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Among Ourselves.

"Over Their Heads!" Teachers as well as preachers are frequently talking "over the heads" of their children, and consequently the little people lose interest and no profit comes Recently a friend of mine talked very entertainingly to some children, and yet it was evidently of more interest to the older children than to the little people. In order to satisfy myself as to the effect which the talk had upon them, I asked one whose age was much above that of the average if he could give me the meaning of some of the words which my friend used. The following is the result:

"Poise means boys;" "Triumph means to work harder;" "Swoop means something to drink;" "Wisdom means smart;" "Discover means first one to find out;" "Provides means to give you;" "Microscope means look at through a glass."

The boy said he did not know the meaning of victim, national emblem, rapidity, impressed, Assyrian, Babylon, vivid, and Isaiah. There were many words which I noted that I thought were too difficult for the children, that he defined very satisfactorily. There were others which I was satisfied he could not define, but they came too rapidly for me to note. The boy is a yery intelligent little fellow and is considered by his teachers as more intelligent than the other boys of his age. Anniversaries. Superintendent Gove, of Denver, issues an order to the principals of the several schools in that city to fly the national flag from sunrise to sunset on the opening and closing days of each term, on national and state holidays, and also upon the following named days:

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No Parting There! A teacher at Bellaire, Ohio, recently lectured her children on the subject of combing the hair and incidentally severely condemned the habit of young men parting their hair in the middle. True to a peculiar instinct that comes spontaneously in some quarters, a dozen boys came to school the next day with their hair carefully parted in the middle. She invited them into the cloak room one by one, and they came out properly balanced. Now the parents are siding with the boys and insist that their personal liberty has been infringed. A law suit is likely to follow. We hope the courts may decide this matter at once. There are certainly too many boys parting their hair in the middle and too many girls parting their hair on one side. If the habit is not soon suppressed by the strong arm of the law, what awful results must follow!

Punish at Leisure. By this, I do not mean that we should punish leisurely, though that may be a good injunction. I mean that we should take plenty of time to consider the nature of the offense and of the punishment if any should be given. Too many people punish children upon the impulse of the moment and regret it afterwards. All such punishments do more harm than good. The teacher as well as the pupil should be self possessed and should thoroughly understand the matter before he is ready to administer any punishment.

Expect the Best. We are probably all guilty of underrating the capacity of our pupils and they soon imagine that we do not expect much of them. Various reasons may be named, but the child usually acts as his experience teaches. When in college, my classmates and I usually prepared our lessons much better for a certain professor than for the others, because we knew he would not only expect the best from us but he would be content with nothing else. Some of the other professors were disposed to accept plausible explanations of failures and were constantly inventing them themselves, or at least appeared to be doing so. If we are expecting the best things from our pupils, they naturally respond and find pleasure in doing them. No boy or girl ever amounted to much in the schoolroom or out in the world, who understood that little was expected of him. Hold high ideals before your pupils constantly and encourage them to strive for their realization.

Time Keepers. C. P. Huntington, the great railroad magnate, says that even when a boy he noticed that some workmen were always watching the clock and that the moment it struck, they threw down their tools wherever they happened to be and adjourned for dinner. Others took a few moments to finish the work in hand so that it might suffer as little as possible, evidently thinking more of their work than of their dinner and their rest hour. He now asserts that these men who watched the clock are still watching it, while the others have attained unto a competency, and many of them to high and responsible positions in the world. If any one succeeds, his mind must be upon his work and not upon his meals. His constant desire must be to do something useful and not to spend his time in leisure. There is a multitude of school teachers who are faithful enough in beginning and closing on time each day, but who do not find a moment outside the legal hours for serving their children, and for improving their work. They are merely time keepers.

Had Not Seen Him. Recently I happened to call at the desk of a principal who had just finished a letter to the father of a bad boy telling him that it would be necessary for him to be withdrawn from school. The principal kindly read the letter to me. A word in it interested me at once.

I inquired of him whether he had seen the boy himself. He said that he had not seen him but that his teacher had been treating him for some time and had exhausted all her resources. I took the liberty of suggesting that he had a personal responsibility himself and that he might be doing the boy a great wrong by suspending him without making an effort himself to reclaim him. The letter to the father was withheld and I have every assurance that it will never be sent. Principals and superintendents have a personal duty to perform which they are frequently overlooking. A little intelligent co-operation on their part will often prove most valuable to the subordinate teacher. The call to the superintendent's room puts a little more serious aspect upon the conduct of the pupil and impresses the necessity for immediate reformation. Of course all cases should not come to the principal, but because all should not come, it does not necessarily follow that none should come.

Shall He Smoke? Superintendent Louise P. Yokum, of Dolores county, Colorado, has refused to issue a certificate to teach to a graduate of the Toronto University, though he meets all scholastic requirements. She bases her refusal on the fact that he is an inveterate smoker and that the law requires teachers to give instruction on the evils resulting from the use of tobacco, which she thinks he cannot do. Probably he might serve as a concrete illustration, and would need to theorize very little about it. Her position will bring the matter before the state board of education and we shall soon discover whether the coming teacher shall smoke.

Our Washington.—“Columbia's Glory and Mount Vernon's


(At our little celebration on Washington's birthday, some gems collected by Miss Whitney were read. It occurs to us that our readers might like to preserve them for use in the future.)

Gleanings from Dr. Headly:

"He moves before us like some grand embodiment of virtue and power.'

"There is no man whose memory is so much revered and whose reputation even his foes fear so much to attack as his."

"The explanation of Washington's influence over others is found in his simple superiority as a man, both mentally and morally."

"He is not the thunder bolt launched from the sky, arresting and startling every beholder, but the ocean tide in its calm, majestic, and resistless flow."

"His honor and his country stood foremost in his affections; the first he guarded with scrupulous care, and for the last he offered up his life and his fortune."

"Cool and correct in judgment, yet quick in his impulses; methodical and clear in all his business arrangements, yet bold and fearless in danger, he possessed the basis of a strong and elevated character."

"The contagion of fear, and doubt, and despair, could not touch him."

"His soul poised on its own centre, reposed calmly there through all the storms that beat for seven years on his noble breast."

"The ingratitude and folly of those who should have been his allies, the insults of his foes, and the frowns of fortune, never provoked him into a rash act, or deluded him into a single error."

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"Ancient and modern fames are diminished before him. *** his fame is whiter than it is brilliant."

"Washington yet lives upon the earth in his spotless example-his spirit is in Heaven."

John Adams:

*** the most illustrious and beloved personage which this country ever produced."

"Malice could never blast his honor and envy made him a singular exception to her universal rule."

"If a Trajan found a Pliny, a Marcus Aurelius can never want biographers, eulogists, or historians." Anonymous:

"The American Fabius."

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"The greatest of good men and the best of great men. "Providence left him childless that his country might call him Father."

"For him the myrtle and ivy were entwined with the laurel." "The unclouded brightness of his glory will illuminate the future ages." "You are

The last words of the Conspirator Conway were: in my eyes, the great and good man." Thomas Jefferson:

"I felt on his death, with my countrymen, that 'verily a great man hath fallen this day in Israel.'"

Brissot de Warville asserts, that "There was an expression on Washington's face that no painter had succeeded in taking." Washington's own words:

"I heard the bullets whistle, and believe me, there is something charming in the sound."

"I went to church and fasted all day." (Washington's Diary, 1774-)

"It is my full intention to devote my life and fortune in the cause we are engaged in if needful."

"Let disgrace and dishonor fall on me rather than on the cause of freedom."

"No nation can expect to prosper if the education of the people be neglected."

"In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened."

"Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all."

"'Tis substantially true, that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government."

"I die hard, but I am not afraid to die."

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We have lately received one of Bell's New Township Maps of Kansas. It is very accurate, complete, attractive, cheap, and well suited for use in office or schoolroom. Send to W. L. Bell & Co., Kansas City, Missouri, for particulars.

Our readers who believe the MONTHLY to be of value to the institution and desire to see it continue to grow, will please remember that they can render a really great service to the editors by patronizing our advertisers and telling them that their advertisements were seen in the MONTHLY. We urge our friends to help us to this extent.

THE EYE A PERFECT CAMERA.-The eye is a perfect photographer's camera. The retina is the dry plate upon which are focused all objeces by means of the crystalline lens. The cavity behind this lens is the camera. The iris and pupil are the diaphragm. The eyelid is the drop-shutter. The draping of the optical dark room is the only black membrane in the entire body. This miniature camera is self-focusing, self-loading, and self-developing, and takes millions of pictures every day in colors, and enlarged to life size.-WILLIAM GEORGE JORDAN in March Ladies' Home Journal.

The Philomathian Society. The great contest of intellect is over, and, although the Philomathians met a signal defeat, they made a noble fight. The result proved that we had made no mistake in the choice of rep resentatives. We are proud of their work.

All have settled to work with renewed vigor. After all it is the careful, persistent work from day to day that tells in the life of a society, as it is in the life of an individual,

Mr. Burnap now graces the president's chair, while his assistant, Mr. Jones, officiates in his absence. The lovely and accomplished "Parthenia," alias, Miss Daisy Ott records the proceedings of the society.

The first number on our program after the contest was music by the Lyceum quartet. This shows that we are still on good terms. The Belles-Lettres quartet also favored us with some of their popular songs. We have also had the pleasure o: listening to other distinguished visitors; among them Misses McGinley and Bennett and Messrs. Jones and Hancock. Among our own members who have especially distinguished themselves in a musical way, are Messrs. Davis and Garlick.

The pantomime, "Miles Standish," was presented March 19, to the great delight of all. Great credit is due these persons for their efforts to make our programs interesting, and it is needless to say that they have been successful in their efforts.

We invite any who wish to spend a pleasant evening to meet with us, with the assurance of a hearty welcome.

The Belles-Lettres Society.

With the first blush of spring the Belles-Lettres society again greets its friends with a consciousness that the past month has been an eventful one in its history. Messrs. Miller and Crawford were chosen to represent the society in the June debate. They are fully capable of raising a high standard in competing for the laurels, and when the time comes, we hope the hall of the society will again echo with shouts of victory. We trust the best of feeling and hearty good-will will prevail between the contesting societies, as it is to be a test of fair-minded emulation and friendly rivalry. The question chosen for debate by the representatives of the society is as follows: "Resolved, That it is for the best interests of the people that the railroads of the United States be owned and operated by the national government."

It is further agreed that whichever society selects the affirmative side of the question shall submit a brief of their argument to the negative at least four weeks before the contest. This is certainly a fair proposition, as it confines the question strictly to debatable grounds. The question was chosen on the recommendation of some of the best thinkers of the State, and a good debate may confidently be expected.

During the past month the programs have possessed all their usual interest. Miss Hardy presides with all the dignity of a senior. New members are joining at every meeting. The Belles-Lettres Quartette has made the rounds of the other societies and made itself famous. A fine musical entertainment was given March 19, in which "The Darky Quartette" and "The Model School Quartette" distinguished themselves. We are always glad when these musical treats occur, as the society enjoys them to the fullest extent.

That Eastern Trip.

Going East, take the Santa Fe Route as far as Chicago. Most direct line from the Southwest generally, and thirty miles the shortest between Missouri river and Chicago, which insures quick time and sure connections. Track is straight and rock-ballasted, with very few crossings at grade. Vestibuled limited expresses, with latest pattern Pullmans and free chair cars. Meals in dining-cars served a la carte. Inquire of nearest agent, cr address W. J. Black, G. P. A., A. T. & S. F. Ry., Topeka, Kansas.

'91. A. O. Sax sends us the announcement of the commencement exercises of Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, with his name among the list of graduates. A good teacher spoiled, but a good doctor made!


A REQUEST: Please mention the MONTHLY when ordering any of the following-named books.

History of Ancient Peoples. By Willis Boughton, A. M., Professor of
English Literature, Ohio University. With one hundred and ten
illustrations and six maps. Octavo, 527 pages. New York: G. P.
Putnam's Sons

"A generation ago the history of ancient peoples was regarded as settled. It was pronounced a hopeless task to try to improve the various existing records. But man was bent on finding the lost cities of the past, and on walking the streets of Troy and Nineveh. Desolated regions were explored, and vast libraries of buried treasures have been unearthed. Thus in the last two decades many pages have been added to historic records. History has constantly to be rewritten. The 'Story of the Nations Series' was planned to place this new historic matter within the reach of the general reader. Yet there was a demand for a single volume bringing together all this material in a form convenient for use in the class-room and the reading circle."

The author has done wonders in condensation without sacrificing unity or giving an impression of incompleteness. This, with the splendid illustrations, maps, arrangement, and typographical excellence, makes the volume superior to anything of the kind yet published.

British India.. The Story of the Nations Series. By R. W. Frazier,
LL. B., I. C. S., (Retired.) Lecturer in Telugu and Tamil Uni-
versity College and Imperial Institute, etc. 400 pages. New York:
G. P. Putnam's Sons

This is the last of a series of forty-eight volumes which present in
a graphic manner the stories of the different nations that have at-
tained prominence in history. In the story form the current of each
national life is distinctly indicated, and its picturesque and note-
worthy periods and episodes are presented for the reader in their
philosophical relation to each other as well as to universal history.
The story of British India is stranger and more wonderful than fic-
tion. The world has seen few such conquests. The author has
avoided giving the mere details of military expeditions, and woven
into an intensely thrilling narrative of facts the philosophy of his-
tory. The volume, together with others in the series, is indispensa-
ble to every well furnished school library.
Advanced Elocution Designed as a Practical Treaties for Teachers and
Students in Vocal Training, Articulation, Physical Culture and
Gesture. By Mrs. J. W. Shoemaker, Principal of The National
School of Elocution and Oratory, aided by George B. Hynson and
John H. Bachtel. 400 pages. Philadelphia: The Penn Publishing


The book is all that its name implies-a complete exposition of the theory and practice of the art of speaking naturally and artistically. Coming from a school that has taken high rank among the schools of expression, we expected something good, but were agreeably surprised to find a book of methods and a working manual of the greatest value to teachers of elocution, and while all that is good in all systems is retained, yet it is sparkling with fresh, modern thought and breathes the spirit of the modern teacher.


1 50

1 25

School Gymnastics. Free Hand. By Jessie H. Bancroft, Director of Physical Training, Brooklyn Public Schools. Illustrated by over two hundred photographs. Covers eight school years. This is the system used in the twenty-four hundred class rooms of Brooklyn, N. Y.; in the public schools of Waterbury, Conn; etc., etc. Endorsed by William H. Maxwell, Ph. D., Superintendent of Public Instruction, Brooklyn, N. Y.; President Thomas Hunter, of the New York Normal College, and others. A book that can be used by the class teacher as it is. This valuable book will be published about April 1, 1897, as Vol. IV, of Kellogg's Teachers' Library, 12mo in size, about 250 pages, beautifully printed, bound in cloth. Price, $1 50. Though this price ($1.50) is lower than that of any similar book so expensively gotten up, advance orders will be filled at only $1.00, postpaid. New York and Chicago: E. L. Kellogg & Co Elements of Descriptive Astronomy. By Herbert A. Howe, A. M., Sc. D., Professor of Astronomy in the University of Denver, and Director of the Chamberlain Observatory. Octavo, 362 pages. Cloth. 200 illustrations and star maps. Introductory price to school, $1 36. Boston, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia: Silver, Burdette & Co.. 1 36 The growing interest in Astronomy, resulting from more general knowledge of it as a science, and from advanced scientific observations, makes a new work on this subject very welcome, not only as a school text-book, but also as a treatise for the general reader. Professor Howe has brought to the task of compiling his book just the experience which serves as a guarantee of its excellence and practical value. An astronomer of twenty years' standing, and a successful instructor in astronomy for more than half that time, he had both the scientific knowledge and the tested methods of impart ing it, to aid him in producing an accurate yet popular presentation of the subject. Professor Howe's book gives the results of the latest important investigations and discoveries, including many not heretofore recorded in any text-book, especially such as have been obtained at the Lick Observatory. Many of the illustrations are also unique in this respect, having been reproduced from fine litho graphs and photograhhs especially for this volume. They are nearly two hundred in number, four being beautiful specimens of color printing. The appendices contain valuable data concerning the planets; also the history of astronomy, topics for essays, questions for review, list of reference books, etc. The volume is to be commended for its method-which is simple and direct, sufficiently technical, yet never dry-and for its easy and graceful treatment of an intricate subject. As a text-book, it will prove most acceptable to teachers and students, presenting as it does, an accurate, and at the same time a fascinating, study of the wonders of the sky, in such form as to impress them upon the imagination and the memory. The Young Mandarin. A Story of Chinese Life. By the Rev. J. A. Davis, author of "The Chinese Slave Girl," etc., etc. Boston and Chicago: Congregational Sunday School and Publishing Society... 1 50 Based upon occurrances observed by the author and having in

view the enlightenment of the people regarding Chinese life and characteristics, the author has given us a most interesting book. There is a dearth of first-class books of this kind and the publishers have performed a public service in giving us a thoroughly firstclass book in every respect. The binding is beautiful, the illustrations true to life, the moral tone most excellent, the tales thrilling and entrancing, and all giving to the reader a visit in reality to one of the most interesting parts of the world. We commend the book for the school library. An Essay on Robert Burns Boards, 12mo, 90 pages. can Book Co

By Thomas Carlyle, Chicago: AmeriThis book is one of the series of Eclectic English Classics. Those acquainted with Carlyle's works will welcome the publication in a small volume of the Essays on Robt. Burns. The copious notes on each page add largely to the usefulness of the book for the student and teacher. Write the American Book Co. for a list of the Eclec tic English Classics.

Eclectic School Readings. The Story of the Romans. By H. A. Guerber. Chicago: American Book Co...

This is an elementary history of Rome intended for very young readers. It will, no doubt, please, interest and instruct the young people, as well as serve as a general introduction to the study of Latin, which most pupils begin before they have had time to study history. The mythical and picturesque tales which form so large an element in classical history and literature, may as well be learned in youth, thus awakening a desire for knowledge that will grow with the years. The Eclectic School Readings are models in every respect and we recommend them to teachers for use in their reading


Principles of Sociology. By Lester F. Ward. Philadelphia: American Academy of Political and Social Science

A review of a book of the same name by Professor Giddings, of Columbia College. Like all the papers published by the American Academy of Political and Social Science, this is a valuable contribution to the literature of the subject named. Students of political or social science will do well to send to the academy for list of publications. An Examination of Bryce's American Commonwealth. A Study in American Constitutional Law. By Edmund J. James, Ph. D., Professor of Public Administration in the University of Chicago. A Paper Submitted to the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia, Station B: American Academy of Political and Social Science..

Dr. James reviews Bryce's great work with much skill, and the pamphlet is worthy the perusal of every student of political and social science.





Elementary Meteorology By William Morris
Davis. 355 pages.
Boston: Ginn & Co.....2 50
Elementary Meteorology. For High Schools
and Colleges. By Frank Waldo. Chicago:
American Book Co

Dr. Waldo's eminent services in the Unit
ed States Signal Service, and his high stand-
ing as a meteorologist, both in Europe and
America, make him an authority in the com-
paratively young science of meteorology.
The following named chapters show the
scope of the book: The Earth's Atmos-
phere. Temperature. Air Pressure. Winds.
Moisture, Vapor, Cloud. Moisture, Precip.
itation. Atmospheric Optics and Electricity.
General Circulation of the Atmosphere.
Weather and Weather Predictions.
mate, etc., etc. The many illustrations and
colored charts add largely to the value of
the book. Teachers of Physical Geography
will do well to get a copy for their reference


The Story of the Greeks. By H. A. Guerber. Illustrated, cloth, 12mo, 288 pp. Chicago. American Book Co

This is an elementary history of Greece, intended for supplementary reading, or as a first history text-book for young pupils. While largely made up of stories about persons, a clear idea is given of the most important events of the ancient world, and the results of its perusal cannot fail to be increased desire to read and the development of principles of perseverance, courage, pat. riotism, and virtue.

Cameos from English History. Eighth series. The End of the Stuarts. By the author of "The Heir of Redclyffe" Charlotte M. Yonge.] 16mo, pp. viii, 407. New York: The Macmillan Co

1 50


1 25

All The Year Round. Part I. Autumn. Chicago: Ginn & Co....

The Mary Lyon Year-Book. Edited by Helen Marshall North. Introduction by President Elizabeth Storrs Mead, Mt. Holyoke College 16mo, frontispiece, no pagination. Boston and Chicago: Congregational SundaySchool and Publishing Society..

Bible Morning Glories: A Book of Daily
Devotion for Children and Young People.
By Abbie C. Morrow. Introduction by Lily
Lathbury. 12mo, pp. 198. Chicago and
New York: Fleming H. Revell Co.
Lyrics of Lowly Life. By Paul Lawrence Dun-
bar. With an introduction by W. D. How-
ells. Cloth, pp. 208. New York: Dodd,
Mead & Co..



1 25


Theoretical Ethics. By Milton Valentine. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co. Cloth......1 25 Relation of Sociology to Psychology. By S. N. Patten. Philadelphia: American Academy of Political and Social Science.... The American Revolution. By John Fiske. Illustrated with portraits, etc. 2 vol. 8vo, pp. xxxviii, 351; xxiii, 321. Boston: Hough ton, Mifflin & Co

Dr. Smith's Smalier History of Greece. Revised
by C. L. Bronson. 423 pages. New York:
Harper & Brothers.

The Story of the Innumerable Company, and
Other Sketches. By David Starr Jordon,
President Leland Stanford Junior Universi.
ty. San Francisco: Whitaker & Ray Co...
A Primer of American Literature. By Charles
F. Richardson, Professor of English in
Dartmouth College. Newly revised edition.
16mo, illustrated, pp. iv, 122. Boston:
Houghton, Mifflin & Co

A Brief History of the English Language By
Oliver Farrar Emerson, Professor of Rhet-
oric and English Philology in Western Re-
serve University. Svo, pp, xi, 267. New
York: The Macmillan Co


1 00



Child Observations. First Series: Imitation and Allied Activities. Made by the Students, and Published under the Auspices of the State Normal School of Worcester, Mass. Edited by Miss Ellen M. Haskell. With an Introduction by E. H. Russell, Principal of the School. 12mo, pp, xxxiii, 265. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co.......

W. V., Her Book and Various Verses. By William Canton. 16mo, illustrated, pp. 150. New York: Stone & Kimball

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American Orations: Studies in American Political History. Edited with introductions by Alexander Johnson, Late Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Economy in the College of New Jersey. Reedited, with historical and textual notes, by James Albert Woodburn, Professor of American History and Politics in Indiana University. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1 25

This is Volume Four in a series of American orations, selected as specimens of eloquence, and with special reference to their value in throwing light upon the more important epochs and issues of American history from the colonial period down to the present time. In this concluding number of the series, the examples are grouped under the heads of "Civil War and Reconstruction," "Free Trade and Protection," and "Finance and Social Reform." Under the first head we find Lincoln's first and second Inaugural addresses and the Gettysburg speech, and others by the matchless Beecher, Jeff. Davis, and many others. Under the second head, Henry Clay affirms and F. H. Hurd denies the efficacy of the American system of protection. John Sherman, John P. Jones, George William Curtis and Carl Schurz are among the speakers under the last head. Aside from its value as a compilation of American orations, the book is destined to be of the greatest valne for the light it throws on political history and great national questions.

Ribot's Psychological Works. 1. The Diseases
of Personality. 2. The Psychology of At-
tention. 3. The Diseases of the Will. Each
volume in paper, 25 cents; all three in cloth,
$1.75 net. Chicago: The Open Court Pub-
lishing Co

Without Prejudice. A Book of Essays. By I.
Zangwill. 8vo. New York: The Century

1 75


1 50

..........1 50 English Synonyms, Antonyms and Prepositions. By James C. Feruald. 12mo, cloth, 574 pp. .....1 50 New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co Our Native Birds. By Henry Nehrling. Two volumes. Russia leather. Milwaukee: George Brumder. Cloth ...2 50 The Story of the Chosen People. By H. A. Guerber. Chicago: American Book Co Modern Bookkeeping. By J. L. Montgomery. Cloth, 240 pp. New York: Maynard, Merrill & Co



1 25

The Cat and the Cherub. Stories by Chester Bailey Fernald. 300 pages. New York: The Century Co... .......1 25 Mr. Richard Henry Stoddard is said to have declared "The Cat and the Cherub the best short piece of fiction produced in the United States within a decade." We are charmed with the originality of the stories of Chinese life especially, which make up the larger part of the volume. They are full of interest to old and young, instructive and wholesome-just such stories as one longs to have the boys and girls read, yet which are hard to find.

A History of Canada. By Charles G. D. Roberts. 8x6%, pp. xi, 493. Boston: Lamson, Wolffe & Co

I 50 SONGS: The "Tinker's Song." (For Boys.) By J. Wiegand. 40 cents. The Chinese Umbrella. (For Girls.) Chorus with umbrella drill. By C. H. Lewis. 50 cents. "The By J. Wiegand. Crafty Old Spider. 40 cents. New York, 7 Bible House: J. Fisch

er & Bro

THE LIVING AGE. To American readers who have not ready access to the great bulk of the European periodical press, Continental as well as British, (and who has?) there is no magazine that can take the place of The Living Age. The whole world of literature is its field, and its readers get the best that the world offers. For the busy man and woman of this living age it is invaluable. The publishers have purchased the serial rights to the publication of "In Kedar's Tents," by Henry Seton Merriman, author of "The Sowers." "In Kedar's Tents" is an attractive story of adventure in Spain during the Carlist war. It is said to be full of incident, and to contain some clever sketches of character. Mr. Merriman's style is direct and forcible, and his humor is delightful. Readers who are weary of the morbidly introspective in fiction will find this story refreshing. Its quality abundantly sustains the reputation which Mr. Merriman's earlier stories have won for him in England and America. The first chapters of this work will appear in The Living Age of April 3, and continue through fifteen numbers.

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A History of Canada, With Chronological Chart, Map of the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland, and Appendix, giving the British North American and Imperial Acts in Full. Boston: Lamson, Wolffe & Co....2 00 The First Battle: A Story of the Campaign of 1896. By William J. Bryan. Octavo, pp. 629. Chicago: W. B. Conkey Co....... Historical Reader: The Story of the Indians of New England. By Anna Holman Burton. With sixteen full-page authentic illustrations. A pioneer book. Covers an unbeaten track. A valuable reader for all middle grades. Full of accurate information of colonial days. New York, 96 Fifth Avenue: The Morse Co. Mailing price

In a history of the United States, the fate of the Indians is only an incident in the settlement of the country. The theme of the historian is the white man; and so marvelous is the national drama, so dazzling are the achievements of the Puritan and cavalier, that the red man has little more space in our annals than the primeval forest which once covered the continent. The author has treated the subject of the Indians historically. A few chapters have been devoted to colonial life, because the growth and development of the Puritan marks the decline and exile of the Algonquins. For the study, in an attractive form, of the annals of the once proud race whose broken fragments still linger in the rays of the setting sun, this book seems eminently fitted, with its choice language and beautiful illustrations as a supplementary reader for the middle grades in all our public schools. We join our words of praise with those of Dr. Harris, U. S. Commissioner of Education, and President Draper, of the University of Illinois.


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June 11 to August 12, 1897....Nine Full Weeks.

Teachers and Subjects:

Philosophy of Education, Psychology.

Methods and Management, Physical Training and
Practice Teaching in Grammar School Grades.

DORMAN S. KELLY, A. M. Botany, Zoology, Geology and Mineralogy, Physical Geography, Physiology. JOSEPH H. HILL, A. M., Beginning Latin, Elementary Cæsar, Advanced Cæsar, Cicero, Virgil. OSCAR CHRISMAN, Ph. D., History of Education, General History, School Law, Civil Law, Child-Study.

E. L. PAYNE, Arithmetic, Beginning Algebra, Advanced Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Surveying. SUE D. HOAGLIN,

Oratory, Elocution, Physical Culture.

Geography, U. S. History, Grammar.


French and German, Beginning and Advanced.


C Music, D Music, Piano, Voice Culture, Harmony, Methods of Teaching School Music.


Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo.
Tuition at usual rates.

*Not definitely determined.


For all work completed, record is made on the books of the institution. These records will be accepted by almost any school, college or university in the United States. Work in the Summer School can be done as satisfactorily when taking two studies as when taking four studies in the regular session. While some students have carried successfully as many as four studies, all are advised to take no more than two, if the branches are new to them. The attendance has been quite large for several years, and the great majority finished the subjects pursued.


TUITION.-NORMAL DEPARTMENT-Fee $10 for first study and $3 for each additional study. MUSIC DEPARTMENTPiano, Voice Culture, two lessons a week, $13.50; one lesson a week, $8.50; Harmony, $10 per term. Enrollment for all these classes is made with the Secretary

For further information, address


and his receipt for tuition will be the permit to enter the class.

BOARD AND ROOM.-Good board with room can be obtained in private families for $2.40 to $3.00 per week. Club board with room, $2 to $2.50 per week. Students can rent furnished or unfurnished rooms and board themselves at a total cost of $1.40 to $2 per week. No other city in the State has such complete facilities for boarding and rooming. During the year it is sufficient to accommodate two thousand students. The members of the Summer School have their choice of rooms at practically their own terms. It is not advisable to engage board and room before coming, as a personal choice of these always gives the best satisfaction.

Books. The books used are practically those given in the Normal catalogue. Second-hand copies of these books are abundant at the stores. It will be worth while to bring any text books you may have on the subjects you wish to study.

E. L. PAYNE, Secretary, Emporia, Kansas.

[blocks in formation]


value in cereals than there is in bread. You
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Grades & Colorings.

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we will tell you. Others have done it; so can you. Or, if you want to save time by going to a Good School, say so, and we will tell you about that. THE BENN PITMAN SYSTEM is the American System

SHORTHAND! The Phonographic Inst. Co.,



Any one interested in the subject of mandolins and guitars can obtain a beautiful book about them free by writing to Lyon & Healy, Chicago. It contains portraits of over 100 leading artists, together with frank expressions of their opinion of the new 1897 model Washburn Instruments. Descriptions and prices of all grades of Washburns, from the cheapest ($15.00) upwards, are given, together with a succinct account of the points of excellence which every music lover should see that his mandolin or guitar possesses. Address. Dept. M, LYON & HEALY, 199 Wabash Avenue, Chicago.

Also a vest-pocket Dictionary containing 33,000 words. Price, Leather, indexed, 50 cents; cloth, not indexed, 25 cents.

The Practical Text Book Co., Publishers, Cleveland, Ohio. Write for illustrated catalogue, sample pages, and rates to schools.


331 Commercial Street.

JOHN E. MARTIN, Proprietor.

First-Class Work Only. M. R. STEWART, Solicitor.

Telephone 96.

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