Page images

eŭt' ter, a small, one-horse sleigh. | stăn' hōpe, a light carriage without a

dog' eart, a light, one-horse carriage,

commonly two-wheeled. hack, a public coach with two seats inside facing each other. hăn' som, a light, two-wheeled covered carriage with driver's seat elevated behind.

Ŏm' ni bŭs, a large four-wheeled

vehicle for conveying passengers. pha' e ton, an open four-wheeled carriage.

run' à bout, a light uncovered wagon. shaft, thill of a carriage.

sleigh, a vehicle for traveling on snow.


sur' rey, a two-seated pleasure carriage.

tăl' ly hū, a pleasure coach. thills, the shafts of wagon or other carriage.

truck, a wagon for heavy draying. vie tō' rĩ ȧ, a kind of low, fourwheeled pleasure carriage for two persons.

wǎg on ĕtte', a pleasure wagon with seats extended along the sides. whif' fle-tree, bar to which the traces of a carriage are fastened.



NOTE-The second word in each pair is opposite in meaning to that of the first.

pos' i tive, affirmative; definite. něg' å tive, indirect; denying.

dis hon' or a ble, shameful; base. rěp' u tȧ ble, estimable; honorable. im' i tā tion, a copy; a likeness. o rig' i nal, genuine; not copied.

ex ist' ençe, being; life. non ĕn' ti ty, non-existence. pre ĕm' i nent, superior. sub ôr' di nate, subject; inferior. pre lim' i na ry, introductory. sub' se quent, following; succeeding.



ǎp pease', to quiet; to soothe.
in çense', to enrage; to irritate.
flor' id, having a bright color.
păl' lid, pale; wan; lacking color.
pe nu' ri ous, sordid; parsimonious.
lib' er al, free; ample; generous.

in flu ĕn' tial, having influence.
in ef feet' ive, futile; useless.
så ga' cious, shrewd; wise; sage.
stu' pid, dull; sluggish.
im mense', huge; very large.
în fin í těs' i mal, very small.

Write a word nearly synonymous with:

aid pupil

earth learning



bā' sin, a hollow vessel, dish or pool. | năp' py, a round dish with flat bot

bowl, a concave vessel to hold liquids.

eå råfe', a glass water bottle..

east' er, a stand for cruets.

tom and sloping sides.

pitch' er, a water-pot; a vessel for holding liquids.

cream' er, a small pitcher for hold- plaque (plák), any flat, thin piece of

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gob' let, a drinking vessel having a ter rå-cot' tå, a kind of pottery made

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"If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodi. gality."-Ben. Franklin.

eăn' non, a large gun.

con sist' ent, harmonious; uniform.

ĕf face', to erase; to blot out.

guärd' i an, one who has the care of another.

haul, to drag; to pull.

găr' ri son, a fortified place; to man hem' i sphere, a half-sphere.

with troops.

mēte, to measure.

gnǎsh (năsh), to strike or grind to- mŭl' ti ple, manifold; repeated more

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ôr' phăn, a child bereft of father and | rē en fōrçe' ment, fresh assistance. mother.

Ŏs těn' si ble, avowed; professed.
pěn în' su là, land almost surrounded
by water.

pie' nie, an outdoor pleasure party.
prěç' e dent, an instance serving as a
guide; custom.

pre çēd' ent, former; preceding.

săne' tion, to support; to approve.
seine (sāne), a fishing net.
singe' ing, burning slightly.

tå bleau' (-blō'), a picture-like repre-

tăx' i der mỹ, the art of preserving and mounting the skins of animals. ter res' tri al, earthly.

re eu' pēr āte, to regain; to convalesce. this' tle, a prickly plant.



eǎb' i net, usual size of photographs. | lith' o gråph, an engraving printed eăm' e rå, instrument used in taking


from stone.

min' iȧ tūre, a small painted likeness.

eär toon', a drawing; a sketch; a cari- păl' ětte (-ět), a thin wood hand tabcature.

ehrō' mō, a lithographed picture, in colors.

ětch'ing, a practice of engraving by

means of acids; an impression from an etched plate.

film, a roll of thin sensitized celluloid

used as a substitute for photogrphic

fer' ro type, a tintype, so called.
fō' eus, the point at which the image
is formed.

a photo-engraving, in which a fine net is placed between the object and the camera.

let upon which artists lay their colors for painting.

per spĕe' tive, the relative importance of things from any point of view.

phō' to graph, picture obtained by light on chemically prepared surfaces.

phō to gråv' ure, a fine variety of photo-engraving.

py rog' rå phỹ, the process of making designs on wood by means of heat.

ree ti lin' e al, consisting of straight lines.

kō' dăk, a portable camera, using a sen`` sĩ tīze, to render susceptible to

roll of sensitized film upon which negatives are made.

lens, a magnifying or reducing glass.

the sun's rays.

sil' hou ĕtte' (-00-), a profile portrait in black, like a shadow.

stu' di o, an artist's workshop.
tri' pod, a three-legged stand for sup-
porting a camera.

vign ette' (vin yět'), a style of photographic finish.

vis' u al, relating to sight.



Foreign words and phrases extensively used.

ăd và lō' rẽm, a duty placed upon | nom dě plūme', an assumed or literimported goods at a certain rate per cent. upon their invoiced value. ā'li ǎs, otherwise called; as, Jones alias Brown; an assumed name. ǎl' ĭ bi, the plea of being elsewhere than charged at a certain time; as, to prove an alibi.

bō' na fi' de, in good faith; genuine;

as, a bona fide transaction.

chef (shef), head cook of a large es


en route' (än root'), on the way or road; as en route to Canada.

ĕx of fi' ci o (-fish'-), by virtue of an office; as, president ex officio.

ĕx těm' po re, without preparation; as, to speak extempore.

fǎe sim' i le, an exact copy or like-
ness; as, a facsimile letter.

fi' nis, an end; conclusion.
měm o rå bíl' i à, things worthy of
remembrance or record; also, the
record of them.

mõ' dùs õp e răn' di, manner of

ary title; as, Mark Twain is the nom de plume of S. L. Clemens. på drō' ne, master; employer; a man who imports, and controls the earnings of, Italian laborers, etc. pär ex' cèl lence, by way of eminence. pässe' pär tout' (päs' pär too'), a

light picture frame or mat usually put between the picture and the glass.

pōst-môr' těm, after death; as, a

post-mortem examination of a body.
prī' må fā' ci ē (-shĭ- ́), at first view;
as prima facie evidence.
prō te ge' (-tā zhā'), one under the
care and protection of another.
re su me' (rā zụ mā'), a summing
up; a condensed statement; a brief

sub rō'så, secretly; privately.
tĕr' rå fir' mà (fĕr-), firm or solid
earth, as opposed to water.

ăl ti mà' tăm, the final proposition,
concession, or condition; as, the
President's ultimatum to Spain.

něg li gee' (-zha'), an easy, uncere- vi' å, by the way of; as, to ship a monious attire.

package via Adams Express.



ǎg' ate, a small size of type (51⁄2- e di' tion, whole number of copies


běv' el ing, the act of making the outer edge of a book cover angular. bour geois' (bûr jois'), a size of type between brevier and long primer (9-point).

bray' er, a hand roller used for

spreading ink.

bre vier', medium size type (8-point). bris' tol board, a kind of fine pasteboard with a smooth surface. bro chụre' (-sure'), a pamphlet; a printed and stitched book, containing only a few leaves.

căl' ĕn dered (-der'd), a name given to paper having a glazed surface. eälf, a bookbinding in calfskin. chase, a printer's frame for holding

pages or columns of type.

com pos' i tor, one who sets type. dū o děç' i mo, consisting of sheets folded into twelve leaves.

produced at the same time.

e lee' tro type, a metal plate for printing, usually a duplicate of type, or a metallic copy of a surface.

ěm, the unit of type measurement. ěm boss', to ornament the surface with raised work.

fōl' io (-yo), a sheet of paper once folded.

font, a complete assortment of printing type of one size.

găl' ley, tray for holding type. gilt, a golden yellow.

ĭm près'sion, a single copy as the result of printing.

im' print, name; to print or mark. lead (led), a thin sheet of lead placed against or between lines of type. long prim' er, a size of type larger than brevier (10-point).

må nil' à, a durable brown or buff paper made of Manila hemp.

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