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No. 755-Farm of 50 acres, located near Pine Lake postoffice and 8 miles from Gloversville, on the F., J. & G. Railway. Nature and quality of soil, good but stony. Acres of meadow, 3; acres of pasture, 20; acres of timber, 27. House 20x26, recently repaired. Barn 20x30, in good condition. Watered by running water on premises and fields. Fences in fair condition. Price $600; terms cash. Name and address of owner, Horatio Campfield, Gloversville,

N. Y.

No. 756-Farm of 65 acres, 3 miles from Pine Lake postoffice and 9 miles from Gloversville. Nature and quality of soil good. Acres of meadow, 7; acres of pasture, 25; acres of timber, 33. House 18x26, wing 16x20, in good condition. Barn 30x40, in good condition. Barn No. 2, nearly new, 26x20; hen house 13x15, new. Watered, well and streams. Fences, wire and wall, in good condition. Farm will support from 5 to 8 head of cattle. Timber mostly second growth. The meadow is smooth and clear of stone. Good apple orchard, yielding from 200 to 300 bushels yearly. Price $1,500; terms one-half cash, balance on time.


No. 757-Farm of 142 acres, I mile from Broadalbin postoffice and station. Soil, clay loam, in first-class condition. House 30x40, in first-class condition; modern improvements. Main barn 30x 80; other barns 26x45 and 24x28. Wells and spring water. Good fences. Creamery near farm. Price $6,500; one-half cash, balance on time. Address L. E. Moore, Broadalbin.

No. 758-Farm of 181 acres, 1⁄2 mile from Union Mills postoffice, 3 miles from Broadalbin. Soil, sandy loam, adapted to general farming. Buildings in fair condition. Watered by good

springs. Price $1,500; part cash, balance on time. An additional 35-acre piece of land will be included for $400. Address David Blair, Union Mills.

No. 759-Farm of 41 acres, 11⁄2 miles from Benedicts postoffice, 4 miles from Broadalbin station. Adapted to gen

eral farming. Good stone quarry on farm, near sawmill. House 26x30, with wing 10x26. Barns good. Watered by creek and springs. Price $1,800; $1,000 cash. Address W. H. Forbes, Benedicts.

No. 760-Farm of 100 acres, 24 miles from Broadalbin. Soil, clay loam, verv productive. 80 acres meadow and pasture, 20 timber. House 26x40, with large wing, 2 story, in good condition. 2 good barns. Watered by springs and wells. Price $1,300; $700 cash, balance on time. Address Farley Kimball, Broadalbin.

No. 761-Farm of 100 acres, 2 miles from Broadalbin. 50 acres meadow, 30

pasture, 20 timber. Good farm, in good condition. House 20x40, good. Main barn 30x40. Several other buildings, in good repair. Spring and well water. Fences good. Price $2,200 cash. Address Greenslet Estate, Broadalbin.

No. 762-Farm of 142 acres, situated I mile from Broadalbin postoffice and railway station. Acres meadow, 120; acres pasture, 12; acres timber, 10. House 2 stories, 20 rooms, heated by furnace, first-class condition.

barns, poultry house, ice house, hog 2 large house, corn crib and smoke house. Watered by stream, 2 wells, cistern and spring. Well fenced. Orchard of 200 apples, 7 plums, 6 cherries, and some grapes and strawberries. Price $6,500. Name and address of agent, H. L. Reed, Amsterdam, N. Y.

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No. 765-Farm of 120 acres, situated in the vicinity of Hagaman postoffice and 8 miles from Amsterdam railway station. Nature and quality of soil, black and light loam, level. Acres meadow, 60; acres pasture, 30; acres timber, 30. House 6 rooms, in good condition. Barn 30x45, wagon and storehouse 18x 35, granary 12x18, hen house 12x14. Pigpen, smoke house and corn house, all in good condition. and spring. Watered by brook Fences in good condition. Young orchard of apples, pears, plums and cherries. Price $1,300. Name and address of agent, H. L. Reed, Amsterdam, N. Y.


No. 766-Farm of 100 acres, 21⁄2 miles from North Bush postoffice, 11 miles from Gloversville and Johnstown stations. 33 acres timber, balance meadow and pasture. 2-story house 24x26, 2 large wings. Several good barns, all in good repair. Watered by springs and wells. Price $2,500; on easy terms. Address A. N. Decker, 32 Franklin street, Gloversville.

No. 767-Farm of 100 acres, 21⁄2 miles from North Bush postoffice, II miles from Gloversville. Pasture and timber. No house and no barns. Watered by stream. Price $700. Address A. N. Decker, 32 Franklin street, Gloversville.


No. 768-Farm of 100 acres, situated 5 miles from St. Johnsville postoffice and railway station. Nature and quality of soil, medium. Acres meadow, 20; acres pasture, 40; acres timber, 40 No house. No barns. Watered by well. Fences, stone wall and wire, in good condition. Price $1,500; terms part payment at once, balance on easy terms. Name and address of owner, John F. Empire, Ephratah, N. Y.

No. 769-Farm of 375 acres, situated 22 miles from Ephratah postoffice and 9 miles from Fort Plain railway station. Nature and quality of soil, medium. Acres meadow, 100; acres pasture, 125; acres timber, 150. House 30x40, with large wing, in good condition. Barn 130x35, in good condition. Watered by well and running water. Fences, stone wall and wire, in good condition. Price $4,000; terms $2,000 down, balance on easy terms. Name and address of owner, John F. Empire, Ephratah, N. Y.

I new

No. 770-Farm of 80 acres, situated I mile from Ephratah postoffice and 6 miles from Fort Plain railway station. Heavy muck soil. Acres meadow, 50; acres pasture, 20; House 30x50, in good condition. acres timber, 10. barn stable, stables for 100 head of cattle, I barn 40x60. Watered by well. Fences, stone wall and wire. Reasonable price for leasing. Terms: To rent on halves, leaving 20 cows and farm utensils. Name and address of owner, Mrs. Levi Yanney, Ephratah, N. Y.



No. 771-Farm of 130 acres, situated 31⁄2 miles from St. Johnsville postoffice and railway station. Soil, fair. Acres meadow, 70; acres pasture, 40; acres timber, 20. House of medium size, in fair condition. Barn 40x65, new and in good condition. Watered by running water. Fences, stone wall and wire. Price reasonable price for renting. Terms: To rent on halves, leaving 30 cows and farm utensils. Name and address of owner, Mrs. Levi Yanney, Ephratah, N. Y.


No. 772-Farm of 100 acres, situated 3 miles from Johnstown postoffice and railway station. Nature and quality of soil, all black slate loam, except about 4 acres of sandy loam. House 10 rooms, in fair condition. Barn 100x65. Poultry house, corn crib, ice house, creamery and hog pen. Watered by brook, spring, well and cistern. Fences, board and wire, in fair condition. All kinds of fruit. Price $6,700. Price includes personal property, consisting of 6 cows, I threshing machine, fodder cutter, half interest in roller and buzzsaw. Name and address of agent, H. L. Reed, Amsterdam, N. Y.

No. 773-Farm of 22 acres, situated 21⁄2 miles from Johnstown postoffice and railway station, R. F. D. No. I. Acres meadow, 19%; acres pasture, 22. 12-story frame house, 8 rooms, in good condition. I large barn, I wagon house. Watered by well and cisterns. Orchard of apples, plums, cherries and pears. Price $2,500; terms $1,000 cash, balance on easy terms. Name and address of agent, H L. Reed, Amsterdam, N. Y.


No. 774-Farm of 160 acres, 3/4 mile from Mayfield postoffice and railway station, on the F., J. & G. Railway. Good roads. Acres in meadow, 65; acres tillable, 140; acres natural pasture, 65. Timber, 5 acres, small hard maple. Adapted for raising corn, oats, buckwheat and potatoes. Occupied by owner. Fences, wire and rail, in good condition. Large 10-room house, in good condition. Barns, large barn, with basement; wagon house 30x40; sheep pen, chicken house, all in good condition. Watered, house by running water and cistern, barns and fields by running water and springs. Streams in vicinity

Mayfield creek. Adirondack mountains 2 miles. Reasons for selling, poor health. Owner has another farm adjoining of 100 acres with fine buildings, well watered, exceedingly desirable in every respect, which he would be pleased also tɔ sell at a low price and reasonable terms. Price of farm described $5,000; terms easy. Name and address of owner, Stuart Christie, Mayfield, N. Y.

No. 775-Farm of 150 acres, situated I mile from Mayfield postoffice and railway station. Nature and quality of soil, gravel loam. Acres meadow, 120; acres timber, 30. House 9 rooms, in good condition. Barns 36x50, 40x60 and 30x 40. Poultry house, hog house, ice house, smoke house and tool house. Watered by well, spring, cistern and creek. Firstclass fences. Orchard of apples. Price $5,500. Would exchange for other property. Name and address of agent, H. L. Reed, Amsterdam, N. Y.


No. 776-Farm of 35 acres, 14 miles from Northville, N. Y. Land in fine condition. Standing timber said to be worth $500. House 18x26, with wing IIXII, good repair. Main barn 30x40, in good condition. Watered from spring. Fences good. Price $1,350; part cash, balance on time. Address M. K. Wait, Northville.

No. 777-Farm of 166 acres, 3 miles from Northville. Good soil. Well watered. No house. Barn 30x40, fair condition. Price $500; terms easy. Address C. B. Resseguie, Northville.

No. 778-Farm of 55 acres, 3 miles from Northville. Soil good. Some timber, balance meadow and pasture. House 15x22, with wing 16x20. Barn 20x26. Well watered. Fences in good condition. Price $1,000; easy terms. Ad. dress A. Van Vranken, Northville.

No. 779-Farm of 198 acres, 21⁄2 miles from Northville. 123 acres meadow, 75 pasture, 50 timber. House 24x16, with large wing, in good repair. 3 good, large barns. Well and spring water. Good fences. Price $2,500; easy terms. Address Charles Palmatier, Northville.

No. 780-Farm of 70 acres, 11⁄2 miles from Northville. Good sandy loam soil. 12 acres timber, balance m adow and

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