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all ecclesiastical dignities; his
death, in 1274; anecdote of, 249.
Author of Scriptural Exposi-
tions, Dogmatical and Philo-
sophical Treatise, his Summa
Theologiæ, his Quæstiones, 250.
St. Turketul, the venerable abbot
of Croyland, iii. 233.
St. Ulric of Augsburg, ii. 216.
St. Werberga, iii. 215.

St. Wilfrid, born in Northumbria;
his piety and zeal, iii. 209. Intro-
duces the order of St. Benedict
into England, 210. Consecrated
bishop of Lindisfarne, 211. His
exile; return of, to Northumbria;
obtains successively the bishoprics
of Hexham, Lindisfarne, and
York, 212. His death; different
opinions respecting, 213.
St. William of the Desert, founder

of the monastery of Gello, i. 288.
St. Willibrod of Northumbria; his
missionary labours in Denmark;
his death, ii. 194.

St. Withberga, iii. 216.

St. Wulfer, bishop of Sherburn, iii.

St. Wulfram, ii. 194.

St. Wulstan, bishop of Worcester;
his answer to a synod at West-
minster Abbey, before which he
was summoned to deliver up his
pastoral staff, iv. 139.

St. Wunibald, ii. 202.
Sancho I., king of Navarre, i. 270.
Sancho II., king of Navarre; his
conquests, i 271.

Sancho III., king of Navarre, as-
sassination of, i. 271.

Sancho V., king of Navarre, i.

Sancho VI., king of Navarre,


Sancho II., king of Castile, assas-
sination of, i. 262.
Sancho III., king of Castile, i. 263.
Sancho IV., the brave king of Cas-
tile and Leon, i. 267.

Sancho II., sovereign of Portugal,
i. 281.

Sancho Mudarra, duke of Gascony,
ii. 47.

San Fernando, king of Leon and
Castile, canonisation of, in 1671;
miracles ascribed to, i. 291.
Saracens, invasion of Italy by, i. 23.
Their ravages, 110.
Sarmatians, ii. 4.
Savoy, i. 94.

Saxons, extent of country occupied
by, ii. 29. An annual diet held
by; their ravages, 30. Laws of,
respecting chastity, 138. Inva-
sion of Britain by, iii. 5. Seven

kingdoms formed in Britain by, 9,
Wars of, with each other, 10.
Scala, Antonio delia, i. 67.
Scala, Martino della, lord of Ve-
rona, i. 106.

Scalao, Della, the Esti of Ferrara,
i. 65.

Scot, Michael, iv. 354.
Sebastian, bishop of Salamanca, i.

Sergius III., pope, i. 145.

Sforza, Francesco, lord, his brilliant
success over the Venetians; in-
gratitude of the Milanese to, i.
71. He deserts to the Venetians;
he invests Milan; recall of, by
the Milanese, 72.

Sforza, Galeazzo, duke of Milan;

his character; his murder, i. 72.
Sicard, duke of Lombardy, subdues

Amalfi; assassination of, i. 109.
Sicard of Cremona, an historian, i.

Sicard of Lomberes, his convers-
ation with the bishop of Albi on
Manichæanism, i. 296.

Sicilian Vespers, the, i. 131.
Sicilies, the Two, erected into a
kingdom, i. 106.

Sierra Leone, discovery of, by the
Portuguese, i. 281.

Sigebert, king of the Ripuarii, ii. 9.
Sigebert I., king of Austrasia, ii.

Sigebert III., king of Austrasia, ii.
Sigebert, king of Austrasia, mar-
riage of, with Brunehild; assas-
sination of, ii. 13.

Sightric, the Danish king of Nor-
thumbria, death of, iii. 25.
Sigismund, king of Burgundy,
elected emperor of Germany, ii.
115. His persecution of the
Hussites, 116.

Sixtus IV., pope, i. 85.
Slavi, the, i. 95.

Southey, Mr., an extract from his
history of the church, iv. 194.
Spain, conquest of, by the Arabs, i.
254. Decline and fall of various
Mohammedan. dynasties and
principalities of, 256. The Mo-
hammedans expelled from, 258.
State of, under the Moham-
medans, 259.

Stagyrite, the condemnation of, by
the bishop of St. Maur, ii. 307.
States general, origin of, ii. 88.
Stefano Porcari, i. 174.

Stephen, count of Boulogne, usurps
the throne of England, iii. 88.
Acknowledges Henry Plantage-
net his successor; his death, 89.
Stephen III, pope, i. 143.

Stephen IX., pope, i. 148.
Stigand, archbishop of Canterbury,
iv. 136. His simony; his depo-
sition, 137.

Sussex, the Saxon kingdom of,
founded in 477, iii. 7.
Swabians, ii. 3.

Sweyn, king of Denmark, invades
England, iii. 33. His second in-
vasion, 34. His death, 35.
Switzerland, ii. 120.

Syagrius, a Roman governor, defeat
and death of, ii. 7.


Tancred of Hauteville, i. 112.
Tancred, count of Lucca, usurps
the crown of the Sicilies; his
death, i. 120.

Tarik ben Zeyad, i. 258.
Tassilo, duke of Bavaria, found
guilty and condemned to death
by the diet of Ingelheim, for fa-
vouring the revolt of the Saxons;
his sentence commuted, ii. 31.
Templars, the Knights,abolishment
of the order of, ii. 77.

Theodora and Marozia, two patri-
cian ladies, their depravity; in-
fluence of, in the election of
popes, i. 145.

Theodulf, bishop of Orleans, ii. 254.
Theudebert, king of Austrasia, ii.

Thibault I., count of Champagne,

elected king of Navarre, i. 272.
Thibault II., king of Navarre, i.

Thibault, count of Champagne and
Brie, ii. 57.

Thierry, co-heir of the monarchy of
France and Burgundy, ii. 10.
Thierry I., duke of Lorraine, ii. 49.
Thierry II., king of Burgundy, ii.

Thierry III., king of Burgundy and
Neustria, ii. 15.

Thoulouse, the third canon of the
council of, held in 1118, i. 299.
Thuringians, ii. 10.

Tiberius, extract from the manu-
script of, iv. 127.

Tiepolo, Giacomo, doge of Venice,
i. 102.

Torketul, the chancellor, iii. 28.
Torkil, a Danish chief, iii. 34.
Tortona, reduction of, by Fre-
deric I.; rebuilt, i. 36.
Totila, king of the Lombards, visit
of, to St. Benedict, i. 184.
Tourneys, commencement of, ii. 64.
Towton, the battle of, iii. 141.
Troyes, the treaty of, ii. 84.

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Vaudois, the, i. 292.


Venice, origin, and early history of,
i. 95. Peculiar constitution of;
despotism of the doges, 97. The
council of pregadi, 98.
grand council of 480 becomes
hereditary, 99. Change in the
council of pregadi; the famous
collection of ducal obligations,
100. Dissatisfaction of the Ve-
netians and the doge at the usurp
ation of the grand council, 101.
Insurrection in, in 1310; form-
ation of the council of ten, 103.
Government of; aggrandisement
of, 106. Becomes subject to Aus-
tria, 108.

Venantius Fortunatus, an Italian
poet, his Vita S. Martini, i. 230.
Víctor II., pope, i. 148.

Victor III., pope, i. 38.

Vigila, the monk, his account of
the origin of the kingdom of Na-
varre, i. 270.

Villani, i. 253.

Vortigern, supreme sovereign of
Britain at the time of the Saxon
invasion, iii. 5.


Wace, Robert, a native of Jersey,
born about the year 1124, author
of the Roman de Brut (Brutus),
iv. 321. His legend relating to

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1128, iv. 234.

Wearmouth, the monastery of,
founded by St. Benedict, bishop
in 674, iii. 194.

Wenceslas, emperor of Germany;
his deposition, ii. 115. Erects
Milan into a duchy, to remain
hereditary in the family of the
Visconti, 116.
Westphalians, ii. 30.

Wickliffe, John, born near Rich-
mond, in Yorkshire; becomes
master of Baliol college, Oxford,
iv. 267. His disputes with the
warden and fellows of Catherine's
hall, 268. He is expelled; he
attacks the possessions of the
clergy, 269. His doctrines con-
demned by a synod in London
his opinion of the Eucharist, 271.
His death, 272. His doctrines,

Wiffredo IL, sovereign count of
Barcelona, i. 275.

William I., the Bad, king of the
Two Sicilies, excommunication
of; reconciliation of, with the
pope; his crimes, i. 118. Foreign
policy of, 119.

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