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PUNCTUATION. Punctuation teaches the method of placing Points, in written or printed matter, in such a manner as to indicate the pauses which would be made by the author if he were communicating his thoughts orally instead of by written signs,

should be regulated by the degree of rapidity with which the matter is being read. In slow reading, the duration of the pauses should be increased,

THE OTHER POINTS are rather in

dications of expression, and of meaning and connection, than of pauses, and therefore we will notice them sepa

tutes for oral communication; and cor-rately.
rect punctuation is essential to convey
the meaning intended, and to give due
force to such passages as the author
may wish to impress upon the mind
of the person to whom they are being

THE POINTS are as follow#:
The Comma

The Semicolon;
The Colon:

The Period, or Full Point.
The Apostrophe
The Hyphen, or Conjoiner
The Note of Interrogation?
The Note of Exclamation !
The Parentheses ( )

The Asterisk, or Star *
As these are all the points required in
simple epistolary composition, we will
confine our explanations to the rules
which should govern the use of them.

THE OTHER POINTS, however, are the paragraph; the section ; the dagger ; the double dagger I; the dash; the parallel ; the bracket

]; and some others. These, however, are quite unnecessary except for elaborate works, in which they are chiefly used for notes or marginal references.

THE COMMA, denotes the shortest pause; the semicolon; a little longer pause than the comma; the colon: a little longer pause than the semicolon; the period, or full point, the longest pause.

THE RELATIVE DURATION of these pauses is described as

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THE MIEPLACING of even so slight a point, or pause, as the comma, will often alter the meaning of a sentence, The contract made for lighting the town of Liverpool, during the year 1819, was thrown void by the misplac ing of a comma in the advertisements, thus: "The lamps at present are about 4050, and have in general two spouts cach, composed of not less than twenty threads of cotton." The contractor would have proceeded to furnish cach lamp with the said twenty threads, but this being but half the usual quantity, the commissioners discovered that the difference arose from the comma following instead of preceding the word each. The parties agreed to annul the contract, and a new one was ordered.

THE FOLLOWING Sentence shows how difficult it is to read without the aid of the points used as pause67

Death waits not for storm nor sunshine within a dwelling in one of the upper streets respectable in appearance and furnished with such convent ences as distinguish the habitations of those wing rank among the higher classes of society a man of middle age lay on his last bed momently awaiting the final suminons all that the most skilful medical attendance all that love warm as the glow that fires an angel's bosom could do had been done by day atď night for many long weeks had ministering spinte such as a devoted wife and loving children are done all within their power to ward off the blow but therm be lay his raven hair smoothed off from bie tolle brow his dark eyes lighted with unnatural bright. ness and contrasting strongly with the pallid bus which marked him as an expectant of the dreaded


THE SAME SENTENCE, properly pointed, and with capital letters placed after full points, according to the adopted rule, may be easily read and understood:

Death waits not for storm nor sunshine, Within a dwelling in one of the upper streeta, 19: spectable in appearance, and furnished with mul conveniences as distinguish the babitations of those who rank among the higher classes of work. sty, a man of middle age lay on his last bed, mo

mently awaiting the final summons. All that the most skilful medical attendance all that

love, warm as the glow that fires an angel's bosom, could do, had been done; by day and night, for many long weeks, had ministering spirits, such as a devoted wife and loving children are, done all within their power to ward off the blow. But there he lay, his raven hair smoothed off from his noble brow, his dark eyes lighted with unnatural brightness, and contrasting strongly with the pallid hue which marked him as an expectant of the dread messenger.

THE ASTERISK, OR STAR *, may be employed to refer from the text to a note of explanation at the foot of a column, or at the end of a letter.


* Three stars are sometimes used to call particular attention to a paragraph.

Hints upon Spelling. The following rules will be found of great assistance in writing, because they relate to a class of words about the spelling of which doubt and hesitation are frequently felt:

All words of one syllable ending in with a single vowel before it, have double at the close; as, mill, sell.

All words of one syllable ending in with a double vowel before it, have one only at the close; as mail, sail. Words of one syllable ending in 7, when compounded, retain but one? each; as, fulfil, skilful.

THE APOSTROPHE is used to indicate the combining of two words in one, as John's book, instead of John, his book; or to show the omission of parts of words, as Glo'ster, for Gloucester, tho' for though. These, abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible. Cobbett says the apostrophe "ought to be called the, mark of laziness and vulgarity." The first use, however, of which we give an example, is a necessary and proper one. THE HYPHEN, or conjoiner, is used to unite words which, though they are separate and distinct, have so close a connection as almost to become one word, as water-rat, wind-mill, etc. It is also used in writing and printing, at the end of a line, to show where a word is divided and continued in the next line. Look down the ends of the lines in this column, and you will notice the hyphen in several places.

THE NOTE OF INTERROGATION? indicates that the sentence to which it is put asks a question; as, "What is the meaning of that assertion? What am I to do?"

THE NOTE OF EXCLAMATION or of admiration indicates surprise, pleasure, or sorrow; as, "Oh! Ah! Goodness! Beautiful! I am astonished! Woe is me!"

Sometimes, when an expression of strong surprise or pleasure is intended, two notes of this character are employed, thus !!

THE PARENTHESES() are used to prevent confusion by the introduction to a sentence of a passage not necessary to the sense thereof. "I am going to, meet Mr. Smith (though I am no admirer of him) on Wednesday next." It is better, however, as a rule, not to employ parenthetical sentences.

Words of more than one syllable ending in 7, have one only at the close'; as, delightful, faithful; except befall, downfall, recall, unwell, etc.

All derivatives from words ending in have one only; as, equality, from equal; fulness, from full, except they end in er or ly: as, mill, miller; full, fully.

All participles in ing from verbs ending in e lose the e final: as, have, having; amuse, amusing; unless they come from verbs ending in double e, and then they retain both: as see, seeing; agree, agreeing.

All adverbs in ly, and nouns in ment, retain the e final of the primitives: as, brave, bravely; refine, refinement; except acknowledgment, judgment, etc.

All derivatives from words ending in er, retain the e before the r: as, refer, reference; except hindrance, from hinder; remembrance, from remember; disastrous, from disaster; monstrous, from monster; wondrous, from wonder ; cumbrous, from cumber, etc.

Compound words, if both end not in retain their primitive parts entire: as, millstone, changeable, raceless; except always, also, deplorable, although, almost, admirable, etc.

All one-syllables ending in a conso

nant, with a single vowel before it, Mem. Be careful to sound the h double that consonant in derivatives: slightly in such words as where, when, as, sin, sinner; ship, shipping; big, big-what, why, don't say were, wen, wat, ger; glad, gladder, etc.

One-syllables ending in a consonant, with a double vowel before it, do not

double the consonant in derivatives: as, sleep, sleepy; troop, trooper.

All words of more than one syllable ending in a single consonant, preceded by a single vowel, and accented on the last syllable, double that consonant in derivatives: as, commit, committee; compel, compelled; appal, appalling; distil, distiller,

Nouns of one syllable ending in y, preceded by a consonant, change y into ies in the plural; and verbs ending in y, preceded by a consonant, change y into is in the third person singular | of the present tense, and into ied in the past tense and past participle: as, fly, flies; I apply, he applies; we reply, we replied, or have replied. If they be preceded by a vowel, this rule is not applicable: as, key, keys; I play, he plays; we have enjoyed ourselves.

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Etiquette is the Unwritten Laws of Society. -- INTRODUCTION TO SoCIETY. Avoid all extravagance and mannerism, and be not over- timid at the outset. Be discreet and sparing of your words. Awkwardness is a great misfortune, but it is not an unpardonable fault. To deserve the reputation of moving in good society, something more is requisite than the avoidance of blunt rudeness, Strictly keep to your engagements. Punctuality is the essence of politeness.

THE TOILET. Too much attention cannot be paid to the arrangements of the toilet. A man is often judged by his appearance, and seldom incorrectly. A neat exterior, equally free from extravagance and poverty, almost always proclaims a right-minded man. To dress appropriately, and with good taste, is to respect yourself and others. A gentleman walking, should always wear gloves, this being one of the characteristics of good breeding. Fine linen, and a good hat, gloves, and H OR NO HT THAT IS THE QUES-boots, are evidences of the highest TION.- Few things point so directly to the want of cultivation as the misuse of the letter / by persons in conversation. We hesitate to assert that this common defect in speaking indicates the absence of education for, to our surprise, we have heard even educated persons frequently commit this common and vulgar error.

Compound words, whose primitives end in y, change y into i: as, beauty, beautiful; lovely, loveliness,

taste in dress.

VISITING DRESS. A black coat and trousers are indispensable for a visit of ceremony, an entertainment, or a ball. The white or black waistcoat is equally proper in these cases,

OFFICERS' DRESS. Upon public and state occasions officers should appear in uniform.

Memorandum on the Use of the Letter II. should be chosen so as to produce an LADIES' DRESS. — Ladies' dresses

Pronounce Herb,



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agreeable harmony. Never put on a dark-colored bonnet with a light spring costume. Avoid uniting colors which will suggest an epigram; much as a straw-colored dress with a green bonnet.

EXCESS OF LACE AND FLOWERS. Whatever be your style of face, avoid an excess of lace, and let flowers be few and choice.

APPROPRIATENESS OF ORNAMENTS. In a married women a richer style of ornament is admissible. Costly

elegance for her-for the young girl, a style of modest simplicity.

SIMPLICITY AND GRACE. The most elegant dress loses its character if it is not worn with grace. Young girls have often an air of constraint, and their dress seems to partake of their want of ease. In speaking of her toilet, a woman should not convey the idea that her whole skill consists in adjusting tastefully some trifling ornaments. A simple style of dress is an indication of modesty.

CLEANLINESS.-The hands should receive especial attention. They are the outward signs of general cleanliness. The same may be said of the face, the neck, the ears, and the teeth. The cleanliness of the system generally, and of bodily apparel, pertains to health, and is treated of under this head.

THE HANDKERCHIEF. There is considerable art in using this accessory of dress and comfort. Avoid extreme patterns, styles, and colors. Never be without a handkerchief. Hold it freely in the hand, and do not roll it into a ball. Hold it by the centre, and let the corners form a fan-like expansion. Avoid using it too much. With some persons the habit becomes troublesome and unpleasant.

VISITS AND PRESENTATIONS. Friendly calls should be made in the forenoon, and require neatness, without costliness of dress.

Calls to give invitations to dinnerparties, or balls, should be very short, and should be paid in the afternoon, Visits of condolence require a grave style of dress.

A formal visit should never be made before noon. If a second visitor is announced, it will be proper for you to retire, unless you are very intimate both with the host and the visitor announced; unless, indeed, the host express a wish for you to remain.

Visits after balls or parties should be made within a month.

In the latter, it is customary to enclose your card in an envelope, bearing the address outside. This may be

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Hold your hat in your hand, unless requested to place it down. Then lay it beside you.

The last arrival in a drawing-room takes a seat left vacant near the mistress of the house.

A lady is not required to rise to receive a gentleman, nor to accompany him to the door.

When your visitor retires, ring the bell for the servant. You may then accompany your guest as far towards the door as the circumstances of your friendship seem to demand.

Request the servant, during the visit of guests, to be ready to attend to the door the moment the bell rings.

When you introduce a person, pronounce the name distinctly, and say whatever you can to make the introduction agreeable. Such as “an old and valued friend," a "schoolfellow of mine," " an old acquaintance of our family."

Never stare about you in a room as if you were taking stock.

The gloves should not be removed during a visit.

Be hearty in your reception of guests; and where you see much diffidence, assist the stranger to throw it off.

A lady does not put her address on her visiting card.

Do not imagine that to be expensively or extravagantly dressed, is to be well dressed. Simplicity is always elegant, and good taste can lend a grace to dress which no outlay of money on its materials can purchase. The most perfect cleanliness is the first essential.

A lady's hair should be always well arranged in the style she chooses to wear it which had better be one of those sanctioned by the fashion of the day. The teeth should be attended to carefully. The first things a lady ought to think about are her gloves and shoes; gloves should fit well and be unsoiled, and should harmonize in color with the dress, but soft neutral tints will suit any dress. Her boots should be well made, large enough for comfort, and always thick enough to keep the feet dry and warm.

Ladies are not obliged to consider their ball-partners as acquaintances, unless they please.

It is the lady's place to bow first to the gentleman.

To answer a letter promptly is a civility, and in some cases a kindness. Invitations ought to receive an immediate reply.

At dinner, the gentleman sits at the right hand of the lady.

You should begin, or appear to begin, to eat as soon as it is put before you.

Never by any chance put a knife near your mouth.

Do not bite your bread; the rule about eating it is this:

Cut it at breakfast, when you generally take a thick piece, and butter it yourself.

Break it at dinner.

Bite it at tea, when it is in thin slices. Eat your soup from the side of the spoon, not take it from the point; beware of tasting it while too hot, or of swallowing it fast enough to make you cough.

Conversation is supposed to belong especially to the dinner table. A delicate perception of what may wound the feelings of others is essential here"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Do not say to a friend whose complexion is of too deep a red, "How flushed your face is!' or to a stout lady, “How warm you look!"

Never talk about yourself if you can help it, nor about your own affairs.

Never introduce religious arguments in society; if the subject is forced, avow your opinions, moderately, but decline anything like a defence of them; it is in better taste not to argue on any subject.

Do not sit stupidly silent; do your best to be agreeable. Talk as well as you can, and at least try to appear amused.

But silence is preferable to talking too much.

Always look at people when you speak to them.

It is rude to speak in whispers, and offensive to take a person aside to whisper to them.

Slang phrases (even those of the drawing-room) must be avoided.

Give your own opinion of people if you choose, but do not repeat the opin ions of others.

Vary your toilet sufficiently that idlers and others may not make your dress the description of your person.

Dress plainly for walking in the street. To wear a bonnet fit for a car. riage, when not in one, or to walk through the dust or mud clothed in satin or lace, is the extreme of bad taste.


WALKING. Endeavor to acquire an elegant walk. Hold yourself erect without stiffness. Walk noiselessly in the house and lightly in the street. Do not turn your feet out too much, it is as bad a fault as to turn them inwards, and causes an unseemly shaking of the garments.

Never look behind you in the street, nor about you so as to attract attention. Do not talk or laugh loud on the street, but pursue a quiet manner, and a smooth, graceful walk.

A lady shakes hands with gentlemen who are friends or intimate aequaintances, but she must do so gently, without vehemence of action.

A young lady rather gives her own hand than shakes that of a gentleman.

Never allow a gentleman to pay for your admission into any theatre, or public exhibition, unless he is a rela tive, or particular friend.

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