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in debt' ed, being in debt; under obli- | rěe om měnd', to commend to an


in věst' ment, amount invested; that

in which money is invested.

lieū (lū), in place of.

other's confidence; to place in a favorable light.

rěe' om pěnse, repayment; compensation.

mer' can tile, having to do with trade. shrewd (shrūd), artful; keen. mil lion âire', a person worth a mil-spěç' i men, a sample.

lion or more.

mo nop' o list, one who monopolizes.
op er a' tion, action; agency.
Ŏp' u lence, wealth; riches; affluence.
pā' tron, one who countenances or
protects; benefactor.

sta' tion ĕr y, articles usually sold by a stationer, such as pens, paper, etc. sub serip' tion, sum subscribed; attestation.

sue çess' ful, prosperous; fortunate. sys' tem, regular order or method.

rā' ti o (rā' shĩ ō), proportion; rate. 'văl' u å ble, having value; precious.



NOTE: The second word in each pair is opposite in meaning to that of the first.

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ben e fi'cial, helpful;' pli měnt, to praise; to flatter.

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ǎb' strået, used without reference to nu' mer al, pertaining to number.

anything; synopsis.

ǎd vēr tise' ment, a public notice, especially a paid notice in some public print.

ǎv' er age, medial sum or quantity; ordinary.

com' pěn sāte, to indemnify; reward. de nom i na' tion, title; a name. dís hon' est, void of honesty. ē nu' mer ate, to count; to number. e quiv' à lent, equal in worth or value. grōss, twelve dozen; whole bulk. in' te gral, an entire thing; whole. măx' i mům, highest degree. mer' çe na ry, governed by greedi

ness of gain; serving for pay. min' i măm, smallest quantity. nul' li fỹ, to make void.

prof' it à ble, useful; yielding profit

or gain.

re çēive', to obtain by delivery. re li' à ble, trustworthy; worthy of dependence.

rē mū nēr ā' tion, reward; compensation.

re veal', to disclose.

seize, to take hold of suddenly; to capture.

shrink' age, reduction in bulk or dimensions.

sti' pend, settled pay or compensation for services.

těs ti mō' ni al, a certificate of good character or conduct.

trăns ǎe' tion, the doing of any busi




Our delegate' was placed in a very delicate 2 position.
These dents in the floor were made by a dense mass of metal.
His decease was occasioned by a severe disease."


If we defer the matter we may not again differ so widely.


I can put no dependence in him nor any of his dependants. 10

The depositary 11 says there is no such book in the depository.12

There were diverse 13 opinions concerning the success of the pearl divers.14


I dissent 15 from you as to the descent necessary.

Devise 17 some device 18 for the banner.

The eminent 19 man was in imminent 20 danger.

His facundity 21 of speech is greater than the fecundity 22 of his imagination. It was so formerly,23 before the new rules were formally 24 adopted.

She made a courtesy 25 with true courtesy.26

Sheathe the sword in its shining sheath.28

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biv' ouǎe (biv' wǎk), to encamp tem- măs quer ade' (-ker-), a disguise; a porarily.


ehar' ǎe ter, the nature of a person or på trōl', a guard; to go the rounds, as

thing; moral quality.

ero chet' (-sha'), knitting with a hook. çyn' ie, a snarler; one who sneers at moral worth.

a sentinel.

quar' ry, a stone pit; the object of the chase.

răg a muf' fin, a vagabond.

re course', resort, as for help.
re splěn' dent, vividly bright.
shěp' herd, one who tends sheep.
stěn tō' ri an, loud-voiced.

sub' tle (sut' 1), crafty; sly; hidden.
sys tem ǎt' ie, methodical; orderly.
vo rā' cious, ravenous; greedy.
yon' der, at a distance.

Take a second glance at the following words:

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ō ri ĕn' tal, pertaining to the orient or east; so-called rugs.

Ax min' ster, an imitation of Turkish | oil' elŏth, cloth treated with oil or carpet, having thick and soft pile. brus' sels, a carpet made of worsted yarn and linen thread. drug' gět, material used as covering păt' tern, figure or style of decora for carpets. tion; a sample. ěm broid' er y, needlework used to pôr tiere' (pôr tyâr'), a curtain hangenrich textile fabrics, etc. ing across a doorway.

fringe, an ornamental border; a mar- re vers' Ĭ ble, capable of being regin.

hěmp, a plant the fiber of which is used for making rope, coarse cloth, etc.

in' grāin, a kind of carpet dyed in

the grain, or before manufacture. laçe, a fabric, much used for curtains. lăm' bre quin (-ber kin), an orna

mental drapery for mantels, etc. li nō'le um, a hard floor-cloth with water-proof surface and canvas backing.

mătch' ing, bringing to a match, or equaling; fitting.

măt' ting, a straw carpet.

versed; having a pattern on both sides so that either may be used. ruf' fled (ruf'l'd), drawn into puckers, plaits, or folds.

tǎp' es trỹ, a carpet, resembling the

brussels, having a figure; a fabric employed for wall hangings. three'-ply, consisting of three distinct webs in wrought together; threefold. tôr' chon (-shon), a kind of lace used for curtains, trimmings, etc. věl' vět, a silk fabric, having a short, close nap of erect threads. weave, to unite intimately; to fabri


mō quětte' (-kět'), a carpet having a | Wil' tòn, a kind of carpet having an

short velvety pile.

elastic velvety pile.



ȧ maze' ment, surprise; astonish-grō těsque' (tesk'), uncouth; fanment.


a' pěx, the highest point; the summit. il lū' mi nate, to light.

är' du ous, difficult.

a' the ism, disbelief in God.

au da' cious, bold; daring.

bowl' der (or bōul-), a large stone,

or a mass of rock.

elăm' õr, loud, repeated outcry. erease, a line or mark of a fold. erim' şon, a deep red color. de çi' sion, settlement; firmness. de fi' ănçe, act of defying.

dís eŭs' sion, debate; disputation. dis sim' i lar, unlike.

im promp' tu, without study or preparation.

in çen' di a ry, an agitator; one who maliciously fires a building.

in con çeiv' å ble, beyond understanding.

in sin' u āte, to imply; to suggest. lu' era tive, profitable; productive. mär' tial (-shal), military; warlike. pri và tēer,' an armed vessel licensed to take prizes.

sol' i tude, a lonely life; seclusion.

ex pe di' tion, a journey for a definite Spăn' iard (-yerd), a native or natupurpose; an enterprise.

ralized citizen of Spain.

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ăm' bu lançe, a wagon or cart for buck' board, a four-wheeled vehicle conveying the wounded to a hospital.

ǎx' le, shaft on which a wheel turns. bȧ rouche' (-roosh'), a two-seated, four-wheeled open carriage.

having a long elastic body attached directly to the axletrees.

bug' gy, a light four-wheeled carriage. cà lăsh', top of a carriage which can be thrown back; a carriage.

brough' am (brōōm), a light, close cou pe' (kōō pā'), a four-wheeled,

carriage, with seats inside.

close carriage for two persons.

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