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Congo. Die staatsrechtliche Stellung des belgischen Kongogebietes. Alfred Oppenheimer. Zeitschrift für Staatswissenschaft, 1909, No. 4.

Consular functions. Il carattere ordierno della missione consulare (nota critica). G. Tosti. R. di dr. int., 4:9.

Court of arbitration. The proposed high court of nations. James L. Tryon. Yale Law J., 19:145.

Declaration of London. The declaration of London. Unsigned. Quarterly R., October, 1909.

La déclaration de Londres de 1909 sur divers points de droit maritime. (fin) Nicolas Politis. Clunet (Journal) 1910, p. 35.

The International Naval Conference and the Declaration of London. Ellery C. Stowell. Ann. sc. pol., 3:489.

Diaz, Porfirio. Soldier and statesman. Percy F. Martin. Quarterly R., October, 1909.

Diplomatic affairs and international law. Paul S. Reinsch. American Pol. Sci. R., 4:16.

England, France, and Russia: the rôle of the Triple Entente (with 2 maps).. André Chéradame. Quarterly R., October, 1909.

England and Germany. England and Germany: will they fight? William Bayard Hale. World's Work, 19:12571.

Germany's real attitude towards England. Charles Tuchmann. Nineteenth Century, 67:14.

L'invasion de l'Angleterre par les Allemands. Commandant Davin. Q. dipl., 29:73.

France-colonies. Le congrès des anciennes colonies. Edouard Payen. Q. dipl., 28:547.

France et Russie: l'alliance intellectuelle. Halpérine-Kaminsky. R. politique et parlementaire, 62:488.

La lutte lutte pour les Transpyrénéens. Lucien Primaube. Le correspondant, January 10, 1910.

Hague conference. La deuxième conférence de la paix. Origine, convocation, organisation. A. de Lapradelle et N. Politis. R. générale de dr. int. pub., 16:385.

Individuality of the South American Republics. F. E. Clark. North American R., 190:785.

International court. Per l'istituzione di tribunali internazionali. V. Scialoja. R. di. dr. int., 4:3.

International law. The contributions of American judges to international law. Charles Noble Gregory. Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht und Bundesstaatsrecht, 4:51.

Les États-Unis et le droit des gens. Quelques notes. Ernest Nys. R. de dr. int. et de législation comparée, 11:637.

Die Friedensbewegung und das Völkerrecht. Josef Kohler. Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht und Bundesstaatsrecht, 4:129.

La science du droit international.

générale de dr. int. public, 16:463.

Horizons nouveaux. L. Fiore. R.

Intervention. Nuevas orientaciones del principio de la intervención. Rafael de Ureña y Sanz. R. de dr. int. y política exterior, 5 & 6:1.

Ito, Prince. The Ito legend: personal recollections of Prince Ito. Sir Francis Piggott. Nineteenth Century, 67:173.

Prince Ito: patriot and statesman. Alfred Stead. Fortnightly R., N. S., 87:91.


Reminiscences of Prince Ito. Joseph H. Longford. National R., 54:

The statesmanship of Ito. W. Elliott Griffis. North American R., 191:114.

Japan. Pages de l'histoire diplomatique du Japon. Közö Kijima. R. de dr. int. et de législation comparée, 11:661.

Japan's ambition. Arthur May Knapp. Atlantic Monthly, 105:68.
Léopold II et son règne. André Tardieu. R. de deux mondes, 55:669.
Léopold II, roi des Belges. Edouard Payen. Q. dipl., 29:5.

Manchuria. La confiscation de la Mandchourie mériodionale par le Japon. Le chemin de fer d'Antoung à Moukdène. Henri Labroue. R. politique et parlementaire, 62:509.

The Manchurian conventions. K. Asakawa. Yale R., 18:260.

The Manchurian muddle. Edward Harkness. Putnam's Monthly, 7:99. Martens, Frederic de. T. E. Holland. J. of the Society of Comparative Legislation, N. S., 10:10.

Mixed tribunals in Turkey. Les tribunaux mixtes de commerce en Turquie. Th. Papasian. R. de dr. int. et de législation comparée, 12:84.

Morocco. La cuestión del Rif. Tenemos derecho à conservar las posiciones ocupadas? Francisco Espinosa y González Pérez. España Moderna, 253: 155.

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España en el Rif. Fernando Rodriguez Roa. R. de dr. Int. y política ext., 5 & 6:70.

Les Espagnols dans le Rif. J. Causse. Q. dipl., 28:527.

Nationality, Law of. Une nouvelle modification à la législation française sur la nationalité. Eugène Audinet. Clunet (Journal) 1910, p. 5.

Naval agreement delusions: a letter from Berlin. R. C. Long. Fortnightly R.,
N. S., 87:161.

Panislamism. Notes sur le Panislamisme. C. E. B. Q. dipl., 28:657, 729.
The Persian prospect. Angus Hamilton. Fortnightly R., N. S., 87:102.
Poland. La question polonaise dans l'Empire Russe. Marius and Ary Leblond.
R. de deux mondes, 54:658.

Prize law. Early prize jurisdiction and prize law in England. R. G. Marsden.
English Historical R., 24:675.

Réhabilitation en droit international, De la. P. Leboncq. J. de dr. int. privé, 37:67.

Russia escape the fate of Poland, Can? Adam Nowicki. Nineteenth Century, 66:965.

Siam. Du régime juridictionnel des Français et des Anglais au Siam. G. Padoux. Clunet (Journal) 1910, p. 79.

Simplon et Gothard. La convention de Berne jugée de l'étranger. Unsigned. Q. dipl., 29:39.

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Les conventions du Gothard. La diplomatie allemande et les tarifs internationaux. Unsigned. Q. dipl., 28:705.

Gothard et Simplon, à propos des deux conférences internationales de

1909. Jean Brunhes. R. de deux mondes, 54:373.

South African Union. A. Berriedale Keith. J. of the Society of Comparaʼive Legislation, N. S., 10:40.

L'Union Sud-Africaine. E. de Renty. Q. dipl., 28:665.

Spain's commercial awakening. Frederic C. Penfield.


North American R., 190:

Tariff. The criminal folly of a tariff war between Germany and the United States. One who knows. Forum, 43:192.

La France et le nouveau tarif douanier américain. P. Chemin-Dupontes. Q. dipl., 28:539.

The treaty power: protection of treaty rights by federal government. William Draper Lewis. Annales of the American Academy of Political Science, 34:93.

Triple Alliance, Pitt and the. (1788-1791.) Unsigned. Edinburgh R., 211:62. Turkey. Des tribunaux civils ottomans de première instance en ce qui concerne les étrangers. Th. Papasian. R. de dr. int. et de législation comparée, 11: 613. Les États-Unis et l'Amérique Centrale.

United States and Central America.

Henri Marchand. Q. dipl., 29:107.

The United States through foreign spectacles. John T. Morse, Jr. Quarterly
R., October, 1909.

Vattel, Émerich de; The great jurists of the world: XI. J. E. G. de Mont-
morency. J. of the Society of Comparative legislation, N. S., 10:17.
War, Law of. Un arrangement international sur les bombardements (1696).
L. Delavaud. R. générale de dr. int. public, 16:698.




I shall ask you to listen for a few minutes to some remarks re garding the protection which a nation should extend over its citizens in foreign countries. I do not select this topic because I have anything new to say about it, or because there is any real controversy among international lawyers concerning the principles involved or concerning the fundamental rules to be applied, but because there is a considerable degree of public misunderstanding about the subject, and situations are continually arising in which a failure of the public in one country or another to justly appreciate the extent and nature of international obligation leads to resentment and unfriendly feeling that ought to be avoided.

The subject has grown in importance very rapidly during recent years. The world policy of commercial exclusiveness prevailing in the early part of the last century has practically disappeared. The political relations on the one hand and the commercial and industrial relations on the other hand of different parts of the earth to each other are quite separate and distinct. It is not uncommon to find that a nation has commercial colonies which bear no political relation to her whatever, and political colonies which are industrially allied most closely to other countries.

The increase in facilities for transportation and communication steamships and railroads and telegraphs and telephones - has set in motion vast armies of travelers who are making their way into the most remote corners of foreign countries to a degree never before known.

The general diffusion of intelligence among the people of all civilized, and to a considerable degree of semi-civilized, countries, has carried to the great mass of the people — the working people of the

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1 Opening address by Hon. Elihu Root, president of the American Society of International Law, at the fourth annual meeting of the Society, in Washington, April 28, 1910.

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