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Talk is a plentiful article with many. It should be that by which much good is given to mankind. It is often hurtful to him who does too much of it. A too talkative teacher is a bane to a schoolroom. School patrons who talk out of place about their schools are very damaging to school interests. Too little talk is to be regretted, too much, condemned. I think I should prefer too little to too much. The teacher who talks too little in the schoolroom is not likely to undertake things and fail, but will make a success of what few things she does undertake. Her chief trouble lies in the fact that she does not undertake to enforce her plans because of her great timidity, or perhaps, still worse, her lazy indifference. Her redeeming trait lies in the fact that through some previous training she has learned the necessity of enforcing some quite healthy rules-it seems to be a habit with her to insist on those-all honor so far. I have more to do in this short article with those who talk too much. I have in mind now a very faithful teacher, who is conscientious in all that she does, is an unusually enthusiastic woman in her school work, working hard to raise her school to a higher plane, but the poor, dear woman is nullifying many of her efforts by an overflow of talk which certainly has a very destructive influence upon the success of her school. Too much talk in the schoolroom leads to confusion, irritation, and indifference. Some people become confused by too much talk. One thing is announced to them, and ere it is half completed several requests have been made, and different subjects been talked about until the poor child is all confusion. Some pupils. whose dispositions are somewhat unsteady, become irritated, cross, and petulant; others subside into an unfortunate indifference. The school is all confusion-the teacher's anxious looks but too plainly indicating that there is something wrong in the atmosphere of the school.

That teacher is most successful who talks just enough to have his pupils understand what he wants them to do, and who follows up that talk with actions that will make the talk most effective.

Using loud tones in talking is an indication on the part of the teacher that it is necessary in order to be heard, or else it indicates that that necessity will soon be reached. Talking slang is an unfortunate practice for a teacher. He cannot have that high respect of pupils which he would otherwise have.

Parents, by too much talk about the faults of teachers, or the deficiencies of schools, do an injury that is almost immeasurable. If a fault is made manifest, let the parent go to the teacher and talk over the matter, and not fling the fault broadcast to receive undue additions. It is always better to think that there is more good in a thing than bad, or at least to say little of the bad if you would prevent its worst results.

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school. Thus the time of a very few small scholars is worth the wages of a teacher-and that teacher one who will work hard and well, though the school be small.

It frequently happens where good schools are maintained, that parents content themselves with giving their children facilities sufficient only to keep them with their classes. The missing of a week's or a month's school work is thought to be of little consequence, if the pupil can be dragged along with his class on his return. The pupils, as may be expected, often catch the spirit of the parent, and consider it sufficient to do just enough work to keep grade. Thus the pupil hangs to his class by a constantly weakening grip, and his falling to the next block below, shocking and surprising as it may be to his parents, is only a matter of time.

But the greatest evil of all to be deplored is, that even teachers, who might be supposed to understand the difference between synonyms, are not accustomed to discriminate between sufficient and enough. A majority of those who engage in this work, do so with just sufficient scholarship to meet the minimum of the law. Very many conduct their schools with the least possible work, when enough means all in the teacher's power for the good of the school. In this day, when good teachers are abundant, the teacher whose scholarship is meagre, and the teacher who cannot give his exclusive attention to school work, should be kept out of places that belong to the more deserving.

In brief, let parents, pupils, and pedagogues no longer be indolent and stingy, but energetic and liberal; let that great engine of progress-the free school-receive no longer just sufficient to keep it warm, but enough to give it full headway, and instead of the present starting and stopping, and backing and re-starting, we shall have a steady, onward progress, with strength enough to carry all the great load that rests upon it.

Literati Society.

One evening last month the Lyceum yelled faintly, just loud enough to rouse the Literati. "Hurrah! Oh my! Literati!" rang out so vigorously that it penetrated the brick walls and fell upon the stony ears of the bas-relief of the class of '97. The sad thing seemed bereft of its chilly atmosphere, the gloomy eyes rippled and sparkled with sheer delight, the frightful visage glowed and was really beautiful for a moment. Unconsciously the feet shuffled and buried themselves in the chill stone beneath. One thousand earnest students invoked the deities that the thing might remain beautiful, but the good work was all undone. The Lyceum yelled louder and the band played that night.

Eleven Literati boys-Messrs. Bailey, Lucas, Horn, Harrison, W. Priest, T. Priest, Barnes, McKinley, Keller, Turkleson and Taylor-conceived the idea that they would like to meet the flower of the remainder of the Kansas State Normal School on the gridiron. Accordingly they hung a challenge in the corridor and began active work. The oppo sition parleyed five days and decided to give the Literati the victory and preserve the honor of the "flower" unimpeached.

In accordance with the football challenge, forty loyal Literati girls, thinking the school could muster eleven braves, prepared a rousing song entitled, "Football Support." The chorus of forty voices thrilled the society with its rendition. So enthusiastically was it given and so stirring was the song itself, that every Literatus applauded the loyalty of the most loyal girls in the Normal.

October 15, ladies never debated better at the Literati than did Misses Louella Sawhill and Dora Potter, who affirmed, and Misses Mabel Jones and Loretta Sawhill, who denied, that "Intemperance has caused more misery than war. They were logical, eloquent, and direct. It would be cruel to tell you which side won. If you know, forbear to tell!

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The Battalion Outing.

The boys of the Battalion, K. N. G., went into camp at Bruner's grove on the twenty-second and twenty-third inst. With the genial good humor characteristic of the Battalion, the boys transported themselves and their camp equipage to the grove, and there, on the night of the twenty-second, their camp-fires blazed brightly, and the startled shades rang with the clank of sabre or the rattle of musketry. Supper, consisting of baked beans, squirrel, roasted potatoes and apples, coffee and hard-tack, was eaten with great relish by the boys and by President Taylor, their invited guest. The President said he had been invited to share mess with the Battalion boys, but he had no idea it would be such a "mess" as it was. During the night Quantrell's guerrillas (?) succeeded in capturing one of the brave boys and brought him into town "bound as to his hands," but he was speedily recaptured and returned to camp. The boys were given an opportunity of experiencing the regular routine of camp life, with all its joys and amusing inconveniences, and it will be an occasion long to be remembered by them.

The faculty visited the camp; gathered around the blazing logs, told stories with the boys, roasted potatoes (with themselves), sang songs, and made merry to their heart's content. There were speeches from President Taylor, Professors Stone, Bailey, Wooster, Ellsworth, and Payne, and from Major Hill and Commandant Stevenson. Each spoke in happy vein, and the firelight flickering over the faces of the soldierly line of men drawn up, made a pretty picture, with the dark forest for a background. Each guest came away feeling grateful to Commandant Stevenson and every member of the Battalion for a very enjoyable evening.

Amasagacian Society.

Socrates said, "There is one only that is good, namely, Knowledge, and one only evil, namely, Ignorance." This is the belief of the members of our society, as is manifested by the spirit in which they enter into their work. Each member seems to think "himself were he on whose sole arm hung victory."

Our present officers are: president, Mr. Luke Torrance; vice president, Miss Sadie Ladd; secretary, Miss Cotton; treasurer, Mr. Turkleson; sergeant-at-arms, Mr. Milton; assistant sergeant-at-arms, Miss Smith.

The programs have been very interesting and the committee is sure to make the following ones the same if not better. We have been favored with instrumental solos by Misses O'Neil, Royer, and Howe, and Messrs. Green, Garlick, and others.

One of the pleasing features of our last program was a short talk by Professor Payne, which was heartily appreciated by all. His text was, "What thou learnest, that learn rightly; what thou doest, do not badly."

Our attendance has been good and our membership is constantly increasing. We cordially invite others. "Come thou with us and we will do thee good!"

Belles-Lettres Society.

The success which we prophesied for our society a month ago was surely a true prophecy, for since then a crowded house and a program of exceptional interest have been the events of each evening. One of the last events of special importance was the debate on the question, "Resolved, That labor unions are not for the best interest of the labor classes." Mr. McKinley and Mr. Edgerton, of the Literati, succeeded in denying, at least from the point of view of the judges, the argument produced by Mr. Brown and Mr. Stroup.

Judging from this and previous debates given this year, it

is undoubtedly gratifying to the audiences in general and certain members of the faculty in particular, that society debaters no longer consider the work of so trifling importance that they can prepare for it in the five minutes preceding the time for their speeches.

Our vocal soloists, Miss Johnson and Mr. Powell, and the quartets are furnishing excellent music. We have also been favored by music from members of the various societies, all of which has been pleasing indeed. If the bas-relief in the hall below has a heart as large in proportion as some of its features are, that heart cannot but be stirred to its very depths by the music which comes from the society halls these evenings. The band, under the leadership of one of our most prominent members, Mr. T. M. Wood, has been with us once, giving all great pleasure.

Lyceum Society. "Boom-a-lack-a, boom-a-lack-a, Zip, boom, bum!

Razzle, dazzle, razzle, dazzle,

It was

Keep it before the people that this is the new Lyceum yell. The old yell has gone over the Styx. It "shuffled off this mortal coil" in the east hall-way near the bas-relief, or, if you please, the plaster-cast given by the class of '97. midnight. The lady of the statuary was in dreamland when the irridescent "Rig-a-jig-a-bum!" came floating by. A piercing shriek from the ruby lips of the composite photograph of the girls of '97, and the world's standinghigh-jump record was broken. She came down upon the stone sidewalk. An air of pensive melancholy and of profitless regret still clings to the startled statue. The defunct yell never breathed again. It now sleeps beneath the old ivy.

Joint debates are now in order, the Lyceum having challenged each of the other societies.

The new corps of officers is: Frances Brown, president; Nell Scott, vice president; Ruth Benson, secretary; Maud Young and Miss Evans, sergeants-at-arms. J. L. Jenkins has been elected to the oratorship, vice J. E. Boyer, resigned. R. V. Anderson has been deposed. Thirteen years member of the Lyceum is the record of Miss Ellis, of the class of '98.

Philomathian Society.


A month has passed and still the Philo ship sails on. Every Friday evening new power is added and the old is strengthened. Strong debates, declamations,-one especially pleasing by Miss Dils-; a few essays, good enough to have been preserved from former years' work; an original story of emblems by Mr. Rowe; "A Review of What the World is Talking About," by Miss Stevens; and a talk by our senior orator, Mr. Cain,—are the numbers that have been filling our programs. Music has been furnished by Miss Neiman, Mr. Green, Mr. Ayres, and also by three obliging visitors, Miss Edith Wilkinson, Mr. Powell and Mr. Gerardy. The male quartet members of our society and the Normal band have furnished an enjoyable share of the music.

The gentlemen ruled supreme on the evening of October 1, and their program was characterized by an unusually strong and brilliant debate. The speakers were Messrs. Bardwell and Rhinehart on the affirmative, and Messrs. Thoroman and George on the negative. The question, "Resolved, That the destiny of great men is determined more by their environment than by their native ability and effort," was conceded to the affirmative. The negative claim that the decision in no way detracted from their greatness, since their defeat was due entirely to circumstances.

The Philomathian girls are planning for a special autumn program on the twenty-second inst. All are invited.


Lolela Malaby renews her subscription from Duluth and reports that she is still in love with the lake air.

Miss Helen M. Colville, who took special work in the kindergarten, has been appointed to the Indian School at Mescalero, New Mexico.

Hon. E. S. Stover has recently been appointed postmaster at Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mr. Stover was regent for the State Normal School, '71-'73.

'85. A. H. Newton is superintendent of the Humbolt schools. '89. We were pleased the other day to have a call from Elder Piatt, of Peck, Kansas. He was a delegate to the Christian State Association which met here early in October. Mr. Piatt is a member of the board of commissioners of the Sumner county high school and speaks very enthusiastically of its prospects. He is looking well and was much pleased to be among the boys and girls again.

'90. Miss Ida Hodgdon has accepted a position in the Kansas City, Missouri, High school, at one hundred dollars per month.

'90. Miss Lovilla Mack, who has been considered one of the finest teachers in the Indian service and who began to teach at Haskell in 1890, has asked for a transfer and will go to the Shawnee School in Okiahoma -Topeka Capital.

'91. B. F. Ross writes us from Springerville, Arizona, that he remains as principal for the year and that both he and Mrs. Ross will reenter the Normal next spring. We shall give them both a cordial welcome.

'91. A. O. Saxe has been appointed to the chair of physiological botany in the Hahnemann Medical College at Chicago. Doctor Saxe recently completed a course there and had already an excellent little practice at Englewood. We congratulate him upon the recognition which has already come to him.

'93. One of our old time students, Superintendent J. W. Shively, is now principal of the Douglas schools.

'95. Olive Collier is teaching at Lake City, Colorado. She writes that her sisters Emogene and Margaret are also there and are enthusiastic over the climate and scenery.

'95. Jennie Graham spent three weeks in the Cook county summer school and then instructed in primary methods in the Marshall county institute. She reports a reunion of fourteen Normalites during the association.

'96. Mary S. Beates has recently been appointed to a position in the Great Nemaha Indian School at White Cloud, Kan


She has the primary and intermediate work and is much pleased with her surroundings.

'97. Josephine Goodman encloses one dollar for subscrip tion to the NORMAL MONTHLY for herself and for Professor H. C. Coover, '93, principal of the Oberlin schools. She is much pleased with her work at Oberlin.

'98. H. C. Griswold teaches near Patonia, Brown county, this year. His brother, E. G., '94, after a serious little siege of rheumatism, decided to spend the year with his parents in California.

'99. H. S. McFadden is teaching in the eighth grade, Fredonia city schools.

'99. Hugh Durham is located at Rambo for the year and he naturally sends his regards to the Battalion boys.

WE call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of The Kindergarten Review in this issue. The Misses Poulsson, have been recently engaged as editors and the magazine wil maintain its high rank as leader of the kindergarten world. Send for a copy, mentioning the MONTHLY. H. O. Palen is general western manager. Address, Kansas City, Missouri.


A REQUEST: Please mention the STATE NORMAL MONTHLY when ordering any of the following-named books.

The Story of Japan. By R. Van Bergen. New York and Chicago: American Book Co

Beautifully illustrated and exceedingly well written is this story, or rather history, of the Japanese Empire. The teachers and pupils of our schools, as well as the public, know little of the nation nearest to us on the west, now known as one of the foremost nations of the world. The story is interesting and complete, and devoid of all superfluous matter,-just what is wanted by the busy reader. Authors' Readings. Compiled and illustrated throughout with pen and ink drawings. By Art Young. Recitations from their own works, by Jam s Whitco.nb Riley, Mary Hartwell Catherwood, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Hamlin Garland, Bill Nye, Eugene Field, Will Carleton, M. Quad, and Opie Read. With a biography of each author. 215 pp. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Co......

The selections in this beautiful volnme are the authors' best, while the sketches, showing characteristic attitudes of the authors, were drawn while observing them read or recite. The book is an entertainment in which the nine authors appear. The illustrations are very numerous and are placed on the pages with the selections in such a relation as to give a most pleasing effect. For the reader in general and for higher grades in public schools this book is unequalled.

A Treatise on Commercial Law and Business Forms. By J. A. Lyons. Chicago: O. M. Powers.

"Designed as a practical text book for use in all schools in which commercial branches are taught and as a book of reference for the busy man,' ," the author seems to have realized his design. The large list of practical illustrations make it superior to the usual text on this subject.

The New Business Arithmetic. A Treatise on Commercial Calculations. Chicago: O. M. Powers.

The illustrations in beautiful slant script, and the comprehensive ness and business application of the numerous problems, make this book ideal. Powers' books remind one of Powers, in the system and business energy revealed on every page,-qualities which Pres. ident Powers possesses in a marked degree. We predict for both books a very large sale.

Catholic Summer and Winter School Library. Lectures on Literature. English, French, and Spanish. By Richard Malcomb Johnston. 18 mo., pp. 259. Akron, Ohio: D H McBride & Co...

We have been much pleased and profited by reading these lectures. The scholarly author delivered them before classes of advanced students at the Convent of Norte Dame and the Peabody Institute of Baltimore. They are not critical nor exhaustive studies, but rather general and popular in their composition. We commend the beantiful volume to all teachers as worthy of a place in the library. Summer School Essays. Vol. II. "The Spanish Inquisition," by Rev. JF Nugent "Savonarola," by Conde B. Pallen, Ph. D. "Joan of Arc," by J. W. Wilstach "Magna Charta," by Prof. J. G. Ewing. "Missionary Explorers of the Northwest," by Judge L. W. Kelly. Cloth. Akron, Ohio. D. H. McBride & Co

A Text Book of Plane Surveying. By William G. Raymond, C E., Professor in the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. New York, Chicago: American Book Co

This book makes surveying "a simple subject," and the teacher using it will find little to explain. The illustrations are remarkably realistic and the arrangement is perfect. It is worthy of the great publishing house which sends it forth.

The New Packard Commercial Arithmetic. By S. S Packard, President of Packard's Business College, New York, author of the Bryant & Stratton Bookkeeping series, and of Packard's New Manual of Bookkeeping and Correspondence; and Byron Horton, A M, Principal of the Mathematical Department of Packard's Business College. New York: S. S. Packard.

This is a thoroughly practical text in which mathematical principles are applied to the affairs of life. No student can go through this book and c me out a cipher. The arrangement is such that it is teachable as well as comprehensive. Robert E. Lee and the Southern Confederacy, 1807-1870. By Henry Alexander White, M. A., Ph. D, D. D., Professor of History in the Washington and Lee University. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons

This is a new volume, the XXII., in the "Heroes of the Nation" series. Written from original sources and containing much fresh material, replete with illustrations, maps, etc., the scholarly author has given to the world a history of rare merit and universal interest. While written from the point of view of the South, the book is none he less valuable and desirable to a No thern reader, who will find t truthful and remarkably free from bias. To the teachers of a Northern state that has buried the past and proved it by electing a Confederate officer to the United States Senate, we commend this volume as one worthy of their perusal and a place in the school library.

A School History of the United States. By John Bach McMaster, Professor of American History in the University of Pennsylvania. Chicago, New York: American Book Co..


1 25






1 00

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The selections seem to have been made for

purposes of literary rather than of linguistic study. The book will doubtles be of value to college instructors iu Latin.

Annals of Switzerland. By Julia M. Colton.
Illustrated. 310 pp.
12mo Cloth. New
York, 156 Fifth Avenue: A. S. Barnes &
.1 25

"Ah, Fredome is a noble thing;
Fredome makes man to haiff lyking:
Fredome all solace to man giffis,

He levys at ease that freely levys."

At last the land of nature's greatest beauties, the cradle of freedom and the Mecca of the tourist, has found a chronicler in the English tongue; and we find in the Annals of Switzerland a narrative of the struggles, progress and attainments of a race of freemen. There are twenty-four chapters and twenty-seven illustrations of rare beauty. Switzerland is a keystone between the granite blocks of France, Austria, Germany and Italy. From Mont Blanc history, in the fullest sense, may be seen in its true relations, and knowing Swiss history one may see the inwardness of many things recorded in European annals. We commend this beau iful volume as ideal in every particular. Study of English Words. By Jessie Macmillan Anderson. New York, Chicago: American Book Co,......

It is claimed that this book is the first effort to bring within schoolroom scope and schoolbook form the latest discoveries of language students about English. It includes chapters on "General Principles of Language Growth," "Origin and Growth of English," "Greek, Latin and French Ele ments in English Specially Considered," "Growth and Change in Form of English Words," "Growth and Changes in Meaning of Words," etc, etc. It is a readable, instructive and most valuable book for the teacher or student.


The Out-of-Doors Library Athletic Sports. By D. A Sargeant, M. D., H. J. Whigham, Robert D. Wrenn, P. G. Hubort, Jr., Mar. guerite Merington, J. West Roosevelt, M. Ď., Duffield Osborne, and Edward S. Martin.


New York: Charles Scribner's Sons...1 50 There are chapters on "The Physicul Pro. portions of the Typical Man," "Physical Characteristics of the Athlete," "Golf," "Lawn Tennis," "Bicycling," "Bathing," "Country Clubs and Hunt Clubs in America." While the text is excellent, the illustrations, one hundred thirty eight in number, are superb. The high standing of the authors, together with the reputation of the publishers, are the best assurances of the high character of the volume. We commend it unreservedly to all interested in physical development.

Higher Arithmetic. By Wooster Woodruff Beman, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Michigan; and David Eugene Smith, Professor of Mathematics in the Michigan State Normal School. Boston and Chicago: Ginn & Co

1 25 As indicated by its title, this book is intended for those who are taking up the subject a second time. There is a conspicuous absence of the traditional puzzles. It is a modernized text book with business prob. lems that relate to the commercial life. The book merits a large sale.

A Manual of Composition and Rhetoric. For use in Schools and Colleges. By John S. Hart, LL. D. Revised Edition by James Morgan Hart, Professor of English Philology and Rhetoric in Cornell University. Philadelphia: Eldridge & Brother

For nearly a third of a century the original edition of this work has been the standard school text-book on the subject; there are few schools in the country in which it has not been used. Its popularity has been wide spread and lasting, due to the manifest merit of the book aud its remarkable adaptation to the practical wants of students. The present revision of the book has been made by Dr. John Moagan Hart, Professor of Rhetoric and English Philology in Cornell University, son of the author of the original work. The revision has been inspired not only by the desire to perpetuate the literary life-work of his father, who was in his day an acknowledged leader in education, but also by the sincerest desire to guide, in a friendly spirit, the youth of the present day. In its new form, Hart's Composition and


Rhetoric is more nearly in accord with the views and the teachings of the leading educators of the day, and with the spirit of pedagogical progress in this branch of study, than any other text-book on the subject. We believe that the work will commend itself to every progressive teacher. American Comprehensive Arithmetic. By Professor M. A. Bailey, Kansas State Normal School. 320 pp. Chicago, New York: American Book Co...

Riverside Literature Series. No. 114. Old Greek Stories Told Anew. By Josephine P. Peabody. No. 115. Hamlet. Edited by Richard G. White. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co



[blocks in formation]

School Gymnastics. Vol. IV. of Kellogg's
Teachers' Library. By Jessie H. Bancroft,
Director in Training, Brooklyn, N. Y., Pub
lic Schools. Illustrated with two hundred
thirty-nine photographs. New York: E. L.
Kellogg & Co...
...... 1 20

Songs of Happy Life. Compiled by Sarah J.
Eddy. Providence, R. I.; Art and Nature
Study Publishing Co....

An Old-Field School Girl. By Marion Har
land. With twelve full-page illustrations.
12mo 153-157 5th Avenue, New York:
Charles Scribner's Sons.....

[blocks in formation]

The Seamy Side oi History By H. de Balzac, With prefaces by George Saintsbury. Cloth. New York: McMillan Co


The Eye of Istar. A Romance of the Land of
No Return. By Willian Le Queux. Cloth.
382 pp.
New York: Frederick A Stokes

...... 1 25 The Young Mountaineers. By Charles Egbert Craddock. Cloth. 352 pp. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co A Good Start.

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By B. F. Meyer, M. A. 134 pp. New York. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. 75 Little Masterpieces. Edited by Bliss Perry. 206 pp. New York: Doubleday & McClure Co

Theory of Physics. By Joseph S. Ames, Ph D. Professor of Physics in Johns Hopkins Uni. versity. Crown, 8vo. New York, Chicago: Harper & Bros ..1 75



The Students' Lyell. A Manual of Elementary
Geology. Edited by John W. Judd, C. B.,
LL. D., F. R. S, Professor of Geology, and
Dean of the Royal College of Science, Lon-
don. With Geological Map and 736 Illustra-
Crown, 8vo, Cloth, pp. 635. New
York, Chicago: Harper & Bros
Nirvana. A Companion Story to Karma. By
Dr. Paul Carus. Also illustrated by Japan-
ese artists in Japanese style, on crepe paper.
Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Co...1 00
Round the Year in Myth and Song. By Florence
Holbrook. Cloth, 12mo., 200 pages. Illus-
trated. Chicago: American Book Co.... ...
Stories from English History. By Albert F.
Blaisdell, 192 pages.
Boston, Chicago:
Ginn & Co

The Swiss Family Robinson. A New Version,
by E. A. Brayley Hodgetts. With 100 illus-
trations. 391 pages. Chicago: The Britton




[blocks in formation]

A History of the Literature of the Victorian
Era. By Clement K Shorter. Fifth Ave-
nue and Twenty-first Street, New York:
Dodd, Mead & Co

The People for Whom Shakespeare Wrote. By
Charles Dudley Warner. Illustrated. 16mo.
Cloth. Ornamental. Deckel Edge and Gilt
Top. New York: Harper & Brothers....... 1. 25
From a Girl's Point of View. By Lillian Bell.
New York: Harper & Brothers..
.........1 25
Flowers and Their Friends. By Margaret
Warner Morley, author of "Seed-Babies,"
It is tastefully bound, printed and illus
trated. Boston: Ginn & Co.

[blocks in formation]

Magazine Notices.

The Literary World says: "The Bowen-Merrill Company, Indianapolis, have issued The Army Mule war sketches, by Capt. Henry A. Castle. Whether a book merely of warning and caution, or of actual profane language, we cannot tell at this distance!"


The Army Mule, humorous sketches by Capt. Henry A. Castle, of St. Paul, illustrated by J. W. Vawter, the publisher's report, is in its second edi tion. The author is a newspaper man and was recently appointed auditor of the postoffice department by President McKinley.

E. R. HERRICK & Company, of New York, are going to publish, about November 25, a new collection of Tom Hall's verses, entitled, When Love Laughs. Mr. Hall's first series, When Hearts are Trumps, had a sale of five editions the year it was issued, and this new selected lot is considered by litterateurs decidedly better. It will be issued in very dainty style, and the price, we believe, will be $1.50.

WESTERN HOMES.-The initial number of Western Homes is before us. It is published at Topeka by the Western Homes Publishing Company. The editor is Professor J. S. C. Thompson, formerly of the State Agricultural College. It is a magazine with a cover tinted like our western skies. The first number, October, is full of excellent articles and beautiful illustrations, and, in its entirety, the magazine is one that awakens a feeling of pride in the Kansan who has been looking to the east for his literature. The editor's reasons for establishing the magazine are so aptly put and so frankly stated that we contess. to a feeling of pride as we read them-pride that the task of establishing a magazine for Western homes has evidently fallen to a man of common sense. We predict for the magazine a phenomenal success, and assure our friends that they should subscribe for it at once, or at least send ten cents for the first number, which we are sure will reach the same result.

THE METHOD OF THE RECITATION.This long-promised and long-waited-for book, by Dr. Charles and Frank McMurray, is now through the press.

This volume is devoted to the discussion of the principles that must govern the recitation and the method of applying these principles to the different studies in the elementary schools. It is a volume of over 300 pages, one-half of which is devoted directly to the process of teaching the different branches. The analysis of the different steps is so clear and interesting and so amply illustrated that any teacher who can read will be apt to pursue the study of the volume to the end, and use it as a valued reference book ever after. It presents the principles that will lead to the solution of most of the difficulties of the teacher, provided the teacher has the apperceiving ideas needed to comprehend them.

The volume is not a book of devices, but is a serious and able discussion of the end and method of the recitation.

A single copy of the book will be sent

post-paid for one dollar. A liberal reduction will be made to teachers' classes. Address

Bloomington, Ill.

CAPT. CASTLE opens his volume of humorous war sketches on The Army Mule with a poem quoted from Coleridge, beginning:

Yea! and more musically sweet to me
Thy discordant, harsh bray of joy would be
Than warbled melodies that soothe to rest,
The aching of pale Fashion's vacant breast!

Summer School for 1898.

The eighth annual session of the State Normal Summer School will commence June 17, 1898. The object of this school

is to enable teachers who cannot attend the Normal during the regular sessions to secure professional training and a college education by attending a series of summer sessions. Many city and country teachers take advantage of the opportunities offered with great profit to themselves. Twenty weeks' branches are satisfactorily completed because of the fact that recitations are longer and students take fewer studies. The building is cool and commodious. The laboratories, museum, and the extensive and finely selected library will be open for the use of students. All completed work is recorded on the books of the institution. These records will be accepted by many of the best colleges and universities in the United States. The enrollment has been quite satisfactory to both students and teachers.

For further information address,

E. L. PAYNE, Secretary,

First Mortgage Loans on Farm Securities.
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