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ē las tic' i ty, springiness. găl' lant, brave; showy.

găl lănt', courteous to women. in vin' çi ble, unconquerable.

pre die' à ment, plight; a trying position.

ri' val, to strive to excel; an opponent. săn' guine, hopeful; deep red.

knēad (nēd), to work or mix, as sěm' i-çîr ele, a half-circle. dough.

mus' eu lar, strong; relating to the muscles.

trăns gress' or, a sinner; one who breaks a law.

us' age, custom; uniform practice.

ō bē' di ent, compliant; obeying will- vi' cious, wicked; unruly; addicted ingly.

to vice.

po ten' tial, possible but not actual; vin' di cāte, to clear; to justify; to mighty.


[blocks in formation]

com mis' sion, allowance made for prō' çēeds, sum accruing from a sale,

transacting business.

con sign' ment, merchandise


signed to an agent to be sold.


prod' üçe, proceeds; yield; farm products.

con sign ĕe', one to whom goods are pûr' chas er, a buyer.


con sign' ôr, one who ships goods to


ship' ment, the act of shipping; that

which is shipped.

ship' per, one who sends goods.

coop' er age, price for cooper's work; state' ment, account of particulars;

[blocks in formation]

erāte, a box or case of wooden slats stěn' çil, a thin plate with pattern

for transportation of goods. dray' age, charges for use of a dray. in spee' tion, examination; to view. joint' ly, together; in a joint manner.

cut therein, for marking letters, etc. stōr' age, pay for storing. wâre' house, a storehouse for wares or goods.



"Do all the good you can and make as little fuss about it as possible."-Dickens.

ǎe' tu al, genuine; existing.

au' thor ize, to warrant; to'empower.

leg' i ble, capable of being easily read.

au to măt' ie, not voluntary; mechan- | prē še' eũ py, to occupy first; to en

ical; self-acting.

ǎv å rí' cious, stingy; greedy of gain. eō' gent, forcible; powerful; persuasive.

eon vē' nient (-yent), handy; conducive to comfort.

dim i nu' tion, making or growing less.

hō' ping, expectantly desirous.

im per' vi ous, not to be penetrated. in dom' i tå ble, invincibl.

gross the mind.

pûr' port, meaning; to intend.
ra pid' i ty, swiftness.

re çip' ro eal, acting in return; given
and received.

rěp' tile, a creeping animal, as a

răf' fian (-yăn), a brutal fellow.
sǎe' ri lege, profaning things sacred.
sheaf, a bundle of grain.

spě' cial, particular; appropriate.

ir règ' u lar, not according to rule or stitch, to sew.

[blocks in formation]

NOTE: The second word in each pair is opposite in meaning to that of the first.

treach' er y, perfidy; treason.
fí děl' i ty, integrity; faithfulness.
coarse, rough; rude; indelicate.
dain' ty, nice; refined.

děf' i nite, clear; specified.
vague, indefinite; obscure.

quer' u lous, fretful; discontented.

eon těnt' ěd, satisfied; quiet.

ǎn ni' hi late, to destroy utterly.
pre serve', to save; to secure.

eon sçi ĕn' tious (-shus), scrupulous.
un seru' pu lous, unprincipled.

[blocks in formation]

ǎl' ġe brå, a branch of mathematics | ĕn ġi nēer' ing, the science of con

employing letters, etc., in its treat

ment and solution of problems. å rith' me tie, the science of numbers and the art of computing them.

us tron o my, the science which treats of the celestial bodies.

verting mechanical properties of matter into useful forms or conditions; as, civil engineering, etc.

ge og rå phy, the study of the world, its features, products, divisions and inhabitants.

book' keep ing, the art of keeping ac- ġe ol' o gy, the science of the earth's counts.

structure, formation, etc.

bot' à nỹ, the study of plants, plant ge om' e try, the mathematical study life, etc.

chěm' is try, a science treating of the

composition of substances, etc. çiv' ies, the science of civil govern


com po si' tion, the writing of articles, etc., as an aid in the study of the correct use of language. eor re spond' ence, letter-writing. ĕe o nom' ĭes, political economy. ěl o eu' tion, the art of graceful and expressive public speaking or reading.

of lines, surfaces, solids and angles. grăm' mar (-mẽr), the study of the

principles and use of a language... his' to ry, the systematic, written account of a nation's life.

ôr thŏg' rå phỹ, the study or spelling; the art of spelling words correctly.

pěn man ship, the art of writing; style of writing.

phí los' o phy, the science of effects

by their causes; the science of rational principles.

[blocks in formation]

bāize (bāz), a coarse woolen stuff erāpe, a thin, crimped stuff, made of

[blocks in formation]

bȧ tïste' (-test'), a cotton texture erash, coarse, heavy, narrow, linen similar to cambric.'

bleached, whitened; made white.
bom bȧ zïne', silk and cotton texture.
braid, a narrow fabric used for bind-
ing, trimming, etc.


dǎm' ask, silk, woven with a pattern of flowers.

den' im, a coarse cotton drilling. doi'lỹ, a small mat-like table napkin.

brō cade', cloth wrought with raised fåb' rie, cloth of any kind. flowers, etc.

gauze, thin, transparent cloth.

buck' ram, coarse cloth stiffened with gos' så mer, a waterproof wrap.

glue or gum.

chǎl' lis (shǎl' ly), a light all-wool material.

chev' í ót, a woolen fabric.

chintz, a kind of flowered cloth, made of cotton.

gown (goun), the ordinary outer dress

of a woman; a dressing-gown. hem' stitched, having a broad hem separated from the article by open work.

jǎe' o nět, a thin cotton fabric.



är' se nal, a repository for storing be hooves', necessary for; to belong


as suage' (-swage'), to calm; to allay. băr' ri er, a defense; ân obstruction.

as due.

brunt, the main shock.

eăn' ni bal, an eater of human flesh.

eǎt' à raet, a waterfall; a disease of | měs' mer ize, to effect by personal

the eye.


căt' e chism, instruction by questions mon' o tōne, sameness of tone or

and answers.

çy' elone, a violent wind-storm.


nei' ther, not either.

per' fo rate, to pierce.

dis suāde' (-swāde'), to persuade or nū trì' tious, nourishing.

advise against.

hur' ri cāne, a violent gale.

ig' no rançe, lack of knowledge.

phy sïque' (fi zēk'), the physical structure of a person.

im pē' ri al ism, a policy of territorial extension.

| pin' nå ele, a lofty peak.

pōrt' à ble, easily transported.

jü' ve nile, pertaining or adapted to prey (prā), booty; spoil; to procure youth.

food by violence.

măj' es ty, dignity; sublimity; a title prī mē' val, primitive in time.

of kings.


"If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, though he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door."-Emerson.

ae çès' si ble, capable of being reached | mis' ere ant, a villain.

or entered.

ag' grǎn dize, to make great or greater.

eȧ pri' cious (-prish' us), fickle;


ĕlse' whêre, in some other place.
fick' le, changeable; inconstant.
hōard, to gather and store away.
i' çy, like ice; frigid.

in' ter val, a space of time.
isth' mus (is'-), a neck of land con-
necting larger bodies of land.

jō' vi al, merry; jolly.

ne çès' sĩ ty, that which is indispensable.

ôr' nå ment, to adorn; an embellish-

pěn' ǎnçe, infliction for sin, or faults.
phase (fāze), a particular aspect.
plū' ral, more than one.

pre sump' tion, overweening confi-
dence; probability.

prov i děn' tial, by God's providence.
pyr' à mid, a solid, tapering to a point
from any base except a circle.
ree ol lěet', to recall to mind.

june' ture, a joining; a point of time sau'çy, insolent; impudent; pert.

when conditions meet.

măm' moth, an extinct species of ele

phant; very large.

stǎg' nănt, motionless; not active or


¦ syn Ŏn' y mous, identical.


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