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Among Ourselves.

"Give us men!
Strong and stalwart ones!

Men whom highest hope inspires,
Men whom purest honor fires,
Men who trample self beneath them,

Men who make their country wreathe them
As her noble sons,
Worthy of their sires!

Men who never shame their mothers,
Men who never fail their brothers,
True, however false are others;
Give us men, I say again,
Give us men!"

-The Voice.

If we study nature in books, when we go out of doors we cannot find her.-Agassiz.

Stick to Your Frog, if you are studying frogs, and he will teach you more about the science of animals than can be learned from all the memorized classifications that you can bracket out on a hundred rods of blackboard!-David Starr Fordan.

To Be! A ministerial friend of mine occupying a most desirable pulpit under the shadow of one of the great universities of the country, was called to his present position not so much on account of what he was, but rather on account of what he was going to be. The university authorities could not find a man of mature life who in their opinion could meet the demands of that pastorate, so they chose a comparatively young man, whose vigorous brain and bounding blood were giving promise of great things. They set about to train him for their service, and now he is already their leader, trusted and worthy. Many school boards and churches could profit by this little story.

The True. If Plato be right in saying that the beautiful is the splendor of the true, then that philosophy of the beautiful which ignores its ethical basis, is superficial and misleading. It also follows that æsthetic emotions are best aroused as the moral emotions are healthy and vigorous. People often wonder at the moral obliquity of many talented musicians, when all agree that music is heaven-born. Artists, at whose touch the dull canvas becomes a thing of radiant life, lead an erratic and dissolute existence. Poets, who give form and speech to the subtlest emotions of the soul, are strangers to the simple faith of the peasant. Seeing these things, many parents look upon music and art and poetry, with all of their kith and kin, as emissaries of the evil one. They fail to see the distinction between art as an end and art as an expression of an idea-an idea which must be even more beautiful than the thing expressing it. They do not note that the very fascination which art possesses even for the immoral is due to its birth in the true. Nothing is ethical which is not beautiful, and nothing is beautiful which has not the similitude of the good and the true. Ethical longings get their highest satisfaction in the æsthetic emotions. When all education recognizes this relation, then many of the difficulties in the management of children will disappear.

Than St. Mark's or Vesuvius. A friend of mine, in the midst of an entertaining letter from Italy, suddenly stops describing the beauties of Venice, of Florence, and of the Imperial city, to relate a short conversation with a little girl whose merry prattle had attracted his attention. As he closes the incident, he apologizes for mentioning it and explains that he turns aside from the piles of marble, the temples and palaces, the volcanoes and mummies, the lovely landscapes of rare Italy, to this little child, and finds her more interesting than them all! And what true heart does not say, amen! There is nothing in all God's wonderful creation, in all earth, or air, or sky, so marvelously formed as this little creature, fashioned after His own image. The study of chemistry, with its revelation of the subtle forces that lock and unlock the elements in their ever-changing forms; the study of geology, with its strange

and thrilling story of the building of land and sea, of the mighty cataclysms by which the mountains were made; the study of astronomy, with its dazzling and bewildering visions of unnumbered celestial worlds;-each and all together are, with their companion sciences, engaging the time and labor of a multitude of devoted lovers, but these all sooner or later discover their unity in the Mind of which the child is the image. It then becomes again the most interesting of all the themes in human experience. Are we teachers realizing as we ought the dignity of our calling and the nobility of the child that invites us to its study?

Watch the Machinery! As we were driving past a field in which a mower was doing poor work, a farmer said to me: "My neighbor has many mishaps with his machinery and his repair bill is a great item of expense each year. I have more machinery than he, but it costs me little to keep it in repair." "Why the difference?" I asked. He replied: "I always watch my machinery. If a nut comes loose, I see it and tighten it before it falls off; if a bolt breaks, it is at once replaced; if a belt begins to give way, it is spliced; if a bar is bent, it is straightened at noon-time; if a journal gets hot easily, it is promptly adjusted; if the cog wheels make too much noise, they are equalized: and so I seldom have a serious mishap." His machines are always in order, they run easily, they do good work, and as a result he is always in good humor himself. Not so with his neighbor. He repairs his machines when they will run no longer. A jar or a rattle is nothing to him, and when the crisis comes, he has the bill to pay. His temper is in keeping with his machines and he is eternally grumbling about the way things are going. If there be a school teacher who cannot see the application of the above, he ought to surrender his certificate and-buy a farm!

Re-create. In teaching pupils to sing, Superintendent Powell strives to develop the impulse to re-create everything they utter-to appropriate what they meet and then to express it as their own. It is the old principle of putting yourself in the author's place, seeing what he saw, feeling what he felt, and then speaking as he spoke; but it has a wider significance, in that it tends to the development of the pupil's own resources, to the quickening of his impulses to self-activity, to habits of original thinking and acting. What though the efforts are crude at first, what though he makes many blunders in thought and form, they are vastly better than any parrot-like imitation or repetition of author or of teacher. One day the individuality will suceeed in expressing itself in such a fresh and original way that some people will think a man has come to town!

Whose Fault? Statistics show that from 85 to 90 per cent of the children in the public schools drop out before reaching the high school. Somebody is to blame for it. Is it you? Is it I? Is it all of us? Is it the system? If you are not interesting the children in their work, nor helping them to glimpses of the attractive store-houses of knowledge beyond, then yours is the blame. If I am not widening their vision, not begetting keener appetites for beauty and truth, then I am at fault. If all of us are not exalting the manhood and womanhood of generous culture and are not constantly drawing the children to us and to it, then the condemnation comes to all. If the system does not reach the various sides of the child nor tend to bring him into harmony with the ideal life, then the system needs readjusting at once. I have a lurking little suspicion that the fault may lie in any of these and that a little more devotion to one's own sphere and work will soon show a great change in the attendance at our high schools. It is said of a certain ward principal in Kansas City that nearly every single pupil completing the work in his building entered the high school, while often a small per cent entered from many other wards. The contagious, unflagging, irresistible enthusiasm and tact of the principal affected alike teachers and pupils. Shall we not go and do likewise?


[blocks in formation]

1002 Market

927 Congress 1315 N. Merchants 1006 Exchange 927 Congress 1028 Congress 1315 North Merchants 1028 Congress 1315 North Merchants ...823 Mechanics

Assistant, Model Department.
Manuscript Assistant, English.
Assistant, Bookkeeping and Penmanship.

Second Assistant in Piano.
Special Teacher, German and French.


Clerk and Bookkeeper.

Assistant, Library and Office.
Assistant, Library.

1013 Merchants

422 Market

1123 Congress
1123 Congress

PROF. L. C. WOOSTER comes to us experienced in Normal work. A graduate of the Whitewater, Wisconsin, Normal, he became connected with the Wisconsin State Geological Survey and also with the United States Geological Survey. During a fourteen years' residence in Kansas, he has served as superintendent of the Eureka city schools and for the last six or seven years he has stood at the head of the science department in the Southern Kansas Academy. During the last period he served as superintendent of the Kansas exhibit at the World's Fair, and, for two years, as professor of science in the North Dakota State Normal. Professor Wooster brings to the department a wide range of experience, and love and enthusiasm for his work, and the Normal bespeaks for him a welcome.


PRESIDENT TAYLOR returns to the work of the year with renewed ambition and the same untiring zeal as of yore. Though the burden of his labor seems heavier than ever before, yet a kind providence has granted health and strength for the multiplicity of duties which are his. Two weeks of the early part of the summer, he spent in the lecture field, where he reached hundreds of Kansas teachers. A portion of July was spent in Chicago, where he joined a party of travelers on an expedition up the lakes, reaching Milwaukee for the session of the National Educational Association. The summer also brought him the pleasure of a reunion at the old family home in Illinois.

THE state is glad to welcome to the ranks of its educators Professor Iden, of Indiana, who succeeds to the chalr of chemistry and physics, lately occupied by Doctor Thomas Dinsmore, now in the lecture field. Professor Iden is well equipped for the duties of his new position, having been at the head of the physics and chemistry department in Butler University, Indiana. In addition to special work in the Harvard laboratories, one year was spent in Berlin with the late Professor Hofmann, one of the most eminent chemists of his time, and with Professor Lundt, the eminent German physicist.

THE regular meeting of the board of regents occurred on the afternoon of September 21. The usual routine work was transacted; Mr. Payne was promoted to be associate professor in mathematics and Miss McNally to be associate professor in English; a new piano was ordered for the gymnasium; an office with proper fixtures was provided for Professor Stone, teacher of physical training; a system of electrical watchmen detectors was authorized; the outside doors in the old building were ordered changed so as to open outward; changes in certain text books in the model school were also authorized.

DOCTOR CHRISMAN was invited to Texas in July to preside at the meeting for the organization of a Child-Study society for that state. He had already prepared a fine program, and the attendance was large and enthusiastic. He delivered a lecture at one of the sessions and was favored with papers and addresses by Doctor Parr, of Minnesota, and Miss Thomas, of Chicago. The new society starts out with bright prospects and many new teachers are already enlisted.

PROFESSOR BOYLE is one of the proud men about the institution now. He at last has the pleasure of seeing a Steinway grand piano on the platform. It was purchased during the summer and was ready to lead the boys and girls in songs of praise on the morning of September 7. It is rich and strong, easily filling the hall, and yet has a delicate, elastic touch seldom found save in the pianos of this famous house.

THE subscriptions of a large number of our friends expire with this number. We hope they may be prompt in renewing. We cannot afford to lose a single subscriber and need several We do not hundred more to carry out our plans for the year. really see how you can teach school without the MONthly.

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HONORABLE RODOLPH HATFIELD, of Wichita, delivered the opening address at the College of Emporia last month. We regret exceedingly that he did not favor us with a morning call at chapel. His eldest son enters the College this year.

THE attendance at the opening session surprised us all. Mr. Newman tells us that the enrollment as we go to press is nearly 150 more than at the same date last year. The senior class promises to be the largest in our history, 110 members being present at its organization.

MISS GRACE KING gave great satisfaction to her vocal teacher, Gottschalk, at Chicago during the summer. He complimented her voice and training in the highest terms, and promises great things for her in the future. All of this shows the superior character of the work done by our Professor Boyle.

WE are under obligations to C. R. Oakford for a copy of the program of the opening exercises of the Spokane Technical College. Mr. Oakford has been appointed commandant for the college. We are pleased to see the name of our old friend, Colonel Feighan, on the program as one of the prominent speakers of the occasion.

THE Students Salute comes out in a new dress for the year and we congratulate the editor upon the handsome appearance and the excellent promise of the first number. The corps is as follows: A. T. St. Clair, '98, editor-in-chief; A. M. Bailey, '98, associate editor; Maud Young, '98, local editor; Geo. L. Lucas, 98, athletic editor; W. A. Cain, business manager.

JUST think of it! The MONTHLY and Our Times both for one year for 65 cents!! Our Times is a periodical of current events, published by the well-known publishers, E. L. Kellogg & Co., New York City, and has proven very popular among the teachers of the United States, for whom it is published. Address the business editor of the MONTHLY.

THE various sections of the athletics association are pretty well organized, though the weather has been so hot that the battalion and the tennis sections are about the only sections in active practice as yet. Professor Stone has organized a special class in gymnastics for young women, which is rapidly costuming, and will prove a valuable feature of the work.

"PROFESSOR GRIDLEY is the happiest looking one on the platform," said some one last Tuesday morning at the first assembly; and indeed Miss Gridley herself says she has not known what it is to be tired during her vacation of seven weeks spent in art work in Chicago. The equipments of the art department have been increased by the addition of two new cases in the west room, and also by the valuable accession of twelve serial photographs for use in the work in History of Art.

MISS MILLIGAN brings from Santa Fe the water-god worshipped by the Indians of that region. It can be seen in No. 34. This deity is appealed to whenever rain is desired-it is probably closely connected with the Kansas rain-makerand offerings are made to it as an inducement. Prayer-sticks with bright-colored beads or pebbles accompanying, are buried as an offering to the deity; and the larger the offering the more copious is the rainfall.

Ar the June meeting of the board of regents it was agreed that the degree of Bachelor of Pedagogy should be conferred on all graduates of the Latin or English four years' course, who complied with the requirements for one year's work as outlined in the post-graduate course. Already a fine class is organizing in the city for the purpose of completing the necAddress essary subjects in time for next commencement. Prof. E. L. Payne for full particulars.

WHEN the senior class cast its "informal ballot" for class president, lo and behold, seventy-three votes out of the one hundred ten were for McKinley! No wonder the president remarked that he feared Mark Hanna had stopped in the city over night. Charlie is a "very distant" cousin of the man now occupying the White House and will make a worthy leader for the class of '98. The other officers elected were: vice president, Cora Perkins; secretary and treasurer, S. A. Bardwell.

THE museum has been treated to new hangings in olive green which form a rich setting for the oak of the cases and the other woodwork. Professor Wooster's private collection of about three thousand specimens will be placed in the east museum. This includes minerals, rocks, and fossils from the Potsdam sandstone, Trenton limestone, the Niagara and the upper and lower Helderberg limestones, Chemung sandstones and slates, and the Permian sandstones. The collection also includes some valuable specimens from the later Cretaceous period.

THE senior class inaugurated a little innovation in socials on the evening of September 18. The usual reception was held in the president's rooms, but the program consisted of instrumental music and songs by representatives of the class and readings by Professor Ellsworth and Hon. W. A. White of this city. Professor Ellsworth read, "The Possum Trot Quartette," "The Empory Wobblers' Run," "That Normal Grajuate," and "Our Uncle Tom Show," from the Second Book in Prairie Phrase, and was most enthusiastically received. Mr. White read, "The King of Boyville" and "The Home-coming of Colonel Hucks," from the Real Issue. The cordial welcome given him by the students must have been very gratifying to our talented Kansas editor and litterateur. The readings of both our friends were most heartily enjoyed, and all feel under deep obligations for the favors shown us.

PROFESSOR M. L. STONE has been appointed to take charge of the department of physical training. She is a graduate of Chicago University and has had fine opportunities in the way of preparation for this work, having been trained in the Hemenway Gymnasium and also under the direction of Professor Anderson, of the University of Chicago. She has had several years' experience in teaching calisthenics and gymnastics, last year having taught the Sargent system in the Columbia School of Oratory, Chicago. While a student at the University, she was also an assistant to Professor Anderson in the gymnasium. She is the picture of health and is already developing great interest in all of the classes. She expresses herself as much pleased with the foundation work laid by Professor Wilkinson and with the progress made in the various lines of her work. It is time for somebody to begin to talk about a new gymnasium and armory building for the State Normal School.

The N. E. A. at Milwaukee.

The meeting at Milwaukee was a little disappointment in the number of paid up memberships, falling nearly five hundred short of Buffalo. This is probably due in large measure to the cheap rates on the Lake steamers, which did not include membership fees.

Every meeting of the general association, however, was attended by large and enthusiastic crowds of teachers. The Exposition building accommodated more people than ever could have come together before at our meetings. The auditorium was most elaborately and beautifully decorated. Nothing like it has been attempted before. This, with nearly all the other good things provided for the meeting, was due to the enthusiasm and executive ability of Editor Bruce of the School Board Fournal, though he was ably seconded by Superintendent Seifert and President Harvey of the Milwaukee State Normal School.

The welcome address of the Mayor of the city, a German, was eloquent and spicy. His reference to the principal product of the city and to the consumers, put him in harmony with the audience at once, though there were comparatively few lovers of the flowing bowl present.

Editor Winship, of the Journal of Education, fired the audi. ence with his first sentence and some of his brilliant hits were lost to many in the audience on account of the tumultuous applause which they raised.

President Skinner's opening address will long prove a valuable and inspiring reference for the public school teachers of this country.

Of course the various departments of the association were well attended, though the great crowds went to the Herbart and Child-Study sections.

The first meeting of the Normal School section was devoted to the report of the committee on organizing a course of study in normal schools, presented by President Snyder, of Colorado. The discussions at times were somewhat animated and resulted in the continuance of the committee with more definite instructions. Doctor Boone, of the Michigan State Normal School, presented a thoughtful paper at the second meeting, though its best points were not sufficiently emphasized in the discussion which followed, because the section was side-tracked almost immediately with some irrelevant matters that have been discussed at nearly every meeting for a dozen years.

The addresses by Bishop Vincent and Doctor Lyman Abbot, were popular features of the meeting. Some thought that Thursday morning was the great session of the week, the time being principally occupied by Doctor Hinsdale, Doctor Harris, Doctor Sabin, and Doctor Kiehle.

The Deutscher Club of Milwaukee threw open its spacious and lovely club grounds to the teachers on Thursday evening. Probably twelve or fifteen thousand people crowded through the house and lawns during the evening. Although the temperature was away up to the dollar mark, nearly everybody felt well repaid for the effort. Cooling drinks of every description from ice water to Pabst's best, were provided with a generous hand; as were also creams and ices. The temptation must have been very great for some of the weaker brethren and sisters, though we have not learned that any Kansas teacher indulged in anything stronger than that sold by well regulated drug stores in our state.

The National Council met in the Jewish synagogue, Temple El Emanuel. It was the first time that the Council had met with our Hebrew brethren, and their hospitality in that beautiful building was most warmly appreciated by all of the friends. While the discussions were as interesting as ever, the audience was a little too large for the best results. In spite of President

Hinsdale's dignified remonstrance, the rule against applause was frequently violated, the cheering being led by some of the great leaders in educational circles, and so we fear that one of the sacred traditions of this body goes as also go some of the sacred traditions of that other body with which it is entitled to be compared, the United States Senate. One whole half day was occupied in the discussion of the report of the committee on secondary schools, developing at times some sharp passes, and the report was finally referred back to the committee, the entire discussion being stricken from the minutes. There was hardly anything better presented to the Council than Doctor Dewey's paper on the "Esthetic Sense," though some other papers were received with heartier expressions of approval.

Milwaukee proved a great surprise to nearly everybody. It is really one of the loveliest cities on the continent, and most of it is so well kept that it reveals the taste and care of the powers that be. Many of the avenues and streets on the lake front are as beautiful as anything we have ever seen; while some of the avenues across the river even excel these in elegance and beauty. The churches and public buildings of all kinds are in keeping with the residences, and prosperity and comfort look out of the windows everywhere. It was with much surprise that the visitors discovered that beer is but a small part of the great manunfacturig interests of the city, and that trade in other lines is so vast.

The Kansas teachers had headquarters at the Hotel Pfister and frequently came together in little companies for conference and fellowship. Prominent among them were, of course, Superintendent Stryker, Superintendent Stanley, Doctor John McDonald, Professor Wilkinson, Chancellor Snow, et al.

Professor W. C. Stevenson's paper before the commercial department, was received with expressions of approval and praise on every hand. One veteran teacher of penmanship said that it had taken him nearly forty years to determine the principles which Professor Stevenson had so successfully discovered in a few years.

Professor Wilkinson's skill as a stenographer comes in good play everywhere, and he was frequently called to jot down the remarks of the brethren during the session.

The appearance of Doctor Harris, Commissioner of Education, at any of the sessions of the association was the signal for generous applause. He is easily the first among all the rabbis of the sanhedrin. Though keen and unmerciful in argument, he has the happy faculty of retaining the love and respect of all who come in contact with him. His continuance as Commissioner, by President M'Kinley, is unanimously endorsed by the profession from Maine to California.

One of the pleasant features of the meeting at Milwaukee was the opportunity to spend some time in the handsome lake steamers out on the beautiful waters of Lake Michigan. Many weary ones were greatly refreshed by the excursions thus provided them.

The Milwaukee system for supplying wholesome drinking water to the inhabitants of the city, is one of the most perfect in this country. In the midst of those hot days, the hydrant water in every home was clear, cool and sparkling, ic e seeming hardly necessary save in the more distant parts of the city which were not promptly reached by the water from the Lake. Too much praise cannot be given to the Milwaukee and Chicago papers for their enterprise in giving details and complete reports of the various meetings. The Chicago papers had a fine corps of correspondents on the ground and made even more exhaustive reports than the Milwaukee journals.

The Milwaukee people were undoubtedly on their good behavior, for many teachers are willing to swear that they d d not see a single man under the influence of liquor during the entire week. Every Milwaukean seemed to feel that it was his special duty to serve the visitors in every way in his power, and more courteous and generous hearted hosts never said "Welcome to the N. E. A.!"

William Jennings Bryan at the Normal. In response to an urgent invitation, Mr. Bryan, who stopped in the city over the night of September 8, ran in for a few moments before taking the M. K. & T. train on Thursday morning. Of course everybody rose as he appeared on the rostrum, giving the Normal salute, waving handkerchiefs, and clapping hands. With but a word of introduction, he said:

I scarcely know what to say. When one has but a moment to talk, it is difficult to select a theme. As I came through one of the recitations rooms, I noticed upon the blackboard, "Selfinterest or public welfare, which?" and as I am a believer in the double standard, I at once answered, "Both," because we think that that which is for the public welfare is really for the interest of each individual, if he will take a broad view of his own interest. I was much impressed once with a passage in a speech by Senator Hill, of Georgia, "Who saves his country saves himself." There is truth in this and in the thought that no person, after intelligently examining the subject, can believe that his own highest interest can he separate from his country's welfare. If a man's object is to secure a large amount of money, he may secure it and bring no advantage to his country; if a man wishes to hold office, he may do it without bringing any advantage to his fellows, but if he will take a view of interests that will include not only himself, but his children, and their children after them, he cannot separate his interests from the welfare of the community. We sometimes commence to reason in this way, that if a thing is good for us it is good for the country. That may be a dangerous form of reasoning. If we find what is good for the country, it is in the end good for us. There is one thing certain, one thing that must always be borne in mind, however much difference in opinion there may be as to the advantage or disadvantage of anything proposed, in social life or general government the purpose is the samethe good of all. When I visited Canada recently, I found people who are much like us in most ways, living under a different form of government, yet with their different government they have the same purpose as we have. They have more points of similarity than of difference, if one will compare their people with ours. The real aim, if you get at it, of all people in the world, no matter what form of government, is to better the human race; all seek to better the condition of the world. When one realizes this, I think he ought to feel more charity than is sometimes felt or expressed between those who contend in different ways for the same results. Charity is as important in public matters as it is in the thought of the Holy Scripture. No matter how different our convictions may be, we must all realize the possibility of error. No matter how determined we may be to carry out our ideas and see them crystallized in law, we must recognize that the ideas of others may be right. When we feel that we can compare our ideas, each as anxious to be convinced of error,if in error, as he is to convince his opponents of error, we shall be ideal citizens. When I look back to the last campaign, regardless of the result, I believe it demonstrated the capacity of the people for self-government and self-restraint. Feeling has not run so high for years as last fall, yet the people gathered peaceably, and rival demonstrations were held at the same time; and as the followers of one candidate marched down the street, the followers of the other assembled on the sidewalks, cheers mingling in generous rivalry. I think it shows to the world that whatever fights we have we settle among ourselves, and we do not have to call in outsiders to help us run our government.

Now, you assembled in this and similar schools, ought to realize that this training is to fit you for more than ordinary work in making our government what it should be. Sometimes a graduating class has a composite picture taken, which combines the features of all of the class. Our government is a composite photograph of all the people. If you look at a photograph which has in it some of the features you disapprove, you realize that if the photograph is not good-looking it is partly because the subject is not good-looking; and now if you look at the composite photograph which we call our government, you will find that there are imperfections in it, you will realize that you sat for it, and some of the objectionable features may be due to you. Those living in a government like this, and whose likeness is impressed upon the picture, should seek to improve their own appearance, and thus make a picture of the people as a whole.

As he left the platform for his train, many friends gathered around him, for a word of greeting and farewell. Though he

spoke so briefly, everybody was pleased to have him with us, and his words will not soon be forgotten by the boys and girls present. We are indebted to Professor Wilkinson and the Emporia Republican for the verbatim report above given.

HONORABLE W. M. RICE, for several years an active member of our board of regents and at one time its president, has been appointed to an important government position at Vancouver's Island.

PROFESSOR SUE D. HOAGLIN took a flying trip to Boston after the close of the summer school. Protessor Hill ran into Colorado for a breathing spell among the "snow caps." Professor Payne rusticated among the old time friends in the Hoosier State for a fortnight. Doctor Chrisman improved the opportunity by moving into his new home at 1013 Market street.

On the recommendation of the commanding officers at West Point and Annapolis, the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy have forbidden football games between the two institutions. The recommendation states the dangers of the game and insists that it is not designed for the physical development needed, at least in the army. So one by one the institutions of the earth fall in line with the State Normal school on the question of football games with non-resident teams.

THERE Comes to our table the Second Book In Prairie Phrase by our genial and universal friend, D. A. Ellsworth. His resources are continually surprising his friends. Several of the poems are even better than any published in the first book. We call special attention to "That Normal Grajuate," "Empory Wobblers' Run," "The Possum-Trot Quartet," "The Old Charm String," not forgetting one of the best of all, "Our Uncle Tom Show," which we publish in this issue. The book is handsomely printed by Rowland and will surely have the widest sale. Orders should be addressed to D. A. Ellsworth, Emporia. Price, twenty-five cents.

Miss May Michel is teaching in Osage City this year. Dolan T. Short teaches near Benedena, Kansas, the coming year.

Mr. Geo. W. Scott writes that his school opens pleasantly at Ionia. He expects to be back in the spring.

Esther Turkleson attends a business college at St. Joseph, Missouri, this winter, but hopes to return to Emporia and complete her course soon.

Miss Ella Branson and W. J. Maddox joined the happy band of newly married people in July. They set up the family altar at Kansas City, Missouri.

Clarence Brown and Bertha Bachellor were united in the

bonds of matrimony on September 1. Mr. Brown is principal of the schools at Neosho Rapids.

'98. Alice Dodge teaches near Madison this year.

'98. Carrie B. Gasche teaches near home this year, but will be back in time to graduate with her class.

'98. Our hearts were deeply saddened to learn late in July that Humphrey Drake had died at his home at Green Valley, Illinois. He began work in the summer school but soon found that he was not strong enough to continue and went home for rest. His sickness proved more serious than he had anticipated and in spite of all that love or skill could do, the fell destroyer conquered. The physicians pronounced his illness typhoid fever, though its earlier stages were distinctly malarial. Mr. Drake was a general favorite among all classes of students, and a thousand boys and girls here join with the faculty in expressing love and sympathy to the stricken family.

'99. Aura Fitch teaches at Grand Canon, Colorado.

'99. Miss Fannie Snow was married to Rev. Mr. Root, of the College of Emporia, on June 23.

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