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Gestures should express the individual and be his own. Better awkward, ungainly gesture that is expressive of thought and individuality, than pretty copies of gestures not one's own, and that convey no thought.

There is an æsthetic side of man's nature not satisfied with strength alone. Love of beauty is inherent. Curves and rhythm have a fascination for the human mind. To him who is fortunate enough to live much out of doors, nature teaches much. She speaks to him of God from the vast dome, "so blue and so far" above him. She stirs his heart by the mighty moving of the sea. She leads his thoughts again up to God as she spreads out before him the lofty outlines of distant mountains. She fills his mind with magnanimity of thought as she bids him look at the far stretch of rolling prairie. She fills him with a love of the motion of the cloud as it sweeps in majestic curves through the heavens. She bids him look closer, and behold the swaying of branches of trees, and the swaying of fragile grain. Nature is never found in ungrace, but is a neverfailing object lesson from God, of the power and beauty of rhythmic movement. The poets, more than all others, perhaps, appreciate this influence. In Wordsworth's poem on "Lucy," he outlines an ideal gesture training. Undoubtedly the subtlest grace comes from the thought

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within. That gesture may be eloquent, everyone must concede who has seen the work of an artist. The nobility and strength of imagination in Charlotte Cushman's gesture, the elegance and intellectuality of Edwin Booth's, the statuesque beauty of Mary Anderson's, the charming grace and simplicity of Ellen Terry's -all these have made great literature live and move before men's eyes. It is such interpretation as theirs that stimulates earnest and continued study of world literature.

JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA, January 20, 1898. Dear Friends of the Monthly:

A few days ago President Taylor asked me to write something for the MONTHLY, So I gladly avail myself of this opportunity to speak a personal word to the many friends, to each of whom it would be a pleasure to write personally, but many duties have hindered.

Though the world does not seem to move as swiftly here as in the more bustling west, yet we have found a wide and needy field opening to us on every hand, so that each day has brought its full measure of duty for us to perform.

We are very pleasantly located here in the midst of a population of about 250,000 people comprising the three Falls cities— Louisville (200,000), New Albany, (30,000), Jeffersonville, (20,000), each including its suburban villages and towns. These are all connected by ferry, electric and steam cars, making them very accessible to reach in a half hour's ride.

We did not expect, when we left Emporia, to find a quiet, picturesque town, the air free from the taint of coal dust, and the winter days full of sunshine, so we have not been disappointed in these respects. Indeed, for the last month, it has been raining a good part of the time. The Ohio river is well up to high water mark, and though not out of her banks, she is over a mile wide at this point.

The busy days have crowded so closely one upon another that we have had little time to draw comparisons between our present external surroundings, and those of our former home, overlooking the quiet, beautiful valley of the Neosho. But since real happiness ever springs from within, rather than from without, we can still claim joy and gladness as our abiding guests. To say, however, that we miss the dear Kansas friends and the old, familiar surroundings is putting it very mildly.

Jeffersonville has many events of interest clustering around her history. During the time of the Revolution, when the English established posts at Kaskaskia and had captured Post Vincennes from the French, who were at that time friendly to the colonists, Virginia sent General George Rodgers Clark to reclaim this portion of the country for Virginia. He made his headquarters at the Ohio Falls, the most accessible place at which to cross the great river. It is well known that through this brave leader all that portion of country known as the North West Territory was gained for the colonies.

Jeffersonville is quite a manufacturing town. Chief among the plants are the Ohio Falls car works, the cement mills, the government depot, and the shipyards, said to represent the largest inland ship industry in the country. They are now putting up boats to be taken to the Yukon river to carry trade to the Klondike.

Onr school work here is very pleasant, many things combining to make it so, among which I should mention the hearty cooperation given by the school board, the teachers, and patrons. The generous welcome back to work after twelve years' absence was a pleasant surprise.

We are now rejoicing over the fact that we are to have, for next year, a new high school building, fitted up with laboratories, apparatus, and other modern conveniences.

Besides the work in the public schools I am superintending the educational work in the Indiana Reformatory located here. During the last legislature the government of the penitentiaries of this state was revised. Contract labor is now unlaw ful. It is the purpose to put the work on the basis of reform schools. There are now three institutions in this state. The Boys' Reform School at Plainfield, in which may be found about six hundred boys under seventeen years of age. The Reformatory located here takes them between the ages of sixteen and and thirty, and Michigan City receives those over thirty years of age. The total number in these institutions is about 2,300. While the school system of Indiana is second to none, the schools have failed to reach many of her citizens. It is said on good authority, that there are 23,000 voters in this state who can neither read nor write. To correct this condition, the state, last winter, enacted an educational law making it com

pulsory for every child between eight and fourteen years of age to attend school twelve consecutive weeks in the year. It is expected that in the next legislature the age of exemption will be raised to sixteen years. With the compulsory educational law, and the right kind of moral training in our public schools, the numbers in our reform schools, and the number of illiterate voters should, in a few years, be materially reduced.

It is my conviction, that in general, teachers do not plant firmly enough in the hearts of their children the seed thoughts of honesty, kindness, industry, and other characteristics which go to make up the true citizen. In a recent convention of reformatory men, General Brinkerhoff, of Ohio, one of the veterans in reform work, said: "During the generation now closing, through false views of science, material life has been exaggerated and the spiritual discredited, to a greater or less extent, to the serious injury of society as a whole. *** We must utilize religion as the most potent factor in the regeneration of men. *** Every teacher in our public schools, every prison officer, and especially every editor of a newspaper, ought to be profoundly religious, for it is only by the education of our people in the eternal verities of God and the future, that society at its best can be developed and saved. us have a text-book that all creeds approve, from Zoroaster to Christ, and from Christ to Herbert Spencer, for they all teach the responsibility of men to an Infinite Creator, and the possibility through right living here, of a life eternal. *** Let this text-book have the first place in the school curriculum from the kindergarten to the highest university. This is the only light that can dispel the darkness that lies along the horizon of the future of this country."



I am more and more convinced that General Brinkerhoff is right in his position, and believe that it is the first duty of every teacher to develop in his pupils those characteristics that make good citizens. No teacher should fail to recognize the source of power for this much needed work, and having recognized it, he should not fail to lay hold of that power and utilize it for righteousness. The people o: this Christian country have left God and Christ out of their thoughts-hence the reign of evil in our high places.

Teachers and educators of all classes should come to the rescue and give America the place among the nations God has intended her to fill-that of a light-house, whose beams shall dispel the darkness of ignorance and superstition, and hasten the time when the whole earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God and his benignant reign.

Mrs. Kelly joins me in kind remembrances to all our Kansas friends. Very sincerely,

Literati Society.


It is just a little cruel for the MONTHLY to deal so humorously with the Literati as it did in its last issue, when the only pretense is that the Literati won third place in the oration contest. Everyone is conjecturing that there is mirthful humor buried in the illustration, but so deep that no one will likely unearth it for a year. The eight Literati whom the MONTHLY shelved have been restored to the fold and look none the worse for their ostracism. On the other hand, they are vociferous in heralding their discovery, for while promenading on their elevated abode they espied the December MONTHLY, its edges nicely clipped, fitted closely to the shelf. On the evening of the 14th, rain preventing a large attendance, the Lyceum accepted an invitation to spend the evening in Literati company. The two presidents occupied the regal chairs and acted as one. Choice numbers from each program

composed the entertainment for the evening. At recess, old enemies and enemies that are to be, enjoyed making new acquaintances and strengthening old friendships. The latter part of the program was devoted to speech making. Messrs. Gillette, Kline, Anderson, Dean, Farwell, and Boyer, of the Lyceum, spoke of the friendship existing between the two societies, the advantages of meeting together, and of the coming contest. The Lyceum seems to have caught a little of the spirit that is so signally Literati. The good-humored speakers assured their hearers that the Lyceum would be prepared and offer a warm reception. Mr. McKinley responded for the Literati. He spoke the Literati sentiment when he said the Literati would also be prepared.

It was all in all a jolly, rollicking crowd. The Literati would be delighted to entertain its friends again.

Philomathian Society.

Judging from the sunshiny days and sunshiny faces since holiday time, it seems the new year of 1898 is surely to be a year of sunshine. We have learned that life's best work is to gather up the sunbeams, and now we have been advised by the "Hawkeye funny man" to make them into a medicine. One peep into the beautiful hall of the Philomathians suggests that is a special dispensary; for there is the good medicine-a hearty compound of honest efforts, kindly feelings, social interest, appreciation, hope, and enthusiasm, and the picture "after taking" is a pleasing one indeed.

We regret the departure of Mr. S. A. Bardwell but welcome a half score of new people.

The retiring president, Miss Brobst, has performed her duties with dignity, and the secretary, Mr. Rhinehart, has written the records in such fanciful style that he is always in fear of an encore.

Messrs. Thoroman and Dunbar are busy preparing to deny, on March 6, that the interests of the public service demand the establishment of a national university at Washington.

The dramatic art caste is composed of Misses Jones, Joseph and Turney and Messrs. Jones and Rhinehart. They will play cuttings from the play of Mary Stuart.

January 14 being a stormy evening and few being out, the Philomathians invited the Belles-Lettres to join with them, and on the 21st the Belles-Lettres returned the compliment. These were very pleasant meetings.

Lyceum Society.

Twenty-four years ago there was born in the State Normal School a literary society. The infant was duly christened the Lyceum, a charter being granted it by the state. Like other corporations, its life is perpetual. Other societies have arisen, flourished, and are decaying, but the Lyceum's "Higher Selfhood" is carrying it to heights not dreamed of in the society's philosophy. On the fifteenth ult. a birthday party was given by the youth of twenty-four summers. After a vocal solo by C. W. Kline, a vocal duet by Misses Thomas and Jones, an instrumental duet by Misses Clark and Westfall, a piano solo by Miss O'Neill, and recitations by Mr. Randolph, refreshments were served in the room adjoining the hall.

The oratorical contest is past and the Lyceum rejoices over second place. Had it not been for "the dogs of Egypt baying at the pyramids," it might have been otherwise. But "it might have been worse," and the society is proud of the showing made by her representative, Mr. Gillette. The Lyceum Pullman will be found next to the baggage car on the special train that will carry the winner of the next inter-state oratorical contest to Illinois.

A LESSON IN GEOGRAPHY. "How far is it around the world?" In girlish innocence asked she. "Ah! I will measure it," he said,

"If you'll permit me, love, to see."

Then when his strong right arm he'd placed Around her waist so small and trim,

He found it wasn't very far

For she was all the world to him.


Etta I. Avard is teaching in the primary department of the Hanover schools this year.

Amelia Bittman was married on December 3 to W. C. Wheeler. Their address is now Chapman, Kansas.

William Arndt, of the sub-normal class, died at the home of his father in this city, on the morning of January 17. He had not been very strong since an attack of the measles last spring, and a complication of diseases baffled the skill of the physicians. He was a studious young man, popular with his classmates and teachers, and the family have the sincere sympathy of us all. Professor Hill conducted the services, and as the sad company passed the Normal building, the bell slowly tolled the years of his life, in token of the respect in which he was held by his classmates and teachers.

'SS. Nellie Mack has accepted a position in the Clyde city schools.

'90. J. M. Colburn has been appointed to the principalship of the Stafford city schools.

'94. Miss May McGill writes from Orange, California, that the superintendent of Orange county grants her a certificate on her State Normal diploma. She says there are eight or ten Normal girls teaching in that part of the State.

'95. S. A. Bardwell, having spent the time preceding the holidays in advanced work here has accepted the principalship of the Randolph, Kansas, schools for the rest of the year.

'96. W. S. Pate reports that he will teach in the Jewell county institute in June. He is having pleasant work at


'96. Myrtie Taylor in sending her subscription to the MONTHLY says: "I could not do without it. It is like a letter from an old friend and full of good things."

'97. Miss Oma Brown resigns her position in the Clyde schools to accept an appointment in the Emporia city schools. '98. O. S. Davis has accepted the principalship of the Ness City schools.

'98. Hattie Plackett has accepted a position in a school near Lansing, Kansas.

'98. Mr. J. A. Dunbar has accepted the principalship of the Olivet schools. He will return in the spring in time to graduate with his class.

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Everybody's Business. By Agnes Giberne. 40 half-tone pictures; 311
PP.; 12mo.
10 East 23rd Street, New York: American Tract

We have enjoyed reading this useful, wholesome story. There is a dearth of its kind. It is an ideal book for girls in the "teens." Teachers wanting a suitable present for a girl will make no mistake in sending for it."

Patrins. To Which is Added an Inquirendo into the Wit and Other Good Parts of His Late Majesty, King Charles the Second. Writ

ten by Louise Imogen Guiney. Boston: Copeland & Day... Odd, unique, original, interesting, literary, express our opinion of these charming essays, now gathered for the first time into one volume. The fact that they have been published in such periodicals as The Atlantic Monthly, The Independent, The Catholic World, and The Chap-Book, is sufficient guarantee of their worth. From the twenty essays we especially enjoyed the following: "On the Rabid versus the Harmless Scholar," "On the Ethics of Descent," "The Puppy; A Portrait." "Reminiscences of a Fine Gentleman,” “On Teaching One's Grandmother How to Suck Eggs."

Little Lessons in Plant Life. For little children. By Mrs. H. H. Richardson, Teacher in Springfield School, Richmond, Virginia, Richmond: B. F. Johnson Publishing Co.

The object of teaching plants in the lower grades, is not only to give some knowledge of botany, but train the power of observation, to stimulate thoughts and to exercise children in a finent and correct use of language." The author has certainly realized the above in this little volume, which is filled with beautiful illustrations, memory gems, slant script for copying, etc., etc. We have seen nothing better in this line.

American Lands and Letters. The Mayflower to Rip-Van-Winkle. By Donald G. Mitchell. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons

Donald G. Mitchell is a name known to book-lovers as the author of "Reveries of a Bachelor," "Dream Life" and other piquant and entertaining books. His style is original and most refreshing. This book is a delightful chit-chat about authors, their writings, homes, etc., etc. While the author has excluded all authors born in this century, he has resurrected many whose name and fame have been forgotten, among whom may be mentioned Wigglesworth, Morton of Merry Mount, Richard Dana, Ezra Stiles, Peter Rugg, and others. The more familiar names of Edwards, Irving, Prescott, Franklin, Bryant, Cooper, Audubon, and Dwight, receive their share of attention. The illustrations are rare and abundant-so abundant that the catalogue of the illustrations fills nearly eight pages. Teachers who have some literary taste will enjoy the treat Mr. Mitchell has provided for them.

The Investment of Influence. A Study of Social Sympathy and Service. By Newell Dwight Hillis, author of "A Man's Value to Society." "Foretokens of Immortality." New York and Chicago: Fleming H. Revell Co

Dr. Hillis writes books that people read. Before finishing the reading of "The Investment of Influence" we incidentally heard of two persons who were perusing it with as much pleasure as we were, and we have no doubt that wherever the young orator has charmed' with the spell of his personality, that there will be found this new book. Reader, send for it. Your library is not complete without it. Read the chapters on "Influence and the Atmosphere Man Carries," "The Thunder of Silent Fidelity: A Study of the Influence of Little Things," " and "Hope's Harvest and Far-off Interest of Tears," and you will send for several of the books for your dearest friends. We commend the book as one of the most valuable we have ever read. The Complete Poetical Works of Joaquin Miller. San Fran330 pages. cisco: The Whitaker & Ray Co.

The Federal Courts. Their Organization, Jurisdiction and Procedure. Lectures before the Richmond Law School, Richmond College, Virginia. By Charles H. Simonton, U. S. Circuit Judge. Richmond, Virginia: B. F. Johnson Publishing Company... It gives the law covering the practice in the Federal Courts in a brief but forceful manner, and is considered by competent judges as being the ablest and most satisfactory book of the kind ever published. It will be found useful in the class room as well as the law office.

The Heart of a Boy (Cuore). By Edmondo de Amicis. Illustrated by Professor G. Mantellini, Chicago: Laird & Lee.

"Cuore" is a classic in the literature of education. It is a teacher of teachers, not for Italy alone, but for all the world. Praise can not be overdone on this book. It will inspire pupils, teachers, and parents, and its interesting observations and ennobling thoughts will be perpetual influences toward a faultless and helpful life. It is a book that holds the reader spell-bound, and he feels that he must have a number of copies for his friends. There have been one hundred sixty-six editions of this book published in Italian, and now that it is published in this country by an enterprising firm, it will no doubt have a very large sale.

The Science of Discourse. A Rhetoric for High Schools and Colleges. By Arnold Tompkins, Professor of Pedagogy in the University of Illinois, author of "Philosophy of Teaching," etc., etc. 354 pages. Boston and Chicago: Ginn & Co.

As a supplementary text for the teacher of rhetoric in the high school, or for advanced classes in colleges and normal schools, this text can be ranked among the best of its kind. One could not expect anything to come from the pen of the eminent author which would not be scientific, logical, and original, and in this case there is no disappointment.

The University Tutorial Series. Euclid: Books I-IV. By Rupert Deakin, M. A., Headmaster of King Edwards Grammar School, Stourbridge. The Tutorial Trigonometry. By Wm. Briggs, F. C. S., F. R. A. S. London: W. B. Clive; New York: Hinds and Noble. Both books possess the clearness and comprehensiveness that is characteristic of all English school books. Teachers of these subjects in high schools or colleges need the books for their tables.







1 50



Getting on in the World, or Hints on Success in Life. By William Mathews, LL. D., author of "Words: Their Use and Abuse"; "Oratory and Orators"; "Hours with Men and Books"; etc., etc. Cloth. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co


Dr. Mathews' books have had a quarter century of popularity. 'Getting on in the World," is now in its sixty-third thousand, and seems to be growing in popularity. is an eminently helpful book, scholastic, yet practical, and not above or beyond the interest of the general public. It is a good book to do missionary work with. It will do more good in the hands of a young man or youth than the blare of many trumpets or the babble of many tongues. Give it to the boys and it will speak as a "still small voice." The publishers offer good inducements to agents. Words: Their Use and Abuse. By William Mathews, LL. D., author of "Getting on in the World," "Oratory and Orators," etc. etc. Twenty-third thousand, Cloth, 494 pages. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co.



.2.00 Many of our readers will recognize this as an old and standard work. First published in 1873, it has had a phenomenal sale. The present edition is a revision of the original, and also contains two new chapters, besides many pages of new matter in other chapters. The sixteen chapters are on the following subjects: The Significance of Words. Morality in Words. Grand Words. Small Words. Words Without Meaning. Some Abuses of Words. Saxon Words, or Romantic? The Secret of Apt Words. Onomatopes. The Fallacies of Words. Names of Men. Nicknames. Curiosities of Language. Common Improprieties of Speech. "I have known a spirit calmer Than the calmest lake, and clear As the heavens that gazed upon it, With no wave of hope or fear; But a storm had swept across it,

And its deepest depths were stirred,
Never, never more to slumber,
Only by a word.”

Dr. Mathews is recognized as a great schol-
ar. His erudition displays itself by its activ-
ity rather than passivity. His books fill the
shelves of libraries for a purpose other than
to fill up space. Students will read either of
the three books above named with very great
profit, and the result of a perusal of "Words:
Their Use and Abuse," cannot fail to largely
increase one's vocabulary, and direct atten-
tion to and awaken an abiding interest in
language and expression. It should be in
every school library in the state.
Athenaeum Press Series. Poems by William
Wordsworth. A selection edited by Edward
Dowden, professor of English Literature in
the University of Dublin, Boston and Chi-
cago: Ginn & Co.

..1 40

The Athenaeum Press Series is intended to furnish a library of the best English Literature from Chaucer to the present time in a form adapted to the needs of both the student and the general reader. The works selected are carefully edited with biographical and critical introductions, full explanatory notes, etc. This volume gives Wordsworth's best poems and in a text that received his approval. Teachers of literature will surely welcome the series.

The Way to Keep Young By Dorothy Quigley. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co..

"She had no date, in her face Love erased all marks of Time." Dorothy Quigley is known to many of our readers as a writer for standard periodicals Her advice is always the best. Fourteen chapters in "The Way to Keep Young" make the way clear and certain. There are chapters on "To Grow Old Like a Tree," "Study", "Control Your Thoughts", "The Story of the Scholar," "Love", "The Charm of Her Voice," "Foods that Keep Persons Young", etc., etc. We hope many of our readers will send for Miss Quigley's books for the school library, presents, etc. The Elements of Natural Philosophy. For the Use of Schools and Academies. Edwin J. Houston, A. M., Ph. D., Revised Edition. Philadelphia: Eldredge & Brother

This is a text that is in every way ideal. The arrangement, illustrations, subject matter, questions, problems and comprehensiveness of fhe book are above criticism. Children's Day. Addresses to Children and Parents on Familiar Subjects of Life and Duty. By James Gardiner Vose, D. D., Pastor of the Beneficent Church, Providence, R. I. Boston: Pilgrim Press.


Karma: A Story of Early Buddhism. By Paul
Carus. Paper. 8vo. pp. 46. Chicago: The
Open Court Publishing Co.....
Nirvana: A Story of Early Buddhism. By Paul
Carus. Paper, Svo., pp. 46. Chicago: The
Open Court Publishing Co
Memorial Day aud Other Poems. By Richard
Burton, Boston: Copeland & Day.

Lovers of poetry will find in this beautifully bound volume much that will gratify and inspire. There are ninety complete poems, on a large number of subjects. "Memorial Day" is especially strong and worthy of a place among the great poems of the language.

Success. A book of Ideals, Helps, aud Examples for all Desiring to Make the Most of Life. By Orison Swett Marden, author of "Pushing to the Front" and "Architects of Fate". Ten full-page illustrations. 245 pp. Cloth, 8vo. 25 Bromfield Street. Boston: W. A. Wilde & Co

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1 00

1 25


1 00 52

New Games. No. 1100. Strange People cards, depicting the dress, manners, and customs of the nations of the world. Syracuse, N Y.: C. W. Bardeen

The reproduction of photographs on these cards are remarkably fine. The game is played similarly to "authors" and is quite entertaining as well as instructive. Many of the photographs were taken at the World's Fair and will be especially enjoyable to those who visited the great exposition. New Games. No. 1102. Wiid Anima's. 53 animals. No. 1111. Flags. Showing the national flags of the world in colors. Syracuse, N. Y. C. W. Bardeen.... Indians and Pioneers. An Historical Reader for the young. By Blanche E. Hazard, Teacher of History, High School, Concord, Mass. Edited by Samuel T. Dutton, Superintendent of Schools, Brookline, Mass. Il-lustrated. New York: The Morse Co

We are especially pleased with the arrangement and subject matter of this historeader. No child would lay it down until it was finished, so beautifully is the story told and so close is the relation of the parts to the whole. The illustrations are abundant and the best.

Stories of American Pioneers. An account of
Daniel Boone, Fremont, Kit Carson, Lewis
and Clarke. 173 pp. Boston and Chicago:
Educational Publishing Co.
Stories of Long Ago. By Grace H. Kupfer.
Boston and Chicago:
176 pages. D. C.
Heath & Co.
Undine A tale by Baron de la Motte Fanque.
Translated into English by Abby L. Alger.
Boston and Chicago: 106 pages. Ginn &


What Dress Makes of Us. By Dorothy Quigley. 16mo. 144 pp. New York: E. Dutton & Co. 1 25 Carlyle's Essay on Burns. Edited by Charles

L. Hanson. 12 mo. pp 169. Boston. Ginn
& Co.

Charm and Courtesy in Letter Writing. By
Francis Bennett Callaway. New York:
Dodd, Mead & Co..

Studies in Literature and Composition for
High Scnools, Normal Schools, and Acade-
mies. Bv W. H. Skinner, Superintendent
Schools, Nebraska City, Nebraska. Lincoln,
Nebraska: J. H. Miller.

This book will certainly teach pupils to ap preciate the art in literature, and develop their power of studying literature. It is a working manual and will teach without a teacher. There are exercises in interpreting effects to develop the power of inference; exercises which develop the pupils' sensitiveness to emotional words and phrases by increasing the power of visualization; exercises in careful analysis of the emotion content of words, to cultivate the aesthetic imag. ination: exercises to cultivate the pupils' power of recognizing the spirititnal types, etc.; exercises to cultivate the pupils' power to interpret the theme, which call forth all the higher powers of both feeling and intellect. The studies are arranged upon the "laboratory plan " There is much composi tion work as an aid to the study of literature and teaching the use of language, also pictures introduced for culture, etc. The book bears the stamp of practicality and original ity. Send for it. It is cheap. It will be prized as one of your best books.

The Psychology of the Aggregate Mind of an
Audience. By Gideon H. Diall. Terre
Haute, Ind.: Inland Publiihing Co.
Hegel's Educational Ideas. By William M.
Bryant, LL. D. Chicago: Werner School
Book Co.


American Contributions to Civilization. By President Eliot of Harvard University.



Contributions to the Analysis of the Sensations. By Dr. Ernst Mach, Professor in the Universities of Prague and Vienna. Translated by C. M. Williams. 208 pages. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Co..... 1.00 The Chemistry of Cocking and Cleaning. By Ellen H. Richards and S. Maria Elliott. Boston: Home Science Publishing Co

A World Pilgrimage. By John Henry Bar-
rows. Edited by Eleanor Barrows. Chica-
go: A. C. Mc Clurg & Co....

Self Cultivation in English. By George Her-
bert Palmer. 12mo. pp 32. Boston: Thom-
as Y. Crowell & Co.........、
Happiness as Found in Forethought Minus
Ferthought. By Horace Fletcher.




pp. 251. Chicago: Herbert S. Stone & Co. 1 00 Men in Epigram: Views of Maids. Wives, Widows, and Other Amateurs and Professionals. Compiled by Frederick W Morton 16mo, pp. 228. Chicago: A C. McClurg & Co 1 00

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New York: The Century Co....... Wherewithal. The Golden Secret of Mind Culture and Control. A Revolution in Thought Method. Wherewithal Book Co., succeeding Wherewithal Mfg. Pub. Co., 7th floor, Philadelphia. Bourse (trade centre). Also, P. O. Box 723; or, 39 North Front St., Philadelphia 1.00

Wherewithal is a teacher that resolves the
most complicated problems into simple "2
and 2 make 4" propositions. Seven little
words (but of mighty import as questioners)
the key. It simplifies-it amplifies-it eluci
dates-it demonstrates. For teachers, writ-
ers, lecturers, thinkers. We find the value
of outlining emphasized and a good method
explained, but we are of the opinion that
the author has not made a discovery of
more than an open secret.
Yet he presents

it well and is entitled to that credit at least. Elementary Botany and Spring Flora. By W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Professor of Botany in the Ohio State University. Philadelphia: Eldredge & Brother

In calling the attention of teachers to this work we beg to notice the following dis tinctive features: It is not overburdened with technical terms which usually render this important branch of science unat. tractive to beginners. It gives in comparatively short chapters a fair outline of botany in its present advanced stage of develop ment. The introductory chapter presents important hinis and suggestions to both teacher and pupil in regard to objects and methods of study. Directions for practical experimental work are given, not at the beginning nor at the end of the chapters, but throughout the text, in immediate connec tton with the paragraphs pertaining to the subjects under consideration. The experitments called for may easily be performed by The pupil with but few or no suggestions rom the teacher. No laboratory nor com pound microscopes are required. A com. pact Manual of the Spring Flora, including all the plants that pupils will find in bloom during the spring term of school, forms the second part of the book. All trees and shrubs are included, whether blooming in spring or not, and special keys added for their easy identification These keys are based on the leaves and fruit; hence identification is possible at any time. The names of the plants are printed in heavy black type, the common name in all cases following the scientific name. It is certainly a superior work,


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Emporia, Kansas.


Success is a handsomely illustrated up-to-date journal of inspiration, encouragement, progress, and self-help; of instruction in the choice of an occupation, the management of business, the conduct of life; of education in physical culture, mental development, spiritual growth,in manners, habits, morals, ideals; of inspiration to character-building through concrete examples, etc. Dr. Orison Swett Marden, editor. Author of "Pushing to the Front," "Architects of Fate,"


To inspire and encourage its readers of all ages to do something and be somebody, to make the most of themselves and their opportunities, is the keynote of Success. To teach them how to acquire practical power; to assist them by every bit of information, every suggestion or hint that will help them to get on in the world, its aim. The best material obtainable will be presented by the most stimulating and helpful writers in the world.

Its main object will be to arouse its readers to honorable exertion; to spur them on to act the Columbus to their own undiscovered possibilities; to urge them not to wait for opportunities, but to make them. It will teach that the most forbidding circumstances cannot bar the way to knowledge; that there are bread and success for every youth under the American flag who has the grit and pluck to seize his opportunity and work his way up to his own loaf; that no limit can be placed to the achievement of a healthy youth who has learned the alphabet; that there are no barriers which can say to inspiring talent, "Thus far, and no further."

No pains or expense will be saved to make Success a storehouse of incentives and precious sayings; to touch the higher springs of aspiration; to put inspiration, encouragement, and helpfulness on every page; to drive every lesson home with stirring stories from

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Current Literature for February.

A portrait of John Vance Cheney, reproduced from a drawing specially made for the purpose, forms a frontispiece of February Current Literature. This is by Cheney and his work, which is provided way of illustrating the article on Mr. by F. M. Hopkins as his monthly contribution to the "American Poets of Today'series, so long an interesting feature of this magazine. Among other good things in the number are an article on the late Alphonse Daudet, an account of his life and work, as well as a reproduction of his exquisite little sketch, "The Death of the Dauphin"; spirited readings from Sienkiewicz's latest novel, "Hania," and from Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett's "His Grace of Osmonde"; a compilation of clever thrusts at the sterner sex entitled "Men in Epigram"; and another, a verse compilation, "What the Old-Time Poets Say of Death." The editorials are keen and clever, and the

selected matter in all the departments is quite up to the magazine's own standard -saying which is sufficient commendation to all who know Current Literature. To the busy man and woman in particular, but to all, indeed, who have not at their command abundant leisure, and fullest means of reference to the incessant output from the teeming press of America and England, this publication is indispensable.


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Printer, Binder, and Publisher. 106-108 East Eighth Avenue.

TOPEKA, KAN., Jan. 1, 1898.

To Teachers:

The bookkeeping blank books which we are furnishing for use with Stevenson's Introductory Bookkeeping were prepared especially for use with that book by the author, who placed upon the covers many helps by way of suggestions, directions, time-table, principles, etc., etc., which add much to their usefulness to teacher and student, and will lead to uniformity in the work of the school.

We are sure that our blank books, because of superior ruling, extra quality of paper, and a different colored cover for each, will please your pupils far better than common stock blank books, which will eventually bring trouble because of their unfitness for use with Stevenson's Bookkeeping. Ask for the "STEVENSON'S BLANK BOOKS." Your bookseller can furnish them without one bit of extra trouble.

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