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The Medical Brief




No remedy yet introduced to the profession covers so large a field of usefulness as ECTHOL.

It is indicated in all breaking down tendencies of the fluids, tissues and corpuscles, as it antagonizes and corrects all gangrenous and malignant conditions.

Wherever there is dyscrasia of the secretions, or where blood poisoning or tissue disintegration exists, ECTHOL is the indicated remedy. In other words, it is anti-purulent.

It is, therefore, indicated in typhoid or other morbific fevers, erysipelas, diphtheria, carbuncles, boils, gangrenous wounds, ulcers, abscesses, and all other cachectic conditions of the system.

It is also the best remedy for the stings of insects, bites of snakes, for blotches, pimples, etc.

In addition to its internal administration, it should be freely and frequently applied to external sores of every description. It should also be used as a mouth wash and gargle in ulcerated or putrid conditions of the mouth and throat.

ECTHOL is neither alterative nor antiseptic in the sense in which those words are usually understood. It is anti-purulent, anti-morbific-a corrector of the depraved condition of the fluids and tissues.

DIRECTIONS.-Ecthol should be administered internally IN ALL CASES, in doses of one teaspoonful four times a day, or as often as every two hours in very bad cases, and when used for external ailments, it should ALSO be freely applied to the affected parts.



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Passing the Catheter.

When you attempt to introduce the catheter into the bladder where the prostate gland is enlarged, remember the sinus pocularis. Well, how will you avoid it? Oil the index finger of the right hand and introduce it into the rectum. After introducing your catheter hold it in the left hand and push it down until you meet the obstruction. Then follow the catheter with the index finger to its point -I mean the index finger in the rectumgently raise it up, apply a little more force with the left hand, and ninety-nine times out of a hundred you will be surprised to find how easily the instrument enters the bladder. I can say without boasting that I have never failed in this simple operation in my life, and it is se} dom now that I ever draw blood or give the patient much pain.

Never try to introduce a catheter into the bladder where the prostate gland is enlarged without having the finger in the rectum to spread the lateral lobes apart and lift the point of the instrument above the sinus pocularis.-Ex.

Home Made Splints.

Dissolve one pound of gum shellac in one pint and a half of ninety-five per cent alcohol, with one drachm borax. Let the mixture stand until all of the shellac has been dissolved; then it is ready to be applied. Old cloth makes the best splints.

1 generally use an old pair of trousers. Apply the solution to one side of the woolen cloth with a brush and dry thoroughly before a hot fire. It takes about one hour to dry properly. Then apply a second coat on the same side and dry as before. You will then have a single piece, but if you wish a stronger piece, apply the solution on one side of two pieces that have already been prepared, dry them, place them together and press with a hot iron, and they will unite and become as one piece. Always be sure to dry out all of the alcohol. To temper the cloth for use, hold before a hot fire until soft, then apply. It will adapt itself to the shape of the limb at once. To make it set quickly, hold in cold atmosphere or dip in cold water.-Red Cross Notes.

Face and Pupil in Alcoholic Neuritis.

Bruton calls attention to certain symptoms in alcoholic neuritis which he has not seen described in the literature. The first is the peculiar expression of the face, which becomes mask-like and expressionless; the lips appear to move apart separately from the cheeks, but they sometimes appear very mobile. The eyebrows and eyes may move in accordance with the lips, but a fixed and expressionless band stretches across the nose and cheeks between the eyes and lips. He has been able to diagnose alcoholic neuritis, provisionally at least, from observation in this way. Another point is the condition of the pupil reflex which is just the reverse of the Argyle-Robertson phenomenon. In a number of cases he has noticed that the reflex to light is rapid and extensive, whereas accommodation to near objects was slight and sluggish or entirely wanting, and in one or two cases he has observed dilatation instead of contraction on accommodation.-Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc.

Gunpowder Stains.

I applied a thick cantharidal plaster to the face, nose, and forehead in the evening and left it on until about four o'clock the next morning, when the nurse removed it, as it had begun to blister pretty severely. This brought away lots of powder with the cutis and it just did the work in a style that nothing else could.

Brothers, it is just the thing, and you will be surprised at the way it takes out the powder and does not injure the face. After the cantharidal plaster was removed his face was covered with gauze, which was kept wet with antiseptic, as the surface was raw. After several days his face was well anointed with vaseline to loosen up the crusts.-Med. Summary.

Relaxed Mucous Surfaces.

Dr. Jno. W. Miller, Pisgah, Md., says: S. H. Kennedy's Extract of Pinus Canadensis, as an application to all mucous surfaces, is most satisfactory. In gonorrhea I have used it with very decided results; and also as an application to ulcerated os uteri with equally good effect.

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