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quar' tered, quarter-sawed; sawed to show the grain advantageously.

floor' ing, boards used for floors.

gnärled, knotted, said of wood.

grain, the natural direction of the re' saw, to saw into lumber a timber

cleavage of lumber.

joist, a small beam.

knots (nots), hard, gnarly spots in wood.

låth, a thin strip of wood; to cover with laths.

which has already been squared.

saw' log, a log of suitable size for sawing into lumber.

seǎnt' ling, a long, narrow strip of lumber.

seāle, to measure, as, of timber.

måtched, boards fitted together with serōll' saw, one adapted to sawing

tongue and groove.

curved outlines.

a projection used for shin'gles, short, thin strips of wood, decoration.

mōld' ing,
mōuld' ing,
plāned, smoothed.

plān' er, a machine for smoothing boards.

used for the covering of a roof.

sid' ing, the covering of the outside

wall of a frame house.

slăb, outside strips sawed from a log.

plănk, a broad piece of timber sawed ve nēered', overlaid or plated with a

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"Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul."-Pope.

ăm' i eå ble, friendly; harmonious. äreh an' gel (ärk-), a chief angel. ǎt tǎck', to assail.

breez' y, airy; brisk; full of life. eon see' u tive, succeeding.

děpth, deepness; penetration.

dis guise', to mask; to conceal.

dis miss' al, discharge; permitting to go.

ĕn' vi ous, full of envy.

con se quĕn' tial, conceited; impor- fråg' ile, weak; sickly,


erys' tal līze, to form into crystals.

de çep' tion, act of deceiving; fraud.

fûr' lough (-1ō), a leave of absence.

hu' mor oŭs, amusing; merry.

id i o syn' erà sy, eccentricity.

|ō' val, egg-shaped; roughly elliptical.

liq' ui date, to discharge; to settle. lus' cious (-shús), delicious.

mēer' sçhạum, a white clay used for păl' mis try, fortune telling by exmaking tobacco pipes. amining the palm of the hand.

mil' i ta ry, pertaining to soldiers or pā' tri Ŏt, one who loves his country


and guards its welfare.

Når rå gǎn' sett, a bay extending into pie tur ĕsque' (-ěsk'), beautiful; Rhode Island. scenic; like a picture.

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ǎe çèl' er āte, to quicken.

bûr' nish er, an instrument for giving polish by heat.

eǎl' i pers, an instrument for measuring diameters.

çen trif' u ğal, tending to recede from

a center.

ee çen' trie, mechanical motion deviating from the circular; a disk or wheel for operating valves.

e văp' o rā tor, an apparatus for condensing juices or drying fruit. gear' ing, engaging of parts of machinery with each other, considered collectively.

horse-pow' er, the unit of mechanical strength; 33,000 lbs. raised one foot in one minute.

in jĕet' õr, a contrivance for forcing feed water into a steam boiler. lathe, a machine for turning or shap

ing wood, metal or other material. lē' vēr (or lěv ́er), a bar used to exert a pressure or sustain a weight. lō cō mō' tive, a self-propelling steam engine.

loom, a machine for weaving cloth. mi erŎm' e ter, an instrument for

making minute measurements. pin' ion, a cog-wheel with a small

number of teeth, or leaves. piv' ot, pin on which a thing turns. pul' ley, a wheel used with a rope or

cord for transmitting power. råtch' et, a bar or tooth working with a toothed wheel.

spin' dle, a name applied to pins used ve lõç' i ty, rapid motion; swift

for various mechanical purposes.

swiv' el, a ring turning on a staple.
thumb'-serew, a screw which may be
tightened with the fingers.
tûr' bine, a kind of water-wheel.


wind' låss, a machine for hauling or hoisting heavy weights.

wring' er, a machine with rollers for forcing water out of fabrics, etc.



The two great factors in attaining success in any calling of life are: first, know your business; second, work. The greatest drawback to success is idleness. Nothing worth while is accomplished without work, and plenty of it. Things do not happen without a cause. ǎl bū' men, white of egg; nourishing | gōurd, a plant and its fruit.


ăm a teur' (-tyr'), one whose motive is love of art and not money; a novice.

grăv' i ty, seriousness; force which
draws toward the center of the earth.
in de făt' i gå ble, untiring.
knōll, a mound; a little hill.
môr' ti fỹ, to humble; to putrefy.
Ŏb' vi āte, to prevent; to clear the
way of.

be siege', to lay siege to; to hem in. căl' en dar, a register of the year with its divisions; an almanac. ehron' ie, habitual; inveterate; pro- o rig' i nate, to begin; to bring into longed. existence.

ehron' i ele, a register of events; to post' seript, a paragraph added at the record. end of a letter.

elean' li ness, neatness of person or pros' o dy, versification; poetical dress.


eon trōl', to govern; to restrain; au- pròx im' i ty, immediate nearness; thority.

ear' nest, ardent; zealous.

ĕ qui noe' tial, pertaining to the time of equal days and nights.

ē' qui nox, time of year when days and nights are of equal length, usually March 21 and September 22.


rět ri bū' tion, reward and punishment.

těm' per ançe, moderation.

toi' let, attire, act or mode of dressing. vi' o late, to abuse; to infringe; to


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ǎl lõp' ȧ thy, a system of medical à poth' e ea ry, one who prepares and practice. deals in drugs.

ǎl' um, a soluble mineral with an acid ǎp pěn' di çi' tis, inflammation of the taste.

ǎn aĕs thět' ie, that which produces insensibility, as chloroform, etc.

ǎn' o dyne, a medicine to assuage pain.

vermifcrm appendix.

à rō' má, a spicy or other agreeable odor.

asth' mà, disease of the organs of respiration.

ǎn' ti dōte, a remedy; anything that ǎt' om i zẽr, an instrument for spray

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ăn ti tŎx' in, a substance capable of bō' rax, a mineral of an astringent nacounteracting diseases.


brō' mide, a compound used as a caus' tie, a burning application; sedative.

bron chi' tis, a throat affection.

eǎm' phor, a tough, white, aromatic resin.

căn' çer, a kind of tumor.

eǎp' sūle, a cover for acrid, disagreeable medicines.


ehlō' ro fôrm, a powerful narcotic.
con eŭs' sion, shock; agitation.
eon ges' tion, an unnatural collection
of blood; a crowding together.
con ta' ġious, infectious; spreading:



Consult your dictionary for meaning of words.

I will not assent1 to such a perilous ascent.2

Do not demur because his countenance is demure.1
He will hoard 5 very little money if he joins that horde."
As I attempted to throw it I felt a throes of pain.


He is bolder than I am to sit on such a large boulder."
The monkey threw 11 an apple through 12 the window.
The marshal 13 told the spectators that martial law had been declared.
I'll 15 be compelled to report you if you persist in standing in the aisle.16
The huntsman tracked 17 the deer through the low tract 18 of land.

There is a considerable difference between a draft 19, or bill of exchange, and a draught 20 of ale.

The bell was rung 21 so hard that the clapper was wrung 22 off.

Every one sees 23 that it is right to seize 24 every pirate vessel found upon the

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NOTE: The second word in each pair is opposite in meaning to that of the first.

men' tal, intellectual.

phys' ie al, material; corporeal.

ob' lo quy, censure; calumny; blame. praise, assent; commendation.

|rus' tle, quiver; a gentle stir.
hub' bub, a tumult; uproar.

ǎb brē' vi äte, to shorten; to abridge.
ăm' pli fy, to enlarge; to expand.

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