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Kansas Society for Child-Study.

The program of the State Teachers' Association had given one afternoon to the society. The meeting was held in the grade room of the high school building, on Thursday afternoon, December 30. The society was presided over by its president, Prof. A. S. Olin, of the University of Kansas. Many of the members were present and quite a large number of visitors came in to listen to the work, so that the attendance was agreeably much larger than anticipated by the officers. Although the place of meeting was in a fair-sized room, yet a number were turned away at the door for want of accommodation. Doctor A. H. Heinemann, Haskell Institute, Lawrence, spoke


THE RELATION OF PSYCHOLOGY TO CHild-Study. The subject of Child-Study being pursued by the method adopted in the pursuit of modern Natural Science, which is frequently pronounced the acme of all scientific pursuits, it is considered by many as an adequate substitute for Psychology. This is a mistake involving the possibility of serious danger to the knowledge of Psychology and to the services it should render in the treatment and education of the child. The foundation of Psychology is internal or subjective observation; that of Child-Study is exclusively objective observation. The data of this consist of expressions made by the child and observed by the student. There are facial expressions, crying, laughing, movements, sounds, and words. How are these expressions to be understood? How can they reveal the changes of the soul of the child? General theories applied to answer these questions are almost sure to lead to mistakes. He alone is able to understand childish actions, who has a clear insight into the nature and workings of the adult mind, that is, the experienced, thorough student of Psychology. The present task of Child-Study consists in the collection of data to be used, at a later date, by the psychologist in drawing conclusions regarding the working, that is, the development of the mind of the child. After this labor shall have supplied us with a clear knowledge of the stages of this development, that is, the mental growth of the child, we may be able to make a successful application of the data of Child-Study to the problems of education. So I think we ought by no means to neglect Psychology on account of the attention paid to Child-Study. Superintendent J. H. Glotfelter, Atchison, spoke on

PRACTICAL CHILD-STUDY FOR THE PRIMARY TEACHER. The word "practical" will be taken to mean, of use to the school or to the teacher in her practice as a teacher. Dr. Van Liew has given a long list of questions that teachers might ask mothers, as to the age, health, disposition and experience of their children when they first bring them to school. It should be the teachers' first duty to find the child. It must be dreary for the child to find that his school teaches nothing he did not know before.


Child-Study should furnish us some conclusions pretty soon if it is worth anything. These conclusions should be seized upon and proven by the teacher with her own pupils. An experience book embodying such observations would make our experience of vastly greater value. We cannot do much original work in our own schoolrooms because the limits are too We must look to those who are in position to take a broader view for the conclusions that ought to grow from this work. Of course the study of defectives is practical for all teachers. There are doubtless many other things along the line of Child-Study that might be done with advantage. Professor A. H. Clark, State University, Lawrence, spoke on ARTISTIC INTERPRETATION.

Artistic Interpretation, may refer (1) to the use of pictures by

the teacher, who appeals to her pupils' intelligence through quick, simple drawings on the blackboard. (2) To the use of pictures by the pupils, who are allowed to express themselves in this manner in place of writing or speaking their thoughts. This form of "drawing" has only lately been developed, principally at Chicago, and is not drawing at all but picture-writing and is a valuable assistance in the various studies of the earliest grades. The very youngest children are most free and effective in this pictorial expression. The rude figures are symbols, and express a wonderful variety of changes on any given theme.

Any attempt to improve or correct these childish pictures, should recognize their purely symbolical character and only suggest changes or additions which may present a truer or more complete image to the mind, as for instance, the child's conventional figure for a boy usually omits knees and elbows, and is reckless as to the number of fingers; and the horse, cow or cat exhibits a woful lack of exact observation in regard to the disposition of their limbs; therefore, the simpler anatomical facts may be insisted on to advantage, but without departing from the primitive linear simplicity which is seen in the ancient hieroglyphics, or the practice of adorning the schoolroom walls with framed photographs from the great works of art, which constantly and silently interpret the beauties of nature and the thoughts of men.

MR. C. C. Shutt, State University, Lawrence, spoke on

STATISTICAL STUDIES ON THE LINE OF A SYLLABUS. The old method of studying psychological questions was to postulate certain immutable laws of mind, and thus to account for all mental phenomena. But some one conceived the idea of starting at the other end of the line, and by observing the workings of the mind to discover the laws of its growth. In order to make work of this kind valuable, the number of cases examined must be large. One child is typical of all chil dren, but to be safe in our conclusions we must examine a great many.

Investigations should be carried on in an impartial spirit. Every one engaged in syllabus work ought to try to avoid all efforts to make the results obtained correspond with ideas previously entertained. Let the facts speak for themselves.

The value of studies of this kind lies in the scientific accuracy of the conclusions drawn. They are based upon facts, and not upon opinions. Syllabus studies in this subject are in line, with scientific research in other fields.

Doctor Oscar Chrisman, State Normal School, Emporia, spoke on


It will be impossible to eradicate entirely lying because all people lie, hence the taint of heredity is placed upon the child. The teacher can help the child very much by placing the truth before him in such a way that he will select it in preference to falsity, and so may keep from having such as the following said: "School life is now so full of temptation to falsehood that an honest child is its rarest as well as its noblest work." Some tests of children have shown that obedience is valued more highly by them than truth, and that girls are more truthful than boys. The kinds of lies told by children were found by President Hall to be (1) Pseudophobia, where all deviations from painfully literal truth are alike heinous; (2) the lie heroic; (3) truth for friends and lies for enemies; (4) selfishness; (5) imagination and play; (6) pseudomania, a passionate love of showing off, and false pretense. Children lie because of an inherited tendency, from fear and other emotions, from the lack of right conception of the value of truth, from mental and physical disorders, and from the want of brain power to prepare correct concepts and to give them forth properly in language. Dr. Heinemann also spoke on


So far as I know, nothing has been said or written on this subject. All I can do, therefore, is to recall a few observations I have had the opportunity to make during my sojourn among different nations. The fundamental capabilities and workings of the mind are, I think, the same in man and animal. There is the same sensuous perception; observation differs in its degree of perfection only; classification, that is, the formation of concepts and of thought, is limited in the animal because of its imperfect speech, for the clearness of conception and thought depends upon the clearness of expression, that is, upon language. That animal which is nearest to man, the monkey, has a language which has been made the subject of study by scientists: it follows that the monkey's power of conception and thought approaches much nearer to that of man than any other animal's power of intellect. The differences in the mental development of races and nations can, I think, be measured in a similar way by their languages; the practical expressiveness and ease of construction of the English language show the comprehensive grasp of intellect of the English race; the logical construction and courteous ease of expression in French show the nation of logicians and courtiers; the involved construction and transcendental clearness of expression of German shows the nation of philosophers and musicians, etc. All similar differences are due to development or training through nat ural conditions acting upon the same original mental nature. The same causes account for differences in the natural talents of races and nations: Savage races living so as to be altogether influenced by nature unadulterated by artificial improvements invented by man, are born artisans but seldom artists. Of this sort are the talents of the American Indian, who draws and paints and whittles and sings well, and easily acquires a beautiful handwriting. The British, standing at the other extreme of the scale and being surrounded by all the known artificial comforts of life, are poor artisans but masters in the art of thought, that is, in poetry and literature.

Morals being a result of social intercourse, that is, of training, can be reduced to a similar standard. They depend upon the natural conditions of the habitat of the people and the historical evolution of their present social conditions. The French do not owe their state institutions to a uniformity of country, which does not exist, but to the centripetal force of one point, Paris, and the crafty policy of the rulers of that point: so they have become courtiers and actors. The British have made their state and constitution in popular struggles and by compromise; so social obligation or duty is the ruling idea of their morals, etc. My experience with the youth of these countries first made me acquainted with the above peculiar moral traits of them, which I afterward tried to explain by the above reasoning. President Taylor, State Normal School, Emporia, spoke on THE CONSCIENCE OF CHILDhood.

The child has no conscience. It has more or less vague perceptions of right from time to time but it must learn to discriminate between right and wrong through experience and education. The child's environment, inherited disposition, and education conspire to give it whatever moral ideas it may possess. In the treatment of children it is wrong to measure them by the same standard that adults are measured. As they grow into knowledge of themselves and their relations to their fellows, their moral ideas clarify and their consciences result. The child at first must depend upon its parents and its associates for its notions of right and wrong. It obeys them because its love and confidence makes it regard them as authorities. It gradually transforms its obedience from them to principles which sooner or later take form in its mind. As

education without character-building tends to make rascals of the children, the development of the conscience is the proper end of all education.

The secretary stated that he had had some correspondence with the officers of the North American Conference of Child Study, but nothing definite in reference to plans could be given at present. He hope to be able to give a full report upon the matter at the annual meeting in May.

The president promised for the executive committee a well arranged program for the May meeting. This program is to consist of reports, discussions, etc., of original work done by members of the society.

The society adjourned to meet at Emporia in May, 1898.
A. S. OLIN, President.

OSCAR CHRISMAN, Secretary-Treasurer.

Wedding Bells.

Cards are out announcing the marriage of A. B. Heacock, '97, and Miss Cora Timmons on Monday, December 27. They will make their home at Harper, Kansas.

'93. We are in receipt of the announcement of the marriage of Grace Morris and Mr. Orville E. Boyle at Valley Center, Kansas, on the evening of January 1, 1898. They are at home at 1150 N. Wichita Street, Wichita, Kansas. The editor takes particular pleasure in the above announcement because the father of the groom and he were schoolmates together forty years ago in the little brick schoolhouse at Clear Creek, Illinois. Blessings on the new home!

Belles-Lettres Society.

McKinley prosperity has struck the Belles-Lettres Society. A large number of members are being added at each meeting and the hall is usually filled to overflowing. A great interest is being manifested in making the society a success socially as well as intellectually. At the last meeting the young men of the society gave an excellent program, which was appreciated by the young ladies of the society. Professor Stevenson ably assisted the young men by one of his famous recitations, which called forth no little applause. Another interesting feature of the program was the swinging of Indian clubs by Mr. Jones.

The society has elected Messrs. Stroup and Brown to represent it in the March contest in debate. The subject for discussion is: "Resolved, That the interests of the public service demand that the United States establish a National University at Washington."

The committee on dramatic art has chosen the play Virginius, and the society will be represented by Miss Hall, Messrs. St. Clair, Dickerson, Wood, and McConkey.

The contest in oration is over. The society is proud of its orators Mr. St. Clair and Miss Kelson. Every Belles-Lettres is happy and the smile on each face seems to say:

"St. Clair, St. Clair, he's the boy! We'll send him now to Illinois !"

EDUCATIVE instruction must be construction. What will determine such construction into character? The educator assumes that he can determine that construction. Psychic laws act as surely in his pupil's soul as physical laws in his pupil's body. The psychic scientist frames from the answers of nature the art of education. The powers are given. They are necessarily true to their own nature. The psychic scientist puts them in such relations as will result in moral elevation; that, at least, he considers the master problem in the whole of education.-Eckoff.


Four little grasshoppers, one fine day,
Hopped on the lawn to play croquet.

"We can't use mallets and balls," one said,
"But we'll play a game of our own instead;

We'll hop through the wickets ourselves and see
Whether I beat you or you beat me."
So hippity-hop they went around

Through all the wickets upon the ground,
Till the one who was leading made a jump
And hit the home stake-bumpity-bump!
Then out came Johnny and Bess to play;
And the four little grasshoppers hopped away.
Malcolm Douglas, in St. Nicholas.

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A REQUEST: Please mention the STATE NORMAL MONTHLY when ordering any of the following-named books.


Wherewithal. The Golden Secret of Mind Culture and Control. Revolu ion in Thought Method. Wherewithal Book Co., succeeding Wherewithal Mfg. Pub. Co., 7th floor, Philadelphia Bourse (trade centre). Also, P. O. Box 723; or, 39 North Front St., Philadelphia...

Wherewithal is a teacher that resolves the most complicated prob. lems into simple "2 and 2 make 4" propositions. Seven little words (but of mighty import as questioners) the key. It simplifies-it amplifies-it elucidates-it demonstrates. For teachers, writers, lecturers, thinkers.

Manual of Expression. By Sue D. Hoaglin, Professor of Oratory, Kansas State Normal School. Emporia, Kansas: The Author Students of the State Normal School who know of Professor Hoaglin's work in the class-room will hail this volume with delight. It is the cream of a course in expression that has furnished to Kansas many good teachers of reading, the best of the orators from the schools, and made the debate, oration, declamation, and dramatic art contests of the State Normal of Kansas renowned throughout this and adjacent states. While Professor Hoaglin's work is based upon that of Dr. C. W. Emerson, of Boston, yet she possesses too strong an individuality, and has had too long an experience as teacher, county superintendent, institute instructor, and head of department in a great institution, not to have developed many elements of strength peculiar to her own teaching. We recommend this Manual of Expression to the teachers of Kansas. An Oregon Boyhood. By Rev. Louis Albert Banks, author of "Common Folks' Religion," "White Slaves," etc. Cloth; illustrated. Boston: Lee & Shepard

Dr. Banks takes his readers into an entirely new field in An Oregon Boyhood, in which he gives the present generation a description of the scenes and adventures of boyhood and youth in that far Western country. The youth of the present day who knows that the journey to Oregon is only a six days' ride in a palace car can hardly realize that the author's father crossed the country in 1852 in a "prairie schooner" drawn by oxen, and consumed six months in the journey from Arkansas to the banks of the Williamette, where he settled. The descriptions of the occupations of a. growing boy in a new country are fresh and vivid. Commencing with early life in a log cabin, the author "grows up with the country.' The hunting and fishing instinct is early developed, and many exciting adventures, which could take place only in such a country, are recorded. School life, mountain climbing, winter sports and occupations, life in the mining camps in the early days of gold mining, early salmon-fishing, are among the subjects described, which make this an intensely interesting book for young and old.

Hours with the Ghosts, or Nineteenth Century Witchcraft. Illustrated investigations into the phenomena of spiritualism and theosophy. By Henry Ridgely Evans. 297 pp. Chicago: Laird & Lee American Lands and Letters. The Mayflower to Rip-Van-Winkle. By Donald G. Mitchell. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons............ The Romance of Colonization in the United States. From the Earliest Times to the Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. By G. Barnett Smith. 8 vo.; cloth. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co

Daily Light and Strength. Illustrated with reproductions of famous religious paintings. 18mo. Ornamental, cloth, gilt edges; or, white back, violet paper sides, gilt edge. New York and Boston: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co..


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Little Lessons in Plant Life. For little children. By Mrs. H. H. Richardson, Teacher in Springfield School, Richmond, Virginia. Richmond: B. F. Johnson Publishing Co.....

Among the Meadow People. Stories of Field Life, written for the Little Ones. By Clara D. Pierson. Illustrated by F. C. Gordon. 12mo., 127 pp., gilt top. 31 W. 23rd Street, New York: E. P. Dutton & Co

The Investment of Influence. By Newell Dwight Hillis, author of "A Man's Value to Society." 12mo. Cloth, gilt top. New York and Chicago: Fleming H. Revell Co

Educational Value of the Children's Playgrounds. A novel plan of character Building. By Stoyan Vasil Tsanoff. 12mo. pp. 209. Philadelphia: John Wanamaker.......


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The District School as It Was. Edited by Clif ton Johnson. 7x4%, pp. 171. Boston: Lee & Shepard. General Grant's Letters to a Friend (18621880). Edited by Gen. James Grant Wilson. 16mo., with portraits. New York and Boston: T. Y. Crowell & Co.

The American people have learned to regard General Grant as a man who, however silent he may have been in public life, was singularly gifted with the art of saying im pressive and valuable things in writing. His Memoirs have become classic, even aside from the pathetic circumstances in which they were written, and any further writing that has come to the public has only added to his reputation as the wielder of a clear, crystalline style, weighted with the wisdom of a thinker. For many years he kept up an intimate correspondence with the Hon. Elihu B. Wasburne, formerly secretary of State, and for eight years minister to France. The present volume contains a number of these letters written by General Grant to his friend. They are certainly of great historical value, and reveal in a very interesting way some of the strongest and most admirable traits of General Grant's character, and his views upon men and affairs in the United States, and in some of the countries which he visited in the course of his tour around the world, as well as his remarks upon the character and result of British rule in India, and upon the progressive spirit of the Japanese people, will be read with special interest. The book is beatifully printed at the Merry-Mount Press, and contains portraits of Grant and Washburne which have never before been reproduced.

Words; Their Use and Abuse. By William Mathews., LL. D., author of Getting On In the World," "Oratory and Orators," etc, etc. Twenty-first edition. 12mo., 504 pages. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co

Teachers should read and study this most valuable book. The following are the subjects of the sixteen chapters: The Significance of Words, The Morality in Words, Grand Words, Small Words, Words Without Meaning, Some Abuse of Words, Saxon Words or Romanic? The Secret of Apt Words, Ononatopes, The Fallacies in Words, Names of Men, Nicknames, Curiosities of Language, Common Improprieties of Speech. Dr. Mathews' books interest, inspire, and instruct.

Success is for You. By Dorothy Quigley, author of "Everybody's Fairy Godmother." New York: E. P. Dutton & Co

1 25



1 00 A most excellent book for young people, directing their thought toward higher ideals in living. From the twenty-one chapters we call attention to the following, which give a good conception of the character of the whole: The Upbuilding Process, Success in Cheerfulness and Concentration, The Gain from Studying Your


Noble Self-Assertion, Whom and What to Avoid, She Made Drudgery an Art, The Moths in the Furs, The World Needs You. English Lands, Letters and Kings. The Later Georges to Victoria. By Donald G. Mitchell. 12mo., cloth, gilt top. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons

This volume-the fourth in its series of "English Lands and Letters"-is written in the most charming style of that prolific writer about writers, Donald G. Mitchell. It is a volume neither biographical, historical, literary, nor philosophical, but all of these combined in seven chapters of literary celebrities, their deeds, their writings, associations, etc., etc., in the period of time from Southey and Wordsworth to the present. The other three volumes are "From Celt to Tudor, From Elizabeth to Anne, and Queen Anne and the Georges." Stories and Sketches for the Young. By Harriet Beecher Stowe. 383 pages. Boston: Houghton, Miffin & Co.

Beautifully bound in green and gold, with a frontispiece of Mrs. Stowe and her daugh


ters, and filled with stories written for the children, this beautiful volume is truly a welcome visitor to our sanctum. Mrs. Stowe loved the children and therefore understood them. Her stories breathe the spirit of truth, and human sympathy, and will inspire, interest, and instruct. Send for this volume for supplementary reading or the school library.

Being a Boy. By Charles Dudley Warner. With 31 illustrations from photographs by Clifton Johnson, Boston: Houghton, Miffin & Co.

This volume was first published over twenty years ago. The rural life described is that of New England between 1830 and 1850. The boy-life of the time is faithfully depicted without exaggeration and with much minuteness. The many illustrations are superb. Every chapter in the nineteen in the book is full of matter that interests all. Here are a few of the chapter names: "The Boy as a Farmer," "The Boy's Sunday," "The Season of Pumpkin Pie," "The Sugar Camp," "The Heart of New England," "Country Scenes." No more interesting book could be found for the school library or for a present for a young man. Send for it.

The Coming People. By the Rev. Charles Fletcher Dole. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.. This little book of inspiring optimism is an attempt to show the actual results that are working out in the stress of modern life. It is proved by facts that the ideal and the practical so far from being antagonistic are properly one. The new philosophy, repre senting the latest development of Christianity, is applied toward the solution of the great problems of society. The trend of the movement is made to appear whereby the material means, the moral influence and the political power of the world are surely com. ing into the hands of the just and friendly. The question of social revolution is consid. ered and the higher, the more effective and peaceable method of needful progress is sug. gested. All this is found to be involved with a finely rational and religious faith. Written in a broad and sympathetic spirit, in a sim ple and convincing style, this book is calcu Îated to have a wide and beneficient influence on the thought of the day.


1 00

A Good Start. By B F. Meyer, M. A. pp. New York. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.. 75 Mr. Meyer needs no introduction to the American public. His name is a household word. He has gathered into a little volume a series of a dozen short papers on practical topics-"Exaggeration," "On Falling in Love," "On Doing a Good Day's Work," "Savorless Salt," "Sunday, and How to Keep it," "Amusements,' and the like. These essays give the key and explanation of Mr. Meyer's popularity as a preacher; they are full of sound common sense, they are simple and genuine, they are instructive and interesting. They are the outflow of a heart bent on doing good in the world. No one can read them without feeling better for it. Especially are they adapted to wield a beneficent influence over the young.

In a Sod House. By Elihu Bowles. A volume of poems. 60 pages, paper. Emporia, Kansas: The Author

We desire to commend this volume to the teachers and pupils in the schools of Kansas because the poems are interesting, well writ ten and faithfully portray the western life, and are suitable for declamations and home reading. There are some thirty poems each complete in itself yet taken in their relations making nineteen chapters in the life of a Kansas boy. The conception is admirable and the execution excellent, and we predict for the book a large sale, which it certainly richly deserves.

The Story of Ab A Tale of the Time of Cave
Men. By Stanley Waterloo.
351 pages.
Chicago: Way & Williams.

Indians and Pioneers. By Blanche E. Hazard
Edited by Samuel E. Dutton. New York:
The Morse Company



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Four True Storios of Life and Adventure. By Jessie R. Smith." New York: William Beverly Harrison, Cloth..

Uncle Sam's Secrets. Heme-Reading Books. A Story of National Affairs for the Youth of the Nation. By Oscar Phelps Austin. 1 vol. 12mo. D. Appleton & Co, New York, Boston, Chicago. Cloth, postpaid. Uncle Robert's Visit. Home-Reading Books. By Francis W. Parker and Nellie Lathrop Helm. 1 vol. 12mo. D. Appleton & Co., New York, Boston, Chicago. Cloth, postpaid.....

Love Songs of France. Illustrated with frontispiece in color and photogravures in tints. Exquisitely bound in white vellum. New York: New Amsterdam Book Co



......1 50

The World and Its People. Australia and the Islands of the Sea. By Eva M. C. Kellogg. Edited by Larkin Dunton, LL. D., Head Master of the Boston Normal School. Bos. ton and Chicago; Silver Burdett & Co 1 00 This is volume twelve of the Young Folks Library for school and home, and is an ideal book for use as a supplementary reader. The arrangement is systematic, the matter most interesting and valuable, and the construction and illustrations most admirable. The forty-four chapters are descriptive of Australia and all the islands of the sea worth mentioning, and introduce much of geography, history, biography and natural science, and will lead to an appreciation of good literature. The one hundred fortyeight illustrations are equal to any we have ever seen in geographies or histories. Stories from English History. By Albert F. Blaisdell. 192 pages. Boston, Chicago:

Ginn & Co

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Getting On in the World or Hints on Success in Life. By William Mathews, LL. D., author of "Words: Their Use and Abuse," "Hours With Men and Books," etc., etc. Sixty-third thousand. 12mo. 375 pages. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co.... ..1 50 No better book for the young man has been published. Its phenomenal sale is due to its worth. There are twenty-one chapters on such valuable subjects as "Decision," "Manner,""Choice of a Profession," "Physical Culture," "Self-Reliance," "Attention to Details," "Money-Its Use and Abuse," "True and False Success," etc., etc. Not a dry chapter can be found. Any boy would read it with eagerness after having made a


Old Lamps for New Ones, and Other Sketches By and Essays, Hitherto Uncollected. Charles Dickens. Edited by Frederick G. Kitton. Handsome Library edition: 350 pages: Long Primer Type. 156 Fifth Ave., New York: New Amsterdam Book Co. Cloth .......1 25

Charles Dickens lives again and interests the world by this collection of essays, reviews, etc., now colleeted and published in one volume for the first time. The volume is equal to if not superior to many of Dick. ens' book, and no set of "Dickens" is complete without it.

Flowers and Their Friends. By Margaret Warner Morley, author of "Seed-Babies," etc It is tastefully bound, printed and illus. trated. Boston: Ginn & Co

At last we have found in the above volume an ideal book on primary botany. The "stories" and illustrations will be read and scanned by the children with much eager ness and great profit. Children should be made botanists from the first. This book will open their eyes and fix habits of observation that will be lasting.

A racy sketch, "The Breaking In of a Cowboy," by C. L. Andrews, now of Juneau, Alaska, leads the list of attractions in the January Midland Monthly (Des Moines). "A White Day" follows a prize descriptive sketch, by Minnie Stitcher. U. S. Consul Bell, of Sidney, Australia, writes of Australian Aborigines; Mrs. M. C. Faville pictures "Quaint Old Norfolk;" Carrie Wyatt Banks sketches royalty-life in Hawaii; and Leigh Leslie tells the romantic story of Empress Eugenie and Dr. Evans, recently deceased. In this number Colonel Grant disappears, and in the next General Grant will enter on his career. There are more, and perhaps better, stories than usual in this Midwinter Fiction Number. The Midland enters upon its fifth year in full enjoyment of its well-earned right to live and grow.

The old style of portraying famous people through a "sketch" or "biography" is to be modernized in The Ladies' Home Journal during 1898. Five of the most prominent Americans have been chosen for the departure: Pfesident McKinley, Mrs. Clevelend, Mark Twain, Joseph Jefferson and Thomas A. Edison. Each will have a special article, which will consist of about fifteen or twenty fresh, unpublished stories and anecdotes strung together, each anecdote showing some characteristic trait or presenting a different side of the subject. The idea is to show famous personalities through their own doings and sayings, and to make these articles accurate the relatives and

closest personal friends of the subjects have assisted and given to the Journal the best stories and anecdotes within their own knowledge. Each article will thus represent the closest view of the one sketched. No authorship will be attached to any of the articles.

The January number of the American Monthly Review of Reviews is one of the best issues in the history of that magazine. From cover to cover it is thoroughly "live," alert, and forceful. The opening editorial department of "The Progress of the World" gives a clear and exhaustive New Year's summary of political conditions in both hemispheres at the threshold of 1898. The elaborate article on "The Future of Austria-Hungary," by an Austrian, is by all odds the best account yet given in the English language of the warring forces which threaten to undermine the dual monarchy of central Europe; Mr. Charles A. Conant's clean-cut analysis of the present demands for currency reform in the United States is something that no practical man of affairs should fail to read; Dr. W. H. Tolman's summing up of the municipal progress of New York City under Mayor Strong is just what is needed at this time as an encouragement of effort for civic betterment everywhere; Lord Brassey's remarkable paper on "The Position of the British Navy," with Assistant Secretary Roosevelt's comments, is full of food for thought when read in connection with the compact digest of the United States annual naval report, which follows, and the review of Captain Mahan's new book; two note-worthy letters of Count Tolstoi on the doctrines of Henry

George, one addressed to a German disciple of George and the other to a Siberian peasant, are also published in this number. Besides these important and spirited special features, the magazine's regular departments of "Current History in Caricature," "Leading Articles of the Month," Periodicals Reviewed," and "New Books" cover such timely topics as Hawaiian annexation and the great strike in England.


An excellent number of Current Literature is the January issue. Following the frontispiece, a fine reproduction from the latest photograph of Edmund Clarence Stedman (who is the "American Poet of Today," considered by F. M. Hopkins in this month's installment of his interesting series of articles), come five pages of crisp, clever, editorial comment, and then the usual succession of regular departments"--"Animal Life," "Applied Science," "Contemporary Celebrities," "Gossip of Authors," "Religious Thought," "Table Talk," "Sketch Book," "Current Literary Thought and Opinion," "Medical and Surgical," "Musical, Artistic, and Dramatic," "Pen Pictures of Travel," and the like, and the various verse departments, with truly scriptural measure of good things, "pressed down and running over." Then there are all the special "Readings " -- more or less lengthy extracts from new books of fact and fiction, and compilations of various sorts. Among the latter may be mentioned a specially delightful collection of the aphorisms of George Meredith, and a two-page selection entitled "The Literary Relics of George Du Maurier," from Du Maurier's "The Legend of Camelot," just issued by the Harpers. A thrilling account of John Paul Jones' capture of the "Serapis," taken from J. R. Spear's "History of Our Navy," is headed, "The Bravest Fight in Naval History," and of the fiction readings the two from S. Baring-Gould's and Elia W. Peattie's latest volumes are especially strong and interesting. Among other names well known in contemporary literature, set forth in the "Table of Contents" as authors of material in the pages following, are those of Andrew Lang, William Winter, Annie Besant, James Payn, M. Quad, Tudor Jenks, Barry Pain, Thomas Bailey Aldrich, John Davidson, Ambrose Pierce, John B. Tabb, Frank Dempster Sherman and Frank L. Stanton. Altogether, this is a fine number of an invaluable publication.


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