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Martin's Cash Store



is a place where you can get almost anything you desire. They
keep for sale Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing for Men and Boys, Boots The State Normal School
and Shoes, Groceries, Flour and Feed. When you need anything to
eat or wear do not miss calling at our store, which is it the

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The best $1.00 GLOVES in the State. Every pair warranted. Exery pair fitted.

Northington's NATATORIUM.

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Emporia, Kansas.

Eighth Annual Session.

JUNE 17 to AUGUST 18, 1898.
Nine Full Weeks.



Beginning Latin, Elementary Cæsar, Advanced
Cæsar, Cicero, Virgil.


History of Education, School Law, or Political
Economy, General History, Child Study,


Botany, Zoology, Geology and Mineralogy, Physical Geography, Physiology.


Oratory, Elocution, Physical Culture.

Arithmetic, Beginning Algebra, Advanced Alge.
bra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Surveying.



United States History, Civil Law.

Vocal Music.


French, German.

FEES-Enrollment Fee, $3.00; Tuition Fee of $5.00 for each study.

CREDITS-All passing grades will be credited on the regular courses.

BOARD and ROOM-Good club board, $1.85 to $2.00 per week; good rooms for two persons, $4.00 to $5.00 per month.

For full particulars, address
or J. H. HILL,





Real Estate, Loans, Insurance.

Taxes, Rentals, Collections, Ftc. for Non-Residents a Specia: *.

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For Carriages, Wagonettes and Busses for Picnics, call on PETE NEWTON. Telephone 86. East Fifth Avenue.

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We left Seattle on the evening of the 23 and landed at Port Townsend about midnight, where we picked up a hundred passengers, fifty off the steamer Townsend which had been compelled to stop there to repair her boilers. The vessel had been allowed to put to sea in an unseaworthy condition. We have one hundred seventy-one passengers in all, men of a good many professions; also two women, wives of two of the passengers -a jolly crowd, good natured and kind hearted, from a great number of states; some beardless youths and a few gray haired veterans among the number. There are several men who have passed the fifty-eighth mile stone, but most are in middle life. A great many are married and have families. Many have given up good positions in the cities to try by a single stroke to become independent. The first day or two on deck were corkers. Those who were well had great sport laughing at and tantalizing the poor mortals who had the "O My!", the fellows who "heaved Jona". Some fellow wishing he had no "bread basket" would rush for the railing, the ship rocking like a cradle, and some merciless fellow would help him out by some ridiculous remark, such as "balance all," "you'll be all right, old boy, when you get over the hill." Nearly all have been sea sick more or less since the first day, and some poor fellows, seemingly with little grit or will power, are still below in their bunks. I was sick only a little while and vomited but little. Those who have stayed on the deck the most have been the better off; the sea air is very invigorating and that below is just the reverse. There are six berths in each section in about a seven-foot cube, packed in just like sardines. The kitchen accommodations are little better, and if anything a blame sight worse. It has seats for about thirty at a time and the odor is anything but appetizing. If every man aboard was well and ate three meals a day, it would have to feed all the time; hours of breakfast, 6 to 7:30; dinner, 11:30 to 1; supper, 5:30 to 7. The first day out we had pretty good chewing, but since, it has retrograded. For milk we have chalk and water, which would hardly color pure water to say nothing of tea. I am standing it all right and can afford to train down some anyway, for the week I stayed in Seattle I gained nearly two pounds a day. Just before leaving Port Townsend I stepped on the scales without an overcoat on and astonished my own eyes by tipping the scales at one hundred seventy-seven pounds. Everybody gained some while there.

We have had a pretty smooth passage so far with the exception of about twenty-four hours when to the land lubber's eyes the sea was pretty high. Yesterday and today we have had a spanking wind behind us and with steam and sail both have been making about twelve miles an hour, ten for steam and two for sail. This is a beautiful afternoon; the sky is clear, the sun is pouring down and I am sitting in its rays with a board across my knees and this tablet. I will leave the rest of the picture to your imaginative minds. Passengers, dogs, one burro, boats and lumber to right and left. To our right we can see the top

No. 8

of Mt. St. Elias. When passing Cape Flattery we saw two sail boats in the distance but since then have seen no ships. Some of the boys fancied they saw a whale yesterday and one today, also a few ducks.

We have quite a number of singers who have broken the monotony of traveling to some extent. One man plays the accordion, another the harp, and another the fiddle and flute. When we get all these together and the singers, we have quite a combination.

Thursday, March 4, '98.

I will finish my letter now, about three o'clock. Everyone intending sending word home is doing the same thing, as we are pulling into the Port Valdez, which you can see on map I sent you before leaving Seattle. Tomorrow sometime, we will be unloaded and then our serious troubles, perhaps, will begin, but all the passengers affirm they will be glad when they can eat some of their own cooking and quit this "nigger hash". Taken altogether we have had very favorable weather, clear, no fog, and the mildness has astonished everybody. Many, including myself, have the same clothes on as when at home, with possibly the addition of a sweater. We have been in Prince William Sound most of today, made no progress last night; simply drifted, as the captain was not sure of the coast. He is a very careful man and has the reputation in San Francisco of being one of the most gentlemanly men sailing from there. The crew, too, with the exception of the kitchen mechanics, the niggers, have also been very agreeable.

Last evening about sunset a school of porpoises raced with the ship, plunging and diving and affording great amusement for the weary passengers. This is a queer looking fish, with a kind of horn fin on the back, but my! how it can plunge and dive in and out of the waves. We met a small fishing schooner this morning whom the captain hailed for information, but with the exception of this boat, it was the first to be near since leaving Cape Flattery. I hope this letter will not become so blurred that you cannot read it, and if it is worth making the rounds as a circular letter, send it around the circle. Now, as for finding gold in Copper river, every passenger, of course, has strong hopes, yet not one so far as I can learn, has ever been there before, but some have friends who have. There is a strong feeling that it is plentiful there. Some I fear though, fancy it will be found growing on the trees and laying around loose. There are a few aboard I would judge are homesick already, and would sail back if they could sail back without being laughed at and also could sell their outfits for cost. fellow who has been sick and in his bunk for eight days would perhaps be justified in such a course, but that kind of cattle should never have started. Nearly all, though, are imbued with the Napoleonic spirit that when they face the glacier "there will be no Alps." I was a little amused yesterday to hear an old Dutchman in speaking of Copper river, to talk familiarly about it as Copper Crick. We have a few old men, hale and hearty, who are designated as Grandpa and Major, some are past fifty-eight.

Valdez Port.


P. S. We have anchored for the night at the end of steam navigation and will be unloaded in the morning on the ice. When within about five miles of our landing we saw what we fancied were camp fires and then the yelling and cheering was

immense. We fancied we heard them yell on shore. The steam whistle was blown and some guns were fired on shore in recognizance. We steamed up to the ice and some of the men on shore came across about two miles. They were from the Alliance, which had preceded us, arriving here last Saturday, and reported about three hundred camped in two camps. About a hundred have gone over the glacier, which I learned from a young fellow who came aboard, was six miles from their camp on the shore to its border, and fourteen miles across. He said some white men were packing or pulling sleighs at two and one-half cents a pound, for the entire six miles; said he made two trips a day of one hundred fifty to one hundred seventy-five pounds each.

You perhaps saw the account in the papers of the shooting of two men by a cowboy, and his being lynched. These people who came aboard confirmed the report. Said he was hanging to a tree over in the woods. No saloons here or gambling houses. All is quiet now on the Sound. He also said the miners had made a ruling or passed an act that any man convicted of stealing more than fifty dollars worth, should leave the camp immediately, or on the first steamer, or be hung. Consequently no thieving is done. This order is very conducive to good order. Everyone says a much better, far better class of men are coming here than to Skaguay. I will write you again soon if anything worth writing comes under my observation.

Apparently no colder here than at home, believe it so cold. Only forty this afternoon. all well and in good spirits, as I am.

out now.

Your loving son,

in fact, don't Hope you are


PORT VALDEZ, March 7, 1898.

My Dear Folks: We landed here on last Thursday and are fairly straightened I placed a letter with the purser of the Rival to mail at Seattle. We stayed on the boat Thursday night and were unloaded the next day. The vessel was anchored by the side of the ice, which made a very good wharf. It snowed nearly all day Friday and the stocks of provisions were damaged some. We worked till about one o'clock that night getting it off the ice as far as posssble fearing lest the ice might break under the weight of so much stuff near the water's edge. Three more vessels have come in since we arrived, two yesterday, the Gen. Sigel and Lizzie Colby, and the Dora this morning, and these people are moving their plunder into the city of tents now. This sledding work is mighty tough work and makes everyone sore, some in the knees, others in the hips, and still others in the shoulders, all over mentally and physically. Some pull one hundred fifty, some four hundred. The snow is hard to walk on in the first place and then pulling a load after you in this manner gets away with people who never have done any physical labor. I am standing it all right and feel first rate now but Saturday morning I was stiff and sore after Friday night's work. Sunday we rested and today we are in pretty good shape.

Getting over the glacier is the great bugaboo and it is a very safe prediction to say many will give it up and never get over it. The first bench is about six miles from camp, and then there is about four miles of benches, then comparatively level 100ting for thirteen or fourteen miles. No one knows the exact distance, just guess work. A good many are going over now taking their fuel to burn with them when on the glacier. It is about one hundred miles from here to the Copper river and will take fully a month to go. The trail is pretty well broken in now but off of it a man will often sink up to his waist in snow. We wear our hip boots and consequently keep our pants

dry. It is really surprising how mild it is here, but the night is colder by far than the day. Our heavy mackinaw clothes have not been needed so far.

It snowed today. The mountains surround us, putting us seemingly in a little valley, perhaps this has something to do with the climate seeming so mild. There are about half dozen married women in camp, I think.

Some of the boys have been fishing through holes in the ice, and have caught some very good ones; cod, halibut, and flounders.

Let me describe our bed. Three of us sleep together. On the snow we have placed some brush, on this some heavy duck, over this rubber blankets, then an Angora goat hide and next on this six pair of blankets using the blankets as covering. This makes a nice warm bed. Some have laid their fire wood on the snow, some moss, and others have gathered packing from their boxes, and others brought mattresses-anything to keep off the snow, so as not to catch cold. We have several doctors in camp, so you see medical aid is not far distant if necessary. Nearly all bought medicine cases before leaving port.

We expect to take some of our stuff up the glacier, or to where the first bench appears, which some call six miles, tomorrow. It is slow traveling for one who has much provisions.

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WELL SAID. "State Superintendent Stryker has completed a compilation of some comparisons showing the liberality of the people of Kansas toward education. The comparisons are with the rural schools, the reason being given that it is there the majority of the voting population lives. The comparisons show that they are more favorable in Kansas than in any other state, and more favorable now than at any other time.

The average yearly salary of a country school teacher is one hundred sixty dollars a year, while the sheriff and most of the other county officers, except the county superintendent, get from ten to twenty times that amount. The cost to a county of taking a criminal to the penitentiary is from one to three times as great as the monthly salary of a school teacher. The sheriff gets more for this work of two or three days above all expenses than the teacher does for many months after board is paid.

Hardly a year passes in any county that the conviction of a single criminal does not cost more than the total expense of an extra month of school in all the schools of the county, and that when the average length of term is only five months, when it should be at least eight, and when the very reason for the committing of the crime was, in all probability, lack of proper and sufficient school instruction of the criminal.

The yearly salary of a good traveling salesman is more than ten times as great as the school teacher, while that of a judge of a district court is more than fifteen times as great.

This, Mr. Stryker says, is the reason that so many of the teachers are mere boys and girls, and that they leave off teaching soon and seldom make a business of it."-Topeka Capital.

WE are in receipt of a number of handsome invitations from various high schools throughout the state, for which we return hearty thanks.

The Dramatic Contest from a Critic's View Point. "Every art product has its final test in a discerning criticism." This criticism may be popular criticism when one has a feeling that a thing is right or wrong—or it may be technical criticism -the expression of a judgment from which the personal equation is eliminated, and this jndgment must rest upon well defined laws.

In considering the merits or demerits of a picture or piece of statuary there is a certain standard to which each is referred, and if the picture or piece of statuary conform to this standard it is adjudged good; if it depart from it, poor. Not less definite and well defined is the standard by which the dramatic art is measured.

There are two ways in which one may become a critic, but if he is ever to pass beyond the stage of the mere artisan and become an artist in the art of criticism, he must unite the two -and he can become neither artisan nor artist in the criticism of art unless he possess the quality known as appreciation. When one possesses appreciation, if he be in constant contact with the best in any line of art, a fairly correct jndgment of the product of that art will be formed, but this judgment is not always correct, nor is it ever absolutely correct. So far as art is a matter of feeling, this judgment will stand. The other way in which one becomes an art critic is through the mastery of the technique of the particular art he wishes to criticise.

When an individual has mastered the technique and has really caught the spirit of an art, "The censure of this one must in your allowance o'erweigh a whole theatre of others."

The fact that there is a standard by which art products are measured does not preclude the greatest possible range of individuality and originality, but originality is not to be confused with assumed peculiarities. I question if one can hope to catch the eye or the ear of the public who does not bring a strong personality to bear upon his chosen art.

In a review of the presentation of the scenes given in the dramatic art contest March 18, we shall endeavor to combine popular and technical criticism. The presentation of Schiller's play, Mary Stuart, is, for the following reasons, extremely difcult: The mind is prejudiced by the historical characters, yet the queens of the play are not strictly true to the queens of history. Then there is a lack of intense movement both in the stage action and in the play itself.

The Philomathian cast selected from this drama act III, parts of scenes I, III and IV, in which Mary, Elizabeth's prisoner, secures an interview with her, the result of which is Mary's execution, and act V, scene VI, showing Mary's confession in her prison, before her execution. In the first of these acts the Earls of Leicester and Shrewsbury were Queen Elizabeth's attendants. It was their part to show great concern in the encounter between the two queens, and they did it well. Miss Joseph, as Mary's maid, showed great love for her queen, as well as her reverence for royalty. Miss Jones, as Queen Elizabeth, suggested the scorn and hatred of the enraged and jealous queen-the queen as Schiller portrays her. She looked every inch a queen. Miss Turney, as Mary Stuart, did an unusual piece of work for an amateur-work of which a professional need not have been ashamed. She was fortunate in possessing and keeping the atmosphere of the character and the scene. From the moment she entered until she left the stage she became Mary Stuart. There was no overdoing the part, but everyone felt its genuineness. Her anger was the anger of Mary Stuart, her grief the grief of Mary Stuart, and the audience was in perfect sympathy with her. In the confessional all that was noblest and best in the character of Mary Stuart became an actuality. It would be untrue to call it act

ing. Miss Turney as Mary Stuart and Mr. Jones as the priest were living the characters. The attempt to present costumes true to the elegance and style of Elizabeth's time was most successful. One rarely sees more elaborate and beautiful costumes. Sir Walter Raleigh never spread for the dainty foot of England's queen a more beautiful cape than the Earl of Leicester wore, and it is very doubtful if Her Majesty ever donned a more artistic gown than the Queen Elizabeth of this particular occasion wore.


The Belles-Lettres cast gave act III, scene V, act IV, scene I and scene II, from the play of Virginius. In its movement and the loftiness of its purpose this play is above criticism, and one who stands high in the histrionic art said of the stage movement of the cast that it was perfect. There was never instance when a minor character was in the way of a leading character, or when the leading character speaking had not the strong position on the stage. Mr. St. Clair gained the sympathy of the audience through his genuine grief over thẻ death of the old soldier Dentatus, in the first act, and held it through the last grand climax at his final exit in the last scene. His rich voice, his fine interpretation, his perfect bearing on the stage suggested unusual possibilities. He took the character of the father, and never for a moment lost it. Mr. Dickerson did honest work, full of purpose. His work was especially free from anything like affectation, and his success lay in his naturalness. Mr. McConkey lost himself in the character of Caius Claudius, and made a true personation. Miss Hall, as Virginia, suggested the innocence, youth and beauty of a girl of fifteen years. Those who wanted a tragical woman, capable of mature sorrow, are not familiar with the character of Vir ginia. She personated the tender and delicate girl whose life had been sheltered in a doting father's heart. Her personality was overshadowed-in a measure obscured-by the greater personality of a great father. Miss Kelson, as Appius Claudius, did a remarkably good piece of personation. One was certainly reminded of the Nero of Quo Vadis. One of the greatest triumphs of an evening of triumphs occurred when she so perfectly kept her self-possession and the character assumed under the most trying circumstances that can ever confront one who stands before an audience. The stage in the last scene was beautiful. The white marble piece, the tribunal, the statues and palms in the Forum delighted the eye, and if we must cover the most artistic costumes we have ever seen with one word, their long, straight folds and simple elegance suggest the classical.

The casts were unusually well balanced, and we have never had a better or truer presentation of scenes in any contest in dramatic art. The Belles-Lettres cast won the decision.

S. D. H.

Belles-Lettres Notes on Annual Debate and
Dramatic Art Contest.

The students and friends of the Kansas State Normal School were assembled in the well-lighted Albert Taylor hall, which was filled to overflowing, and redolent of the flowers banked on either side of the simply but tastily arranged stage, emblematic of the personal interests among the society members.

Upon this, the occasion of the annual March contest in debate and dramatic art, the members of the contesting societies were divided into groups, expressing in low tones the various opinions as to the outcome, while awaiting the hour of opening.

At a few minutes past eight o'clock the contestants in debate took their respective places. President Taylor, of whom it can

unanimously be said by all who have had the privilege of coming within the circle of his most helpful influence, that to know him is to honor and revere him, presided for the evening as no one else could.

Messrs. Brown and Stroup, from the Belles-Lettres society, supported the affirmative side of the question:

"Resolved, That the interests of the public service demand that the United States establish a national university at Washington."

Mr. Stroup opened the discussion. Throughout his entire argument not once did he appear embarassed. His self-command was perfect. His delivery was good. Mr. Brown continued the discussion opened by his honorable colleague, winning for himself honor with every sentence. As he came forward his firm, decided step and manly bearing proved to everyone in Albert Taylor hall that in the argument produced by Mr. G. A. Brown there would be such strength as would win credit for him and his society. Neither were they disappointed, for Mr. Brown won the second place in debate. Everyone admits that he made a close run for first place, and many whose opinions are authority say he should have taken first rank. The Belles-Lettres society are proud of their worthy debaters, Messrs. Stroup and Brown.

After the debate, the assembly, while waiting for the second interesting feature of the contest, were delighted by a mandolin and guitar duet by Messrs. Wismeyer. So gently and softly did the quiet rhythm of those first bars steal forth that with Moore we can say:

"And music, too-dear music! that can tonch
Beyond all else the soul that loves it much-
Now heard far off, so far as but to seem
Like the faint, exquisite music of a dream."

Now the curtain rolls up and the Philos entertain the people with a pleasing drama. Miss Turney, as Mary, Queen of Scots, certainly is worthy of much praise.

The Belles followed by giving cuttings from Virginius. The manner in which each one acted his part showed unequaled interpretation of the characters.

Miss Carrie Kelson, the most highly honored lady in the State Normal School, decidedly the queen of the Belles-Lettres close, clear-cut discrimination of thought woman is superior to girls, as Appius Claudius, certainly proved the point that in


While listening to Miss Kelson commanding those citizens to be quiet, no one within hearing of her voice could keep from feeling the awe inspired by those decisive tones. Miss Kelson naturally carries with her that firm, commanding, yet sweet and gentle manner, and this, no doubt, aided her very much. She was, indeed, the star of the evening.

Miss Carrie Hall, in her usual winning way, seemed to have just the part for which she appeared best suited, and as Virginia her pleading could not fail to arouse the responsive sympathy of everyone present.

It is said, to be an all-round man one should know something about everything and everything about something, and Mr. St. Clair, the well known Belles-Lettre orator, certainly is an allround man. He is at home at all times. His part as ather of Virginia was strong and caused every Belles-Lettres heart to swell with pride.

Mr. McConkey and Mr. Dickerson acted their part in a way commendable to themselves, to the drama, and to the society. As a reward for their untiring efforts they won the prize and secured to the Belles-Lettres society one more beautiful picture to place with its many other choice pictures secured in a similar way.

The society heartily thanks the faculty of the State Normal School for their selection of pictures, as this one seemed made

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The Contest Prize Picture.

The contest prize picture, The Quest of the Holy Grail, is a copy print taken from a fresco on a wall of the Boston Public Library. This series of five pictures in one is eight feet high in the original, and the panels vary in length from the first, which is six feet, to the last, which is thirty-three feet. They contain over one hundred life-sized figures, and for the work the artist received fifteen thousand dollars.

Mr. Abbey, like Tennyson, has chosen the British hero, Galahad. Galahad is reared in a convent.

In the first panel an angel bearing the Grail appears to the infant Galahad as he is held in the arms of a kneeling nun. The nun averts her face, but the infant reaches for the Grail. The second picture shows the interior of a chapel, with Galahad, now a youth, kneeling at the shrine, while Sir Launcelot and Sir Bors confer on him the order of knighthood. Behind the group the nuns bear burning tapers. The whole interior is from an ancient Celtic chapel. The chain armor of Launcelot and Bors is from twelfth century models. Galahad is robed in red, the human color, while Tennyson's Galaha d is in white. The third picture brings him to the Round Table of King Arthur. A figure concealed in white, Joseph of Arimathea, leads him to the Siege (seat) Perilous, which none but a knight pure in body and mind may occupy. Above the table and extending around the circular hall is a ring of angels in white robes, visible only to Joseph and Galahad.

The fourth subject is the beginning of the Quest. In a church Galahad kneels amid a company of Knights to receive the benediction before starting upon the Quest. Arthur, sad at heart on account of his knight's departure, kneels on the steps.

The fifth picture gives Galahad's first adventure. He has reached the Castle of the Grail and passed into the hall of Amfortas and his spell-bound court. Amfortas, a weak and shrivelled old man, lies on a high Celtic coffin. His crown and sceptre lie beside him, as they have lain for centuries. Everything suggests age. The light of the Grail shines brightly, and Galahad, deep in thought, searched in his mind for the meaning of these things. For a moment he presumes to put faith not in God, but in himself, and the vision disappears.

The prize picture now hangs in Belles-Lettres hall, and is one of the finest, if not the finest, in the entire building.

A. H.

'91. We are in receipt of an invitation to the commencement exercises of the medical college of Washington University with the compliments of Geo. E. Wilkinson. Dr. Wilkinson will reside at Alton, Illinois, for the present.

'92. Gurney Binford is visiting his old friends at Haviland, Kansas, having returned to America in January last. His health was failing him and he thought it best to take a vacation for a few months on this side of the ocean. We hope he may be able to give Emporia a visit before the summer is over.

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