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Such is not the case. There are many times when nothing can take the place of the personal presentation. Briefs are well enough in their way, but it very often happens that the real point upon which a case turns may be overlooked in a brief, while an oral argument may serve to bring it home to the court. A special emphasis, a striking simile, may throw new light on an intricate problem, and perhaps reverse a judgment in the mind of the court."

Choate would scarcely go with the jury of this generation." This somewhat extreme statement, it seems to us, will not find general concurrence, however much one recognizes the general contempt of oratory, as such the cheap appeals to sentiment which move the feelings without convincing the intellects of those to whom they are addressed. This is not the sort of oratory, we confess, that either judges, juries or public wish to hear. In the language of a contemporary, well-knit arguments and logical collocation and analysis of facts form the basis of true oratory now, as in the past.” As the author Our legal contemporaries as well as the of the able review of the trial of Roland B. daily press in England reflect in their Molineux Mr. Frank M. M. Patterson columns more or less distinctly the fact that published in a recent issue of the ALBANY the country is engaged in a serious war. We LAW JOURNAL, pointed out, the address of find in our namesake, the London Law Assistant District Attorney Osborne, while Journal, an expression of regret that certain not to be ranked with the more ornate and judges should have allowed their patriotic highly embellished appeals of well-known feelings to eclipse their judicial dignity. Mr. criminal lawyers in times past, was truly elo- Justice Grantham, it appears, not long ago quent in the sense above referred to. To use interrupted a trial for attempted murder, at Mr. Patterson's words: "If ability to con- the Liverpool Assizes, to announce the relief struct testimony into an intelligible and per- of Kimberley, treated the very gratifying insuasive entirety, if acuteness to perceive pos- telligence as a sufficient reason for passing a sible flaws and by anticipation double-rivet nominal sentence upon a prisoner in another the loose joints, is any evidence of legal case. In the course of an important trial in superiority, Mr. Osborne need have no fear the Probate Court, Sir Francis Jeune inas to his future in the ranks of the great formed the jury that he had received news of criminal advocates of the State." This is a the relief of Ladysmith. In both courts, we utilitarian age, and even oratory must be are told, the announcements were greeted subordinated to the demand of the public for with loud applause, and that it was some facts rather than figures of speech. At the minutes before judicial business could be prosame time, as already pointed out, imagina- ceeded with. The following comment of the tion, analysis, orderly arrangement and acute London Law Journal seems to us timely and observation, which constitute the basis of real worthy of heed and not without its lessons on oratory, are just as important and effective this side of the ocean: "Members of the as they ever were. In speaking of the re- bench can easily rejoice in the triumphs of mark attributed to Lord Russell, of Kil- our troops without creating these unseemly lowen, to the effect that the value of oratory exhibitions in courts of justice. It is certo the lawyer has been much overrated, Asso- tainly no part of their duty to spread the ciate-Judge Harlan, of the United States rumors that reach them concerning the proSupreme Court, said not long ago to a cor- gress of the war, while it is of the utmost respondent of the New York Evening Post: importance that the attention of juries should It is a matter of serious regret and concern not be diverted from the questions which to this court that the practice of oral argu- they have to decide. There has lately been ment appears to be falling into disuse. The a marked increase in the tendency of certain idea seems to have become general among judges to comment upon matters that lie outmembers of the bar that we prefer argu- side the scope of their judicial duties. It is ments presented in the form of written briefs. a tendency which threatens not only the dig

nity but also the authority of the bench, for a judge who concerns himself with questions far removed from his official sphere is apt to impair the confidence of the public in his judgments on those matters with which he has been appointed to deal."

A somewhat peculiar bill which already has passed one branch of the legislature and seems in a fair way to reach the governor, is that introduced by Mr. Maher proposing to amend the lien law relating to the sale of property retaken by a vendor under a contract of conditional sale. The bill, which in our opinion, merits much greater share of attention than has been given to it, proposes to add to section 116 of Chapter 418 of the Laws of 1897 (providing for the retaking by the vendor of articles sold on the installment plan, and their retention for thirty days, at the end of which time they may be sold if the terms of the contract or agreement are not complied with) a provision that, “ unless such articles are so sold within thirty days after the expiration of such period (the period of thirty days from the retaking by the vendor), the vendee or his successors in interest may recover of the vendor the amount paid on such articles by such vendee or his successors in interest under the contract for the conditional sale thereof." This bill, if enacted into law, it seems to us, will impose considerable hardship upon dealers who have sold goods on the installment plan, in that it allows nothing whatever for wear and tear or deterioration of property which, in case of use during extended periods of payment would necessarily amount to a considerable proportion of the original value of the property. No doubt the present law needs amendment, for the sale by the vendor who has retaken the goods is now merely permissive, not compulsory, but if amendment is to be made it should provide a more equitable arrangement than is proposed in the bill introduced by Mr. Maher, which already has passed the assembly.

In Beardsley, Resp't, v. The N. Y., Lake Erie & Western R. R. and others, Appl'ts,

the New York Court of Appeals decided that the act, chapter 1027, of the Laws of 1895, requiring railroad corporations to issue mileage books, and providing a penalty for their refusal to do so, is invalid as to corporations existing at the time of its enactment, because it is violative of the provision of the Federal Constitution which forbids the tak

ing of private property without due process of law. It was further held that such act is not a valid exercise of the police power of the State, nor of the power of the State to establish maximum prices for the transportation of persons and property, but is simply an enactment in favor of those persons who are able or willing to purchase mileage books. The same court also held, in Purdy v. Erie R. R., construing the same act, chapter 1027, Laws of 1895, is a valid exercise of legislative power with respect to companies organized and acquiring their property and franchises since the act took effect. The principle is laid down that a statute which is unconstitutional so far as it purports to operate retrospectively, may, nevertheless, be upheld as

to future cases.

The New York Assembly has passed, by an overwhelming vote, Mr. Weeks' bill to There abolish common-law marriages. seems to be no reasonable doubt that it will also pass the Senate and receive the approval of the Governor. While there are, of course, two sides to this as to most other questions, it seems reasonably clear that this bill is in the right direction. No one will deny that some common-law marriages turn out happily, but that this sort of alliance and the loopholes it affords for duplicity is a real menance to social order and purity seems equally beyond question. The bill, as passed, amends section eleven of article two of chapter 272, Laws of 1896 (the Domestic relations Law), by permitting solemnization of marriage, in addition to the other methods prescribed, as follows: "A written contract of marriage, signed by by both parties, stating the place of residence of each of the parties, and the State and place of marriage, and acknowledged

Eaton was its medical director, and one Dohaney soliciting agent for the association at the town of was its clerk and bookkeeper. W. T. Botts was Higbee, Mo., and plaintiff was its medical examiner at that place. The application of one A. P. Milnes for insurance was prepared by plaintiff, signed by the applicant, and turned over to the soliciting agent, Botts, after plaintiff had examined Milnes. The application was then forwarded to the defendant company. After being received by the association, it was given to the medical and passed it to Mr. Dohaney, to prepare and fordirector, Eaton, who made some minutes thereon, ward an answer. Dohaney prepared, addressed and mailed the following to Botts, the soliciting agent: "Des Moines, Iowa, January 11, 1896. W. T. Botts, Higbee, Mo. - Dear Sir: I write you in reference to medical examiner at Higbee. I have before me the application of Adolphus P. Milnes. This application shows on the face of it to be a forgery of his signature, and it is written by Dr. Nichols instead of the applicant. He has fallen ing of the applicant by his misspelling the name. down in his undertaking to imitate the handwritWe have returned the application to the doctor, and given him to understand that it must be corrected at once; and you are hereby notified that in when made by Dr. Nichols. We will appoint anthe future no more examinations will be accepted other physician at that place, and will notify you of the appointment of same. We have no longer any confidence in Dr. Nichols, and, as above stated, we cannot accept any more examinations made by him. Very respectfully yours, Chas. Woodhull Eaton, Medical Director."

in the manner required for the acknowledg-place of business at Des Moines. Defendant ment of a conveyance of real estate." The following new matter is added to the said article, to be known as section nineteen : "No marriage claimed to have been contracted on or after the 1st day of January, 1901, within this State, otherwise than in this article provided, shall be valid for any purpose, whatever; provided, however, that no such marriage shall be deemed or adjudged to be invalid, nor shall the validity thereof be in any way affected on account of any want of authority in any person solemnizing the same under subdivisions one, two and three of section two of this artice, if consummated with the full belief on the part of the persons so married, or either of them, that they were lawfully joined in marriage, or an account of any mistake in the date or place of marriage, or in the residence of either of the parties, in case of a marriage solemnized under subdivision four of said section." Under the law as it will stand, if the amendment proposed in this bill is put on the statute books, legal marriage may be performed by a clergyman or minister of any religion, or by the leader of the Society for Ethical Culture in the City of New York; by a justice or judge of a court of record, or of a municipal court, or a justice of the peace, or by the execution of a contract as above.

Notes of Cases.

Libel Privileged Communication. In Nichols v. Eaton, decided by the Supreme Court of Iowa, in February, 1900, it was held that a communication by a life insurance company to its soliciting agent with relation to an alleged forgery by an examining physican of the signature to an application for insurance, and informing him that another physician would be appointed to make examinations, being upon a subject relating to the agency, and in respect to which there is a mutual interest, is a privileged occasion.

It was further held that in an action for libel, based upon a communication that is privileged, the question whether there is such excess of statement in the communication as to constitute evidence of malice is for the jury. The court said in part: Appellant is a life insurance association incorporated under the laws of Iowa, with its principal

The occasion was undoubtedly privileged, and it was the duty of the court to so instruct the jury. Appellee says that, conceding the occasion was privileged, defendant went beyond the privilege, and rendered itself liable. This argument presents a question that is new to this court, and one on which the authorities are in apparent conflict. Decision of the point involves a consideration of the reasons underlying the doctrine of privilege. Ordinarily, proof of a defamatory publication, charging another with the commission of a crime, makes out a prima facie case of malice in the author. But a privileged communication is an exception to the rule. In such case the presumption of malice is rebutted, and the burden of proving the existence of this element of the action is on plaintiff. In other words, actual malice must be shown (White v. Nicholls, 3 How. 286, 11 L. Ed. 591; Briggs v. Garrett, III Pa. St. 414, 2 Atl. 513; Bearce v. Bass, 88 Me. 521, 34 Atl. 411). Bacon v. Railroad Co. ([Mich.] 33 N. W. 181) is an instructive and well-considered case on this point. It is there said: "The meaning in law of a privileged communication is that it is made on

such an occasion as rebuts the prima facie infer-
ence of malice arising from the publication of
matter prejudicial to the character of plaintiff, and
throws on him the onus of proving malice in fact,
but not of proving it by extrinsic evidence only.
He has still a right to require that the alleged libel
itself shall be submitted to the jury, that they may
judge whether there is any evidence of malice on
the face of it.
* * The effect, therefore, of
showing that the communication was made on a
privileged occasion is prima facie to rebut the qual-
ity or element of malice, and casts upon the plain-
tiff the necessity of showing malice in fact (that is,
that the defendant was actuated by ill-will in what
he did and said, with a design to causelessly or
wantonly injure the plaintiff); and this malice in
fact, resting, as it must, upon the libelous matter
itself, and the surrounding circumstances tending
to prove fact and motive, is a question to be deter-
mined by the jury."

law for the judge alone, where there is no dispute
as to the circumstances under which it was made.
If the judge decides that the occasion was one of
qualified or conditional privilege only, the plaintiff
must then, if he can, give evidence of actual malice
on the part of the defendant. If he does give any
evidence, which, as we have said, may be gathered
from the publication itself, the question of bona
fides becomes one of fact for the jury (1 Am. Lead.
Cas. [5th Ed.] 193; Gray v. Pentland, 4 Serg. &
R. 420; Hart v. Reed, 1 B. Mon. 166; Newell,
Sland. & L., p. 478). In Hill v. Drainage Co.
([Sup.], 29 N. Y. Supp. 427) it is said: “In case a
communication is prima facie privileged, the exist-
ence or non-existence of malice on the part of the
defendant is a question of fact; and the plaintiff,
before he can recover, must affirmatively establish
to the satisfaction of the jury that the publication
complained of was made through malice.
may be shown from the communication, the cir-
cumstances under which it was written, and it may
be inferred from a variety of facts. * *
occasion was privileged. Did the publication go
beyond the occasion, or, in other words, was
more written than the occasion justified? This
depends upon the terms of the communication, and
the facts outside of it, and was an issue of fact, for
the jury." (See, also, Comfort v. Young, 100
Iowa, 627, 69 N. W. 1032; Strode v. Clement
[Va.], 19 S. E. 177; Klinck v. Colby, 46 N. Y. 427).

Plaintiff relies on some expressions found in the
books to the effect that, if the communication ex-
ceeds the privilege, it destroys the privilege.
Thus, Mr. Odger, in his work on Slander and
Libel (page 197), says: "But it must be remem-
bered that, although the occasion may be priv-
ileged, it is not every communication made on such
occasion that is privileged. It is not enough to
have an interest or duty in making the communi-
cation. The interest or duty must be shown to
exist in making the communication complained
of' (per Dowse, B., in 6 L. R. Ir., at p. 269). A
communication which goes beyond the occasion
exceeds the privilege." Again, at page 245, it is
said: “So, too, in making a communication which
is only privileged by reason of its being made to a
person interested in the subject-matter thereof, the
defendant must be careful not to branch out onto
extraneous matter with which such person is un-
concerned. The privilege only extends to that por-importance to pending litigations.
tion of the communication in respect of which the
parties have a common interest or duty." We
have recognized some of the rules here announced

(see State v. Hoskins [Iowa], 80 N. W. 1063). There the occasion was not privileged, because made to persons who were in no manner interested in the publication. The doctrines announced by Mr. Odgers, some of which are even stronger than we have quoted, have produced some confusion in the authorities; and we think the better rule is that if the occasion is privileged, and the publication is about a matter in which both parties have an interest, excess of statement is material only as

bearing on the question of malice. Indeed, the jury may find the existence of malice from the language of the communication itself, as well as from extrinsic evidence (Hastings v. Lusk, 22 Wend. 410-421; Neville v. Ins. Co. [1895], 2 Q. B. 156; Railway Co. v. Behee [Tex. Civ. App.], 21 S. W. 384). Whether the publication is or is not privileged by reason of the occasion is a question of



HAT the early law of New York is of great


practical interest even at the present time is disclosed by the record of many recent cases. But it is only those who give much attention to this subject that fully realize the extent of its actual

The present writer was lately reminded of a very obscure point of this ancient law by reading in that case had been compelled to deduce his the printed record of a pending case. The plaintiff title to lands under water from the original pattion or adverse possession could be made out to entee of King Charles II, as no title by prescripthe lands in question. In the course of this deduction his counsel claimed that, as the land was to be held as "of our Manor of East Greenwich in our County of Kent," they did not descend to females, but to all the sons alike, after the custom of Kent (2 Black. Com. 215, 216); and that primo

geniture was excluded as a rule of descents. A pedigree made up on this principle seems to have

been introduced in evidence in the case without challenge or much, if any, discussion.

As the present writer, in very good company, had always believed that primogeniture was the universal rule of inheritances in New York prior to the year 1782, he was very much startled by the

claim of able counsel to the contrary. As the point may be up again at no distant day, it may be of interest to the profession to have access to some relevant data, most of which was obtained with very great difficulty, and exists in no printed repository. As this journal circulates in the State of New York, it seemed to the writer to be the fittest organ for the publication of the very curious documents in the writer's control, as they must be of peculiar interest to lawyers in this State.

It will be remembered that the original patentee of New York, the Duke of York, succeeded to the crown in 1685, and that his original estate in New York then merged in his crown, and thenceforth the devolution of the province was secundum jus corona; but the tenure of all lands thereafter patented by the crown continued to be "as of our Manor of East Greenwich in our County of Kent, in free and common socage, and not in capite or by knight-service." The lands patented before the Duke's accession were distinctly holden on this tenure, and so continued to be until the Revised Statutes made all lands allodial.

It would be very contrary to all prior practice in New York if, in respect of any of the old patents on Long Island and up the Hudson river (the two original oblongs or settlements), the custom of Kent should down to 1782 be applied as a rule of descents and not the rule of primogeniture. In 1782 the present rule of partible inheritances first took effect. That the tenendum clause of the Duke of York's first patent in 1664 did not introduce, and was not intended to introduce, gavelkind is shown by several facts: (1) The object of the tenendum clause in the royal patents for American territory was to give the patentee the most liberal tenure then known in England, and to prevent a tenure in capite or by knight-service. (2) The adoption of one of the king's manors as an exemplar of such tenures was not for the purpose of introducing a local custom of a manor, but for the sole purpose of evidence that the tenure was not in capite or by knight-service. (3) There is no proof existent that gavelkind ever prevailed in the royal manor of East Greenwich, even though that manor was in Kent, where gavelkind prevailed as a rule of descents.

If the reader will examine any volume containing the original patents from the crown for lands in America, he will find that with the exception of Queen Elizabeth's patent to Sir Walter Raleigh in 1584 (which was to be holden by homage), all the patents by James I, Charles I and Charles II provided that the lands should be holden either as of our Manor of East Greenwich in our County of Kent," or "as of our Castle of Windsor in our County of Berks in free and common socage by fealty only, and not in capite or by knight's service." This is true of the charters by King James


* * *


I for Virginia in 1606 and 1609, and of Lord Baltimore's charter for Maryland by King Charles I in 1632, which was tenendum ut de Castro nostro de Windsor, in libero et commune soccagio, per fidelitatem et non in capite nec per servitium militare," etc. It is also true of the patents by King Charles II to the Duke of York in 1664 and 1674 for New York and adjacent territory, and for Pennsylvania in 1681.' New York was to be holden of us, our heires and successors as of our Manor of East Greenwich in our County of Kent in free and common soccage and not in capite or by knights' service." *

The customs of the manor of East Greenwich are very obscure, and for some years the writer of this paper was unable to procure any information at all concerning the manor in question. And yet several eminent real-property lawyers in England conceded long ago that the nature and estates of the tenants of that manor might influence the estates in lands to be holden as of that manor. That this supposition was quite correct is demonstrated by the case mentioned at the outset of this paper. After repeated efforts in England it was at last discovered that some evidence upon the manorial rights might be obtained from Her Majesty's office of Woods and Forests, and upon application being there made on the advice of a very distinguished judge in England it was politely furnished by the head of that office. As the manor of East Greenwich had long ceased to exist, the information concerning the customs of that manor was not, however, what could be desired. But there were found in manuscript two documents of interest upon the tenendum clause of the American patents: (1) A report of the surveyor-general, dated 10th August, 1751, on the manor of East Greenwich; (2) a much older memorandum relating to the origin of the royal grants to be holden as of the king's manors. The first of these documents is as follows:


REPORT OF THE SURVEYOR-GENERAL IN 1751. May it please Your Lordships:

I have made out the following state of his Majesty's Title to the Manor Royal of East Greenwich in the County of Kent pursuant to your Lordship's directions Signified to My Lord Gallway, his Majesty's Surveyor Gen'l, by letter from Mr. Scrope, dated the 13th of November last. In order to the ascertaining the right and effectually recovering the possession of certain parcels that have been encroached and unjustly detained from the Crown by the late Sir William Boreman and others, mentioned in the nexed Memorial and Complaint of John Roberts,

'Cf. I Story Const. 120.


'See this patent in 2 Doc. re. to Hist. of New York, 295, and in my History of Real Prop. in New York, p. 179; also in Liber 1, Patents, Sec'y of State's office, p. 139.

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