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"British labor leaders of other trades have promised their moral support to the seamen in their campaign, and the special committee appointed to confer with representatives of allied unions in foreign countries reports that many of them are prepared to press similar demands coincidentally with the British seamen when the word is given."

Conditions on the Olympic.

Part of the Senate committee's investigation consisted of a visit by Chairman Smith of that committee to the Olympic, owned by the White Star Line Company and a "sister ship" of the ill-fated Titanic. Amongst those by whom he was accompanied was Rear Admiral Richard M. Watt, chief constructor of the United States Navy. During his investigation of the Olympic he took the sworn statement of Captain Haddock of the Olympic and Frederick Barrett, head stoker, who occupied the same position on the Titanic and escaped almost miraculously from the flooded boiler room.

wrench that operated it could be found. A place was provided, but there was no wrench in the place. It had to be procured by a greaser from the engine room.

Then Senator Smith commenced a long, thorough and intensely hot trip through the engine room, proceeding to the lowest deck before he was satisfied with his inspection. Admiral Watt walked beside him, explaining the various devices, and then came a big surprise for Mr. Franklin and the newspaper men.

Senator Smith stopped in front of a grimy boiler room employe in the tunnel between the boiler room and the engine room force and said:

"You're Barrett, aren't you? You were on the Titanic?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. I'll swear you right here and take your testimony here."

Standing in an exactly similar place on the Olympic to that which he had occupied on the Titanic when she hit the iceberg, with only one electric bulb light

From press accounts of Senator Smith's visit to the Olympic we take the ing the narrow tunnel, Senator Smith


During the inspection Admiral Watt said:

"This doesn't look as if we ought not to demand adequate lifeboat equipment, does it? Why, the Olympic could have eighty boats on this deck and it would not hamper at all the freedom of her passengers and crew. This equipment and probably a double hull, so that if the outer shell is pierced the inner one may remain intact and keep the water out are the mechanical changes that seem neces


"But unless a crew is trained in the use of all the life-saving devices and every member of the crew knows his duty and does ft, mere equipment will be useless."

The senatorial party saw a lifeboat swung and lowered and Senator Smith insisted on seeing that her bread and water tanks were properly loaded and accessible and also that the plugs were in place in the boats. Then the party proceeded to the steerage to make an examination.

Following this Senator Smith led the way to the engine room, where Chief Engineer Robert Fleming explained the working of the hand-operated watertight compartment doors.

Door Wouldn't Open.

But when Senator Smith asked to have a door near the engine room closed it was three minutes by a watch before the

questioned the only man of the Titanic's boiler room force to escape.

"Where were you the night of the Titanic accident?"

"I was standing right where I am now. I sang out 'Shut the doors,' and there was a crash just then. The water came through the ship's side. I jumped to the next section."

"Where did the water come through?" "About two feet above the floor plates. It looked like a whirlpool." "Was it a big hole?"

Whole Side Ripped Out.

"Yes, sir; all along the side of that section."

"How far along?"

"Into the bulkhead between sections 5 and 6. We got through, two of us, before the bulkhead doors broke. I went to find lamps, as the lights were out and when we got the lamps we looked at the boilers and there was no water in them. I ran to the engineer and he told me to get some firemen down to draw the fires. I got fifteen men down below. I saw a big wave come through the tunnel into the section where we were; it was then that I jumped for a ladder and climbed to deck A and then to the boat deck. I was put in charge of lifeboat No. 13 and that's how I got away. There was no officer in the lifeboat."

"If the water came through that way the water-tight doors could not have been closed."

"I suppose not, sir."

"And this white light, indicating full speed, was burning?"

"Yes, sir."

"And you had twenty-four boilers working?"

"Yes, sir, we had twenty-four boilers working that day for the first time on the trip. We were going full speed."

Barrett said a volume of water approximately eight or ten feet thick poured into the engine room-which he saw as he was driven aft through the various sections-about ten minutes after the Titanic hit the iceberg.

your hospitality, devotion, unselfishness and for all that was done for us we never can be adequately grateful, and as a slight token of that appreciation we wish you to accept the medals that we have had struck for every man and woman of this ship."

The medals show in bas-relief the Carpathia rushing full speed to the rescue of the Titanic's victims, the reverse side bearing the following:

"Presented to the Captain and crew

Medal and Thanks of Congress for Captain of the R.M.S. Carpathia in recogni

Rostron and Crew.

As a fitting recognition on the part of the United States of the bravery of Captain Rostron, of the Carpathia, in saving the lives of the Titanic survivors, the U. S. Senate adopted a resolution on May 28th providing that President Taft be authorized to have struck and presented to him a medal containing $1,000 worth of gold. The resolution also extended to him the thanks of Congress and the privilege of admission to the floor of the House and Senate. The resolution was introduced by Senator Smith at the conclusion of his speech on the Titanic

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tion of their gallant and heroic services, from the survivors of the S.S. Titanic, April 15, 1912."

Gold medals were presented to the following officers of the Carpathia: Captain Rostron, Chief Engineer Johnson, Surgeon Frank E. McGee, Purser E. G. F. Brown, R. N. R.; Chief Steward E. H. Hughes and Second Engineer


At the request of the committee, Captain Rostron then handed a medal to each member of the crew as he responded to his name. Each man saluted the commander as he received his decoration. Silver medals were presented to the junior officers, the medals presented to the crew being of bronze.

Regarding the honor accorded to him by the United States Government, Captain Rostron said "he was proud for himself, the officers and the crew of the Carpathia, and for the Cunard Line, and

that he believed the whole mercantile marine of the world would feel honored

29 on her arrival at New York from
Naples, who presented a loving cup and
gold medal to Capt. Arthur H. Rostron by it."

and silver and bronze medals for his offi-
cers and crew.

After feelingly thanking the committee Captain Rostron is reported to have said:

"I will not take the credit for the achievement of that night when we went to the aid of the people of the Titanic. I do not deserve this credit. My crew does, and to them I want to give my heartfelt thanks for their loyalty, valor and fidelity to the trust imposed. I cannot think of them too highly, for they have brought this honor to me and to themselves, and I feel humbly proud of what has been done for me through their valor."

The chairman of the committee, Mr. Frederick K. Seward, then addressed the crew in part as follows:

"The eyes of the world are upon you and were upon you when you came to us on the open ocean, when we saw the Carpathia coming to us out of the dawn. To all of you we wish to give our heartfelt thanks. For

The New Passenger Terminal of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway at Chicago.

A handsome booklet illustrative and descriptive of its splendid new passenger terminal located on Madison street, between Canal and Clinton streets, Chicago, Ill., has been issued by the Chicago and Northwestern Railway. The new station is situated in the midst of the city's greatest activities. It is reached by no less than four of the leading thoroughfares of Chicago. In planning this great structure, not only was it necessary for the designers to provide for the accommodation of a quarter of a million of people and five hundred trains each day, but as well for future expansion of the terminal when it might be found necessary. Quoting from the booklet: "In building this great terminal, all the ages

have paid their tribute to this triumph of modernity. In size it has the massive sweep of the mighty temples of Baalbek. The eternal pyramids have foundations not more lasting. Greece, the birthplace of classic beauty, has contributed to the design of the lofty Doric portico at the Madison street entrance. To Italy is accorded the inspiration for the main building itself, which is a four-story structure of the early Italian Renaissance style of architecture.

"One must consider this great terminal as something more than a place where trains arrive and depart. Barring the feature of providing bed-rooms for guests, one can regard the Chicago and Northwestern Railway terminal as a vast metropolitan hotel, run upon lines equally as definite and exacting.

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"The terminal should not be regarded as being merely what is housed under one roof for the convenience and comfort of passengers. The domain of the yardmaster should be considered, that intricate network of trackage with its hundreds of automatic interlocking switches, and its myriads of green and red lights which flash their messages of safety and danger after dark. These have been arranged with the twin ideas of safety and quick service, with safety always the elder brother.

A richly embossed, neatly printed deckle-edged leaflet, tied with silk ribbon, bearing the following expressive poem accompanies the booklet:

The Terminal.

In majesty the Terminal now stands, Colossal, wrought of marble, stone and steel,

Strong with the railway's strength, enduring, real,

The gateway of the far-flung western lands.

To meet an inland empire's vast demands It has been reared by men of faith who


Inspired to make their mighty dream appeal

To all who ask for service at their hands.

Substantial symbol of the railway's


So may it ever stand for all to see How beauty and utility combined Have wrought a modern marvel in this flower

Of architecture, which shall always be Devoted to the service of mankind.

The booklet is handsomely printed on heavy coated paper and illustrated with artistically tinted halftone engravings, which feature the superb architectural beauty of this monumental triumph of twentieth century railroad achievement.

Rose O'Rielly.

Rose O'Rielly, by Mrs. Mattie Dufresne, is one of the latest contributions to the popular songs of the day. The song, which abounds in suggestions of love and sunshine, is set to music that is specially sweet and attractive.

Our worthy brother, Shandy Maguire, is a personal friend of the composer and speaks in the highest terms of the song and the lady who composed it, and as an authority on such a subject we all know where Shandy stands.

Orders for the song, which sells for 25 cents per copy, should be sent to Mrs. Mattie Dufresne, 85 Erie Street, Oswego, N. Y.

Destroy the Fly and Remove Its Breeding Places-Great Menace to Health.

For some years municipal, State and National health authorities have been conducting a vigorous campaign against the "typhoid fly," otherwise known as the common house fly (musca domestica), as it constitutes such a menace to human health as to justify a vigorous and universal campaign for its extermination.

That the fly is a prolific medium for the spread of various diseases has been demonstrated clearly and conclusively. Without doubt it is one of the filthiest insects in existence.

From the extent to which it has proven a special agent for the spread of typhoid fever it is now commonly called the "typhoid fly," for while a very effective agent in the dissemination of other diseases it is particularly instrumental in distributing typhoid germs because of its frequenting filthy places where those germs exist in greatest quantities.

To keep one's house free from flies is a precaution which may save the pain, trouble, heartache and expense of sickness and possibly as well the sorrow of a visit from the death angel. All dwelling houses should be screened so as to

keep the flies out and every occasional fly that may succeed in getting in any how should be promptly killed as would be a snake or any other poisonous reptile if found about the place. In addition to this the premises surrounding dwelling houses should be kept free from all insanitary conditions such as uncovered garbage cans, filth likely to accumulate in alleys, barns and other outhouses. Where horses or other animals are kept all manure should be covered up pending its being hauled away as filth-manure and in fact accumulations of almost every kind of decaying matter-constitute ideal breeding places for flies and the removal of such breeding places is far more effective in abating the fly menace and nuisance than is the destruction of the matured fly itself.

A recent issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association contains the following editorial on this subject:

"No Filth, No Flies."


"Swat-the-fly" campaigns for 1912 are well on. The elimination of this filthy and dangerous insect is a desirable end. The house-fly, in addition to being a demonstrated agent in the spreading of typhoid, is strongly suspected, on more or less conclusive evidence. with relation to a large number of infections, including cholera, dysentery, the infantile diarrheas, diphtheria and contagious ophthalmia. About a billion flies were killed in various campaigns of 1911-a statement which seems impressive until one siders the number of flies which escaped the slaughter. In Washington, D. C., alone, some 7,000,000 flies were killed by the "swat," the trap, drowning, sulphur fumes and even by electrocution. Dr. Howard, of the Bureau of Entomology, points out that . . . seven generations of flies may be produced in a single summer. One female fiy will lay on an average a batch of 120 eggs; and if all these eggs from a batch laid in the middle of April should hatch and reproduce their kind in like manner, there would be by autumn, from a single female fly, a progeny of nearly six thousand billion. And as each female may lay four batches of eggs, the figures for their unchecked development through a summer stagger the imagination. To "swat the fly" by the billion, therefore, means little, so long as those that survive have unchecked opportunity for breeding. There is even more weight, therefore, in Stockbridge's

statement that during 1911 filthy breeding-places were cleaned up, which, if left alone, would have given opportunity for the propagation of incalculable billions. Better than "swatting" the fly is the prevention of its breeding by cleaning up the places where it thrives-the insanitary vault, the dead dog and horse allowed to lie unburied until putrid, the dung-heap, the uncovered garbage can and the spittoon. How this can be done, can be learned from the health departments of many States and municipalities, and from civic leagues and like organizations.

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4. (a) Where does he go when he leaves the vault and the manure pile and the spittoon? Into the kitchen and dining room. (b) What does he do there? He walks on the bread, fruit, and vegetables; he wipes his feet on the butter and bathes in the buttermilk.

5. Does the fly visit the patient sick with consumption, typhoid fever, and chlorea infantum? He does-and may call on you next.

6. Is the fly dangerous? He is man's worst pest and more dangerous than wild beasts or rattlesnakes.

7. What diseases does the fly carry? He carries typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and summer complaint. How? On his wings and hairy feet. What is his correct name? Typhoid fly.

8. How shall we kill the fly? (a) Destroy all the filth about the house and yard; (b) pour lime into the vault and on the manure; (c) kill the fly with a wire-screen paddle, or sticky paper, or kerosene oil.

9. Kill the fly in any way, but kill the fly!

Trade with Philippines on Increase.-Since the enactment in 1909 of the law providing for the free interchange of merchandise between the United States and the Philippine Islands the trade between the two countries has more than doubled.

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Communications intended for publication should reach this office not later than the 10th of the month to insure their appearance in the following issue. Write on one side of the paper only. Sign name and address in all instances, not necessarily for publication, but as evidence of good faith. Correspondents may, if they desire, use a nom de plume, but no attention will be paid to anonymous communications. The Editor and Manager reserves the right to revise or reject any communication if he deems it to the best interests of the Brotherhood to do so. Obituary notices and resolutions and detailed accounts of events of a purely local nature can not be published. Pictures are published only when same are of general interest. All orders for subscriptions should be sent direct to the Editor and Manager. Members when changing their address should immediately notify the Magazine office. All changes for the Directory should reach this office previous to the 10th day of the second month of the quarter in which it is desired that such changes should take effect.

Inquiries for the address of or any information concerning another, should be made through the secretary of the lodge nearest the residence of the person making such inquiry.

Wanted-Address of a Deceased
Brother's Father.

Bro. Thomas McDonnell joined Lodge 448 on February 4, 1911, and died on January 17, 1912. He gave the name of Patrick McDonnell, his father, as the person to whom he desired the amount of his certificate to be paid, otherwise his beneficiary, and he gave his father's address as Toccoa, Georgia. If any one knows anything of the whereabouts of Patrick McDonnell, we will be glad to have them take up correspondence with the General Secretary and Treasurer to the end that Bro. McDonnell's insurance can be paid to the proper party. The General Secretary and Treasurer will appreciate anything that is done by any of our members or others to assist in locating Mr. McDonnell.

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