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S. H. WAITE, Photographer,


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HAYNES BROS., Commercial St.

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East Sixth Avenue.


Telephone 94.

Vol. X.


To the Class of '98:



The mists of morning rise and float,
Becoming ever more remote,
Till in the silvered, sunlit skies
They ride above the wandering eyes,
Till every tree and field below

Is golden trimmed in morning's glow.

One single hour beheld the scene
From gloomy mists to vital sheen
Transformed. The sun, the wind, the hour
Uplift the veil, reveal the flower,
There is a sun and living wind
That morning-paint the misty mind.


Thou freshening gale of current thought,
With all the warmth of feeling fraught,
Lift up the mists that so debase
The common scene, the common place!
The sun of soul, the breath of power,
Alone make beautiful the hour.

T. P. D.


The Senior Reception.

Friday night, June 3, was as beautiful as June roses, gentle breezes, and radiant moonlight could make it. Every one felt the inspiration of the night and the occasion, and by eight o'clock bands of happy-hearted, gaily dressed seniors might be seen wending their way toward the hospitable home of President and Mrs. Taylor. Arriving here each one was met with characteristic cordiality by the host and hostess, and by warm hand clasps and friendly greetings from classmates and members of the faculty. Red, white, and blue draped everywhere throughout the spacious rooms, served as a reminder of victorious war, of new honors won by naval heroes, and of those of our own band far away in camp. As a happy complement to the Stars and Stripes jardinieres of fragrant flowers here and there through the halls breathed out their message of peace and beauty. Smiling faces, dainty white graduation gowns, and the manly dignity of grave senior boys completed the never-to-beforgotten scenes. At intervals during the evening the latest war bulletins were read by Mr. Newman. Strange to say, the war seemed to have been carried into Normal quarters and dire were the reports of sudden squalls striking the noble ship Shepardson, of brief but decisive engagements between the barks Oveson and Plackett, and other encounters of like moment. Soon came an invitation to the dining room where patriotic ice cream and cake surmounted by tiny Cuban flags as souvenirs, were served. Later, songs commemorative of that other victory, second only to Dewy's-that won by St. Clair in Illinoiswere warbled in the parlors; animated conversation was indulged in by congenial groups in the halls and broad verandas; "good nights" were spoken at a late hour and the senior reception of '98 passed into the realm of happy memory.

The Contest.

Readers of the Kodak will be amused at the strong resemblance between the events of last Saturday night, and the affair

No. 9

as given in detail some two months in advance, in the Annual. Except as to the order of speakers and the music, the account was preeminently proper. They had the decision right, the L- society won. Great things were expected of the June debate, and the most hopeful friends were not disappointed. Plenty of enthusiasm is always expected at this contest of the year and never before has there been a more friendly spirit manifested, a spirit more genuinely helpful to friend and forensic foe alike. Into all contests spirited competition must enter, or no good accrues to any one concerned.

After a stirring selection by the band, Mr. McKinley opened the question for debate in a strong speech favoring an "Income Tax as a Part of the Scheme of Federal Taxation." Mr. McKinley's arguments were strong and vigorously applied. His points were clearly and logically made, and his society showed wisdom in placing him as first speaker, as it was undoubtedly his last speech which gave the Literati society the victory. Mr. R. V. Anderson followed in a well-arranged speech; but his points, while excellent in themselves, were not so clearly brought out that his audience were made to feel their fullest force. Mr. E. D. George spoke second for the affirmative, and left his hearers in doubt as to whether there could be anything more to say on his side of the subject. Mr. C. W. Kline spoke fourth, and it is conceded by all that Mr. Kline made the effort of his lifetime in that speech. His arguments were clearly stated, his points well taken; his presence was fine and his manner convincing. Had Mr. Kline and Mr. McKinley each stopped with one speech, the decision would probably have been reversed.

The contestants in declamation were Misses Stella Turner and Olga Martin, both members of the Lyceum society, Miss Laura Rankin was also chosen in the preliminary rehearsal, but she withdrew from the contest being obliged to return to her home. Miss Turner's selection was a cutting from Hearn's "Lost Island." She is gifted with rare grace and ease of manner and sweetness of voice. Miss Olga Martin is, perhaps, the youngest contestant that has ever appeared on the Normal platform, and her strong and sweet childlike personality found expression in her delicate interpretation of the Scotch story "Laddie." Miss Martin is one to whom the difficulties of environment seem but slight barriers to success and the winning of the gold medal was an honor richly deserved.

The music of the evening was furnished entirely by the band under the leadership of our Mr. E. B. Gordon. Mr. Gordon has shown himself an artist in this as in his other duties as part and parcel of the State Normal School.

The decision of the judges never fails to arouse interest, and so it was on this eventful evening. The announcement of McKinley for first place caused a Literati stampede; the floodgates were opened and the red tide of enthusiasm poured forth. The announcement of Kline for second place caused a tremor in the hearts of both the Red and the Pink and Green. Then followed the announcements of Anderson and George for third and fourth places respectively, and the awarding of the winning honors to the Literati society, and another year of contest, victory and defeat, was over. When one considers that these questions of state and national moment are handled every year by young men who are to go forth as voters and perhaps leaders of voters, one begins to realize how much such toil means.

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The Sabbath Day. The filing of the seniors to their places to hear the baccalau reate address is always a scene calculated to arouse high and noble thoughts. And so it was on the quiet Sabbath of June


The sermon to the graduating class was preached by Rev. T. H. Hanna, D. D., of Monmouth, Illinois. The text of his discourse was chosen from Matthew: "And it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock; *** and it fell, and great was the fall thereof." The speaker was eloquent in his comparison of the Judean time of "the early and the latter rain" to the storms which must beset every soul whose province it is to live in God's world. Not superstructure but foundation, broad and deep and long in building is the need of the hour for teachers. God always before us and in our thoughts-"Lest we forget, lest we forget!" Rudyard Kipling's Recessional Hymn was sung as a most fitting complement to a beautiful discourse. Those who were privileged to listen to Rev. Hanna will long have occasion to remember the eloquent words spoken to the young men and women of the class of 1898 on that morning.

PIANO DEPARTMENT, MRS. BOYLE'S ROOM. Annual Concert and Graduating Exercises of the Music Department.

The third annual commencement of the music department took place Monday night. Mrs. Boyle's exquisite taste had transformed the already beautiful decorations in use for the baccalaureate service, into a charming parlor scene, which made an appropriate setting for the closing act in the musical life of the seniors of 1898. The class was smaller than usual and consisted of Miss Alda Kirkton in piano, and Miss Alice Goldberg in violin. Both Mrs. Boyle and Mr. Gordon are to be congratulated upon the proficiency of the graduates sent forth this year. Miss Goldberg's selections were DeBeriot's First Concerto, and Fantasia Brilliante by Arlot. Miss Goldberg shows unusual finish and delicacy of treatment in one so young. She gives promise of a bright future. We hope in the days to come that she will not forget the time spent at K. S. N. Miss Kirkton is an exponent of the style of piano playing which one might describe as the delicacy of power. Her first two selections, Nocturne, from Leschetizky, and Brook Song, from Lack, were well calculated to display the skill of the young lady in her musical preference; while, in her third selection, she showed her audience what she could do with the more brilliant style of concert playing. It has been the ambition of Mr. and Mrs. Boyle and Mr. Gordon to build up the work of the music department so as to fit its graduates for all styles of playing and to make their work of good repute both in and out of concert halls, and each musical commencement seems to bring

them still further toward the realization of their hopes, for not only the students of K. S. N. but also for the young people of Kansas in general and of adjoining states. The musical graduation has already become a feature of commencement week. Miss Kirkton and Miss Goldberg were assisted by a large mixed chorus under the leadership of Professor Boyle. Two selections were rendered: Redemption Hymn, from Parker, with obligato solo by Mrs. Charles Harris, and orchestral accompanment, and Babylon's Wave, from Gounod, also with orchestral accompaniment.

Junior-Senior Banquet.

The annual banquet given after the concert, by the juniors to the retiring seniors, has grown to be one of the most enjoyable events of the commencement season. The menu was daintily served by the ladies of the Presbyterian church, and their success was in no wise behind that of any former occasion. About two hundred fifty guests sat down to the repast, and mirth and jollity reigned supreme. Prof. T. M. Iden officiated as toastmaster, and never was company better served before. The seniors were toasted by Mr. J. G. Masters; the juniors, by Miss Hattie L. Cochran, who graduates this year in the English course; and the faculty by Mr. F. U. Agrelius, who touched upon the peculiarities of prominent faculty members. Hon. John Madden, of the board of regents, responded to the toast, "Kansas as the Spaniards saw her." Mr. Madden was in his happiest mood and spoke eloquently of the early days of the state, its days of famine and fiery trial, of Coronado's fast-fading trail across her virgin prairies, of the contest between Spaniards and Frenchmen for her soil, the first American soil claimed by Spain, the nation whose expiring breath was drawn in Manila bay. In closing, Mr. Madden recited a stanza from "Coronado," one of his many beautiful poems on Kansas. He is well qualified to speak on such a subject, for his words are the fruits of the careful, painstaking study of an artist investigating the history of the state which he loves and with which his own life is so closely identified.

Professor Hill responded in his usual happy manner to the toast, "The Life After ? ? ?" He represented himself as ready at all times to aid the seniors in matters of either the head or the heart, which, in his ministerial capacity, he is well qualified to do.

President Taylor responded to the toast, "Uncle Great-Heart," who turned out to be Uncle Sam, our colonial great, great grandpa. His quarrel when a lad, with his stubborn old English father, was graphically pictured; as was, also, his later brush with the same parent, when he fully demonstrated the fact that he could take care of himself. Then came the contest with his own two rebellious boys when neither would stay at home and let the other one do as he liked. It was an ever popular story well told, and ended with "God bless our Uncle Great-Heart!"-a thought which found an echo in every breast.


Class Day.

Class Day is the day of the festive senior, when he feels privileged to hold high carnival with himself and all the world-the inoffensive juniors included; and certainly the entertainment furnished by the class of '98, was no exception to the general rule, but rather an emphasis of it. The speeches of Mr. F. M. Mahin, as senior orator, and of Mr. A. M. Thoroman, who replied for the juniors, were unique, each in its own way. All standing questions between the outgoing and the incoming senior classes were solved, all old scores were settled, and when the two speeches were finished, everybody felt that the two young men were about even. Mr. Mahin presented the juniors with a tree (planted in a two-by-four box), and wished them much joy

of it. Ostensibly it was to be used as the class tree in 1899. Mr. Thoroman, in his reply, thanked the seniors for their gift of the tree-the very small tree, assured them of careful nurture of it from the kind-hearted and forgiving juniors; and, furthermore, expressed the hope that, with its small spark of life still remaining, it might not always be so emblematic of the verdancy of the class of '98. It will probably figure on some future occasion and be a candidate for high honors at that time. The rendition of the witch scene from Macbeth was the feature of the afternoon and drew forth laughter and loud applause. A ghastly, grinning skeleton held a black, gruesome looking iron caldron in the center of the stage, while weird figures in somber gray, with grizzly flowing locks, held wild orgies around. Into the cavernous lap of the skeleton were cast note books, spelling blanks, and outlines galore. Their evil incantations conjured up two shades who predicted a questionable future for the senior boys and girls.

The Alumni.

Nothing else so warms the heart of the lonely father and mother who,no matter how many childish voices may ring through the old halls, still watch with tear-dimmed eyes for the return of the oldest and most prized of all the wide household. And so dear K S. N. rejoiced to welcome back some of her oldest children in this happy June-time. They gathered in to her great heart from many directions; and while not so many gathered home as she could have wished, yet there came some who had not been back to the old school home for several years. As their representative speaker said, "do not stay away even one year, for, if you do, the chances are that the old-time enthusiasm will never again assert itself strongly enough to carry you back to the old scenes."

Their open meeting on Tuesday evening was well-attended and a most entertaining program was presented. President Malloy gave a short address of welcome. A new idea was advanced by Miss Ida M. Hodgdon, of Kansas City, in the course of her paper. She suggested the idea of making the alumni a state organization, and thoroughly organizing it instead of suffering it to be a local and purely spontaneous federation. Her idea bids fair to see a successful accomplishment soon, under the management of Miss Ida M. Hodgdon, Prof. Mary A. Whitney, and Miss Elva E. Clark.

Professor Hoaglin read the Arena Scene from Quo Vadis, which was most highly appreciated. The music by a mixed quartette delighted everybody.

All the old officers were re-elected for the ensuing year except the vice president, whose duties will devolve for next year upon E. E. Salser.

The Annual Address.

The annual address by Pres. A. S. Draper, of the University of Illinois, on Wednesday evening, was one of the most scholarly and eloquent addresses ever delivered in Normal halls. He spoke on the "Law of Equipoise" and showed how it controls the affairs of the social and industrial world, as well as those of the physical world. The address was enforced by many effective illustrations, and will doubtless have great influence in shaping the destinies of the young people present. Commencement Day.

The early clouds hung heavily about, and the new Normal flag clung closely to the staff until about eight o'clock, when the sun asserted its authority and the shadows scampered away in hot haste. The stage had been decorated with great taste at each exercise of the week, but it was more beautiful than ever on that morning. The simplicity of the designs as a whole gave it a chaste and restful effect seldom produced by decorators.

Mrs. Boyle played The Normal March as the class, headed by Presidents Taylor, Knappenberger, and Shepardson, filed to their places on the platform. It was a long line of beautiful and interesting faces, and made a handsome bouquet for the audience to enjoy as it filled every nook and corner of the rostrum. The following is the program:

Anthem, "Sing Unto God, O Ye Kingdoms of the Earth,"
Mesdames Hewett and Harris, Misses Stratton and Harris,
Messrs. Iden, Mahin, Krehbiel and O'Neill.
Professor J. H. Hill


Piano Solo, "Les Deux Alouettes," Salutatory Oration,




Miss Alda Kirkton.'

"The Spiritual in Education." Mr. Raymond Oveson. "The Future of the Anglo-Saxon," Mr. J. E. Boyer

Duet, "The Lord is My Light," Oration,


Dudley Buck Miss Achsah Harris and Mr. C. E. Krehbiel. "The Newspaper as an Educator." Miss Osie Christy. "The New Aristocrat."

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Mr. H M. Cunningham.

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The Salutatory oration, by Mr. Oveson, was a happy prelude to the good things to come. His fine voice and manly face emphasized every word of welcome he uttered. In speaking of The Spiritual in Education, he said:

Life offers to everyone three possibilities: Balance, evolution, and degeneration. The teacher has entrusted to him the chief of creatures-man. Environment can do little, comparatively, in the direction of inducing variation in the body of the child; but how plastic is its mind! How surely can it be tuned to music or dissonance by the moral harmony or discord of its outward lot! But how often, while storing the mind with knowledge or wisdom, is the culture of the heart forgotten! Intellectual power is one of the greatest ends of education; but what though the mind in its breadth reaches to the stars of heaven, and in its breadth it grasps the magnitude of time and space? Are the stars heaven? Is space God? Life is in every tree and plant. It is not contained in a reservoir somewhere in the skies and measured out at certain seasons, but it is in the soul. Apart from Christ, the life of man is a broken pillar, the races of men are unfinished pyramids. Then strengthen, if you will, O teacher, the body; cultivate the intellect; but forget not the development of that soul whose "every chord struck here vibrates at the throne of God," and vibrates forever. Mr. Boyer was in good voice and easily secured the attention of the audience. In part he said:

The restlessness of the Anglo-Saxon is discernible throughout his history. Modern England shows this same spirit in her remarkable power of colonization. International commerce has girdled the globe The merchant, the sailor, the missionary-commerce, travel, religion, the three great instruments for the spread of language-have carried the English tongue to the four quarters of the earth. It is the province, then, of the Anglo-Saxon to do for the modern world what the Greek did for the Ancient. This race is represented by one vast empire and one great republic. Many secret ties bind these nations together. The Magna Charta, the Declaration of Independence, Shakespeare, Washington, Milton, are the heritage alike of all the Anglo-Saxon race. The Hebrew was the moral leader of his time; the Greek, the intellectual; the Roman, the physical, but never before has there existed a race capable of becoming the moral, the intellectual, and the physical leader of the world. "Heretofore, in the history of mankind, there has been a comparatively unoccupied land into which the crowded countries could pour their surplus population, but now there are no more new worlds. The time is coming when the pressure of population on the means of subsistence will b

felt here as it is felt in Europe and Asia. Then will come the final competition of races, for which the Anglo-Saxon is being schooled. God, in his own way, is training the Anglo-Saxon for an hour sure to come in the world's future."

Miss Christy plead very earnestly and effectively for a wider mission for the daily newspaper:

A plea is needed for one of our most potent, most abused educators, born in a time of revolution, nurtured by the spirit of liberty, the organ through which Freedom speaks, the daily newspaper. Representing, as it does, life that is real, it forms the necessary supplement to the work of the school, helping to convert potentialities into living realities. This medium is an absolute necessity for diffusing information in a government where the character and general intelligence of the citizens determine national policy. If the newspaper does seem to give undue prominence to paltry affairs, it is because it has not the perspective of the more carefully written histories. It has its lessons in virtue, negative lessons, it is true, but none the less forceful and impressive. It is an active agent in developing the idea of the universal brotherhood of man. Personal cares and responsibilities sink into nothing, and man learns that his highest happiness is found in seeking not his own, but his neighbor's welfare.

Poets and philosophers have been eulogized since the days of the Lesbian Nightingale, the names of statesmen and warriors fill the pages of history, but let us not forget that nameless hero who moulds the policy, writes the editorials, reports the news for the great American daily. No splendid tomb marks his resting place, no eulogy is heard at his obsequies, but no hero of antiquity, no orator of modern times has done more to brighten and uplift the human family.

Mr. Cunningham zealously defended The New Aristocrat in a logical speech that was well received:

* * The existence of man has been a search for truth. He has ever attempted to lift the veil surrounding the mystery of mysteries, to solve the elusive problems of life, to know the reason for the "I am." This groping after some thing greater and larger has been the impelling force of the ages, felt from the remotest antiquity down to the present in all degrees of civilization. It sent the early Aryans wanderers out from their first home. It stirs in the breast of the savage as he gazes on the purple-crowned hills or listens to the battle of the elements. It drives us remorselessly onward today, creates new inventions, amasses fortunes, forces the earth and the flower to yield up their secrets, and hovers over the chemist's crucible. * * * *

The past has been one long struggle toward the realization of ideals. Man has seen as through a glass darkly; he has perceived a part of the truth, yet the course of man is upward; he has fallen, risen again, and struggled on. Storm-clouds may gather and the field of action grow dark, but man will conquer. Exile the pessimist with the fears of his own making. I defy your difficulties though you pile them up till they reach the sky. Man will conquer. Great needs arise, and great men arise to satisfy them. The great "to be" lies before us, resplendent with promise, yet sternly demanding that its responsibilities be assumed, and there comes to meet it the three-fold man, the new aristocrat, the aristocrat of character. Mr. Wyant had chosen a live subject, and he handled it in such a straightforward manner that the interest increased every moment he spoke:

Every epoch owes its existence to the influence of a silent, magnetic power lifting humanity to higher planes. This world spirit creates dissatisfaction with conditions no longer favorable to best growth, and initiates the struggle for readjustment. Governments are organized to advance the interests of humanity; and the general interest must prevail over the particular. It is a sign of fatal weakness in a government that its offices are debased by becoming mere stepping-stones for the satisfaction of personal ambition. A state, no less than an individual, to obtain the most competent service, not only must pay well, but also must give assurance of continuance in its employ. The public business demands the most finished skill and the keenest judgment. All public functions, as schools, the corrective and the charitable institutions, and business organizations, must be protected from constant innovations that seriously hinder the accomplishment of the purposes for which they were organized. Petty strife and penuriousness are seriously endangering the bulwark of a free people. It is the duty

of the people of Kansas to place the state institutions in the hands of those who have the welfare of the unhappy inmates at heart. The conditions must be such that the thought which is capable of realizing the highest ideals for the treatment of criminals, delinquents, dependents, and defectives may here find encouragement. Realizing this, is it not meet that the people of Kansas respond to the thrill of philanthrophy that is sweeping the civilized world? Close not hearts to these poor unfortunates whose souls have no windows through which to see the beauties of nature, no ears to catch the harmonies of God's world! And whosoever receiveth one such little child in the name of the Father receiveth the Father also.

Miss Walter captivated the audience with her first sentence, and the oration proved a thrilling climax to the entire program. She has a magnetic voice, and every utterance was as graceful as it was convincing:

The ages of the past have been engaged in attempting to discover man. Never before has the realization been so complete that man is soul, not body; spirit, not material. The identity has been misplaced; the material being, which toils and strives, has been termed man, and his recognition in the social world largely determined by his method of gaining a livelihood,

Goodness, nobility of soul, high ideals, demand no particular environment. The laborer may be as rich in "the boundless deposits of things unseen" as the kings and lords of vast domains.

Pity not the man who shovels sand year in and year out. He may not be poor who labors diligently for meagre wages, whose home is humble and simple, but he is poor who knows not the ideal of living, who knows not of the "limitless storehouses of virtue, love, goodness, beauty, health, and happiness waiting for drafts to be made upon them."

Man was formerly recognized by the value of his body to state or society, his soul was a theme for the speculation of philosophers. Today the man is regarded before the citizen, and the recognition of the divinity of the human soul lifts all men into a plane of brotherhood and becomes the principle for all social advancement. Speed the day when unifying charity will dissolve all barriers and selfish interest melt before the Unity! Oh, haste the hour when God's humblest son will be recognized as a part of the great network of invisible ties, which bind all mankind together.

The last century has given the laborer political freedom, the twentieth century must free his individuality from the bonds of social prejudice.


Miss Walter's valedictory was eloquent and touching. was in most excellent taste and ought to be preserved as a model:

May it be ours, wherever our pathway lies, to search for the good and the beautiful in the realm of knowledge, to recognize in the harmony of nature, the expression of omnipotent thought, and to behold in the soul of man the crowning work of the Creator, the culmination of divine manifestation.

Not now have we attained unto this, but we are reaching up, and as the years come and go the earnest longing for light, will bring us at last to the realization of the attainment of life. My friends, now we part,

"Say not to me, or to each other, 'good-bye,'

But let us each to each, in some fairer clime, 'good morning.' President Taylor thanked the class for their devotion and loyalty, and introduced them to the Regents, at the same time President testifying to their proficiency and worthiness. Knappenberger, on behalf of the Board of Regents, said:

I am admonished to be brief. I will be brief today. I will try very hard not to weary you nor this audience. After the weeks, months, and years of training there is but little that needs to be said to you. You have been advised, lectured, and exhorted. Today you are weary of it. Your choice would be to close the exercises now. But, like the good soldiers, you will fight the battle to the end.

I talk to teachers today, the finished product of the State Normal. You are today handed over to the people of Kansas and the world. The Normal has tried to do its best by you. Your improvement since you came here has been marked. You have taken many steps onward and upward. You are new cre ations. You are like our new battle ships, plated and armored with the improvements of the nineteenth century, and you are

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