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American Campaigns

Prepared originally for students of the Army Service Schools in conjunction with their course in military history.

Much has been written on the individual campaigns and battles that make up our military history, but this is the only single work that contains a comprehensive narrative of the whole down to and including the Spanish-American War.

The present edition is a reprint from new type and plates of the work which originally appeared in 1909, and which has been unobtainable except in second-hand book shops for many years.

Two handsome volumes in box
Price, $10.00 per set

A postcard will secure a copy for you

United States Infantry Association

Washington, D. C.

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Enclosed find $2.50 for which please forward to the address below one copy of TERRAIN EXERCISES.



APRIL, 1923

No. 4


The Reds in America

P. M. Whitney'

HE most colossal con-
spiracy against the
United States in its
history was unearth-
ed at Bridgeman,
Michigan, in August
when the secret con-
vention of the Com-
munist Party of
America was raided

by the Michigan constabulary, aided by County and Federal officials. Two barrels full of documentary proof of the conspiracy were unearthed and are now in the hands of the State authorities. Names, records, checks from prominent men and women in this country, instructions from Moscow, the minutes of the Convention up to the time it was raided, speeches, theses, questionnaires filled out by the delegates giving incriminating evidence against themselves indeed, the entire machinery of the underground organization, whose avowed and publicly declared aim is the overthrow by force of arms of the Government of the United States, was found in such shape as to condemn every participant in the convention.


It is now positively known, and can be proved by these documents, that this movement is directed by Lenin and Trotsky, and the precious group of radicals in Moscow, and that it has grown tremendously since the first seeds were sown a few years ago. From a mere handful then the active and associated members of the Communist Party at present number tens of thousands; some authorities estimate the number at upwards of a hundred thousand. The seriousness of the menace may now be measured for the first time. The ramifications of the organization are known. It is known also that agents of the Communists are working secretly, through "legal" bodies, in labor circles, in society, in professional groups, in the Army and Navy of the United States, in the schools and colleges of the country, in banks and business concerns, among the farmers, among the negroes, on the stage and in the "movies"-in fact, in every walk of life in America. And their definite ambition is to incite the "masses" and "working class" to "armed insurrection" in order to overthrow

Mr. Whitney is the Director of the Washington Bureau of the American Defense Society and is probably in closer touch with the activities of the Communist Party than any


man in the United States.-EDITOR.

and utterly destroy the United States Government and the American institutions of church and home.


These agents are not "lowbrows" or thugs, but are clever, keen, intelligent, educated men and women. They are experts in their lines. Their programs, which are now known, show that their plans for inciting the negroes, the farmers, the Government clerks, bank clerks, workmen in industry, members of Congress, to violence against the constituted authorities, have been drawn with almost uncanny appreciation of the psychology of each group, with facts and figures so manipulated as to appeal to those approached, with false premises so cleverly drawn as to fool almost anyone.

The names of persons interested directly or indirectly in this movement are astounding. They range from bricklayers to bishops of the church, present and former officials of the Government of the United States for the overthrow of which their support is lending encouragement, and include people known throughout the country as professional men, publicists, charity workers, and society leaders. It is undoubtedly true that by far the greater number of these people do not know to what they are lending the use of their names and influence or to what they are giving their money. They have been approached to give aid to the Workers' Party of America, or to the many relief organizations soliciting aid for the famine sufferers of Russia, which are but blinds of the Communists to secure funds with which to finance the

movement intended to effect the overthrow by violence of the Government of the United States. They do not know that their names are on what are now known in the secret circles of the Communists as "sucker lists," as the names of people who have given to one or another of the various "causes" which are manipulated by the Communists, and who can, if properly approached, be induced to give again.


These are not idle words. The plans and programs of the Communists contain the proofs. But for the length of the documents they might be printed in full. They are worth. the study of all loyal Americans, for by suggestion and innuendo they are designed to bring about the moral annexation of the United States to Russia and later the actual, physical subordination of this country to Moscow; by direct words they show that Lenin and Trotsky, with the inner circle in Moscow, control the secret as well as the open work of the Communists in America in all its ramifications. The coal and railroad strikes of 1922 were a striking example of what they do. For the Communists thrive on disorder; trouble is a rallying cry for them. They deliberately plant their agents in labor unions for the purpose of inspiring disorder. Their creed is to make capital out of strikes, riots and every other form of popular unrest. Their plans for the coal and railroad strikes just mentioned, which were such an expensive feature of the year, were laid the year before in the annual convention at Woodstock, New York. At this convention the entire

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