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which meat in an advanced degree of decomposition had been kept for some time, was instantly deprived of all smell on an open coffee-roaster being carried through it, containing a pound of coffee newly roasted. In another room, exposed to the effluvium occasioned by the clearing out of the manure-pit, so that sulphuretted hydrogen and ammonia in great quantities could be chemically detected, the stench was completely removed in half a minute, on the employment of three ounces of fresh-roasted coffee, while the other parts of the house were permanently cleared of the same smell by being simply traversed with the coffeeroaster, although the cleansing of the pit continued for several hours after. The best mode of using the coffee as a disinfectant is to dry the raw bean, pound it in a mortar, and then roast the powder on a moderately heated iron plate, until it assumes a dark brown tint, when it is fit for use. Then sprinkle it in sinks or cesspools, or lay it on a plate in the room which you wish to have purified. Coffee acid or coffee oil acts more readily in minute quantities.

Charcoal as a Disinfectant. The great efficacy of wood and animal charcoal in absorbing effluvia, and the greater number of gases and vapors, has long been known.

Charcoal powder has also, during many centuries, been advantageously employed as a filter for putrid water, the object in view being to deprive the water of numerous organic impurities diffused through it, which exert injurious effects on the animal economy.

It is somewhat remarkable that the very obvious application of a perfectly similar operation to the still rarer fluid in which we live-namely, the air, which not unfrequently contains even more noxious organic impurities floating in it than those present in water-should have for so long a period been so unaccountably overlooked.

Charcoal not only absorbs effluvia

and gaseous bodies, but especially, when in contact with atmospheric air, oxidizes and destroys many of the easily alterable ones, by resolving them into the simplest combinations they are capable of forming, which are chiefly water and carbonic acid.

It is on this oxidizing property of charcoal, as well as on its absorbent power, that its efficacy as a deodorizing and disinfecting agent chiefly depends.

Elluvia and miasmata are usually regarded as highly organized, nitroge nous, easily alterable bodies. When these are absorbed by charcoal, they come in contact with highly condensed oxygen gas, which exists within the pores of all charcoal which has been exposed to the air, even for a few minutes; in this way they are oxidized and destroyed.

Drinking and Head Protection in Warm Weather. Green leaves placed in the hat is very beneficial, but still more necessary is it to protect the eyes from the rays or reflection of the rays of the sun. It is very probable that the affection of the brain called "sunstroke" is caused by the sun reaching the brain through the eyes rather than from the top of the head.

Those who have a strong desire to drink cold water in great quantities in summer should take the twig of a birch, or elm, or other tree having a pleasant taste, cut it in short pieces, and place one in the mouth, changing it occasionally; this will to a great extent prevent the desire to drink. Another plan is to frequently wet the pulse (the wrists) with cold water; this will not only prevent thirst, but will be found very refreshing when wilting in the dog-days.

Ground ginger or Cayenne pepper, a little of it put into ice water, will prevent much of its injurious effects.

The Turn of Life. Between the years of forty and sixty, a man who has properly regulated himself may be considered in the prime of life. His matured strength of constitution renders him almost impervious to the

attacks of disease, and experience has given soundness to his judgment. His mind is resolute, firm, and equal; all his functions are in the highest order. He assumes mastery over business, builds up a competence on the foundation he has formed in early manhood, and passes through a period of life attended by many gratifications. Having gone a year or two past sixty, he arrives at a standstill. But athwart this is a viaduct, called the "Turn of Life," which is a turn either into a prolonged walk or into the grave. The system and powers, having reached their utmost expansion, now begin to either close in like flowers at sunset, or break down at once. One injudicious stimulant, a single excitement, may force it beyond its strength; while a careful supply of props, and the withdrawal of all that tends to force a plant, will sustain it in beauty and vigor until night has entirely set in.

To Keep Cool in Hot Weather.Keep a clean conscience as well as clean body and clean clothing, and don't get excited. If uncomfortably warm at any time, immerse the hands, or feet, or both, in cold water for a short time, or let a stream of cold water run upon the wrists and ankles. This will cool the whole body in a short time.

VENTILATION. The great importance of ventilation in our sitting and sleeping rooms, in our schools and public halls, is not sufficiently appreciated. It was well set forth in a lecture by a Cleveland professor. It is startling to learn the amount of carbonic acid emitted from the lungs of one person, or from a.single gas-burner - enough to poison the whole atmosphere of a good-sized room in a very brief period of time. How many persons think that winter temperature demands the exclusion of fresh air to make their apartments warm and comfortable, when the fact that in the cold season we consume more oxygen, and consequently exhale a greater quantity of the poisonous carbonic acid gas, should lead to a directly opposite course. bed-room in winter requires more ven


tilation than in summer, and the nonobservance of this fact will readily account for the awful diseases to which frail humanity is subject.

We wonder if many of our readers are aware of the poisonous exhalations incident to a congregation of their "fellow citizens," in ball rooms, churches, and lecture-halls. If they have not fully considered the vast importance of thorough ventilation, let them take these undeniable facts home to their serious thoughts. A person in health has eighteen breathings per minute, and thirty-five hogsheads of air pass through the lungs in twentyfour hours. Of this, from three to five per cent., or about two and a half hogsheads, is exhaled as carbonic acid gas; and thus one person would render two or three hogsheads of air unfit for breathing again. Let every person anxious for the preservation of his health take care that the windows of the dormitories are dropped a little, even during the winter nights. There is far less danger of taking cold than there is of inhaling the noxious atmosphere, which saps the health, undermines the constitution, and embitters life with suffering and disease that might have been avoided.

The Power of Hearty Laughter. The New Haven Palladium is responsible for the following:-"The following incident comes to us thoroughly authenticated, although we are not at liberty to publish any names: A short time since, two individuals in this city were lying in one room very sick, one with brain fever, the other with an aggravated case of mumps. They were so low that watchers were needed every night, and it was thought doubtful if the one sick of fever recovered. A gentleman was engaged to watch one night, his duty being to wake the nurse whenever it became necessary to take the medicine. In the course of the night both watcher and nurse fell asleep. The man with the mumps lay watching the clock, and saw that it was time to give the fever patient his potion. He was unable to

Strength of Men.

With a drawing-knife a man

speak aloud, or to move any portion | idiocy. One of his sisters married a of his body except his arms; but, cousin, and she had an idiot among seizing a pillow, he managed to strike her children. the watcher in the face with it. Thus suddenly awakened, the watcher sprang from his seat, falling to the floor and awakening both the nurse and fever patient. The incident struck both the sick men as very ludicrous, and they laughed most heartily at it for fifteen or twenty minutes. When the doctor came in the morning, he found his patients vastly improved-said he had never known so sudden a turn for the better; and they are now both out and well. Who says laughter is not the best of medicine?"

The Effects of Marriage with Blood Relations.-The consequences of intermarriage have been the subject of much declamation and but little sober inquiry. Evils of every kind have been depicted by some and totally denied by others. Those who denounce and those who favor within limits the practice of intermarriage are both devoid of any large series of observation, or of any perfectly conclusive chain of argument. But it must be said that the balance of facts is in favor of the former.

Although marriage with a relation may not, and often does not, show any evil results, yet it is a question if some evil may not arise to their descendants after two or three generations. (In the same way that children are afflicted with scrofula, whose parents had no taint of the disease, but whose ancestors two or three generations back had been troubled with syphilis.) It is generally admitted that if intermarriage is frequent among relations the offspring of such marriages are less healthy and robust, more liable to weakness of sight and blindness, and a much larger proportion than the average are idiots. Dr. Liebreich, in citing a case, says the afflicted person's father had married a cousin of his, by whom he had thirteen children; two of these died early, two became blind owing to pigmentary retinitis, and a fifth was both blind and afflicted with

exerts a force of...100 lbs. With an auger, both hands......100" With a screw-driver, one hand.. 84" With a bench-vice handle...... 72" With a chisel, vertical pressure 72" With a windlass..........

60 "

With pincers, compression...... 60"
With a hand-plane......... 50"
With a hand-saw................... 36"
With a thumb-vice................. 45"
With a brace-bit, revolving...... 16 "
Twisting by the thumb and
fingers only with a small


14 "

The strength of 5 men is equivalent to 1 animal horse.

The strength of 73 men is equivalent to 1 machinery horse-power.

Cautions for the Prevention of Accidents. The following regulations should be engraved on the memory of all:

As many sudden deaths come by water, particular caution is therefore necessary in its vicinity.

Stand not near a tree, or any leaden spout, iron gate, or palisade, in times of lightning.

Keep loaded guns in safe places, and never imitate firing a gun in jest.

Never sleep near charcoal; if drowsy at any work where charcoal fires are used, take the fresh air.

Carefully rope trees before they are cut down, that when they fall they may do no injury.

When benumbed by cold beware of sleeping out of doors; rub yourself, if you have it in your power, with snow, and do not hastily approach the fire.

Beware of damps.

Air vaults, by letting them remain open some time before you enter, or scattering powdered lime in them. Where a lighted candle will not burn, animal life cannot exist; it will be an excellent caution, therefore, before

entering damp and confined places, to try this simple experiment.

Never leave saddle or draught horses, while in use, by themselves; nor go immediately behind a led horse, as he is apt to kick.

Do not ride on footways.

Be wary of children, whether they are up or in bed; and particularly when they are near the fire, an element with which they are very apt to amuse themselves.

Leave nothing poisonous open or accessible; and never omit to write the word "PoISON" in large letters upon it, wherever it may be placed.

In walking the streets keep out of the line of the cellars, and never look one way and walk another.

Never throw pieces of orange-peel, or broken glass bottles, into the streets. Never meddle with gunpowder by candle-light.

In trimming a lamp with naphtha, never fill it. Leave space for the spirit to expand with warmth.

Never quit a room leaving the poker in the fire.

When the brass rod of the staircarpet becomes loose, fasten it immediately.

In opening effervescing drinks, such as soda water, hold the cork in your hand.

Quit your house with care on a frosty morning.

Have your horses shoes roughed directly there are indications of frost.

Keep lucifer matches in their cases, and never let them be strewed about. Accidents in Carriages. It is safer, as a general rule, to keep your place than to jump out. Getting out over the back, provided you can hold on a little while, and run, is safer than springing from the side. But it is best to keep your place, and hold fast. In accidents people act not so much from reason as from excitement: but good rules, firmly impressed upon the mind, generally rise uppermost, even in the midst of fear.

Life Belts. An excellent and cheap life belt, for persons proceeding to sea,

bathing in dangerous places, or learning to swim, may be thus made: Take a yard and three-quarters of strong jean, double, and divide it into nine compartments. Let there be a space of two inches after each third compartment. Fill the compartments with very fine cuttings of cork, which may be made by cutting up old corks, or (still better) purchased at the corkcutter's. Work eyelet holes at the bottom of each compartment, to let the water drain out. Attach a neck-band and waist-strings of stout boot-web, and sew them on strongly.

ANOTHER. -Cut open an old boa, or victorine, and line it with fine corkcuttings instead of wool. For ladies going to sea these are excellent, as they may be worn in stormy weather, without giving appearance of alarm in danger. They may be fastened to the body by ribbons or tapes, of the color of the fur. Gentlemen's waistcoats may be lined the same way.

Charcoal Fumes. The usual remedies for persons overcome with the fumes of charcoal in a close apartment are, to throw cold water on the head, and to bleed immediately; also apply mustard or hartshorn to the soles of the feet.

Cautions in Visiting the Sick. Do not visit the sick when you are fatigued, or when in a state of perspiration, or with the stomach empty-for in such conditions you are liable to take the infection. When the disease is very contagious, place yourself at the side of the patient which is nearest to the window. Do not enter the room the first thing in the morning, before it has been aired; and when you come away, take some food, change your clothing immediately, and expose the latter to the air for some days. Tobacco smoke is a preventive of malaria.

Children and Cutlery. Serious accidents having occurred to babies through their catching hold of the blades of sharp instruments, the foi lowing hint will be useful:----If a child lay hold of a knife or razor, do not try

to pull it away, or to force open the hand; but, holding the child's hand that is empty, offer to its other hand anything nice or pretty, and it will immediately open the hand, and let the dangerous ínstrument fall.

Directing Letters.-It may sound like being over particular, but we recommend persons to make a practice of fully addressing notes, etc., on all occasions; when, in case of their being dropped by careless messengers (which is not a rare occurrence), it is evident for whom they are intended, without undergoing the inspection of any other parties bearing a similar name.

Prevention of Fires.-The following simple suggestions are worthy of observation: Add one ounce of alum to the last water used to rinse children's dresses, and they will be rendered uninflammable, or so slightly combustible that they would take fire very slowly, if at all, and would not flame. This is a simple precaution, which may be adopted in families of children. Bed curtains, and linen in general, may also be treated in the same way. Since the occurrence of many lamentable deaths by fire, arising partly from the fashion of wearing crinoline, the tungstate of soda has been recommended for the purpose of rendering any article of female dress incombustible. A patent starch is also sold, with which the tungstate of soda is incorporated. The starch should be used whenever it can be procured; and any chemist will intimate to the purchaser the manner in which the tungstate of soda should be employed.

Precautions in Case of Fire.-The following precautions should be impressed upon the memory of all our readers:

SHOULD a fire break out, send off to the nearest engine or police station.

FILL BUCKETS WITH WATER, carry them as near the fire as possible, dip a mop into the water, and throw it in showers on the fire, until assistance arrives.

IF A FIRE IS VIOLENT, wet a blanket,

and throw it on the part which is in flames.

SHOULD A FIRE BREAK OUT IN THE KITCHEN CHIMNEY, or any other, a wetted blanket should be nailed to the upper ends of the mantlepiece, so as to cover the opening entirely; the fire will then go out of itself: for this purpose two knobs should be permanently fixed in the upper ends of the mantlepiece, on which the blanket may be hitched.

SHOULD the bed or window curtains be on fire, lay hold of any woollen garment, and beat it on the flames until extinguished.

AVOID LEAVING THE WINDOW OR DOOR OPEN in the room where the fire has broken out, as the current of air increases the force of the fire.

SHOULD THE STAIRCASE BE BURNING, so as to cut off all communication, endeavor to escape by means of a trapdoor in the roof, a ladder leading to which should always be at hand.

AVOID HURRY AND CONFUSION; no person except a fireman, friend, or neighbor should be admitted.

IF A LADY'S DRESS TAKES FIRE, she should endeavor to roll herself in a rug, carpet, or the first woollen garment she meets with.

IT IS A GOOD PRECAUTION to have always at hand a large piece of baize, to throw over a female whose dress is burning, or to be wetted and thrown over a fire that has recently broken out.

A SOLUTION OF PEARLASH IN WATER, thrown upon a fire, extinguishes it instantly. The proportion is a quarter of a pound, dissolved in some hot water, and then poured into a bucket of common water.

IT IS RECOMMENDED TO HOUSEHOLDERS to have two or three firebuckets and a carriage-mop with a long handle near at hand; they will be found essentially useful in case of fire.

ALL HOUSEHOLDERS, but particularly hotel, tavern, and inn-keepers, should exercise a wise precaution by directing that the last person up should perambulate the premises previous to going to rest, to ascertain that all fires are safe and lights extinguished.

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