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October, 1909.

17-24 SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS FOR THE REPRESSION OF ADULTERATION OF ALIMENTARY AND PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS, at Paris. The Universal Society of the White Cross, organized at Geneva, August 22, 1907, arranged for four meeting of this congress. The first was held at Geneva, September 8-12, 1908, and the third and fourth will be held in 1910 and 1911, respectively. Mém. dipl., October 24, and November 28.

21 COSTA RICA-MEXICO. Decree by President Diaz approving the convention signed June 21, at Mexico, and August 11, at San José, to establish a parcels post between the two countries. Text in Diaro Oficial (Mexico), October 27.

23 NORWAY-SWEDEN. Award handed down by the Hague Court of Arbitration in the maritime boundary case. Sweden gets the Grisbadarna Islands, important as fishing centers, while Norway receives Skjoette Grund. Times, October 25. See Judicial Decisions, page 226, this Journal.

25 BOLIVIA PERU. Boundary difficulty. On September 15 an agreement was reached based on the decision of President Alcorta of Argentine Republic. The protocols were ratified by Peru on October 24 and by Bolivia on October 25. Mém. dipl., October 31; Am. R. of R., 40:411; Geographical J., 34:573; R. Generale du Dr. Int. Public, 16:368; Renault: Le differend entre la Bolivia et la Perou et l'arbitrage international.

26 PORTUGAL. Law forbidding fishing by foreign vessels within the

three-mile limit off the coasts of Portugal, the Azores, and
Madeira, and setting the fine for violation of the law at from
$10.00 to $50.00. Diario do Governo.

BRAZIL URUGUAY. Treaty rectifying boundary on the Jaguarao
River and Lake Merim. Not signed till November 6. Text in
Diario Oficial, (Brazil) November 10.

31 FRANCE-UNITED STATES. Commercial convention terminated. Decree by President of France, August 20 (J. O., August 27), abrogating from November 1 the provisions of the decrees of July 7, 1893, May 8, 1898, and February 21, 1903, so far as they apply to products of the United States and Porto Rico. Tariff Series, No. 6 D, Department of Commerce and Labor; Q. dipl., 13:368; Mém. dipl., August 29.




Acts of Congress, treaties, proclamations, decisions of the Supreme Court, and Opinions of the Attorney-general relating to noncontiguous. territory, Cuba and Santo Domingo and to military affairs, 1898-1909. xxxii., 442 p. Bureau of insular affairs. (S. Doc. 47.)

Naturalization laws and regulations, August 17, 1909. 28 p. Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization.

Pan-American Scientific Congress, Report of the delegates of the United States to the, Santiago, Chile, December 25, 1908-January 5, 1909. 65 p. Dept. of State.

Sanitary convention between the United States and other Powers, signed at Washington, October 14, 1905, proclaimed March 1, 1909. 27 p. Dept. of State. (Treaty series 518.)


Arbitration, Return showing all general treaties of, between the United Kingdom and other states. Foreign office. (cd. 4870.) Belgian nationality, Copy of the Belgian law of June 8, 1909, relative

to, Foreign office. (cd. 4730.) 1d.


Fisheries on the North Atlantic coast, Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States for the submission to arbitration of questions relating to, signed at Washington, 27th January, 1909. Foreign office. (ed. 4815.) 1d.

International office of public health, Accession of Mexico and Sweden to the international agreement of December 9, 1907, respecting the creation of an, 1909. Foreign office. (cd. 4817.)


Persia, Further correspondence respecting the affairs of. 1909. Foreign office. (ed. 4733.) 1s. 3d.

1 When prices are given, the document in question may be obtained for the amount mentioned from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.

2 Official publications of Great Britain, India and many of the British colonies may be purchased of P. S. King & Son, Orchard House, 2 and 4 Great Smith Street, Westminster, London, England.

Slavery decree, New, signed at Zanzibar, 9th June, 1909. Foreign office. (cd. 4732.)


United States, Denunciation of the agreement of November 19, 1907, between the United Kingdom and the, respecting commercial travelers' samples and import duties on British works of art. 7th August, 1909. Foreign office. (cd. 4871.) d.

Workmen's compensation for accidents, Convention between Great Britain and France, signed at Paris, 3rd July, 1909, in regard to, Foreign office. (cd. 4731.) 1d.


Agriculture and colonization, Report of the select standing committee. on, 1909. 208 p. House of Commons.

International waterways commission, Supplementary report of the, 1909. 12 p. (No. 19c-1910.) ·

Naval and military defence of the empire, Conference with representatives of the self-governing dominions on the, 1909. vii., 56 p. (No. 29a-1910.)


Bolivia-Peru, Documentos que justifican la actitued de Bolivia contra el lando arbitral dictado por el, Presidente de la República Argentina en la cuestion de límites con la República del Peru, 1909. New York, 1909. 63 p., map. Legacion de Bolivia.


Limites dos estados de Minas e Espirito Santo. Victoria, 1908. xiv., 132 p.


Canada, Rapport fait au nom de la commission des donanes chargée d'examiner le projet de loi, portant approbation de la convention de commerce, entre la France et le. 1909. 9 p. Chambre des députés. 2495.)


Congo, Projet de loi portant règlement de diverses questions actuellement pendantes entre la France et la Belgique au sujet du. 1909. 7 p. Chambre des députés. (No. 2536.)


Mensaje del Vice-presidente de la República en ejercicio del P. E., al honorable Congreso de la nación al abrir sus sesiones. Abril de 1909. Asunción. 41 p.


Relaciones exteriores, justicia y beneficencia, Memoria de los actos del ejecutivo en los departamentos de, presentada a la honorable Asamblea nacional el dia 29 de Febrero de 1908. t. 1, 1906-7, 770 p.; t. 2, 19078, 329 p. Ministerio de relaciones exteriores.


Immigracion y colonizacion, Leyes y decretos sobre. 1908. 39 p.

Departamento de ganaderia y agricultura.

Leyes de organización diplomática y consular, Reglamentos. 1907. 115 p. Ministerio de relaciones exteriores.


Proceedings of the second National peace congress, Chicago, May 2 to

5, 1909. Chicago, 1909. 524 p.


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The schooner Endeavor, whereof Nathaniel Griffin was then master, being an armed vessel carrying a commission issued by the President of the United States under the act of July 9, 1798 (1 Stat. L., 578), sailed on a return commercial voyage from Demerara on the 11th day of October, 1799, bound to Boston, stopping en route at several of the West Indian islands. While peacefully pursuing said voyage, on the 6th day of November, 1799, she was seized by the French privateer Victor, Captain Mace, after resistance to visitation and search, and combat, and ordered to Porto Rico. After leaving the privateer, and while on her way to Porto Rico, the Endeavor was retaken by an English frigate, whose commander, under a claim of salvage, took out part of her cargo at sea and gave up said vessel to her mate, together with two men to help navigate her to Boston. On November 15 the Endeavor was again taken by the French, who put on board five. men and ordered her to Porto Rico, where she arrived on the 18th of said month, where the mate was imprisoned without money or friends. Both said captures and the recapture were while the Endeavor was sailing on the same voyage.

Subsequently the Endeavor and her cargo were condemned as good prize for the benefit of the owners and crew of the Alliance by decree of the tribunal of commerce and prizes sitting at Basse-Terre in the island of Guadeloupe, January 7, 1800, and thereby became a total loss to the owners thereof.

The claims of the owners were not embraced in the convention between the United States and the Republic of France, concluded on the 30th of April, 1803. They were not claims growing out of the acts of France,

1 This is one of the cases coming under the head of "French spoliations."

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