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Take of my violets! I found them where
The liquid 18 south stole o'er them, on a bank
That leaned to running water. There's to me
A daintiness 19 about these early flowers,
That touches 20 me like poetry. They blow
With such a simple loveliness 21 among

The common herbs 22 of pasture, and breathe 23 out
Their lives so unobtrusively, like hearts

Whose beatings 25 are too gentle for the world.

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săl e ra' tus, bicarbonate of potash. săs' så frăs, an aromatic root; a

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sälve (säv), a thick ointment; to heal. sçi ǎt'i eå, neuralgia of the sciatic salt rheum', a skin disease.

sär så på rĭl' là, a species of medici

nal plant; a medicinal preparation.


spě' cial ist, a physician confining

his practice to special diseases.

sper må çē' ti, a waxy substance | treat' ment, management; manner

found in the head of the sperm whale.

strych' nine, a mineral poison.

sǎl' phur, a yellow mineral substance often used in medicine.

of treating.

tū bēr eu lō' sis, a constitutional, con

sumptive disease.

tu' mõr, a morbid swelling or growth. ty' phoid, an infectious fever; typhus.

sûr' geỏn (-jŭn), one who treats dis- văc' çi nāte, to inoculate with vaccine eases by mechanical means.


sûr' gì eal, pertaining to, or used in vět' er i na ry, pertaining to the healing of animals. surgery.

symp' toms, signs or tokens which ver' ti go, dizziness.

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vít' ri ol, sulphuric acid.

witch-ha' zel, a soothing extract for sprains and bruises; a tree.



"A laugh is worth a thousand groans in any market."-Lamb.

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chrys' a lis (kris'-), the early state of is' land, a portion of land surrounded

certain insects.

eo eōon', an oblong case in which the

silkworm lies in its chrysalis state. com pēte', to contend.

eôr nu eō' pi å, the horn of plenty. erys' tal, clear; a kind of glass. děaf (děf), lacking the sense of hearing.

di lěm' må, a predicament. dòz' en, twelve.

ĕs' say, a short treatise; an attempt. ět' i quětte (-kět), established society or court usage.

grease, animal fat in a soft state.

by water.

Jā māi' eå (-mā' kå), largest island of the British West Indies.

läun' dry, a place where laundering is done.

mu şi' cian (-zish' an), one skilled in the art or science of music. Ŏp' er å, a musical drama.

scourge, a whip; to whip severely. shawl, a loose covering for the neck and shoulders.

stee' ple, a spire, or a tower and spire taken together.

ver' ti eal, plumb; upright.



"It is not work that kills men; it is worry. Work is healthy; you can hardly put more upon a man than he can bear. Worry is rust upon the blade. It is not the revolution that destroys the machinery, but the friction."-Beecher.

å rĭth mom' e ter, an adding-ma-| lā' bel, a slip of paper, etc., containchine. ing a name or title, fastened to anything.

bill' head, a printed form used in

making out bills.

măn' i fōld, numerous; multiplied.

blot' ter, a kind of thick paper for mim'e ō grăph, an autographic stenabsorbing superfluous ink.

cil copying device.

eǎb' i net, a piece of furniture fitted ne' o style, a duplicating machine. with shelves and drawers. pāste, an adhesive compound. eǎr' bon-pā' per, paper used for mani- pi' ġeon hōle, a compartment, usually folding purposes. in a desk, for papers, etc.

elip, a clasp or holder for letters, plăt' en, the part of a typewriter on papers, etc.

dū' pli eā tor, a machine for making

manifold copies of any writing.

en elō' sūre, that which is enclosed;

the act of enclosing.

fil' ing, arranging or laying away in order.

graph' o phōne, a machine for the

reproduction of sounds; a phonograph.

in' dex, that which guides, informs or directs.

ink' stand, a vessel for holding writing-ink.

which the paper rests to receive an impression.

rul' er, an instrument used as a guide in drawing lines.

seal, a device which makes an im

pression on wax or paper.

tăb' u lā tōr, a device for writing

tables, lists, etc.; one who tabulates. tiek' ler, a book containing a memorandum of notes or debts in order of maturity.

trăn serip′ tion, a copy; a manuscript.

type' writer, a machine for writing.

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"The worth of a state, in the long run, is the worth of the individuals composing it." -John S. Mill.

ăm bǎs' så dōr, a representative of es quire', a title of dignity, or office. the highest rank to a foreign government.

gov' ern or, one who governs; chief magistrate of a state.

into office.

bǎl' lot, a vote; a ball or ticket used in au' ğu rāte, to originate; to install in voting. eau' eus, a political meeting at which leg' is la ture, the law-making body, candidates are nominated. as for a state or nation. colo' nel (kûr' n'l), commander of a lieu tĕn' ant, a military officer; a subregiment. stitute; a deputy. coun' çil, assembly for consultation ma' jõr, greater; a military officer. or advice. may' or, chief city officer.

dis frăn' chise, to deprive of the privi- năt' u ral ize, to confer the rights of lege of voting.

citizenship on.

nom' i nate, to name, or designate by | sĕn' ate, the upper and less numerous

name for an office or place. pär' lia ment, a legislative body, especially the British; a council. pō lïçe', the organized body of civil officers in a city, town or district for preserving good order.

près i děn' tial, of or pertaining to a president.

quō' rum, a sufficient number to transact business.

branch of a legislative assembly.

ses' sion, a meeting or sitting of a public body.

shĕr' iff, the chief administrative officer of a county.

suf' frage, the right to vote; approval.

ū năn' i mous, of one mind; without dissent.

vē' to, an authoritative prohibition.



af firm' à tive, that which affirms or | il log' ie al, contrary to reasoning. asserts; the answer "yes."

ǎg' o nize, to torture; to be in agony.

à lås', an exclamation of sorrow or regret.

är’ tỉ săn, a mechanic.

ȧ vail' à ble, usable; profitable.

aw' ful, terrible; frightful.

be seech', to implore; to supplicate.

çe' re als, edible grains.

im pĕr' å tive, positive command.
in au' di ble, that which cannot be

in flex' ible, firm; stiff; unyielding.
ir' ri tå ble, ill-tempered.

like' ness, resemblance; similarity.
quar tĕt',
a piece of music in four
quar tette', parts, each performed
by a single voice or instrument.

choir (kwir), an organized company rōs' y, red; blooming.

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