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Locomotive Fuel Economy.*

Condition of Locomotives.

The condition of the locomotive has much to do with fuel economy, and it is the poorest possible policy to neglect repairs that might cost only a few dollars and by so doing consume a hundred dollars' worth or more of extra coal a month. We cannot, nor should not, expect 100 per cent. efficiency on the part of the men unless we give them 100 per cent. conditions. And yet we know of mechanical department men who are so intent on making an economical showing or record on running repairs that this is done, they forgetting that it is all one company and that it is only a very small man who will strive to build up an individual record at the expense of the company for whom he is working.

Poor steaming engines are far more wasteful of coal than excessively free steamers. And in an effort to get steam out of a poor steaming engine, the fireman is apt to get into very improper methods which he will be apt to continue on a free steamer with very wasteful results.

It is not our purpose to advocate any particular kind of a front end arrangement in this paper, though we have some very decided ideas on the subject. In all cases the steam and exhaust stand joints, as well as the exhaust tip joint, must be tight. Many poor steaming engines are so from these defects, and a failure to find such leaks, due to improper methods of testing in the shop or roundhouse, accounts many times for the continuance in service of an engine that not only tries the patience and endurance of the crew to get over the road, but burns many tons more coal than is needed.

These joints should be subjected to a water test at boiler pressure. To do this a plate should be placed over the nozzles with a suitable gasket, held down by some means other than a block and jack from the top of the smoke arch. This plate should have a small cock in it to let the air out when the water is introduced, and a gauge should also be placed in this plate to show the pressure in the test; as the pressure in the test gets there only by leaking by cylinder and valve packing, and we could not be sure that the pressure was had otherwise.

Abstract from paper by Mr. A. G. Kinyon, Fuel Expert of the B., R. & P. Railway, read before the Railway Club of Pittsburg at its meeting of October 28, 1910.

While it is true that we never get boiler pressure in the exhaust pipe while working steam, if the joints are tight with boiler pressure, they surely will be tight under working conditions. This test should be made to determine leaks, and be made again after pipes have been ground in, or after removal for any cause.

Careful tests should be made to know that exhaust pipes, nozzles and stack are in line and plumb with one another, and when the petticoat pipe is used great care should be taken to have it plumb and central with the stack and at such distance from the base of the stack to insure the exhaust steam filling the stack shortly after entering the base, and should be firmly secured so it cannot get out of place.

We think the petticoat pipe is an unnecessary adjunct to the front end as well as a dangerous one, and measures should be taken to dispense with its use on all engines. The height of the draft sheet is an important factor in the steaming qualities of a locomotive, and any change in its position should be made only on the recommendation of some one who is competent to fire the engine and know that an uneven burning of the fire is not due to some peculiarity in the method of firing, restricted openings in the ash-pan or grates, or some other cause rather than the position of the draft plate.

The size of the nozzle is of great importance and should be as large as possible and have the engine steam well, but no larger. A nozzle enlarged to a point where the engine will not steam is nearly as hard on coal as one with the nozzle too small. We are satisfied that the practice of reducing nozzles to make an engine steam is resorted to altogether too often, with a resulting greater coal consumption and decreased efficiency. The

reduction of the nozzle should be the last thing resorted to in an effort to make an engine steam. All other parts that affect the steaming qualities should be examined and known to be right before a change in the nozzle is made. A reduction of one-fourth inch in the size of the nozzle can easily increase the coal consumption a ton or two per hundred miles, while if the real cause of the steam failure was located, it might be possible to increase the size of the nozzle. In an effort to burn fine or slack coal, nozzles are reduced so much that

holes are torn in the fire, requiring that a much heavier fire be carried and raking resorted to frequently, which is hard on the coal pile, firebox sheets and the fire


All possible chances for air leaks into the front end, as well as steam leaks, should be guarded against, as air coming in at such places not only tends to heat and warp the adjacent parts, but prevents a corresponding amount of air coming in through the fire, retards combustion and causes clinker, if there is any clinker-forming material in the coal.

The flues should be kept clean, not only to preserve all the heating surface, but to insure an even-burning fire. The blowing out of hot flues with cold compressed air is poor practice on account of chilling effect, and should not be done where it is possible to use steam for this purpose.

Valves and cylinder packing, as well as valve stem and piston rod packing, should be tight, as any of these or other steam leaks are not only a loss but impair the efficiency of the locomotive.

The condition of the interior of the boiler as to scale is an important factor and should not be lost sight of. Aside from the scale-forming tendency of boilers run too long between boiler washings, trouble will be had from foaming, which will cause dry valves and cylinders, requiring that the locomotive be worked harder to handle trains, consuming far more coal. Dirty water will not so readily generate steam, so where trouble is caused by foaming or scale-formation, it is advisable as well as economical to use a boiler compound, but care should be taken in the selection of such compound and know that it is adapted to the particular water with which it is used.

The value of the brick arch in the matter of fuel economy is entirely overlooked by some railroads. We believe that too much cannot be said in its favor. It is not only a fuel saver and smoke preventative, but is a great protection to the flues and firebox sheets when properly designed and applied, and will more than pay for its installation and maintenance.

The brick arch has been developed in the past few years so that the old objections as to first cost, maintenance, and danger from arch tubes becoming mud burned and bursting, have been eliminated. The large heavy bricks of a few years ago have been displaced by much

smaller sections, and these sections so designed and placed in position on the arch tubes that they can be removed without difficulty or danger of breakage, thus permitting repairs to be made to flues and the renewal of burned out or broken bricks, without destroying the whole arch, as was formerly the case. By using the revolving disk cleaner to keep the arch tubes clear of mud, the danger from arch tubes bursting is entirely overcome. The efficiency of the brick arch as a fuel-saving device and smoke preventative has been increased by having the under surface of the brick corrugated, which further delays the escape of the gases of the coal from the firebox, compelling them to mix more intimately with the oxygen of the air, and this, together with the uniform high temperature of the arch, causes more perfect combustion of the gases and smoke formation, and the losses incident thereto prevented.

The importance of closing the firebox door after each shovelful of coal is great, and to give the fireman no excuse for not doing so it should be kept in good order. so it can be opened and closed easily. If a swinging door, the latch should be adjusted to hold the door open positively while putting in coal, as it is very annoying to have a door swing shut as coal is being put in. The door should not swing open too far, as this involves extra labor in swinging, and a chain should be provided where practical, hung from the ceiling of the cab and only slack enough allowed to let the latch drop into place. If a sliding door, the levers should not be allowed to become worn until they work hard and bind.

The pneumatic fire door is a factor in fuel economy as well as a help to the maintenance of firebox sheets and flues and for these reasons will pay for itself in a short time.

A large amount of coal is lost by faulty grate construction or conditions, especially where fine coal is used. Grate fingers broken or burned off allow much coal to fall through them into the ashpan, which is not only a loss, but, catching fire, warps and burns the pan. Grates should be put up so they can be shaken easily and fastened in their level position securely. When a detachable shaker bar is used it should be fitted to the shank so there will be no danger of its slipping off when in use and injuring the fireman.

The height of the shovel sheet and deck should be the same and the shovel sheet free from holes or projections.

The deck sheet should be fitted carefully about the shaker shank and no holes left in it so that coal falling on the deck will drop through and be lost.

A number of mechanical stokers are being tried out at the present time, and while none of them, to the writer's knowledge, have thus far proven equal to intelligent hand-firing in continuous service, we believe from the fact that some of them frequently make successful trips, that they will be perfected to a point in the near future where they will be installed in large numbers. In fact, we have recently learned of one in use that is making a remarkable record for efficiency and stability and promises to solve the problem. We refer to the Hanna stoker on the Queen and Crescent.

For the average fireman a light-weight No. 3 scoop should be provided, with a comparatively straight handle. While the use of the rake as a firing tool is to be discouraged as much as possible, there are times with fine coal, especially if it be of a coking nature, when it can be used to advantage. The coal pick should be of medium weight and have a large deep eye and good handle.

The ash-pan, its construction and attachment to the locomotive, should be carefully considered, as the steaming qualities may be greatly impaired by restricted openings in the pan. Not only should these openings be ample in size, but should be so constructed as to insure the air admitted going up into the fire and not rushing through and out at the rear of the pan, and thus require a reduction of the nozzles to create vacuum enough to induce a current of air through the fire, which might be the case and often is, especially at high rates of speed.

Mr. LeGrand Parish, when Superintendent of Motive Power of the Lake Shore, made some very exhaustive experiments along this line, which resulted in the designing of an ash-pan for use on their fast passenger locomotives, which produced remarkable results in fuel saving and increased efficiency by permitting the use of a larger nozzle.

The location of the steam gauge should be given consideration. As the locomotive boiler has increased in size the steam gauge has been elevated until in some cases it is necessary for the fireman to

stand on the seat box to see the pointer. On the large engines the steam gauge should be placed below the throttle-stem or to one side, if in the way there, but at a height not to exceed five feet from the deck. Close firing requires close observation of the pressure, and we cannot expect this if we place the gauge in its present inconvenient position.

The Use of the Fuel.

We now come to the most important part of the subject, the use of the fuel, and we trust you will be patient with us if we go into this at considerable length because we believe that this has the least consideration given it of any part of the subject of fuel economy.

We call to mind several articles and papers presented to the various railway clubs and associations, in which the purchase, inspection and accounting of coal has been very ably treated, and as a result much progress has been made along these lines; but stopping at this point, we have much the same condition as when the cow kicked over the fine mess of milk.

Kindling Fires.

In kindling fires the best accepted method seems to be to cover the grates, after they have been cleaned of all accumulation of clinkers in the air spaces, with a layer of well-broken coal evenly distributed over the grates to a depth of about four inches. Over this should be spread a layer of coarse saw-dust or shavings thoroughly saturated with fuel oil, and this ignited by throwing upon it a piece of oil-saturated light waste. It should be the aim to allow time enough for this coal to become thoroughly ignited before the fire is disturbed or more coal added. Often in an effort to hurry a fire it is raked or puddled and more coal added, which does not hasten matters at all, but serves to cause clinkers and thus handicap economical and efficient results from the start.

Keeping Up the Fire at Terminals.

In keeping up the fire at terminals a point to be considered is not to get it so hot that the pops will lift and blow away water, but to keep the steam at such pressure as to allow of getting the engine hot on short notice. To do this the fire should be banked at the flue sheet rather than at the door. The banking at the flue sheet prevents cold currents of air

coming up next to it and chilling it, thus preventing leaks and maintaining a more constant steam pressure with much less coal than would be the case if the bank were made next to the door. Any air coming in at the rear of the box will be prevented from striking the flues by the hot air arising from the bank and will do no harm, and it will be found that a fire banked in this way will last much longer without attention, will not cause the engine to pop, and when broken out will allow the engine to be gotten ready for service on short notice. In cold weather, if the engine is to stand with heaters on, it will be necessary to refill the boiler with water occasionally. The fire should be stirred out for this purpose, but banked again next to the flue sheet, pushing some of the bright fire forward before banking to prevent popping. When an engine is ordered the fire should be broken out and steam gotten up to about 50 pounds of boiler pressure, and the boiler filled fairly full of water; then the fire should be covered with a layer of coal sufficient to deaden it and coke over without raising the temperature, so as to raise the pops. If care is taken in this matter an engine can stand for an hour or more with a stationary steam pressure, and a condition of fire had that requires only to be stirred out or broken up shortly before leaving time, to have a

full head of steam and a bright, hot, clean fire to start with.

Hostling Engines.

In handling the engines to the round house, or to and from the coal chute or ash pit, the hostler should not fill the boiler so full as to work water over the valves or through the cylinders, washing off the lubrication and dirtying the engine. In moving engines under their own steam after fire has been dumped, the movement should be as short as possible, as the cold air drawn in will be very harmful to the flues and firebox sheets. If a little time is spent in warming up the cylinders of an engine that has been standing for some time, by opening the cylinder cocks and throttle slightly and reversing the engine several times, and then moving over to the next quarter and repeating the operation, much of the throwing of water will be prevented. Care should also be taken to start the air pump slowly with the drain cocks open, as the water from either of these sources not only dirties up the engine, but some of it falling back into the front end, moistens and clogs the netting and seriously impairs the steaming qualities. The proper condition of the fire when delivered to the crew has been outlined in a previous paragraph.

(To be continued.)


Our Special Study Course


Copyright, 1912, by Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen.

1. General Explanation.-The usual construction of locomotives, except in the case of switch engines, does not permit of all the weight being carried on the driving wheels. At one time an impression prevailed, and possibly still prevails in this country, that engine trucks were necessary to guide the locomotive. It is questionable whether or not this idea is correct, as it has long been the practice on European railroads to construct locomotives without engine trucks, and the fact that they have been used successfully on foreign lines, and also that switch engines are not more subject to derailment than are those having engine trucks would lead to the conclusion that the engine truck is not absolutely necessary. There is no question, however, but what an engine truck will, in a measure, improve the riding qualities of a locomotive, and also that the engine truck wheels will save considerable wear to the flanges on the driving wheels by taking a part of the thrust that would naturally be received by the driving wheels in curying, and as it is less expensive to renew engine truck wheels or engine truckwheel tires than driving wheel tires there is some excuse for the continuation of the engine truck, although there is no question but what the engine truck in many cases, especially where the truck is rigid, is primarily responsible for many frame failures. Engine trucks are of two general types, namely, the four-wheel truck as used with the American type, or eightwheel, engines, also with ten-wheel, Atlantic, Pacific and Mastodon types, and the two-wheel or pony, truck as used with Mogul, Consolidation, Decapod, Prairie and Mikado type locomotives.

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wheel type only when used directly under the locomotive, as in case of Atlantic, Pacific, Prairie and Mikado type engines. Where the tender, that is, the storage capacity for coal and water, is rigidly attached to the engine, however, as in case of the Forney and double-ender type of locomotives, the truck used to support the tender may be of the two-wheel, fourwheel, or six-wheel type. When so used, however, it cannot properly be classed as a trailing truck, as it is more of a tender truck and will be treated as such.

2. Four-Wheel Engine Truck.-The four-wheel engine truck as used under eight-wheel, ten-wheel and other types of locomotives supports the front end of the engine, same being placed immediately under the cylinder saddles, the saddles resting in the center casting so that the truck is free to move in curving; therefore, in speaking of the wheel base of a locomotive, the engine and trailing trucks are only considered in the total wheel base, which is the distance from the center of the first truck wheel to the center of the rear driving wheel, or, where a trailing truck is used, to the center of the trailing wheel; and the distance from the center of the front driving wheel to the center of the rear driving wheel is considered as the rigid wheel base. The center casting of a four-wheel truck rests upon a frame, this frame being provided with jaws in which the engine truck boxes are carried, and the truck boxes are free to move up and down in these jaws the same as the driving boxes are free to move up and down in the jaws of the main frames. Equalizers also reach from the front to the back pair of engine truck wheels, the springs being placed between the equalizers and hung from them, as shown in Fig. 1. These trucks are fitted with removable brasses, so

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