' nage, the whole amount of shipis saved. ping estimated by tons. seŭt' tle, to sink a ship by cutting yacht (yŎt), a vessel designed for holes in the bottom.




"Men's evil manners live in brass; their virtues we write in water."-Shakespeare.

ae quaint' ançe, familiar knowledge. | rā' di ant, shining; beaming with ǎe' ro băt, one who practices daring

gymnastic feats.

běn e die' tion, a blessing.

be trōth', to contract for marriage. big' ot ry, narrow-mindedness. blos' som, a flower; to put forth blos


in eur' å ble, that cannot be cured. in de strue' ti ble, that cannot be destroyed.

in still', to infuse; to inculcate gradually.

ir rev' er ent, lacking in reverence. lev' i ty, frivolty; trifling gayety. păr' à ble, a fictitious narrative. pow' wow, conjuration to cure diseases; a noisy meeting.


re çep' tȧ ele, repository; that which holds other things.

req' ui site (rěk' wi zit), necessary. rụ mor, a flying report.

sol' emn (-em), serious; devout. stà tis' ties, a collection of facts respecting people, property, etc. sum' mit, the top.

syl' lá ble, a word or part of a word produced by a single impulse of the voice.

te di oùs (or -yus), tiresome. tour, circuitous journey.

ve rā' cious (-shŭs), truthful. yōke, to join; a connecting frame for draft-cattle.

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""Tis the mind that makes the body rich;

And as the sun breaks through the darkest clouds,
So honor peereth in the meanest habit."-Shakespeare.

blouse (blouz), a light, loose over-gar-
ment, generally worn by working-


broad' eloth, a black smooth-faced woolen cloth, usually of double width, and of fine quality.

eǎs' si mēre, a thin, twilled woolen cloth for men's garments.

hǎb' er dash er, a dealer in men's furnishings.

hō' sier ǎ (-zher-), stockings, socks,

jeān (jāne), a twilled cotton cloth.
lå pěl', fold of a coat turned back in
continuing the collar.

mit' ten, a covering for the hand.

eŏl' lar, a band or circlet worn about mŭf' fler, a scarf for protecting the

the neck.

erå vǎt', a kind of necktie.

eut' à way, a coat cut away in front

and having a long skirt. froek, a body coat for men, usually double-breasted; an outer garment for workingmen.

neck or head in cold weather.

o' ver eōat, a kind of coat worn over
the other clothing; a topcoat.
păn å mä', a fine plaited hat, made
in Central America.

rain' coat, a water-proof outer gar-

reef' er, a close-fitting jacket, or short trou' sẽrs, pantaloons.

coat of thick cloth.

sǎek, a kind of coat for men.

serge, a woolen twilled cloth.

sweat' er, a woolen jacket or jersey.

top' eōat, a light-weight overcoat.

twēed, a soft and flexible fabric made of wool.

tux e' do, a black coat for evening dress.

ǎl' ster, a loose overcoat.



ǎe' me, the highest point; crisis.

å lert', watchful; vigilant.

hǎg' gard, wasted by want or suffering.

ǎl li' ançe, connection; league; con- hăp' pi ly, fortunately; joyously. federation.

bälm' y, aromatic; soothing.

hus' tle, to hurry; to push or crowd. in de pènd' ent, not dependent; free.

çe lěb' ri ty, renown; a famous per- in I' tial, first stage; beginning.


change' à ble, capable of being changed; variable

în' ti māte, to suggest indirectly; familiar.

in têr çèpt', to stop on the way.

de mor' al ize, to corrupt the morals li çen' tious, impure; wanton.

of; to confuse.

eq'ui page (ek' we-), an equipment;

carriage, horses, etc.

ex pĕr' i ment, a trial; an act de

signed as a test; to test.

fal' si fy, to lie; to forge; to disprove. flus' trate, to agitate; to confuse.

pōr' ous, full of pores; permeable by liquids.

pro mis' eu ous, brought together without order.

pro nùn çï ã' tion, an uttering with articulation.

rē' ğal, pertaining to a king.

grieve, to afflict; to make sorrowful. | ăn rùf' fled, calm; composed.



"Justice is the keynote of the world, and all else is ever out of tune."

ǎe còm' på ni ment, that which ac- bass, the lowest part in music; a deep

companies; an attendant.

ǎl' to, the lowest female voice.


eån tä' tå, a poem set to music.

băr' i tōne, a male voice between bass chō' ral, sung in chorus or harmony;

and tenor.

pertaining to a choir.

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