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times extending to the larynx and trachea, as well as to the intestinal canal, causing croup, vomiting, and purging. The poisonous secretion enters into the circulation and vitiates the blood; sometimes the sense of hearing, as well as of smelling, is entirely destroyed by the acrid matter coming in contact with, and inflaming, the mucous membrane. With this form of the disease it is extremely difficult to deal, and the patient often sinks beneath it in spite of the best medical advice and assistance.

Treatment. At first, mild aperients only should be given, with diluted drinks and a spare diet; the patient should have plenty of fresh air; the head should be kept cool by means of ice in a bladder, the hair being cut off or shaved. The following is a good febrifuge mixture: - Carbonate of Ammonia, 1 dram; solution of Acetate of Ammonia, 2 ounces; Water of Camphor Mixture, 6 ounces: a dessertspoonful to be taken every four hours, for a child, (a tablespoonful for an adult.)

If the throat swells much externally, and there are headaches, apply from 2 to 4 leeches; should the weakness be great, a Blister or a hot Bran Poultice must suffice. To gargle the throat, dissolve 1 dram of common salt in a pint of water; with children who can not gargle, this may be injected against the fauces, or up the nostrils, by means of a syringe or elastic gum bottle. When the inflammatory action has ceased, and the skin is peeling off, it is necessary to take good stimulant and nutritious food, with tonics, such as Iron and Quinine, unless they cause bad head symptoms, in which case they must be discontinued, and the diet chiefly depended on. With regard to the more malignant form, but little more is to be done; the depressing effect of the contagious poison upon the whole body, and upon the nervous system especially, is so great as to defy all active treatment. If we can save such patients at all, it must be by the liberal administrations of Wine and Bark to sustain the flagging powers until the deadly

agency of the poison in some measure passes away. When the patient is not killed by the violence of the first contagion, the system is reinoculated with the poisonous secretions from the throat; Wine and Bark must be diligently and watchfully given, the throat injected or gargled (as above directed), and the most vigilant care observed for some time, should convalescence fortunately ensue.

A dropsical affection is one of the most frequent results of Scarlet Fever. This seldom occurs, if the warm bath is daily used as soon as the skin begins to peel off. After the dropsy has set in, give the warm bath twice a week, and encourage perspiration by the Compound Tincture of Virginia Snake-root, from 10 to 20 drops (according to the age of the child), in a little warm herb tea.

QUINSY.-This kind of inflammatory sore throat generally commences with cold chills, and other febrile symptoms; there is fulness, heat, and dryness of the throat, with a hoarse voice, difficulty of swallowing, and shooting pains towards the ear. When examined, the throat is found of a florid red color, deeper over the tonsils, which are swollen and covered with mucus. As the disease progresses, the tonsils become more and more swollen, the swallowing becomes more painful and difficult, until liquids return through the nose, and the viscid saliva is discharged from the mouth; very commonly the fever increases also, and there is acute pain of the back and limbs. Sometimes, when the inflammation has reached a certain height, it gradually subsides, and the tonsils diminish with it, although they commonly remain for a considerable time unnaturally large; at others, there is a formation of abscess in one or both tonsils, and the patient suffers the greatest agony and distress, appearing often upon the point of suffocation; and this continues to be the case until the abscess bursts, or is opened to allow the matter to escape.

Treatment. When the case is not

severe, it may be treated, in the early stages, like Catarrh; but when it is, more active measures will be required. An emetic, followed by a strong purgative; a blister outside the throat, and warm bran or linseed poultices; a cooling regimen with acid water, or pieces of rough ice put into the mouth and allowed to dissolve; leeches at the side of the throat if it swells much; inhaling the steam of hot water through an inhaler or an inverted funnel; and the continuation, every four hours or so, of a saline aperient; these will be the proper measures to adopt. When the abscess has burst, and the inflammatory symptoms have subsided, a generous diet will be necessary, with tonic medicines. If the tonsils continue swollen, they should be rubbed outside twice a day with stimulating liniments; Turpentine and Opodeldoc, equal quantities, will be as good as any and the throat gargled with salt and water, a teaspoonful of the former put into a tumblerful of the latter. When there is chronic soreness of the throat, with hoarseness and cough, there is commonly also a relaxed and elongated uvula, which closes the passage when the patient lies down, and causes a sensation of choking. In this case a gargle made with Halt and Cayenne Pepper (about a tablespoonful of the former, and a teaspoonful of the latter, in a pint of boiling water) should be tried; the throat should be kept uncovered, and sponged with Vinegar twice a day. If these means are unsuccessful, it may be necessary to have part of the uvula cut off: this must be done by a surgeon, as must also the application of caustic, sometimes to be made when the throat has a granulated appearance,

DIPHTHERIA comes on, in many instances, very suddenly, like cholera, influenza, and erysipelas, without any warning symptoms; in others, there is soreness of the throat, like tonsillitis, or of the naris, like catarrh; or there is pain in the deglutition, like pharyngitis, or cynanche maligna; shiverings are very irregular.

The specific cause of the disease is atmospheric, as in cholera, influenza, typhus, and potato rot. Debility, cens pools, malaria, and all nuisances predispose to it; and all irregularities of regimen, cold drink when heated, sudden changes of temperature, and overexertion, are exciting causes.

The principles of treatment are antiseptic and tonic, stimulant and nutritious. The capillary system should not be engorged with fluids, neither should anything evaporating be ap plied to the skin. Blisters inflame and ulcerate; leeches debilitate and their bites slough; and strong purgatives cannot be borne. Temperate, dry, and well-ventilated bed-rooms are a desideratum; a Calomel purgative, varying in strength with the age of the patient. In children, where there are symptoms of laryngitis, a rapid exhibition of the Chloride of Mercury such as a grain or two every hour until the breathing is easier; then every three or four hours until the false membrane is loosened, and the bowels evacuate green stools, or vomiting commences. It has been found that children who are teething have the most inflammatory symptoms. Decoction of Bark, with Hydrochloric Acid, varying the dose of the latter from one minim to ten every four hours, in from a teaspoonful to two tablespoonfuls of the former. Gargle with Chloride of Sodium and Vinegar, a tablespoonful of each in a teacupful of hot water; also inject this up the nostrils when they become obstructed; this relieves the breathing, destroys the fetor, and allows the ulcers to heal.

Apply a stick of Nitrate of Silver to every part where the false membrane or exudation can be seen; when the disease spreads beyond the caustic case, a probang and a clean sponge saturated with a strong solution of Nitrate of Silver will answer.

Rub the external fauces with Compound Iodine Ointment night and morning, and, where erysipelas may appear, apply the Stick Caustic, and

Keep all about the patient sweet and clean, and give a nutritious diet-such as mutton, milk, rich gruels, and beeftea; and a warm Negus-compound of Port Wine and Water, equal quantities, with Sugar and Lemon. All the drinks should be taken warm.

The following treatment is said to be very effectual in croup: - Take a common tobacco pipe, place a live coal in the bowl, drop a little tar upon the coal, draw the smoke into the mouth, and discharge it through the nostrils.

lay on a plaster of strong Mercurial | all ages, but the young are most liable Ointment. to it. At no particular season of the year is it more prevalent than at any other, nor does climate appear to be influential in averting or modifying its visitations. When it occurs naturally, the premonitory symptoms are those of other fevers of its class; there are usually cold chills, pains in the back and loins, loss of appetite, prostration of strength, nausea, and sometimes vomiting; with young children, there are sometimes convulsions. About forty-eight hours after these symptoms set in, an eruption of hard, red pimples begin to overspread the face and neck, gradually extending downward over the trunk and extremities. Each pimple is surrounded by the peculiar dull red margin termed areola, and has a central depression on the top, containing lymph; at this period the eruption is decidedly vesicular, but it becomes afterwards pustular; this change takes place on about the fifth day of its appearance, when the central depression disappears, suppuration takes place, and the vessels are filled with matter, which shortly after oozes out and dries into a scab. In about ten days this falls off, and leaves a pale purple stain like a blotch, which gradually fades, unless the disease has penetrated so deeply as to destroy the true skin, in which case a pit, or, as it is usually called, a "pock-mark," remains for life.

Sore Throat. This is commonly a symptom of inflammatory fever, and is often the result of a simple cold; some persons are peculiarly liable to it, and experience great difficulty of swallowing from relaxed Uvula. Sometimes in Sore Throat there is simply inflammation of the mucous membrane, and when this is the case it will, probably, pass away in a day or two, with a little careful nursing and aperient medicines. Should it extend into the air-passages, causing cough and catarrhal symptoms, it becomes a more serious business, and medical advice should at once be sought. In the meantime a Saltpetre gargle should be used, or Sal Prunella balls, one being put into the mouth occasionally and allowed to dissolve; hot bran poultices may also be placed about the throat, which, at a later stage, may be rubbed with a liniment of Oil and Hartshorn.

There is an erysipelatous form of Sore Throat which is highly dangerous, and requires very active treatment: a strong gargle of Lunar Caustic must be used in this case, or the inflamed part must be pencilled with the Caustic in the stick; if it extends to the larynx and air-passages, this frequently proves fatal. This is a distinct form of disease from Diphtheria, which has proved so fatal.

Small-Pox.-This, like Scarlet Fever and Measles, belongs to the class of eruptive fevers; it attacks persons of

The primary fever of this disease lessens as soon as the eruption appears; but after this has left the face, and travelled downward, attacking successively the lower parts of the body, a secondary fever sets in, which is more severe than the first, and not unfrequently assumes a typhoid character."

Small-pox may be either distinct, sometimes called discreet, or confluent: in the former case, the pustules are perfectly distinct from each other; in the latter, they run into each other. This latter is the most dangerous form of the disease, the fever being more intense and rapid, and having no in

termission; it goes on increasing from the first, and frequently, by its violence, in nine or ten days so exhausts the system, that coma, delirium, and death ensue, preceded by convulsions, hæmorrhages, bloody stools, dysentery, and all the train of symptoms which indicate that a virulent and fatal poison has entered into the circulation.


By all this it will be evident that Small-pox is not a disease to be trifled with. As soon as the premonitory fever comes on an emetic should be administered, and followed by a purgative of a tolerably active nature; then keep the patient on spare diet (certainly no meat), and give plenty of warm diluent drinks; keep the bowels moderately open by means of saline aperients; let the patient have plenty of fresh air, and sponge the skin with cool or tepid water, as may be most agreeable, to diminish the heat of the body. Sometimes there is not energy in the system to develop the pustules with sufficient rapidity; in this case, nourishment and stimulants should be given in the form of broths, wine, whey, etc.; warm mustard foot-baths should also be resorted to, and to allay irritability, a 10 grain Dover's Powder may be administered at bedtime, or a of a grain of Morphine, in Camphor Mixture. A good nourishing diet will be required in the secondary stage of the fever, and if it assumes a typhoid character, the treatment should be the same as that of typhus fever. Frequently the face is much swelled, and the eyelids closed; in this case, rub the latter with Olive Oil, and bathe the whole with Poppy fomentation. If the throat is sore, use a gargle of Honey and Vinegar, 1 tablespoonful of the former, 2 of the latter, added to a pint of Water or Sage Tea. If there is much headache, cut the hair close, apply mustard poultices to the feet, and a spirit lotion to the head; to reduce itching, apply to the eruptions a liniment composed of Lime water and Linseed Oil, equal quantities; to check diarrhoea, give

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Chalk Mixture, with 5 drops of Laudanum in each dose; if perspirations are too copious when the eruptive fever has subsided, take acidulated drinks. Smearing the eruptions with Mercurial Ointment, or puncturing each pustule, and absorbing the pus with wool or cotton, has been recommended to prevent the deep pitting which is so great a disfigurement to the face.

There is no disease more certainly and decidedly contagious than this; after imbibing the poison, a period of twelve days generally elapses before the commencement of the fever, and during this time no inconvenience may be experienced. Besides breathing the effluvia arising from a person attacked, Small-pox may be communicated by inoculation with the matter of its pustules, and the resulting disease being of a milder character, this method was formerly much practised to guard persons from a spontaneous attack; since, however, the introduction of Vaccination by Dr. Jenner, this practice has been abandoned. This disease is frequently epidemic, and the statistics of its different visitations show that the mortality of those attacked who have not been vaccinated is 1 in 4, whilst of those who have, it is not 1 in 450: a strong argument this for vaccination.

To Prevent "Pitting" in SmallPox.-The application consists of a solution of india-rubber in chloroform, which is painted over the face and neck when the eruption has become fully developed. When the chloroform has evaporated, which it very readily does, there is left a thin elastic film of india-rubber over the face. This the patient feels to be rather comfortable than otherwise, inasmuch as the disagreeable itchiness, so generally complained of, is almost entirely removed, and, what is more important,

pitting," once so common, and even now far from rare, is thoroughly prevented wherever the solution has been applied.

If the above remedy is not at hand, paint the face twice a day with glycer ine, this will likewise prevent pitting.

VACCINATION. - Whether vaccination is a protection in all cases, and through life, is a question of great importance. Probably the mild form of vaccina does not last through life. Most physicians advise to re-vaccinate once in about seven years.

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mild cases, a sulphureous vapor bath, taken twice in twenty-four hours, with soap and warm water washing, will generally be sufficient. In obstinate ones, it may be necessary to resort to alterative aperients, a spare diet, with ointment, warm baths, and a lotion, ITCH. All classes are liable to made as follows: Dissolve 4 ounces of this disease, but it is most common Sulphate of Potash in a quart of among persons who neglect personal water, and add ounce of Sulphuric cleanliness. This little creature (aca- Acid; to be applied warm, with a rus scabrei), in its natural size, is so mi-sponge, before the fire. According to nute as to be scarcely visible to the an announcement made to the French naked eye. The most prominent symp- Academy of Medicine, by M. Bonnet, tom of the disease is a constant and Benzine rubbed on the affected parts intolerable itching; it never comes on will cure Itch in five minutes; the of itself, but is always the result of patient has only to take a warm bath contact with an affected person. It after it, and lo! he is clean. In first shows itself in an eruption of France, also, an ointment composed of small vesicles filled with a clear wa- 2 scruples of Naphthaline to 1 ounce of tery fluid, occurring principally on the Lard has been found an effectual remedy hand and wrist, and in those parts for this troublesome disease; but we most exposed to friction, such as the hold that there is nothing like sulphur. spaces between the fingers, and the flexures of the joints, etc.; after a time it extends to the legs, arms, and trunk, but it rarely appears on the face. The insects are often found in the vesicles, but not always; hence some have doubted whether they are really the cause of the disease, although it is generally supposed that they are.

RINGWORM has its seat in the roots of the hair,and is believed to be attended by the growth of parasitic fungi; its predisposing causes are any derangement of the general health from ill or undue feeding, breathing impure air, drinking bad water, uncleanly habits, scrofula. Its immediate or exciting cause is generally contact with those affected with it, or using combs or hair-brushes which they have used.

Treatment.Take a piece of white paper, fold it in the form of a funnel, light the wide end, and hold it so that the smoke coming out of the small end will come against a plate. This moist black applied to the Ringworm will cure it, or if this is not convenient, apply creosote with a camel's hair pencil.

The Itch is never got rid of without medical treatment; but to that it will always yield, provided proper cleanliness be observed. Sulphur is the grand specific for it; it may be applied in the form of ointment, prepared as follows: Flowers of Sulphur, 2 ounces; Carbonate of Potash, 2 drams; Lard, 4 ounces: to be rubbed well in wherever the eruption appears, every night and morning; washing it off with soap and flannel, before each fresh application. The most effectual plan is to anoint the whole body, from the nape of the neck to the soles of the feet, and out to the ends of the fingers; put on socks, drawers, flannel wrapper, and gloves, and so remain in bed for thirty-six hours, repeating the anointing means, such as warm poultices, ing operation twice during that time; then take a warm bath, and wash the whole person with soap and flannel. In

Mr. Erasmus Wilson remarks, "that improper food is a frequent predisposing cause, and that he has observed it in children fed too exclusively on vegetable diet," recommends in the way of treatment that as soon as the irritation appears to be subdued by sooth

etc., an ointment composed of 1 dram of Sulphate of Zinc to 1 ounce of Simple Cerate, using also a Sulphate of

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