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Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps,

Combination Offer No. 1.

$3.00 for $1.00

And Your Note Due in the Year 30880.

Teachers of Kansas: The Business Editor of

the MONTHLY makes you the following offer, which you will never again have an opportunity of accepting: By a peculiar arrangement we can send you Education, the oldest of high-class magazines, together with the MONTHLY for one year for $1.00 cash, and your note due on the day of Jubilee for $2 00. Education alone is $3.00 per year and is worth it. The note will be returned to you for safe keeping if desired. No subscriptions on this combination can be received after December 1.

Some Reasons Why You Should Subscribe
for Education.

I. It is the oldest of the high-class educational magazines, just closing its nineteenth year. II It is contributed to and read by many of the leading educators of the day.

III. It furnishes the best discussions on themes of profound interest to every intelligent person. viz., those that relate to the education of the human race.

IV. If you are a teacher, it will keep you in touch with the freshest thought in this great and progressive profession

V. It will promote your professional growth and prove an invaluable aid to self-culture, fitting you to do better work and to com mand higher pay as a teacher.

VI. It does not compete with the cheaper school papers which deal with classroom methods. It takes a broader outlook and discusses the deeper problems of pedagogy as a protes sion. Every growing teacher should take such a magazine as E UCATION in addition to the practical paper of the other class. VII. Every other trade and profession has its offi

cial journal or organ; how much more should this great teaching fraternity be expected to maintain a high class magazine devoted exclusively to their interests!

We need your sympathy and support to aid us in making the best possible educational magazine. Therefore subscribe for EDUCATION.

Subscription Price, $300. Sample Copy for six 2-cent Stamps. Try it for a year.

S J. FARMER, Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done.

Men's-soles, 60c. Ladies' soles, 40.

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Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Etc.

Combination Offer No. 2.

Two Papers for the Price of One. STATE NORMAL MONTHLY and the


If you wish a live, bright, original, up-to-date teachers journal; one that is filled to the brim with practical, usable schoolroom material; and one that deals in standard values and solid experience, "studies," then the

eschewing wordy essays and meaningless


will aid you. Ten large Natural History Supple ment Charts free each year-Ten large DoublePage Language Pictures- Cut Up" Drawing Cards-Arithmetic Cards-Story Cards-Supplementary Reading-Pieces to Speak-Correspondence-Methods, Aids, and Devices-Foundation Principles- Special Day Exercises, Etc., Etc.

Established 1889. Eight Years of Increasing

48 Large Quarto Pages and Supplement.

Monthly-Illustrated—$1.00 a Year.

Such a methods paper as the Teachers World is a necessity to every wide awake, conscientious teacher. The dollar it costs is no measure of its real value to you.

But you also need a home paper to keep in touch with local and state educational events, and for that purpose (not forgetting the additional material it contains) there is nothing better than the State Normal Monthly to supplement your methods paper.


Leaders in their respective classes, you will find in them everything you need in your work and much more than you might get elsewhere.

Send $1 to the BUSINESS EDITOR, STATE NORMAL MONTHLY, Emporia, Kansas, and both papers will be mailed to you for one year.

Combination Offer No. 3.

State Normal Monthly and Our Times ONE YEAR FOR 60 CENTS.

Our Times is a journal of Current Events for the School and Home. It is beautifully illustrated and well written. The fact that E. L. Kellogg & Co., of New York City, publish it, is sufficient guarantee of the excellence of the paper. Send 60 cents now for both papers one year, to BUSINESS EDITOR STATE NORMAL MONTHLY, Emporia, Kansas.






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the sets,


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time to solve the problems, or


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for Stevenson's Introductory Bookkeeping,"

just what they want. It is now in preparation. Price,

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The blank books prepared for use with "Stevenson's Introductory Bookkeeping" were prepared by the author, and because of the ruling, the arrangement, various colored covers, and printed directions, explanations and suggestions on covers, are especially suited for use with the text book for which they were prepared. Teachers should insist on the use of these books if they desire to follow the plan outlined in the text book. For further information address the publisher. Address,

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To see a Beautiful and Interesting Book on SUPPLEMENTARY READING for your ten year Boys and Girls? If so, send 40 cents in stamps and receive by return mail a copy of

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Coarse Print. Many Pictures. Your Pupils Will be Sure to Like It.

GINN & COMPANY, Publishers,






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Edited by W. T. HARRIS, A. M.. LL. D.,

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THIS comprehensive series of books will present upon a symmetrical plan the best available litera. ture in the various fields of human learning, selected with a view to the needs of students of all grades in supplementing their school studies and for home reading. They will cover the following departments of knowledge, and represent the best phases of modern thought:

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It is believed that this project will fully solve the long-standing problem as to what kind of reading shall be furnished to the young, and what will most benefit them intellectually as well as morally. The volumes are all attractively illustrated and in uniform cloth binding.

The following volumes are now ready:

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These books will be found especially desirable for school use, and help to interest pupils in their class-room studies. Send for descriptive circulars, etc.

D. APPLETON & CO., New York, Boston, Chicago.
Chicago Office, 243 Wabash Avenue.


Normal Monthly

DEC 20 1097

The Kansas State Normal Schools Emporia, Kansas DECEMBER, Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-seven.

Volume Ten

Number Three.

JOHN G. NORTHINGTON, Dentist, West Sixth Avenue, GROUND FLOOR.


Do You Know

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That the holidays are approaching and that we are opening a beautiful stock of Holiday Goods? We have Books Cheap. Books Illustrated and in Elegant Bindings. Books in Sets. Children's Books. Booklets. Calendars for 1898. Albums. Bibles of all Kinds. Collar and Cuff Boxes. Toilet Sets. Work Boxes. Shaving Sets. Gold Pens. Fountain Pens. Pocket Books. Writing Sets. Pictures. Picture

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