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To Find the Age of a Horse.-The colt is born with twelve grinders. When four front teeth have made their appearance the colt is twelve days old, and when the next four appear it is four weeks old. When the corner teeth appear, it is eight months old; and when the latter have attained the height of the front teeth it is a year old. The two-year old colt has the kernel (the dark substance in the middle of the tooth's crown) ground or worn out of all the front teeth. In the third year the middle front teeth are being shifted, and when three years old, these are substituted for the horse teeth. In the fourth year, the next four are shifted; and in the fifth year the corner teeth are shifted. In the sixth year the kernel is worn out of the middle front teeth, and the bridle teeth have now attained their full growth. At seven years a hook has been formed on the corner teeth of the upper jaw; the kernel of the teeth next to the middle is worn out, and the bridle teeth begin to wear off. At eight years of age the kernel is worn out of all the lower front teeth, and begins to decrease in the middle upper fronts. In the ninth year the kernel has wholly disappeared from the upper middle front teeth; the hook on the corner teeth has increased in size, and the bridle teeth lose their point. In the tenth year the kernel has worn out of the teeth next to the middle fronts of the upper jaw; and in the eleventh year the kernel has entirely disappeared from the corner teeth of the same jaw. At twelve years the crowns of all the front teeth in the lower jaw have become triangular, and the bridle teeth are much worn down. As the horse advances age, the gums shrink away from the teeth, which appear long and narrow, and the kernel becomes changed into darkish points, Gray hairs increase in the forehead, and the chin becomes angular.


To Ascertain the Age of Sheep.The age of sheep may be known by the front teeth, which are eight in


number, and appear the first year, all of a size. In the second year the two middle ones fall out, and are supplanted by two large ones. During the third year a small tooth appears on each side. In the fourth year the large teeth are six in number." In the fifth year all the front teeth are large, and in the sixth year the whole begin to get worn.

To Make a Sheep Own a Lamb.Sometimes it is desirable to make one sheep own the lamb of another, but often it is a difficult task. The following experiment has been tried, was easily conducted, and proved a perfect success: --A sheep lost her lamb; in a few days a yearling dropped a lamb, which she did not own, and, in fact, had no milk for it. The lamb was taken, immediately after it was dropped, and sprinkled with fine salt, and then placed with the sheep that had lost her lamb. In a short time she was as fond of it as she had been of her own, and took the greatest care of her adopted charge.

Feeding Horses. The London Omnibus Company have lately made a report on feeding horses, which discloses some interesting information, not only to farmers, but to every owner of a horse. As a great number of horses are now used in the army for cavalry, artillery, and draught purposes, the facts stated are of great value at the present time.

The London Company uses no less than six thousand horses; three thousand of this number had for their feed bruised oats and cut hay and straw, and the other three thousand got whole oats and hay. The allowance accorded to the first was: bruised oats, 16 lbs. ; cut hay, 74 lbs. ; cut straw, 24 lbs. The allowance accorded to the second: unbruised oats, 19 lbs.; uncut hay, 18 lbs. The bruised oats, cut hay and cut straw amounted to 26 lbs. ; and the unbruised oats, etc., to 32 lbs. The horse which had bruised oats, with cut hay and straw, and consumed 26 lbs. per day, could do the same work as well, and was kept in as good con

dition, as the horse which received 32 lbs. per day. Here was a saving of 6 lbs. per day on the feeding of each horse receiving bruised oats, cut hay and cut straw. The advantage of bruised oats and cut hay over unbruised oats and uncut hay is estimated at five cents per day on each horse, amounting to three hundred dollars per day for the Company's six thousand horses. It is by no means an unimportant result with which this experiment has supplied us. To the farmer who expends a large sum in the support of horsepower, there are two points this experiment clearly establishes, which, in practice, must be profitable: first, the saving of food to the amount of 6 lbs. per day; and second, no loss of horsepower arising from that saving.

To Prevent Flies from Teasing Horses. Take two or three small handfuls of walnut leaves, upon which pour two or three quarts of soft cold water; let it infuse one night, and pour the whole next morning into a kettle, and let it boil for fifteen minutes. When cold, it will be fit for use. No more is required than to wet a sponge, and before the horse goes out of the stable, let those parts which are most irritated be smeared over with the liquor.

A Mere Stumble. When a horse stumbles, never raise your voice the creature dreads its master's chiding. Never jog the reins--the mouth of the horse is far more sensitive than the human lips. Never use the lash-the horse is so timid, that the slightest Correction overpowers its reasoning faculties. Speak to the creature; reassure the palpitating frame; seek to restore those perceptions which will form the best guard against any repetition of the faulty action.

Power of a Horse's Scent. There is one perception which a horse possesses that but little attention has been paid to, and that is the power of scent. With some horses it is as acute as with the dog, and for the benefit of those who have to drive nights, such as physicians and others, this knowl

edge is invaluable. We never knew it to fail, and we have ridden hundreds of miles dark nights; and, in consider ation of this power of scent, this is our simple advice-never check your horse at nights, but give him a free head, and you may rest assured that he will never get off the road, and will carry you expeditiously and safe.

OATS should always be bruised for an old horse, because through age and defective teeth, he cannot chew them properly.

WHEN your horse refuses food, after drinking, go no further that day, be cause the poor creature is thoroughly beaten.

Amount of Pork from a Bushel of Corn. A friend of ours obtained a hundred pounds of pork from seven bushels of corn, or one pound of pork from four and a half pounds of corn; the grain was ground and moistened with water before feeding. Another, by wetting his meal with five times its weight of hot water, and letting it stand twelve to eighteen hours before feeding, obtained one pound of pork from two and a half pounds of corn. Doubtless different results would be obtained from different breeds of swine.

Raise More Ducks. A farmer of considerable experience writes: - I could never understand why our farmers through the State did not keep ducks; as a matter of profit they are more profitable than hens. It may be the impression that in order to keep ducks, a

person must have a pond or stream of water near by, has deterred many from keeping them, but there is no need of anything of the kind. It is true that it is better to have a pond or stream but you can raise ducks just as well elsewhere. I know of parties that are very successful in raising them

they have only a shallow tub set in the ground and filled from the pump occasionally. In fact, the trouble of raising ducks, and about the only one, is letting the young go into the water too soon after they leave the nest. When I speak of the profits from ducks,

I do not have reference to the common | duck that is seen every day. I mean a breed of ducks that will weigh twelve pounds to the pair, alive, such as the Rouen and Aylesbury, and both excellent layers, easily kept and reared, and being very large and excellent for the market, and it costs no more to rear them than the common ducks that will only weigh on the average about eight pounds to the pair. The Rouen is a very handsome duck in plumage; the drake has a glassy green head and neck down to a white ring on his neck, and the lower part of his body is a beautiful green brown gray, and shaded with brown on the back. The duck is of a beautiful brown, with about every feather shaded on the outer edge with black. They are acknowledged the best of the varieties, laying very early and continuing through the season, and late in winter. The Aylesbury is pure white, both the duck and drake, and about the same size as the Rouen. Both become very familiar, and being very large and heavy, do not care to roam as much as the common kind.

Care of Young Ducks.-Take three boards, about a foot wide, and make a yard, either square or triangular shaped, and put the hen and coop in one corner of it. Keep the hen cooped until the ducklings are about two weeks old, then give her her liberty. She will stay with the ducklings some time longer. No more than twelve or fourteen ducklings should be kept in one yard, as they are apt to pile upon one another at night, and smother each other. The ducklings should be confined in a yard until they are well feathered, for if they go through wet grass they almost invariably die. The yard should be moved every two weeks, and care should be taken to have a good shelter in one corner.

Raising Turkeys. The turkey is the most tender when young, and most difficult to raise of all the domestic fowls; yet with proper care in setting the eggs under game hens and cooping the brood at night regularly, while the turkeys are young, they may be easily


reared in great abundance. Never feed the young turkeys with boiled eggs or corn meal dough, or wheat bread crumbs. They need very little_food of any kind under seven days of age, and should have nothing but sour milk set in pans. At about a week or ten days give them also wheat screenings or crumbs soaked in sour milk. this be their only feed till they begin to feather, and then give them grain of any kind. Tie the hen (which has the young turkeys) to a peg off to herself, with a coop near by her, so that she can enter at night to roost. At two weeks old let the hen loose to roam, and if she be a game hen she will do the work of rearing the brood. To Make Hens Lay Perpetually.

Give to each hen half an ounce of fresh meat, chopped fine, once a day, while the ground is frozen that they cannot get worms or insects; allow no roosters to run with them. They will require plenty of grain, water, gravel, and lime. Treated in this way it is said they will lay perpetually.

BOILED OATS, fried in fat, are recommended for laying hens as the very best food for the production of eggs.

Choosing Hatching Eggs.-Eggs for hatching should be chosen of the fair average size usually laid by the hen they are from, any unusually large or small being rejected. Some hens lay immensely large eggs, and others small ones. A fat hen will always lay small eggs, which can only produce small and weakly chickens. Absolute size in eggs is, therefore, of but little importance. Round short eggs are usually the best to select; very long eggs, especially if much pointed at the small end, almost always breed birds with some awkwardness in style of carriage. Neither should rough-shelled eggs be chosen; they usually show some derangement of the organs, and are often sterile. Smooth-shelled eggs alone are proper for hatching. It is a farce to suppose that the sex of a bird can be determined by the shape of the egg.

How the English Fatten Fowls.


-Among the various modes of fattening fowls which are from time to time presented to the public, none is more highly commended than the following, which is the method largely practised in England, and, it is said, always with great economy and perfect success. In this method the custom is to put the fowls into coops as usual, where they can get no gravel. Keep corn in their feed-boxes all the time, and also give them cornmeal dough, well cooked, once a day. For drink give them fresh skimmed milk, with a sprinkling of charcoal, well pulverized, in it. Fed in this way, it is said they will fatten nicely in from ten to twelve days. If kept beyond that time it is customary to furnish them with gravel, to prevent them from falling away. One extensive English fowl-breeder states that he has tried this method for years, and has never known it to fail. In this method, as in all others, it is, of course, necessary that the fowls should occupy coops protected from the cold, and kept perfectly clean and dry.

to twenty-three quarts per day. Less than twenty-seven quarts invariably marked a very poor milker. Of course the experiment of artificial stimulation by means of salt was intended only for scientific purposes. The importance of an abundant and convenient supply of pure water at all times, as much as the animal will take, is the practical deduction.

A Dog's Bed.-The best bed which can be made for a dog, consists of dry, newly-made deal shavings; a sack ful of these may be had for a shilling at almost any carpenter's shop. The dog is delighted in tumbling about in them until he has made a bed to suit himself. Clean wood shavings will clean a dog as well as water, and fleas will never infest dogs that sleep upon fresh deal shavings. The turpentine and rosin in new pine soon drive them away.

Cooked or Raw. Where it is possible to avoid it, meat should never be fed raw to dogs or fowls. It has the effect of making them quarrelsome. In addition to this, meat that is cooked is more nutritious than when fed raw.


To impart a flavor to the flesh of fowls, such as constitutes the "game flavor " of the wild state, the Boston 'Morning Milk," says an emiJournal of Chemistry recommends Cay-nent German philosopher," commonly enne pepper, ground mustard, or yields some hundredths more cream ginger, to be added to their common than the evening's at the same temfood. perature. That milked at noon furnishes the least. It would therefore be of advantage, in making butter, etc., to employ the morning's milk, and keep the evening's for domestic use."

A little grated carrot, and a few lumps of white sugar, added to the cream in the churn, will add very much to the taste as well as the appearance of the butter.

Milk and Water. It makes a great difference whether water is given to the cow or to the can. Dr. Dancel, in a communication to the French Academy of Sciences, adduces proof that the yield of milk can be considerably increased by giving salt to incite cows to drink large quantities of water, and by moistening their food, with very little if any of the peculiar effect produced by the experiments of milk- Tanning Sheep-Skins. For mats, men at the later stage of the operation. take two long-wooled skins, make s According to Dancel's observations, strong suds, using hot water; when it when a cow begins to give milk she is cold, wash the skins in it, carefully drinks from eleven to as much as forty-squeezing them between the hands to five quarts of water per day more than before. All cows that drink fifty quarts per day were found to be excellent milkers, yielding nineteen

get the dirt out of the wool; then wash the soap out with clean cold water. Now dissolve alum and salt, each half a pound, with a little hot water, which

cool the parts are to be bathed often; when practicable a flannel is to be saturated with the fluid, bound on the affected parts, the whole to be covered with oiled silk. Thorn-apple is a deadly poison; the bottle containing it should be so marked, that it may not be taken internally by mistake.

MANGE, OR SCAB.-This is denoted. by the animal rubbing the hair off about the eyes and other parts. The skin is scaly or scabby, sometimes appearing like a large seed-wart,

put in a tub of cold water sufficient to cover the skins, and let them soak in it over night, or twelve hours; then hang over a pail to drain. When they are well drained, spread or stretch carefully over a board to dry. When a little damp, have one ounce, each, of saltpetre and alum, pulverized, and sprinkle the flesh side of each skin, rubbing in well; then lay the flesh sides together and hang in the shade for two or three days, turning the under skin uppermost every day until perfectly dry. Then scrape the flesh side with a blunt knife, to remove any remaining scraps of flesh, trim off projecting points, and rub the flesh side with pumice or rot- When the skin is cracked, take sulten-stone, and with the hands; they phur, one pound; turpentine, quarter will be very white and beautiful, suit-pound; unguentum or mercurial ointable for a door or carriage mat. They also make good mittens. Lamb-skins (or sheep-skins, if the wool be trimmed of evenly to about one-half or threefourths of an inch long,) make most beautiful and warm mittens for ladies or gentlemen.

Furs may be taken from the first of October to the first of April. They are not good for furs the rest of the season, as the hair comes out.

To Remove the Taste of New Wood. A new keg, churn, bucket, or other wooden vessel, will generally communicate a disagreeable taste to anything that is put into it. To prevent this inconvenience, first scald the vessel well with boiling water, letting | the water remain in it till cold. Then dissolve some pearlash, or soda, in lukewarm water, adding a little bit of lime to it, and wash the inside of the vessel well with this solution. Afterward scald it well with plain hot water, and rinse it with cold before you use it.

To Relieve Muscular Pain in Horses. The thorn-apple plant is a very excellent remedy, as an external application, for the treatment of muscular pain, ligamentary lameness, sprain of the fetlock, etc. It is a remedy of great efficacy in chronic pains and inflammatory tumors. Four ounces of the plant to one pint of boiling water, are the proportions. When


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Remedies. Rub the spots with sulphur and lard, after scraping and washing with soap.

ment), two ounces; linseed oil, one pint. Melt the turpentine and warm the oil, and when partly cooled, stir in the sulphur; when cold, add the unguentum, mixing all well. Rub this thoroughly with the hand on the parts affected.


To Cure Scratches in Horses.Scratches or grease may very often be cured by washing the legs with warm water and soap, and, after drying thoroughly with a soft cloth, applying glycerine or lard perfectly free from salt. If this does not avail, a pound of" concentrated lye," or carbonate of potash, may be dissolved in two quarts of water, and put into a bottle. quarter of a pint of this solution should be put into a pailful of cold water, and the horse's heels bathed with it night and morning. The legs should be dried immediately after the bathing, but considerable moisture will exude from the skin afterward. The stable must be kept clean, and no snow or ice allowed to remain on the legs.

To Clean Canary Birds. These pretty things are, like meaner objects, often covered with lice, and may be effectually relieved of them by placing a clean white cloth over their cage at night. In the morning it will be covered with small red spots, so small as hardly to be seen, except by the aid of a glass. These are the lice, a

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