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The leg being removed, the next matter is to take off the wing. This is done by passing the fork through the pinion, pressing it close to the body, and inserting the knife at the notch 3, and passing it beneath the wing in the line 8, 4. It requires a good deal of practice to be able to do this nicely. You may now proceed to take off the leg and wing on the other side,

Having done this, you may proceed to cut off the apron in the line 6, 5, 7; and the merrythought in the line 9, 8, The other parts are taken off in a similar manner to those of the fowl.

The best parts of a goose are slices from the breast and the fleshy part of the wing. The stuffing of sage and onions is generally to be found just above the spot marked 7. This should be obtained by means of a spoon inserted into the interior of the bird, and a small portion served to each plate,

A GREEN GOOSE, A green goose may be cut up like a duck. "Only about a couple of slices should be taken from the breast, and then the separated joints cut off in the ordinary manner. In this case, as with a fowl or duck, the bird should be entirely cut up before any of the guests are served,

A DUCK,-A duck is served in a similar way to the preceding. The wings and breast are considered the

most delicious morsels,

DUCKLINGS.-Ducklings are usually cut down the middle lengthways, It is not considered too much to give half a duckling to each guest,

PIGEONS are served in a similar manner to the foregoing.

Roasted tur

ROASTED TURKEY, key may be served in the same manner as a fowl, excepting the breast. This is the prime part, and many good slices, which should be cut lengthways, may be obtained therefrom. These should be served with small portions of the stuffing, and also sausages and forcemeat balls. It should be borne in mind that the turkey has no merrythought, BOILED TURKEY.-A boiled turkey should be carved in a similar manner. A HAM.-There are three ways of out

ting a ham. One method is to begin at the knuckle, on the line 4, 5, and out thin slices, gradually working up to the prime part of the joint: this is the most

economical way of carving it. Another plan is to cut in at 2, 8, and serve slices from either side; whilst a third method is to take out a small piece at 1, and cut thin circular slices, thus enlarging the cavity by degrees. The advantage of this method is that it preserves the gravy and keeps the joint moist; it is, of course, only praeused when the ham is served Aot,

THE TONGUE. The tongue should be cut nearly through at the line 1, 2, and slices served from right or left.

Some people are particularly partial to the fat and roots, which should be out from 8 and 2,

THE PARTRIDGE, The partridge is cut up almost in the same manner as a fowl. The wings must be taken off at

the lines 1, 2, and the merrythought in the line 3, 4. The wings and breast are usually regarded as the prime parts; but the tip of the wing is generally con

sidered the most delicate portion in the whole bird.

At hunting-breakfasts and bachelors'-parties, where the birds are frequently served cold, it is not unusual to cut the bird in half, and give half a | partridge to each guest.

GROUSE are carved in a similar manner to the above, while woodcocks, snipes, quails, and other smaller birds, are generally cut in half. Larks are usually served on skewers of four to each guest.

Amusements Needed. There can be no question that the mental and physical requirements of our people are almost wholly ignored; and although there has been a marked change in this respect within the last few years, there is ample room for improvement, Business and professional men take far too little recreation and exercise; and although the ban is somewhat removed which for so long was held over the clerical profession, some of the old prejudice remains which forbids recreation, especially field-sports, to that class. Chess and playing upon musical instruments, even the violin, is allowed to the minister. Indeed, the canons of propriety have been so far infringed as to allow him an occasional indulgence in the unorthodox game of checkers-but should he appear in shooting jacket, it is regarded as a thing, if not exactly wicked, that is "greatly to be deprecated on the part of our minister." "It is to be feared also that our national game of ball, which, when first introduced, seemed to be exactly suited to the purpose for which it was designed, is fast losing its usefulness. Upon its first introduction it appeared to be just the thing. Clerks and employers could run out and take a hand at ball; but its very popularity soon defeated its original aims, Like the game of “cricket" in England, it has now become so scientific in its character that only those are willing to play it who have gone through a regular professional course of training. And it is accordingly not surprising if those who can spare only an hour or

so from the enervating counting-room fail to see the "fun" of standing up against balls which come in from the "professional" with the force of a catapult. Accordingly, after having had`a finger or two broken in the course of one season, the amateur player declares himself out of practice, and contents himself with paying his dues, which go to pay stalwart men who make the playing of the game their business.

Evening Pastime. Among the innocent recreations of the fireside, there are few more commendable and practicable than those afforded by what are severally termed Anagrams, Charades, Conundrums, Enigmas, Puzzles, Rebuses, Riddles, Transpositions, etc. Of these there are such a variety, that they are suited to every capacity; and they present this additional attraction, that ingenuity may be exercised in the invention of them, as well as in their solution. Many persons who have become noted for their literary compositions may date the origin of their success to the time when they attempted the composition of a trifling enigma or charade.

Anagrams are formed by the transposition of the letters of words or sentences, or names of persons, so as to produce a word, sentence, or verse, of pertinent or of widely different meaning. They are very difficult to discover, but are exceedingly striking when good. The following are some of the most remarkable:

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

The earth is bespangled with flowers; And buds in a countless array

Conundrums. These are simple The breath of the morning is sweet; catches, in which the sense is playfully cheated, and are generally founded upon words capable of double meaning. The following are examples:

Where did Charles the First's executioner dine, and what did he take?

He took a chop at the King's Head, When is a plant to be dreaded more than a mad dog?

When it's madder,

What is majesty stripped of its externals?

It is a jest. [The m and the y, externals, are taken away.]

Why is hot bread like a caterpillar? Because it's the grub that makes the butter fly.

Why did the accession of Victoria throw a greater damp over England than the death of King William?

Because the King was missed (mist) while the Queen was reigning (raining), Why should a gouty man make his will?

To have his logatees (leg at ease), Why are brankrupts more to be pitied than idiots?

Because bankrupts are broken, while idiots are only cracked.

Why is the treadmill like a true convert?

Because its turning is the result of conviction,

When may a nobleman's property be said to be all feathers?

When his estates are all entails (hentails).

The Charade is a poetical or other composition founded upon a word, each syllable of which constitutes a noun, and the whole of which word constitutes another noun of a somewhat different meaning from those supplied by its separate syllables, Words which fully answer these conditions are the best for the purposes of charades; though many other words are employed. In writing, the first syllable is termed "My first," the second syllable, "My second," and the complate word, "My whole." The following is an example of a poetical


Have oped at the touch of the showers,
The birds, whoso glad voices are ever
A music delightful to hear,
Seem to welcome the joy of the morning,
As the hour of the bridal draws near.
What is that which now steals on my first,

Like a sound from the dreamland of love,
And seems wand'ring the valleys among,
That they may the nuptials approve!
"Tis a sound which my second explains,
And it comes from a sacred abode,
And it merrily trills as the villagers throng
To greet the fair bride on her road.

How meek is her dress, how befitting a bride-
So beautiful, spotless, and pure!

When she weareth my second, oh, long may it be
Ere her heart shall a sorrow endura.

See the glittering gem that shines forth from her


"Tis my whole, which a good father gave; 'Twas worn by her mother with honor before

But she sleepeth in peace in her grave. 'Twas her earnest request, as she bade them adion, That when her dear daughter the altar drew near, She should wear the same gem that her mother had Worn

When she as a bride full of promise stood there,

THE ANSWER is Ear-ring. The bells ring, the sound steals upon the ear, and the bride wears an ear-ring. Charades may be sentimental or humorous, in poetry or prose; they may also be acted, in which manner they afford consider able amusement,

ACTED CHARADES, A drawingroom with folded doors is the best for the purpose, Various household appliances are employed to fit up something like a stage, and to supply the fitting scenes. Characters dressed in costumes made up of handkerchiefs, coats, shawls, table-covers, etc., come on and perform an extempore play, founded upon the parts of a word, and its whole, as indicated above, For instance, the events explained in the poem above might be acted - -glasses might be rung for bells-something might be said in the course of the dialogues about the sound of the bells being delightful to the ear; there might be a dance of the villagers, in which a ring might be formed; a wedding might be performed; and so on. "Though for acting Charades there are many better words, because ear-ring could with difficulty be represented without at once betraying the meaning.

ENIGMAS are compositions of a different character, based upon ideas, rather than upon words, and frequently constructed so as to mislead, and to surprise when the solution is made known. Enigmas may be founded upon simple catches, like Conundrums, in which form they are usually called RIDDLES, such as

"Though you set me on foot,
I shall be on my head."

THE ANSWER is, A nail in a shoe, The celebrated Enigma on the letter H, by Lord Byron, is an admirable specimen of what may be rendered in the form of an Enigma.

Rebuses are a class of Enigma generally formed by the first, sometimes the first and last, letters of words, or of transpositions of letters, or additions to words. Dr. Johnson, however, rep resents Rebus to be a word represented by a picture. And putting the Doctor's definition and our own explanation together, the reader may glean a good conception of the nature of the Rebus. Example:

The father of the Grecian Jove;
A little boy who's blind;

The foremost land in all the world;
The mother of mankind;
A poet whose love-sonnets are
Still very much admired; -
The initial letters will declare
A blessing to the tired.
ANSWER-Saturn; Love; England;
Eve; Plutarch. The initials formi sleep,
PUZZLES vary much. One of the
simplest that we know is this:

Take away half of thirteen and let eight remain. Write XIII on a slate, or on a piece of paper rub out the lower half of the figures, and VIII will remain.

Laws of Chess. The rules given below are based upon the code published in "Walker's Art of Chess Play." The word piece frequently includes the pawn.

If the board or pieces be improperly placed, or are deficient in number (except in the case of odds), the game must be recommenced, if the error is discovered before the fourth move on each side (the eighth move of the

[blocks in formation]

When parties play even, they draw lots for the first move of the first game. The first move is afterwards taken alternately throughout the sitting, except when a game is drawn, when he who had the first move in that game still claims it, a drawn game being of no account. He who gains the move has also the choice of color.

Each player uses the same color throughout the sitting. When a match is made for a given number of games, the move passes alternately throughout the match. A player giving odds has the choice of men, and takes the move in every game, unless agreed to the contrary.

A player who gives the odds of a piece, may give it each game from the king's or queen's side, at his option. If he gives the odds of a pawn, he must give the king's bishop's pawn, unless otherwise stipulated. The player who receives the odds of a certain number of moves at the commencement, must not with those moves cross from his own half of the board.

If a player, in his turn to play, touch one of his men, he must move that piece, if it can legally move, unless, when he first touches it, he says aloud, “J'adoube,” No penalty is attached to touching a piece, unless it is your turn to move.

If the player touch his king, with the intention of moving him, and then find that he cannot do so without placing the king in check, no penalty can be inflicted on his replacing his king and moving elsewhere. [Otherwise?] If the player should touch a

man which cannot be moved without placing his king in check, he must move his king instead.

If a player about to move touch one of his adversary's men, without saying "J'adoube" when he first touches it, he must take that piece, if it can be lawfully taken. Should it not be taken, he must, as a penalty, move his king; but should the king be unable to play without going into check, no penalty can be enforced. It is not allowed to castle upon a compulsory move of the king.

While you hold your piece you may move it anywhere allowed by the rules; but when you quit your hold the move is completed, and must be abided by.

If you inadvertently move one of your adversary's pieces instead of your own, he may compel you to take the piece you have touched, should it be en prise; or to replace it and move your king, or to leave it on the square to which you have moved it, and forego any other move at that time. Should you capture one of the adverse pieces with another, instead of one of your own, the capture holds good, if your opponent so decides.

If the player takes a piece through a false move, his adversary may compel him to take such piece with one that can lawfully take it; or to move the piece that has been touched, if such move does not expose the king to check; or he may be directed to move his king.

If you take one of your own men, instead of one of your adversary's, you may be compelled to move one of the two pieces touched, at the option of your opponent. Mr. Walker thinks that the penalty should be to lose the man you have improperly taken off.

An opponent has the option of punishing a false move, by claiming the false move as your move, by compelling you to move the piece touched, as you may think fit, or to replace the piece and move your king.

The king must never be exposed to check by any penalty enforced.

If you move twice running, you

may be compelled to abide by both moves, or to retract the second,

Unlimited time is allowed for the moves [unless otherwise agreed]. If one player insists upon the postponement of the termination of a game, against the will of his opponent, the game is forfeited by him who will not play on.

When a pawn is moved two squares, it is liable to be taken, en passant, by a pawn, but not by a piece.

If you touch both king and rook, intending to castle, you must move one of the two pieces, at the option of your adversary; or he may compel you to complete the castling. You cannot take a piece and castle at the same time; nor does the rook check as it passes to its new position; but it may check on its position after castling.

False castling is liable to the same penalties as a false move.

When a player gives the odds of a rook, he does not relinquish the right of castling on the side from which the rook has been taken, all other conditions being lawful, as if the rook were in its place.

When you give check you must say so aloud. If check is not called on either side, but subsequently discov ered, you must endeavor to recall all the moves back to the period when the check first occurred.

You are not compelled to cry check when you attack the queen,

If you cry check, and afterwards alter your determination, you are not compelled to abide by the intention, provided you have not touched the piece,

When a pawn reaches the opposite side of the board it may be replaced by any piece, at the option of the owner, and irrespective of the pieces already owned by him.

Stall mate is a drawn game.

Drawn games count for nothing; and he who moved first in the drawn game, moves first in the following.

If you declare to win a game, or position, and only draw it, you are accounted the loser.

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