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WILLIS JONES spent a few of the opening days with us.

MISS ETHEL MCCARTNEY, of '91, is engaged in primary work in the Lawrence schools.

REGENT KNAPPENBERGER was again a welcome visitor among his Normal friends during the third week of school. MISS BESSIE KnappenbergER's efficient work has given her the place of assistant librarian, in which capacity she will relieve Miss Clark of much detail.

PROFESSOR HILL spent three weeks in Colorado recruiting among the mountain snows and verdure. He reports a most enjoyable vacation, but since coming home has been "resting from his rest."

PROFESSOR STONE has been made happy by two royal promises from the Board of Regents. No. 17 is to be fitted up for a reception room and private office, and a piano is also to be added to the gymnasium for the use of the department.

PROFESSOR IDEN's room has been hung with paper in olive brown tints, and the new astronomical views add much to the beauty and the value of the furnishings. Some new apparatus is coming for the use of the chemistry class, and the professor hopes for the addition of some other much-needed apparatus


PROFESSOR MONTGOMERY says the only new thing to report from the Kindergarten is the very old thing, "We are overcrowded." One baby of three years, when told that she probably could not stay, took a determined grip upon the table and her tiny red chair and said, "Oh, but I am doin' to thtay, anyway!"

THE library has been much beautified by the new paper in delicate tints of green and pinkish gray. The paper is such that all the light which enters the room is utilized. There was an accession of books in the early part of the summer, and more are expected later. Dr. Chrisman's room also rejoices in paper hangings of chocolate brown.

PROF. JONES came back from Bay View bringing with her a whiff of the cool lake breezes. She reports a summer most delightfully enjoyable. All will be interested in knowing that Miss Jones presided over the summer session of Bay View University, and we shall, very likely, during the year, be invited to share in some of the good things which she enjoyed there.

THERE is a strong silver sentiment in the Kindergarten. As the children were naming the fingers, one suggested calling the ring-finger the gold-finger, because we wear gold rings upon it. Another piped out, "Oh, say! Can't you make it the silver-finger?" The same little boy rushed in, the morning after the terrible wreck, with, "Mr. Bryan is saved! Mr. Bryan is saved!"

MISS JESSIE TAYLOR had some of her beautiful pieces of decorated china out for the pleasure of the regents and faculty at the reception tendered them. Miss Taylor spent a considerable portion of the summer in Chicago studying china painting under the tuition of Mr. Aulich, the famous decorator. Her work shows the spirit of the true artist, both in variety of conception and delicacy of coloring-it is music caught in meshes of color.

THE REGENTS and the members of the faculty enjoyed the first social occasion of the year at the home of President and Mrs. Taylor on Tuesday evening, September 21. The occasion served as an introduction for the new members, and was most thoroughly enjoyed. The spirit of friendliness, which President and Mrs. Taylor so well know how to call forth, was everywhere present. Kindly wit and genial humor pervaded the company and made "victims of us all." When the company separated, each felt that sweet Memory's urn had gained another treasure.

Philomathian Society.

With colors flying, hearts a-beating, and hands a-meeting, the Philo ship of state started off very enthusiastically on September 10. A cornet solo by Mr. Garlic, accompanied by Miss Howe at the piano, soothed us into a state of quietude and all joined soulfully in a prayer of gratitude and praise. The address of welcome by Mr. Thoroman made all feel at home. Mr. Dunbar, Miss Brobst and Mr. Bardwell carried greetings to the sister societies. Mr. St. Clair spoke words of unity in his response for the Belles-Lettres. Misses Leech and Aikens and Messrs. Lyon, Gifford, Rowe, Harrin, and others made extemporaneous speeches. Declamations, the debate, and recess were enjoyed, and the first meeting of '97-'98 was closed with one united mighty yell:

"Rah! Rah! Rah! Rip! Rah! Ren!

Philo! Philo! Ma-thi-an!"

So it is with every evening's work. A harvest of pleasure reaped from individual sunshine, sympathy, and work.

Some of the most active workers are gone. Many have graduated, others are working and planning to come again. We miss them but the Philomathian hall is already a field of action. The new carpet is already down and the new seats have been put in; younger members are stepping forward and filling up the vacant posts of duty, and when the time comes we shall be as we ever have been-glorious if not victorious.

A declamation by Mr. Torrance, a debate by Mr. Rheinhart, and a recitation by Miss Stevens show what some of our new members can do. More of such workers will find with us a welcome and a home. Come.

Belles Lettres Society.

The large number of Belles-Lettres people who have reentered school this year, and the fact that two more of our worthy members-Miss Mary Taylor and Mr. E. E. Salser-were enrolled as members of the faculty, have served as an inspiration to the Belles-Lettres society.

Many of our members are doing very heavy work, which easily accounts for the irregular attendance of some of the most loyal members.

Several new names have been added to the rolls and the new members seem to be as faithful in their work as any one could be. All are working earnestly to improve themselves and the society.

The year has opened with Mr. A. R. Stroup, president; Mr. A. B. Powell, vice president; Miss Lizzie Graham, secretary; Mr. E. Weatherby, treasurer; and Mr. C. W. Myers, chorister.

The pleasant location of the hall and the cordial greeting which all may expect who visit or join the society, have, perhaps, combined to give the atmosphere of this place the name of "Belles-Lettres breeze."

The programs have been very interesting and the committee are preparing such programs for the coming month as will surely be interesting to all. One feature which was especially pleasing on one program was a charming narration by Miss Maudie L. Stone, the director of physical training. We hope that every new student will take occasion to visit this society and that many will decide to become Belles-Lettres.

THE German class, eight in number, have begun a promising year. Since German has been made optional in the English course, the number of students selecting German has largely increased. The German Club has again been made a feature of the year's work. At their meeting for organization, Associate Professor Payne was elected president. This Friday afternoon work combines the features of the conversazione and also of technical expression.


Onc't a "Uncle Tom's Cabin" show

Come to our town to play,

'N' me 'n' George both got to go,

'N' didn't hev to pay;

Cause George he led a blood-houn',
Wat wuz muzzled up tight;
'N' they let me pack a sign roun'

'At said, "Op'r' House T'Night!"

'N' I tell y'u, 'twuz a good show,

Jis' good ez is, I guess;

'N' ol' Marks, he wuz funny though,
But Topsy, she's the bes'.
'N' little Evy made George cry,
Right out loud, too, 'n' he sed,
"I hopes they wont let Evy die-
Break this show up if she's dead!"

'N' nex' day we said 'at we'd play
A "Uncle Tom" show, too,

'N' burnt some corks, 'n' put 'em 'way, 'N' sed 'at we'd do

Jis' ev'ry thing ez Topsy done

'N' 'at night after pra'rs,

Ez soon ez Pa jis' sed "Amen"
We scooted off upstairs!

'N' first we got our nighties on,
'Nen blacked our face 'n' han's.
But w'ile we's havin' jis' more fun,
We heerd Ma say, "Good lan's!
Wat er them boys up to, up there?
They're jis' a raisin' Ned!"

'N' we heerd Pa's steps on the stair,
'N' we jis' jumped in bed,

'N' jis' pulled up the counter-pin,
'N' got clean out o' sight;
Pa sez, "Yes, y'u better be in!"

'N' he took away the light.
So's after w'ile w'en we peeped out,
'Twuz dark up in the lof'

'N' George he sez, "Let's us git out 'N' wipe this blackin' off!"

Jis' took our hankercheeves to it

'N' rubbed, 'n' rubbed, 'n' rubbed, 'N' 'twouldn't hardly come off a bit 'Ithout jis' bein' scrubbed; So we jis' clum back that-a-way, 'N' George sez, "Y'u wake me 'N' we'll git up 'fore break o' day, 'N' wash 'fore Ma kin see!"

'Bout midnight George got all choked up,

'N' Ma she heerd him wheeze,

So she got up to git a cup

'N' come up stairs to greaze

His chest, for fear 'at he'd hev croup,
'N' soon ez she come near,
W'y Ma she jis' giv' one big whoop,
'N' hollered, "Pa, come here!"

'N' Pa he come a double quick,

A sayin' "What? What? What?" "Oh Pa!" Ma sez, "this boy is sick, 'N' dyin,' like ez not!"

Nen I woke right up out o' sleep, 'N' scared me too, tell y'u! Nen Ma she jis' fell in a heap,

'N' screams, "He's got it, too!" 'N' Ma she 'bout went in a faint, 'N' Pa's jaws made more noise, 'N' we kept sayin', "Ma, there aint Nothin' matter with us boys!" Nen Pa sez, "W'at's 'at you hev got Upon y'ur faces, though?"

'N' George sez, "Oh, 'at's jes' some smut, Las' night we's playin' show!"

Nen Pa sez, "Y'u march off down stair
'N' scrub 'at black clean off!"
But Ma sez, "Pa, y'u better take care,
Fer George hez sech a cough!"

'N' so we jes' clum' back in bed.

'Bout sun-up, Pa he come,

'N' hed a switch, 'n' pulled off th' spread,

'N' my! He made us hum!

Nen Pa he sez, "I guess y'u boys

Hev hed y'ur fill o' show;

Now dress y'urselves,-dry up 'at noise,—

Y'u's ol' enough to know!"

Nen I sez, "Yes, jis' see these marks!"

'N' Pa he jis' sez, "Oh!

Didn't y'u spect to hev no Marks

In a Uncle Tom show?"

Literati Society.

America is enjoying M'Kinley prosperity. The Literati has a McKinley. Therefore the Literati will doubly enjoy M'Kinley prosperity. With such leadership, advised by worthy secretaries like Bailey, Gray, Edgerton, Bowles, Taylor, Rose, Harner, and Agrelius, what cannot the Literati accomplish? This is speaking only of the boys. For years the Literati has claimed the leading girls of the school. The same is true of the girls this year. Modesty withholds their names, but they are here, and they are Literati.

Last year the society experienced a phenomenal growth, both in members and in earnestness of work. Dozens of old members have returned and have brought with them their friends and their friends' friends. The membership is swelling by a half-score at every meeting. In a short time the Literati will petition the faculty for increased accommodations.

The Literati is not a wabbly society groping aimlessly in the dark; it is a sturdy society striding for truth. Its members are not the "don'ts" and "can'ts" of the school, but the "cans" and "wills." They are energetic students aspiring to positions of trust. Its programs are not conglomerations of worthless "funny things," they are good, wholesome food with enough condiments to suit the taste. Attendance upon the meetings is not like a stroll in the autumn woods. It differs in that you feel yourself in a business-like atmosphere where there is something to be accomplished and where it is being successfully accomplished. All is not fun. Success demands labor.

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Digression is good at times. The Literati digressed on the evening of Sept. 24, and held a "faculty meeting. As many of the members of the Literati have attended real faculty meetings, for various causes, the scene was made quite realistic. Only the girls deserve mention. Misses Jones, Hutchinson, Stratton, Potter, Menke, Perkins, and Holloway impersonated their respective characters well. The boys laughed.

Lyceum Society.

"The old order changeth," and so has the Lyceum society changed. Its personnel is mnch different this year from last. Many of last year's members have been graduated and are with us no more, while many students of two, three, or more years ago are back in the society. R. V. Anderson enjoys the distinction of being the oldest Lyceumite in point of member. ship, having joined nine years ago. Our president, Mr. Chilcott, was elected principal at Webber, and Harry Rhodes has been chosen to wield the gavel. Miss Ruth Benson is vice president.

The programs have been up to the usual high standard. The following questions have been debated: Whether the power vested in the Speaker of the House of Representatives threatens republican institutions; whether United States Senators should be elected by a direct vote of the people; whether the American Republic is likely to endure; and whether Cuba should be annexed. Misses Watson, Schriver, Cochran, Scott, and others, have delighted the society with recitations, while the best talent of both city and Normal has furnished us music.

Roy Ligget, superintendent at Garden City, and a leading Lyceumite of former days, was with us a short time.

The society extends a cordial invitation to new students as well as old to visit its hall, and assures them of a royal reception and a hearty welcome.


'83. Hattie Horner Louthan is teaching in the McCowan Oral School for Young Deaf Children, at 6550 Yale avenue, Chicago.

'85. Flora Stewart is stenographer for a business firm at Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.

'90. Jennie Greenlee is teaching at La Cygne, Kansas. '91. A. O. Sax is now practicing medicine in Chicago, with office at Sixty-third street and Stewart avenue.

'91. A. M. Parsons has accepted the principalship of the Ozark, Arkansas, schools and of course orders the MONTHLY to follow him there.

'92. R. T. Madden has taken Miss May Leverton as his helpmate for weal or woe. They were married at Horton, Kansas, on the evening of September 1. They will make their home at Neodesha, Mr. Madden being superintendent of the city schools.

'93. Miss Jennie McClure became Mrs. R. M. Hamer on the evening of August 17. They will reside in this city, 1124 State


'93. Clara Coman died at Waco, Texas, December 23, 1896. Through an oversight, the news did not reach us until too late for the last number of the MONTHLY. All remember Clara for her gentle, loving disposition and her deep devotion to her work. She had been in failing health for some time and had gone to Texas in the hope of recuperation. Her sister, Belbina, who was a student here in '91 and '92, also died in August of last year. We assure their friends of our sympathy in their


'94. L. May Russel has accepted a position at El Toro, Cal. '94. Linda Hardy is attending the school of osteopathy at Kirksville. Missouri. She sends best wishes to her Normal friends.

'95. Lizzie Turkleson will teach in Troy, Kansas. '95. H. J. Emerson is principal of the Bradford schools. '95. Miss Hattie Jones, who completed a course in music with Professor Boyle two years since, has been appointed assistant in the music department of Oklahoma University.

'95. Miss Elva Thomas was married to Charlie Ernst on August 25. Their country home near Americus will always be open to Normal boys and girls.

'95. Olive Collier is teaching in the eighth grade of the Lake City, Colorado, schools at sixty dollars per month. She expresses herself as well pleased with her new situation and orders the MONTHLY, of course.

'96. J. H. Kane will attend K. U. next year.

'96. W. S. Kretsinger will study law at K. U. this year. '96. Laura Branson teaches in the city schools at Norton this year.

'96. Teresa Dickson was elected to a position in the schools of Plymouth, Kansas.

'96. Stella Keys writes that she is reelected in the Orange, California, schools at sixty-five dollars per month.

'96. Miss Jessie Taylor spent the summer in Chicago taking lessons in china painting of Mr. B. F. Aulich, one of the greatest china decoraters in this country.

'96. S. A. Miller is principal of the LeRoy schools for the present year. He can not run smoothly and pleasantly without the MONTHLY, so he orders it at once.

'96. Mr. Ulrick Jarret and Miss Rosetta Ecke were married at the bride's home in Walnut, on August 27. They will reside at Humboldt, Kansas, Mr. Jarrett having been reelected to his position in the High school there.

'98. H. L. Miller will attend K. U. for the coming year. '98. Emma Johnson writes she has accepted a position near Annelley, Kansas.

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The following chapters on "The Theory of Thought," and "The Theory of Knowledge" show the scope of this truly great philosophical work: The General Nature and Conditions of Thought. How Does the Mind Get Objects? The Categories. The Notion. Inference. The Judgment. Proof. Deduction and Induction. Explanation. Some Structural Fallacie. Philosophic Scepticism. Thought and Thing. Realism and Idealism. Apriorism and Empiricism. Knowledge and Belief The Formal and Relative Elements in Thought." Teachers and city superintendents who consider themselves fairly well along in psychology, and who feel the need of additioual philosophy, will find Dr. Bowne's treatise an introduction to the boundless field of metaphysics as well as strengthening and enriching their psychological knowledge. Flowers of Field, Hill and Swamp. By Caroline A. Creevey. Author of "Recreations in Botany." Illustrated by Benjamin Lander.. Crown, 8vo. Cloth, pp. 564. Ornamental. New York and Chicago:' Harper & Brothers

The author has grouped plants upon the natural basis of environment, including soil, shade, moisture, etc. It is a botany for the people who are more or less unaccustomed to botanical study. Everything is made simple and easy. The flower is identified by its habitat, its usual place of growth. Gray's Manual of Botany has been followed in giving order of families, genera, etc. The first six chapters group flowers usually found (1) on Banks of Streams; (2) in Swamps; (3) near the Seacoast; (4) in Water; (5) in Low Meadows; (6) along Waysides and in Dry Fields. Chapter VII. includes Weeds. Chapter VIII. brings together plants which originally were cultivated and, escaping from gardens, have become wild. Chapter IX describes those found in Rocky, Wooded Hillsides; X., those in Open, Dry Woods; XI., those of Cool, Deep, Moist Woods. Plants found everywhere in Sandy and Sterile Soil form chapter XII. Vines compose the XIII. and Shrubs the XIV. chapters. The conception is a practical one and the author has fully realized it. The book is beautiful in binding and in everyway up to the high standard of excellence established by the great pub lishing house of Harper & Brothers.

Iliustrated Lectures and Lessons on the Philosophy, Physiology, Psychol ogy, Pedagogy, and Child Study; Training and Practice of the Theory and Art of Penmanship, for Students and Teachers in Public, Private, Normal and Commercial Schools and Colleges, or Home Reading or Study. By Henry W. Ellsworth, formerly Special Instructor in Penmanship in the Bryant & Stratton chain of Commercial Colleges, and Special Teacher in New York City Pub lic and Private Schools; author of the Elslworth System of Penmanship, Bookkeeping, etc, etc. New York: The Ellsworth Company

Professor Ellsworth has long been known as a veteran penman and author of some superior books. The above named is his crowning effort and is sure to stand a long time as a monument of a long and successful career. There are 274 pages of original and valuable material relating to drawing and penmanship, with an abundance of illustrations and many lectures on the theory and practice of the art of penmanship. Professor Ellsworth says: "Vertical writing may be accomplished in two ways: (1) By changing the arm rest to a greater distance from the side than in slant writing, or (2) by changing the position of the paper upon the desk so that the nat utal strokes of the fingers and forearm are at right angles to the base line; but in either case the turning of the forearm to swe p the page, without lifting, is impracticable, and the writing must be performed with a succession of hitches across the page." For beginners and poor writers he thinks vertical writing the best because of its easy acquirement and legibility. Professor Ellsworth is a philosopher, and his treatise on penmanship will long be a classic among penmanistic literature.

Bird Life. A Guide to the Study of Our Common Birds. By Frank M. Chapman, Assistant Curator of the Department of Mammalogy and Ornithology in the American Museum of Natural History; Member of the American Ornithologists' Union; Author of Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America, etc. With seventy-five full-page plates and numerous text drawings. By Ernest Seton Thompson, author of Art Anatomy of Animals; The Birds of Manitoba, etc. New York and Chicago: D. Appleton & Co.

The author says the book is not addressed to past-masters in or nithology, but to those who desire a general knowledge of bird life and some acquaintance with our common birds. He enters a special plea for the study of birds in the schools and by the general public, which seems to be deaf and blind to the beauties and wonders to be found in an acquaintance with the most attractive of natures' animate forms,-the birds. Starting out with "The Bird, Its Place in Nature, and Relation to Man," the author proceeds to develop the subject in an entirely original and sensible way. There are chapters on "The Living Bird," "Colors of Birds," "Migration of Birds," "Voice of Birds," "Nesting Season," "How to Identify Birds," with key to our common "Land Birds,""Water Birds," etc., etc. There are fifty-five superb illustrations, the most life like we have ever seen. The book should be in every school library, and on the table of all who love nature and out-door life. History for Young Readers. Germany. By Kate Freiligrath Kroeker. Cloth, 16mo. New York and Chicago: D. Appleton & Co While written for children, there is enough of German history in this beautiful volume to satisfy the average adult who wishes to post himself on the main facts in the growth of the great German nation. It is written with much skill and cannot fail to awaken an abiding interest in the fatherland.

The Story of Japan. By R. Van Bergen. New York and Chicago: American Book Co






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Historically authentic, concise and complete, and artistically striking and even beautiful, this beautifully bound volume is worthy a place in any library, public or private. Accompanying the most pleasing descriptions on the same page are the most delightful of illustrations in black and white, picturing "The Flight into Holland," "The Departure," "The Voyage," "Cape Cod and About There," "The Landing," "The Settlement," and very many other scenes from the historic voyage. We have never seen anything in the book line more pleasing and useful.

How the Dutch Came to Manhattan. Colonial Monographs. By Blanche McManus. Sixty-six illustrations. New York: E. R. Herrick & Co

....1 25

The Madeira Islands. By Anthony J. DrexelBiddle. Author of "A Dual Role and Other Stories," "All-round Athletics," etc., etc.. Cloth, pp. 115 Philadelphia: Drexel-Biddle & Bradley Publishing Co........

The volume contains twenty seven fullpage illustrations, a map of Funchal, a map of the island of Maderia, showing districts devoted to vine culture, and a chapter of useful information for traveler and visitor. The illustrations are handsome and the text is exceedingly well written, showing much literary talent and the alertness of the muchtravelled man of the world.

A Dual Role and Other Stories. By Anthony J. Drexel-Biddle. Pp. 164. Philadelphia: Drexel-Biddle & Bradley Publishing Co... Legends of the Red Children. A Supplementary Reader for the Fourth and Fifth Grade Pu pils. By Mara L. Pratt. Chicago and New York: Werner School Book Co.

There are twenty-four chapters and as many beautiful illustrations in the 128 pages of this charming book. Without doubt this book is perfect in every wav. Teachers, send for it and be convinced. A little girl friend of the business editor of the MONTH. LY read it with the keenest delight and doubtless much profit. Judged from a typo graphical and artistic point of view, the vol. ume cannot be excelled. The publishers are to be congratulated on bringing out such a splendid book for the fourth and fifth grades. Appointed Paths. By Annie Stevens Perkins. Author of "Thoughts of Peace." Boston, 178 Washington Street. James H. Earle.. A real good story leading up to the "old story." Would that our young people could early read such pure sentiment as this, rather than the poluted fiction so common in our homes, and many of our papers and magazines. Send for it for a present to any young lady friend.

Civil Government in the Unitea States, consid

ered with some reference to its origins. By





John Fiske. Crown, 8vo. Boston, New York, Chicago: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1 00 We have no hesitation in saving that this book is a standard, as it is now in its ninetythird thousand. It is a co.nplete treatise on the government of the United States. strongest point seems to be its arrangement, which is logical, sensible and practical. The discussions are also worthy of mention as being free from much of the useless verbiage found in many texts on this subject. The Elements of Commercial Law. By Albert S. Bolles, Ph D., LL. D. Lecturer on the Law and Practice of Banking, in the University of Pennsylvania; and Lecturer on Banking and Commercial Law,in the Drexel Institute New York: Henry Holt & Co...1 00 This small volume possesses the elements of briefness and conciseness in a marked degree, and is a very good book for school use, although w confess a feeling of disappointment, because we expected a more complete and pretentious volume from the eminent author and the great institutions in which he labors.

A History of the United States of America, Its People and Its Institutions. By Charles Morris. Author of "An Elementary History of the United States," "Historical Tales," "Half-Hours with American History," etc., etc. With maps and illustrations. Half leather. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott


This is the best history for advanced grades that we have examined for a long time, indeed we cannot remember ever having examined one quite so good. The author has de arted from the old path and stereotyped methods and presented something new both

1 00

in matter and method. The illustrations are superb. We advise teachers to send for it for reference. It is worth twice what the publishers ask for it.

Oberlin Thursday Lectures, Addresses and Essays. By Professor James Monroe. 372 pages. Oberlin, Ohio: Edward J. Goodrich

The eleven lectures, addresses or essays making up the volume are worthy representatives of the eminently learned discourses of the great university at Oberlin. There are three lectures on "The Early Abolition. ists," two on "My First Legislative Experience," and one on "A Journey to Virginia in December, 1859," all of which are of the utmost value to the student of political history. Then follow addresses and essays on the following subjects: "Special Duties of Consuls of the United States during the Civil War," "William H. Seward and the Foreign Affairs of the United S ates," "The Hayes-Tilden Electoral Commission," "Leading Speakers in Congress from 1871 to 1881," "Joseph as a Statesman." The book is worthy of a place in the library of high schools and colleges, and can be read with p ofit by all students of history. Annals of Switzerland. By Julia M. Colton. Illustrated. 310 pp. 12mo. Cloth. New York, 156 Fifth Avenue: A. S. Barnes & Co

1 25


The Out-of-Doors Library. Athtetic Sports. By D. A. Sargeant, M. D., H. J. Whisham, Robert D Wrenn, P. G. Hubert, Jr., Marguerite Merington, J. West Roosevelt, M. D., Duffield Osborne, and Edward S. Mar. tin. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons...1 50 Men, Women and Manners in Colonial Times. By Sydney George Fisher. Illustrated with four photogravures and numerous head and tail sketches in each volume. Two volumes. Satine in a box. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co

ical excellence, for the simplicity and beauty of the language used, we are confident that these little booklets cannot be excelled. The Story of Our Country. A Primary History of the United States. By Alma Holman Burton. Chicago: Werner School Book Company ...

This is a most beautiful book filled with the choicest illustrations and written with the aim of awakening such an abiding interest in the story of our conntry on the part of our young people, that they may be enabled to make of their after-study of more advanced history, the greatest possible progress. The Werner School Book Company has recently issued some very fine books, and we predict for them the greatest popularity.

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3 00

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...1 50

Ulysses S. Grant. By William Conant Church. 8x5%, pp. 473. 12mo. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons

H gher Arithmetic. By W. W. Beeman and D. E. Smith. 7x5, pp. 192. Boston and Chicago: Ginn & Co

Manual of Physical Drill. By Lieutenant Edmund L. Butts, U. S. A. 7x5, pp. 175. New York and Chicago: D. Appleton &


Author's Readings. Compiled and illustrated by A. H. Young. 7x5, pp. 215. New York: F. A. Stokes & Co..

John Marmaduke. A Romance of the English Invasion of Ireland in 1649. By Samuel Harden Church, author of "Lite of Oliver Cromwell," Illustrated, 12mo. New York: G. P. Putuam's Sons.

1 25

1 25

....1 25

The Religion of Science Library. Martin Luther. By Gustav Freytag. 133 pp. Chicago; The Open Court Publishing Company. Cloth $1 paper

The author has given to the world a remarkably strong presentation of the life of the great reformer. For brevity and completeness combined we have not seen its equal. It is a book for the modern student. Pollard's Advanced Speller. By Rebecca S. Pollard, originator of the Synthetic Method of Teaching Reading. Chicago; Western Publishing House.

We commend this book to teachers with. out reservation. It is ideal. We believe in the author's system and kow that she has produced a book that will teach the student to spell and write words correctly. Here is association or correlation applied to effective uses. Mention the MONTHLY when you write.


In His Steps. What Would Jesus Do? By Chas. M Sheldon, author of "The Crucifiction of Philip Strong," "Robert Hardy's Seven Days," etc. pp 282; paper. Chicago; Ad1.00 vance Publishing Company.

This is a wonderfully strong story with a purpose It directs to Christian service and teaches the great lessons of personal sacrifice for Jesus' sake. The interest is sustained throughout and the plot as well as the theology is admirable. This is a book that the novel reader will read to the end, and rise from reading it to a plane of thought and action of which he never dreamed

The Werner Biographical Booklets for Young
Readers. The Story of Benjamin Franklin.
The Story of Abraham Lincoln. The Story
of Daniel Webster. The Story of George
Washington By James Baldwin. Chica-
Werner School Book Company..
For beauty of illustrations, for typograph-


Diomed: The Life, Travels and Adventures of a Dog. By John Sergeant Wise. 12mo., pp. 330. Boston: Lamson, Wolffe & Co.....2 00 Familiar Features of the Roadside: The Flowers, Shrubs, Birds, and Insects. By F. Schuyler Mathews. 12mo., pp., 283. New York: D. Appleton & Co..... ......1 75 Roman Life in Pliny's Time. By Murice Pellison. Translated from the French by Maud Wilkinson. With Introduction by Frank J. Miller. 12mo.. pp. 315. Meadville, Pa: The Chautauqua-Century Press Lectures on Literature, English, French, Span ish. By Richard Malcomb Johnston. 18mo, pp 269. Akron, Ohio: D. H. McBride &

Co Hannibal: Soldier, Statesman, Patriot, and the Crisis or the Struggle Between Carthage and Rome. By William O'Connor Morris. 12mo, pp. 392. New York: G. P. Putnam's


Analytic Geometry, for Technical Schools and Colleges. By P. A. Lambert, M. A., In structor in Mathematics, Lehigh University. New York: The Macmillan Co The presentation is descriptive rather than formal The numerous problems are mainly numerical and are intended o give famil. iarity with the method of analytical geometry, rather than to test the student's ingenuity in guessing ridd es. The historical notes are intended to combat the notion that a mathematicical system in all its completeness issues Minerva-like from the brain of an individual.

Eclectic School Readings. Fifty Famous Stories Retold. Chicago: American Book Company.

Like all the books of the series of Eclectic School Readings, this book of time-honored stories is simply admirable and beyond compare. Send for it for the children in the intermediate grades.

Natural Elementary Geography. By Jacques W. Redway. Chicago: American Book Co.,

This geography has been prepared along the lines recommended by the Committee of Fifteen in its recent report on Elementary Education. It is designed for a pupils' first text book on the subject and is intended for a two years' course between the beginning of the third and the end of the fifth school year. It recognizes the fact that geography for schools should be a practical study of man's physical surroundings in their r.lation to him It develops the subject upon a definite plan, and in accordance with approved pedagogical principles. The illus. trations, maps and typography are models of excellence.







Magazine Notices.

Current Literature for October is especially attractive and filled with the various debest matter in all its

partments. Send for a copy of this superior publication, and you will find that for general interest and typographical excellence it has no superior among all the standard publications.

The Arena, under the able management of its new editor, Dr. John Clark Ridpath, is rapidly becoming a power in the arena of thought and action. People who think need the Arena. They who have thought and care not Send for a sample again, need it not. copy to the Arena Co., Copley Square,


to think

A fair











The American Monthly Review of Reviews for September, has a good deal to say about the Andrews incident and Brown Univarsity-not so much, as the editor remarks, on account of the personal interests involved in the case as because of the far-reaching principles af- By fecting academic life and liberty, which have become matters at issue. minded and judicious estimate of President Andrews' services to Brown is given by a writer fully conversant with the facts, and the protest of the faculty is printed in full. The editorial comments on the awkwardness and needlessness of the situation are piquant and to the point.

Mrs. Frederick Schwatka, widow of the great Alaska explorer, and her husband's companion in his exblorations, has a finely illustrated article in the October Midland Monthly (Des Moines), entitled "Around about Alaska's Metropolis," with several full page pictures. A beautifully illustrated sketch of life in Cairo, Egypt, is given first place in this number with "The Queen of the Harem" as a frontispiece. "Anti-Polygamy Mormonism," including an interview with Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., is the best sketch of the Recognized Church of Latter-Day Saints ever given to the public. It includes many views and valuable portraits. The Home Themes, Women's Club Department, Fiction Department, and Editorial Department are unusually complete. In "Grant's Life in the West," this month, the scene is shifted from St. Louis to Galena.






Too Busy.


Will be









The Arena for September, edited by John Clark Ridpath, LL. D. Every true American citizen should read Dr. "The John Ridpath's splendid paper, Cry of the Poor," and his "Open Letter" to President E. B. Andrews, which ap- MARK THAT! pear in the September number of The Arena. In them the Doctor has drawn a picture that appeals to every man and woman in our land who have God-given rights and privileges which, owing to plutocratic inthe intervention of fluences, they are not allowed to enjoy. "Why," asks the Doctor, "should the voice of the poor ever be heard rising like a wail from plantation, hamlet, and there be seen cityful? Why should standing at the door of the homes of the American people the gaunt spectreWant?" "And why," he again asks, "should we allow the voice of our



Copy in

Early"— SAVES

teachers to be smothered by plutocratic TIME! powers?"

The Western Penman for September is superb. We call the attention of the teachers of Kansas to this eminently practical and widely known publication. It is the only exponent of modern writing published. The September number gives special attention to public school writing, and we urge all teachers to send for a copy. Address WESTERN PENMAN, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

"A school journal of current events written for teachers and students is needed in every schoolroom." You are right, fellow teacher, and we have it for you, in Our Times, a paper published by the publishers of The Teachers' Institute and The School Fournal. How much is it? Well, let us see. If you send at once to the business editor of the MONTHLY you can get the STATE NORMAL MONTHLY and Our Times both for one year for only 65 cents.

TEN DOLLARS A WEEK FOR EIGHT.-It does not seem possible that the table for eight people can be provided for ten dollars a week. But Mrs. Rorer, the most famous cook in America, says it can be done. She has tried it and knows. She proves her case in The Ladies' Home Journal for October. She gives twentyone menus covering a week's meals, and gives full, practical directions by which any woman can make as attractive meals as Mrs Rorer explains, for this small sum of ten dollars.

To the Students and Faculty of the ...State Normal School...

The business management of the MONTHLY desires to call your attention to the splendid patronage given our advertising columns by the business people of Emporia. Truly no more generous and appreciative business community exists. These friends have made it possible for us to build up a paper worthy of the institution and city. Do we not owe them something in return for their generous treatment? Should we not appreciate their warm support by giving them our trade? Is it fair and just to pass by a reliable and long-established business house having gauranteed goods, and whose proprietor is a friend of the school, and go to some little Tom, Dick, or Harry establishment recently started, selling cheap goods, and devoid of public spirit? It has been charged that some Normal people do not apto the preciate the attention given school publications by the reliable business people of the city, and give their trade to business fakirs who catch them by free treats or curb-stone advertising of cheap (?) goods. We know this charge to be true of very few of our people and we hope that this year it cannot be charged of any. It will not, if we all stand together and stand by our friends, and the advertising columns of the MONTHLY show who our true friends


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