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You need not knead the bread.

The main reason was on account of the horse's mane.8


The troops were allowed to see the opera troupe."
The most beautiful beech " grows on the beach."


The boy was arrested for stealing 13 a piece of steel.1



Such idle 15 talk about the idol 16 is not mentioned in the "Idyls " of the King."
Let us meet 18 and mete 19 out to each person his share of the meat."
After the marriage rite"1 was performed the millwright 22 said it was right 23
to write 24 with the right 25 hand.


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lạwn, a fine linen or cotton fabric | ôr' ğan die, a kind of transparent,

with open texture.

lin' en, cloth made of flax.

mǎck' in tŎsh, a waterproof outer

garment; a rain-coat.

mẽr' çêr ized, treated to produce a kind of silky appearance; as, mercerized cotton.

mō' hair, a fabric made from the hair or wool of the Angora goat; or, an imitation of such fabric. need' le, a slender, pointed instrument used in sewing.

light muslin.

per cȧle', a fine, cotton fabric, often printed on one side.

pil' low, a cushion to support the head when reposing.

plăid, checkered cloth or pattern. rem' nant, a fragment; an unsold part.

sǎtch' el, a handbag for clothing, etc. săt' in, a silk cloth with a glossy surface.

săt i nět’, thin kind of satin.

seärf, an article of dress worn loosely | tow' el, a cloth for drying the person

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This test in spelling was given to the different grades in the schools of one of our large cities: "There were two boys at their home. Their mother said it was two o'clock and too late to go to school."

ae çēde', to assent; to agree. dodge, to evade; an artifice.

don' key, an ass.

ex těn' u ate, to lessen; to mitigate. friv' o loŭs, trifling; petty.

gôr' geous (-jùs), magnificent; very showy.

gri māçe', a made-up face.

in ăd' e quate, insufficient.

in jus' tice, wrong; injury.

pre' cious (prěsh' us), highly prized; dear.

pre pon' der ançe, superiority in influence, weight, etc.

pre sump' tu ous, unduly confident or bold.

re çip' ro eate, to give and take mutually.

shut' tle, a sliding thread-holder.

sphere, a globe; round of duty.

in stǎn tā' ne ous, immediate; occur- stu pěn' dous, wonderful; of prodi

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NOTE: The second word in each pair is opposite in meaning to that of the first.

flim' sy, limp; thin; fragile.

sub stăn' tial, solid; true.

fôr' mi då ble, alarming; tremendous. in sig nif' I eant, unimportant.

grå tū' i tous, free; given voluntarily. ob' li gå tō ry, imposing obligation.

in' sti gāte, to stir up; to provoke. rē prèss', to restrain; to curb.

ir re prōach' å ble, above reproach. guilt' y, criminal; wicked.

Ŏp' u lent, rich; affluent. in' di gent, needy; poor.



plěn' te oŭs, copious; abundant. ex haust' ed, consumed; drained. wil' y, subtle; artful; sly. un so phis' ti eat ed, pure; artless. pit' i ful, merciful; calling forth pity. ery' el, merciless; hard-hearted. pi' ous, religious; devout. im' pi ous, profane; irreligious. ĕn' mi ty, hatred; hostility. eôr dial' i ty (-jăl ́-), sincerity. re pěl', to repulse; to drive back. pro pěl', to drive forward; urge.

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ăm pere' (-pār'), standard unit of de flĕe' tion, deviation of a magnetic electrical measurements.

an năn' ci ā tõr (-shi-), an indicator;
that which announces.
äre, a very brilliant electric light.
är' må ture, soft iron used in contact
to maintain electrical power undi-

ǎt' om, the smallest particle of matter

that can enter into combination.

băt' ter y, an apparatus for generat

ing voltaic electricity.

bob' bin, either of the spool-shaped

parts of an electro-magnet.

că' ble grăm, a message sent by a submarine cable.

çèll, a single jar of a voltaic battery. çir' euit (-kit), the path of an electric


coil, a spiral conductor.

needle; a turning aside.

dise, any flat, circular surface.

dy' nå mō, a machine for producing electric currents.

Ed' I son, American electrician and inventor.

e lěc triç' i ty, an invisible agent in nature.

e lĕe' tro cute, to put to death by electricity.

e lec' trōde, ends of an opened electric circuit.

e lĕe' tro-măg' net, a magnetized bar of metal.

e lĕe trŏm' e ter, an instrument for measuring the quantity of electricity.

e lee' tro seōpe, an instrument for detecting the presence of electricity.

eon dǎet' or, any substance which will fil' à ment, a fiber; a thread.

transmit electricity.

eŭr' rent, a passage of electricity through a conductor.

fuse, to dissolve; to melt; a safetypiece in an electric circuit that fuses when the current is too strong.



Consult your dictionary for the meaning of words.

A story may be credible1 and not creditable."

Dispatch may be spelled with an e.


His assistants did not render him much assistance.5

Have all the attendants in attendance for instruction.


I have few adherents, but their adherence is strong.
10 so that the rats cannot have access
Put away the excess

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The allegation 12 that the teachers cannot work sums in alligation 13 is false.
An irrepressible 1 student is not always an inco: rigible 1 one.
Impetuous 16 people are oftentimes the subject of good-natured raillery.17
Winter reigns 18 after spring rains, and so navigation is temporarily 19 sus-

The severe morality, marked charity, elegant 20 manners and thrifty habits of the Huguenots made them a most desirable acquisition 21 to the colonists. A male graduate of a college is called an alumnus; more than


one, alumni: 23

a female graduate is called alumna; and more than one, alumnæ. "There are quiet victories and struggles, great sacrifices" of self, and noble acts of heroism 25 done every day in nooks and corners, and in little households, and in men's and women's hearts."-Charles Dickens.

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Only three words in our language end in ceed: they are exceed, proceed, and succeed; one in sede, supersede.

ad here', to stick fast to, or cleave to. | ex çeed', to surpass; to outdo. ad mis' si ble, entitled to be admitted; im pēde', to hinder; to obstruct. allowable.

al lege', to declare; to bring forward. berth, an appointment; a place in a ship or railway car in which to sleep. birth, the act of coming into life; lineage.

im pěl', to drive or urge forward.
in ter çēde', to pass between; to ar-

in ter fēre', to clash; to interpose.
ō vēr se' er, one who oversees; a su-

eå reer', general course of action or pre çēde', to go before.


eon çêde', to yield; to admit.

de çēive', to delude; to mislead.

pro çēed', to advance; to go on.
ref' er ençe, relation; direction of the

dom i neer', to be overbearing; to se çēde', to draw off; to retire.


sin çere', true; not falsely assumed.

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