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as çer tain', to find out with cer-ga' ble, the vertical, triangular end tainty.

of a building.

aye (I), an affirmative vote; yes; as-grăn' ȧ ry, a store-house for grain.


băde, ordered; directed.

be guile', to mislead; delude.

in erěd' Ĭ ble, beyond or difficult of belief.

in ter rupt', to break in upon; to stop.

bou' doir (boo' dwor), a lady's pri- | lēague, to unite; an alliance; three

vate room.

eau' tious, prudent; careful.


mis in ter' prět, to interpret wrongly.

çen' sus, an official enumeration of re sponse', an answer or reply.


si mul tā' ne ous, at the same time.

com pre hĕn' sĩ ble, that may be eas-sou ve nïr' (sōo ve nēr'), a keepsake. ily comprehended. suf fice' (-fiz'), to be sufficient; to satisfy.

erē' dençe, belief based on other evi

dence than personal knowledge. flā' grant, notorious; enormous. fûr' ni ture, movable goods, as chairs, tables, etc.; equipment.

tăb' er nå ele, a tent; a temporary habitation; a place for worship. těm po ral, not spiritual nor lasting; secular; transitory.

fùr' row, a groove made in the earth trăn' sient, brief; passing; not regu

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băl mòr' al, a kind of stout walking|con' gress, shoes having elastic shoe, laced in front.


blū' eher (-ker), a kind of half boot, coun' ter, the back leather or heel

so named from Gen. Blucher.

part of a boot.

eye' let, a small hole for passage of a rub' bers, overshoes made of India lace. rubber.

gāi' ter, a kind of shoe, chiefly of rus' sět, a shoe of a reddish brown cloth, covering the ankle.

or tan color.

goat' skin, leather made from the săn' dal, a kind of shoe with the sole skin of a goat.

grāin' ing, a process in dressing

leather, imitating morocco, etc. heel, lower back part of a shoe.

in' step, the arched middle portion of the foot.

kid, a leather made from the skin of

a young goat, etc.

laçe, a string or cord for drawing and

holding together parts of a shoe. mo roe' eo, a fine kind of leather gen

erally made from goatskin.

Ŏx' ford, a kind of low shoe, laced on the instep.

păt' ent, leather having a finely varnished or lacquered surface.

strapped to the foot.

shank the part of the sole of a shoe

beneath the instep.

size, a relative measure of dimension,

as for boots and shoes.

slip' per, a kind of light shoe; a slipshoe.

sōle, that part of the shoe upon which the wearer treads.

up' per, the upper leather for a shoe. vămp, that part of the shoe that is over the foot in front of the ankle seam.

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Consult your dictionary for meaning of words.


Before honor1 is humility, and pride goes before a downfall.3


Industry and economy, patience and perseverance,' are the qualities which insure success.


Honest or courageous 10 people have very little to say about either their courage or honesty. The sun has no need to boast of his brightness, nor the moon of her effulgence.11

Great talents 12 for conversation 18 should be attended with great politeness. He who eclipses 15 others owes them great civilities; 16 and whatever



a mistaken 17 vanity 18 may tell us, it is better to please in conversation than

to shine in it.

"If you ask me," says Zimmerman, "which is the real hereditary 19 sin of human nature, do you imagine 20 I shall answer-pride, or luxury," or ambition," or egotism? 23 No, I shall say indolence. Who conquers 24 indolence 25 will conquer all the rest."



ǎp pli' ançe, apparatus; act of apply- | în ĭ' ti å tō ry (-ish-e-a-), introducing. bi og' rå phy, a written account of a jui' çy, abounding in juice.


person's life. kiln' dry (kil'-), to dry in a kiln. blind' fold, to cover the eyes of; to lǎt' i tūde, distance north or south of hinder from seeing. Căth' o lie, an adherent of the Roman lĕg' ĕnd (or lē'-), fable; a motto; a Catholic church. narrative based on tradition.

the equator; extent.

chăp' lǎin, a clergyman of the army, nō' tiçe å ble, conspicuous; worthy navy, etc. of notice.

Chris ti ăn' i ty, the religion of Jesus Prot' es tant, ono who does not be

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à mass', to collect; to accumulate.
bär' gain, agreement; to barter.
bā' sis, foundation; the first princi-

eǎl' eu late, to reckon; to compute.
çi' pher, a character (0) which alone
expresses nothing.

eŎm mod' i ty, goods, wares, etc.

in teg' ri ty, honesty; moral sound


měth' od, a system; a regular order. naught, nothing; the character (0). nine' ti ĕth, next after eighty-ninth. op' er a tor, a speculator; one who operates; one in control of, as, a mine operator.

děm' on strate, to make evident or pär' çel, a part; a package. plain.

ěm ploy' ee, one in the service of another.

ěm põ' ri ùm, a place of trade; a mar

ket-place; commercial center.

fi nănçe', income; revenue; science
of managing money affairs.

fin ăn çiēr,' one who is skilled in fi-
nancial operations; a treasurer.
in dem'ni fy, to secure against loss
or damage.

pro pōr' tion, equal share; symmetrical arrangement.

pro pri' e tor, an owner.

pros' per ous, thriving; making gain cr increase.

pûr' chas à ble, capable of being bought.

quad' ry ple, fourfold.

reek' on, to number; to compute; to suppose.

sehēme, a system; a project.



The most difficult thing in the world to contend against is ignorance, and our own is the most troublesome of all.

au' di ençe, a hearing; assembly of dis eom mōde', to disturb; to put to hearers.

eär' eass, the dead body of an animal.

erěv' içe, a fissure; a crack.

daub, to besmear.

de light' ful, pleasing.

de spâir', loss of hope.


fā' çial (-shal), of or pertaining to the face.

fore' head, the brow, or upper part

of the face.

frā' eas, a brawl; a noisy quarrel.

grey' hound, a tall, slender hunting- Phil' ip pines (-pēns), insular possesdog. sions of the U. S., southeast of Asia. in ĕs' ti må ble, priceless; that can- prai' rie, a large tract of natural not be estimated. meadow without trees.

in tox' i eāte, to inebriate; to elate pro fi' cien çy (-fish' en-), adeptness. re verse', to invert; to turn back.


jū' ni per, an evergreen tree or shrub. sen' ti nel, a soldier on guard.

kitch' ěn, a cook-room.

knǎck (nǎck), skill; dexterity.

měn ǎg' e ríe, a place where animals are kept and trained; a collection of animals kept for exhibition.

un' du late, to vibrate; to move up and down as waves.

un war' rant à ble, unjustifiable; improper.

vā' por, fumes; steam; mist.



ȧ bate' ment, a deduction from a list- ex ǎm' ple, a sample, pattern or copy.

price or value.

ǎe' cũ ra çy, exactness; correctness.

ȧ mount', sum total.

ǎs sèss', to fix the taxable value.

as sèss' ment, an allotment of payment; a tax; a sum levied.

flue' tu ate, to waver; to cause to

move as a wave; to be unsteady. frǎe' tion, a portion.

ma tu' rity, a becoming due; arrival
of time fixed for payment.
ōw' ing, to be indebted; due.

as sèss' å ble, liable to be taxed or as- pay' å ble, suitable to be paid; now sessed.


bănk' rupt cy, financial ruin; insolv- pro-rate', to divide or distribute proency.


buşi' ness (biz' něs), financial deal- sēiz' å ble (sēz' å b'l), that may be

ings; constant employment. con' trå band, unlawful; articles prohibited from being bought or sold. co-pärt' ner, a partner; an associate. de funet', dead; deceased.

taken possession of.

sol' vent, able or sufficient to pay all just debts.

vā' ean çy, emptiness; a place or post unfilled.

de fi' cien çy, imperfection; in- věn' ture, an undertaking; a risk; a

adequacy; lack.

doe' ū ment, a manuscript conveying

information; an official paper.


ver' i fy, to prove to be true; to con

firm; to substantiate.

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