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Emporia, Kansas.

Eighth Annual Session.

JUNE 17 to AUGUST 18, 1898.

Nine Full Weeks.



Beginning Latin, Elementary Cæsar, Advanced
Cæsar, Cicero, Virgil.



History of Education, School Law, or Political
Economy, General History, Child Study,


Botany, Zoology, Geology and Mineralogy, Physical Geograhhy, Physiology.


Oratory, Elocution, Physical Culture.

Arithmetic, Beginning Algebra, Advanced Alge.
bra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Surveying.
Kindergarten Methods.


United States History, Civil Law.


Vocal Music.

French, German.

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Vol. X.



A book, a gem, or a blossom rare,
For the friend that's near and dear,
With greetings of the season fair,
Now that the Christ-tide's here,
Now that the gift-time's here.

But what for the friend we love no less,
For the distant, silent friend?

Ah, what of the soul's deep tenderness,
Of the gifts we never send-
Of the gifts we cannot send?

Christmas, 1897.


(Read before the Southeast Kansas Teachers' Association at Paola, Kansas, on November 26, 1897.)


Every child is an exceptional. Therefore a paper on exceptional children might be made to include every child. there is a restricted use for this term.

In paidology we study the child as found in history-in the past, and as found in the present. His study in the present is divided into the consideration of the child (1) among uncivilized and semi-civilized peoples, and (2) the child among civilized peoples. In the study of the child among civilized peoples, we recognize two great divisions, the abnormal and the normal child. In this paper is to be taken up one phase of the abnormal side of childhood.

Of abnormal children, there are five divisions: (1) Defectives, which include the deaf, blind, insane, idiots, etc.; (2) Delinquents, children who are already among the criminal classes or likely to find an ultimate place there; (3) Dependents, those children who are dependent upon the church, society, or the state for care and protection-as waifs, orphans, etc.; (4) Wildings, children who, having been lost or abandoned by parents, have grown up among animals or wholly alone; (5) Exceptionals, which include those children who, not coming under any of the above classes of abnormals, yet are in some way different from the ordinary child.

It is impossible to classify exceptional children closely. Yet for some purposes they may be classified as those showing peculiarities (1) on the mental side, (2) on the physical side, (3) on the moral side.

On the mental side we find children who are especially dull; precocious children, children who are especially bright in one direction and especially dull in others. Again, there are found peculiarly sensitive, very nervous, or very timid children. It is sometimes quite difficult to tell just how strong some children are mentally; for now and then, in our public school rooms, we meet a child who ought to be in a school for the feeble-minded. There are, also, children with speech defects which make them very exceptional indeed.

On the physical side, there are found exceedingly tall, very clumsy children, or children who are either very large or very small for their age. Again, we find children whose ugliness of face or form is very marked; and, on the other hand, children possessing exceptional beauty. Among this class are found children with markedly deficient or arrested development, having an exceedingly small head and shrunken body. Often we find those with sense defects, as defective hearing,

No. 4

seeing, smell. Then come those having bodily defects, as cripples, children with crooked spines, etc.

On the moral side are found those who are very obstinate, liars, who seemingly are so from the pleasure of being so, thieves, domineering children, etc. In this class come those who delight in teasing, often carrying it to the excess of cruelty.

Exceptionals are found in every schoolroom and in many homes. The sad thing is that the defect of such a child may be so slight as not to be recognized, or of such a nature as to cause the child to become an object of scorn or sport.

This subject of exceptionals lies very close to every teacher, for every one of us has such now, or has had them, in the schoolroom. They are found in the kindergarten, in the primary school, in the grammar school, in the high school, in the normal, and in the college. They are the torment of the teacher, and the teacher is the torment of them. Dear teacher, some boy or girl whom you continually dread to meet, whom you have wished out of your school a hundred times, and who, perhaps, may have so vexed you that you have even wished him dead, may be a child upon whom the tenderest affection and the greatest sympathy should be bestowed. If you are really and truly a Christian, here may be the very best place to show it. This child, whom you have abused in almost every way imaginable and whose parents have shamefully treated him, may be one who is wholly unable to do otherwise than he does. His infirmity may be so slight as to be almost unnoticeable, or your obtuseness and ignorance so great as to cause you to overlook entirely very strong and marked cases.

Note the following from the Child-Study Monthly: A little fellow in one of the Chicago schools persisted in disturbing the school and the teacher in so many ways that his teacher was at last on the point of writing him down as incorrigible. His persistence in bad conduct could apparently be accounted for in no other way than by attributing it to innate "ugliness." As a last resort his teacher sat down by him one day, and, putting her arm around him, said: "Why is it that you act so badly? None of us are unkind to you, and we would all be willing to help you along if you would only let us." The lad, usually as indifferent to kindness as to reproof, seemed to be in a different mood this time, and half defiantly, half tearfully, blurted out: "It's coz I'm so derned hungry!" The little fellow took lunch with his teacher that day, and she lost no time in arranging matters so that he need not come to school hungry again; and he has since become an entirely normal boy of rather more than average aptness in study.

This story just read was related not long ago before a body of teachers in one of our city schools. After the close of the session a lady told me the following: "The telling of that story about the hungry child called up a picture to my mind. One day a short time since, a girl in one of the rooms gave a great deal of trouble. She was the worst child in the school and the patience of the teacher was nearly exhausted. Seemingly the child was mean from pure meanness. No cause could be found for her actions. I had her come into the hall for a talk. As I closed the door and prepared myself to give the necessary rebuke, I looked down into the little face, and involuntarily, as the pinched features were turned up to

mine, I thought almost aloud: 'You poor, abused child! Instead of scolding you I ought to give your poor, hungry body something to eat.'"

The lady could have well added that she ought to have given love and sympathy to the poor, hungry, starved soul of the child.

And so you have such children in your school, and I have had such in mine. Some of your stupid bad boys are hard of hearing; some of your impudent girls are full of inherited impure blood and impurer thoughts; some of your dirty, ragged, mean boys are actually hungry. And all of them feel that they are exceptionals. They feel, as only a neglected child can feel, the loneliness of their situation; and it may be that from the very depths of despair the being's response comes back to you in the only form it can come, from the kind of treatment you give it.

Another instance, from Child-Study Monthly: In a certain primary school of St. Paul there was a little girl, careless, dirty, saucy, impudent, and stubborn-face never clean, dress untidy; in fact, the child's mother (so-called) herself said it did not pay to wash and dress her for a single half-day session. On one occasion the teacher, who was also a good kindergartner, brought into the school a beautiful Easter lily, crowned with its sweet-scented, pure white blossoms. She told the children a beautiful story concerning this plant—a gift of Mother Nature. After the exercise she told the pupils they could approach the plant and touch and smell the blossoms. This they did eagerly and gladly, but daintily and carefully. All of them-no, not all—; the little begrimed imp already alluded to, stubbornly refused. Another exercise was taken up. The scapegrace girl was missing; she had stolen out of the room. She was gone several minutes. No allusion to her absence was made. When she returned, she was transformed; her face and hands were washed clean, her dress was changed, a little bit of bright ribbon was manifest; and as she came in, she tiptoed quietly and reverently to the flower, touched the blossom, smelled its fragrance-a better, purer child.

It is not necessary to give further illustrations. No doubt you have heard of the incidents I give here, and you can give many such out of your own experience. The question is: "What is to be done with such cases?"

Some day, it is to be hoped that every child will be physically examined by a competent examiner just as now he is mentally examined. Perhaps we shall all see the time when a medical examiner will be just as much a part of our school system as the superintendent is now. Yet that day is far off, and something must be done for these children now. offer a few suggestions:

Let me

Each teacher should very carefully make a study of the characteristics of each child. This is doubly necessary in the case of dull, backward, and bad children. By noting the expression of the child's face when he is copying work written on the blackboard, and by examining of his paper, we may discover whether his eyesight is bad. Noticing how the child holds his head when spoken to; examination of the paper on which he has written dictated matter; the failure to prepare work which he has been told to prepare, and which he says he did not know was asked for, may show defective hearing. If the teacher could take a little time to apply some very simple tests, he could, in most cases, detect bad eyesight and bad hearing. The teacher should observe, if any child has a dull, expressionless face, if he keeps his mouth open, if his face is flat, as if deformed, with almost an idiotic stare on it. Such a child is a sufferer from adenoid growths. This is especially true if the dullness is much more marked at some times than

at others. A slight surgical operation will make this child a normal, happy, intelligent child. Watch out for nervous children, for timid ones, for children with low vitality; all such need the most loving and careful attention.

Every child who is dull, inattentive, lazy, a sufferer from headache, the vicious child, and the like, should be carefully studied. In many cases they need the attention of a physician or a surgeon; and, through his treatment, they may be made normal or almost normal children.

If the teacher will take as much time and pains to find out their physical defects as is taken in finding fault with such children, both teacher and children will be greatly benefited. In some cases the children are truly mentally deficient and should be sent to the school for the feeble-minded and not to the public school. Yet such cases are not very common. Most of the dull and bad children are hard of hearing, defective in eyesight, suffering with adenoid growths, afflicted with inherited catarrhal troubles, etc. All could be greatly benefited, and in many cases entirely made normal, if given proper medical and surgical treatment; but if left alone, must become a burden to themselves and to their teachers, and finally be thrown out of school poorly prepared, mentally, morally, and physically, for life's work. So says every investigator of such children.

Last night, in looking over a batch of papers which a class in child-study had prepared, giving personal experiences with these exceptional children, I found in the paper of one young woman, the following prayer, which I want to make my own, and which I am sure you will want to make your own:

"God in Heaven, forgive me for the mistakes I have made in teaching these unfortunate children."

Let our daily prayer to God be to teach us to know our children and to give us such love for these dear ones as Christ showed for mankind upon the cross of Calvary.

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It is with feelings of friendship that I take my pen in hand to enform thou, that I am well at present. I have been looking for a letter from thou this long time. And have got one at last. Oh how glad I was I cried as quick as the Teacher gave it to me. And I knew the hand write as quick as I saw it. Thou gave an account of cousin and S(beang one mistake) being married. And G- -Sstruck me to the bottom of the heart. Tell Couisin HC—; G that I want her to get married before I return, for I want all the cousins that I can get. More cousins, more company. Now my dear I expect the next thing thou wilt get married. When leap year comes I low to jump through the petitions to the boys and get a man. Now I will give thou a description of the School. Their were a hundred and thirty boarding here Yearly Meeting, and some days at diner we had a hundred and fifty. I should not a believed any body if they had a told me, that they were so many Quakers.

School has comenced three months ago, and I have but nine more months to stay and then I will return back. Their are seven months of this session and five in the next. And when this session is up I am agoing out at Hat coasin AMs. I saw her at Early Meeting and was in her company three times before I knew we were related. Cousin AM-, LM- s widow. Levi and my mother were first cousins. A told me that she wanted me to write to her

when this sessien is out and she will send one of her sons after me. Then I will go to unkle T S-s, and then I will get to see J S. Uncle T S has joined the old Orthordaux (if I am lowed to say such a thing) I am studying reading, writing, spelling, Mental Arithmetick, Lewises Arithmetick, English grammar, Geography, Philosophy, and Scripture. We spell twice a day and say Geography once every other day, and Grammar every other day and Philosophy three times a week, and get six pages of Scripture every first day to repeat in the afternoon and Mentle Aritemetick and Lewises Arithmetick every day in the afternoon. We have night Schools it commences at seven and lets out at eight, we go to bed at nine and rise at five. Indeed Mary A it keeps us as buisy as nailers.

Oh I have forgotten, we make composition onece every week and write essays every week. Indeed Mary A thou don't know how close we are kept. We are as buisy of a first day as we are of a week day. After we say our Scripture lessons then we must read religious Books. And I get that tired that I do not know what to do and some times I slip out a doors and stay an hour or two, and some times I slip up stairs. Oh Mary Ann I am as cunning as ever. Their was one night I and three other girls slipt out a doors and went in the superintendentans turnip patch and stole three big turnips a piece and we sit down and eat them, and it was as dark as pitch we come back and none of those Scholars mist us, and know body knows it but us. Indeed I can cut my monkey shines yet, when the Teachers are out of sight, and when they are by I am very sober. Nothing more at present but remain thy affectionate friend



Write to me as soon as thou canst. Tell H-G— that I will not write to her, till she write to me. R—T— sends

her best love to thee. I have got my plaine bonet, and when I get my bonet on and my dress on I look like a Quaiker sure enough.

Literati Society.

Moved by the "Mission of Discontent" and by "The Higher Selfhood," the Literati's took all the football honors of the year and all the essayists. Blushing with selfishness, disbelieving that "Unity Should be a Factor in Education," especially where there are four strong societies, and, touched by the philanthropic spirit of "The Nineteenth Century," the Literati by unanimous consent permitted a division of the oration honors among the other societies.

This essay contest that the Normal persists in having is a chestnut. It seems that unless one is a Literatus, one is not eligible to a contest. The first embarrassment comes when the faculty calls five or six Literati into its august presence for the purpose of choosing three who shall appear in the contest proper. There is a tie of affection and a spirit of unity among all Literati. It is an irksome task for these three when they are compelled to battle with one another for first honors merely for the edification of a large audience. This social evil ought to be looked into by the teachers of the second year classes. The oration contest is a good thing. The Literati usually takes first place, but this year on account of her magnanimity believes in passing the honor around.

A new year never found the Literati brighter and happier. All is sunshine and gladness. Not one plan has failed or been baffled during the old year. Everything has moved in perfect harmony with the broad spirit of the society. The same enthusiasm and harmony which have led the society through the struggles of '97, are present at the opening of '98 and seem more deeply aroused to the good of society interests.

THE space given to the State Teachers' Association and other matters postpones "The Methods Class," "The Study Table," and "Among Ourselves," until the next issue. We shall be pleased if our readers miss them and give them the usual welcome next month.

Nature Studies for January.

Most people have an unverified belief that trees grow as do children, throughout their entire length, and that limbs near the ground in the young shoot are lifted by the growth of the tree to a proportionate height. A gentleman in Wisconsin, to prove or disprove this notion, drove brads into the stem of a maple, two or three years old, at a distance of one foot from each other and at a measured distance from the ground. He waited ten years and then cut down his maple, a tree fifteen or twenty feet in height, and found his brads buried in the heart of the maple and still one foot apart and at his measured distance from the ground.

A similar experiment can be performed by the pupils on house plants at home, by placing dots of red ink on their growing stems at measured distances apart, and making reports at school at intervals of two weeks.

Plants grow upward to get sunshine and downward for moisture, and it is very necessary that the growing tips of the plant be protected from injury. Each tiny root tip has a hard cap of dry cells, similar to the cuticle of our skin, so that the root may push through the soil without harm to the rapidly developing cells just behind the cap. This cap may be easily seen on the root tips of the water hyacinth as they push downward through the water in search of soil.

But the problem which stems must solve is a different one. They are not usually obliged to force their way through a hard, harsh soil in search of sunshine, except at the beginning of their growth from the seed. At this time their dry seed coats may serve for a shield, or other means be used which the boys and girls may best discover next spring. But the delicate and rapidly growing cells in the stem tips may be seriously injured by extremes of heat and cold, or of moisture and drouth, and the plant must do its best to ward off these adverse conditions in its environment. This it does by holding its leaves back in their development so they may form a protective covering, making what we term a bud.

The month of January may appropriately be devoted to the study of buds by the boys and girls. Let them find answers to the following questions:

I. Where is the bud situated with reference to scars left by the falling of last summer's leaves?

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Story-Little Red Riding-Hood.

(Correlation continued.).

[Superintendent Culter hopes that teachers using these lessons will note that all corresponding numbers are designed to be used the same day or at least before the next number is used. See December MONTHLY for the story and the reading lessons.]

Language-Oral. Object:-The Expression of Thought.


Kindness to Animals.

Teacher: Little Red Riding-hood had some pets. Have you any? Tell me what pets you have at home. (Ans. A dog, a cat, and a bird). What is your dog's name? And yours? Your cat's name? Well, I want Bessie to tell me what pets Red Riding-iood had. (Ans. A dog-a dog and a cat). Yes, and what was the cat's name? Oh yes! and the name of Fred's cat is Tabby, too. What was the name of little Red Cap's dog? (Ans. Frisk). What color is your dog? (Ans. My dog is black-mine is white-mine is black and white). And Red Riding-hood's dog was- -? Tell us, Frank. (Ans. Red Riding-hood's dog was black). (This may be carried farther).

Teacher: Little Red Cap took good care of her pets. She was very kind to old Tabby cat, and gave her milk to drink out of a cup. She used to put her arms around Frisk's neck and say, "I like you, good old Frisk." Frisk was a good dog and would play with Red Riding-hood sometimes. Frisk had to work, though, for her father had a good many sheep, and Frisk had to watch them. NOTE:-Do not use these lessons verbatim. Be yourself and use your own language.


Obedience and Love of Parents.

What did Red Riding-hood's mother ask her to do? Did Red Riding-hood like to do this? Why did she like to do it? (Ans. She wanted to visit her grandmother-she liked to go into the woods-she liked to do what her mamma wanted).

Did she go all alone? Why, where was Frisk? Did she want Frisk to help her father? Why? (Ans. She loved her papa and did not want him to work too hard).

Red Riding-hood kissed her mamma good-bye. I think that she loved her mamma.

What did her mamma tell her when she started? (Her mamma told her to hurry).


To Teach the Love of Nature.

Do you like to play under the trees? Some boys like to climb trees. Can you climb trees? One day when I was under a tree, I heard the sweetest song coming from among the leaves. Can you guess who sang it? You may tell, Thomas. That's right, a little bird sang the song. When you walk in a path through the trees, what sometimes grow by the side of the path? (Ans. Grass, trees, weeds, flowers).

Our story says that Red Riding-hood gathered flowers. To whom was she going to give them? Well, why could not the grandmother gather the flowers for herself? (Ans. She was sick). Do you think she would be pleased with the flowers which Red Riding-hood had gathered? Yes, flowers often make sick people happy. Do you gather flowers sometimes? What do you do with them when you find them? (Ans. Sometimes I give them to mamma). Yes, you love your mamma; so you give her flowers. What do you do with them, May? (Ans. I put them in a vase). Then you keep them to look at; aren't they pretty? Who can tell me something else that Red Riding-hood saw? (Ans. She saw a butterfly). Yes, and she saw a little rabbit-a little bunny, our story says. A little bunny is a baby rabbit. Wasn't he having a fine time in the woods?

NOTE:-Remember, "The letter killeth but the spirit giveth life."


Characteristics of the Wolf.

Little Red Riding-hood sat down on a log to eat a lunch; an old wolf came up close, and-what did he ask her? Did you ever see a wolf? Yes, Frank has a wolf. But he likes Frank and won't hurt him. What makes him like Frank? (Ans. Because Frank is kind to him and feeds him). How many have never seen a wolf? Well, here is a picture of a wolf. (Either draw on the board or produce a picture of a wolf). Now tell me what the wolf looks like. (Ans. He looks like a dog), Notice his ears. They are not like your dog's ears? (Ans. No, his ears are sharp). Where do wolves live? What do they like for food? (Let the children talk). LESSON V.

Treachery of the Wolf.

But this wolf was mean and wanted to eat up Red Ridinghood. So he found out where she was going, and he said he would like to go with her and see that no harm came to her. Why did he want to go? (Ans. He was hungry and he thought that she would make a dainty dinner). The wolf, then, did not tell what was true. Was he a good wolf? LESSON VI.

Treachery of the Wolf (continued).

Who did the wolf make Red Riding-hood think he was? (Ans. He made her think he was grandma). Why did he do this? (Ans. He wanted to get a good chance to eat her up).

Why did he not eat her up in the woods? (Ans. He was afraid of the workmen).

Was the wolf brave? (Ans. No, he was not brave).

Do you suppose Red Riding-hood would have gone into the house if she had known the wolf was there? (Ans. She would not have gone in).

But she was not afraid of the wolf in the woods. Why was this? (Ans. He said he was her friend).

Yes, he said he was her friend. Do you think he was her friend? (Ans. No, we do not think so).

The wolf was deceiving her. He pretended to be her friend but he was not; he was a very wicked wolf.

• Did he tell Red Riding-hood that he was going to her grandma's house? (Ans. No, he did not tell her).

Where did he say he was going? (Ans. He said he was going to the other side of the forest).

What he said was not true, but little Red Riding-hood believed it.


To Teach Kindness and Bravery.

Why did the wolf not eat Little Red Riding-hood in the woods? Well, the woodmen saw him, and they knew that he was a mean wolf. What did the woodman do? I like this woodman, do you? Why do you like him? Yes, I think he was a kind man. I like him for another reason. Can you tell another reason why we should like him? (Ans. He himself was not afraid of the wolf). Yes, he was a kind, brave man, so we like him.

Number Work. LESSON I.

How many little girls did we talk about this morning? (Ans. One).

How many mouths had the little girl?
How many clocks in this room?

How many parents had Little Red Cap? How many eyes had Little Red Cap? feet? hands? ears? noses? baskets? (Make figures one and two and have children make them).

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