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Map of the World.-1. Trace on a map the route of the Pacific cable. (From San Francisco by way of Honolulu, Midway Islands and Guam to Manila.) 2. About how much longer is the Pacific cable than the Atlantic? Map of Central America.-3. Draw an outline map of the Isthmus of Panama and indicate on it the route of the canal. Map of the United States.-4. Give the boundaries of Oklahoma.



1. Theodore Roosevelt.-Theodore Roosevelt, the twenty-sixth President of the United States, was born 1858 in New York City. As a young man he faithfully discharged the duties of the various public offices that he held. At the outbreak of the war with Spain he resigned the office of assistant secretary of the navy and organized a regiment known as the "Rough Riders." After the war he became governor of New York, from which office he was


Theodore Roosevelt

elected Vice-President. On the death of McKinley he succeeded to the presidency, and in 1904 he was elected to the office for a term of four years.

2. The Republic of Cuba.-After the war with Spain, Cuba was placed under the control of the United States until such time as the Cubans could establish and maintain a government of their own. This control continued for three years, and during that time lawlessness was put down, public schools were opened, and the general conditions in regard to the health of the people were much improved. In 1902, the Cubans were left to the management of the affairs of their own country. Four years later, however, the United States was forced to send troops there in order to put down an uprising against the government.

3. Pacific Cable. The possession of Hawaii, the Philippines and other islands in the Pacific showed clearly the importance of a cable connection between them and this country. A cable from San Francisco to Manila was therefore completed as quickly as possible. The earth was now encircled with cables and 1903 telegraph lines, and on July 4, 1903, President Roosevelt sent the first message around the world.

4. The Panama Canal.-For many years a French company had tried in vain to dig a canal across the Isthmus of Panama, thus connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. In 1902, this company sold out to the United States government. The following year the 1903 United States bought from the State of Panama a strip of land, ten miles wide, across the isthmus on which the canal undertaken by the French was located. Since that time the task of completing the work has been directed and paid for by our government. The ships of all nations will be allowed to pass through the canal when it is completed.

5. Earthquake at San Francisco. In 1906, San Francisco and the surrounding country was shaken by 1906 the most destructive earthquake in the history of this country. As the houses toppled over, the ruins caught fire in many places, and within a short time more than two-thirds of the city had been destroyed. Regardless of their losses, however, the inhabitants immediately began the work of rebuilding.

6. New State. -Oklahoma was the forty-sixth State 1907 to be admitted into the Union. It was formed from the Territory of Oklahoma and the Indian Territory.

7. Election of 1908.-In the election of 1908 the Republican party nominated William H. Taft for President. His opponent was William J. Bryan, who had twice before been nominated by the Democratic party. The Republicans were again victorious.

QUESTIONS.-1. Tell something about Mr. Roosevelt before he became President. 2. For what reason and for how long did the United States control Cuba? 3. What was accomplished during that time? 4. Why was the Pacific cable built? 5. How did the United States acquire the uncompleted Panama Canal? 6. Describe the earthquake at San Francisco. 7. What State was admitted in 1907? 8. Who was elected President in 1908, and who was his opponent?





Map of North America.-1. Trace a water route from New York City through Baffin's Bay to the North Pole. Map of the United States.-2. Give the boundaries of New Mexico; of Arizona.




1. William H. Taft.-William H. Taft was born in Ohio. After graduating from Yale University, he began the practice of law. He

soon became a Federal judge,
from which office he was sent

to the Philippine Islands to
act as governor.
The year
before he was elected Presi-

dent, he made a trip around
the world.


William H. Taft

2. New Tariff. To fulfill the promises made by the Republican party, Mr. Taft, as soon as he became President, called an extra session of Congress to revise the tariff. The Republicans had promised to lower the tariff; but, instead of carrying out this promise, Congress increased the duty on a large number of things.

3. The North Pole Reached. In the summer of 1908, Commander Robert E. Peary, who had been an Arctic explorer for many years, set out on his fourth


Peary planting the Stars and Stripes at the North Pole.

expedition to reach the North Pole. After the expedition had been away for more than a year and nothing had been heard from it, the world was startled by the announcement that Peary was on his way home and that he had placed the United States flag at the North April 6, Pole on April 6, 1909. Thus it remained for an Amer


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