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HIS is not to announce a purpose entertained, but a work done. The writing of the Life of Theodore Roosevelt, XXVth President of the United States, is a fact accomplished. There runs through his history the strong lines of defined purpose, and the clear logic of fixed principles. The task of statement has been made easy by an interest in the subject, that has increased at every step. It seems to one who has for months been a student of the successive chapters of the President's career, that his countrymen have not yet appreciated the extraordinary scope and remarkable fitness of his representative character, in the circumstances of his country, for the responsibility placed in his hands by the people under the Constitution. No man who has been called to the greatest office of a Republican form of Government, has exceeded him in the excellence of his education for it. The favors of fortune in youth would have permitted the indulgences of leisure, and united the blandishments of effeminate gentleness, or impassive lethargy; but be found his pleasure in energetic endeavor, and added to the advantages of the schools, the iron-clad resources of self-made manliness, gained in the "strenuous life," that he sustained by precept and example.

His progressive labors were joined to each other, and their ruggedness conformed to symmetrical lines of endowment. The details of his rise to leadership would suggest a regular course of culture for public duty, and illustrates the degree with which the will of man has its way, straight through the entanglement of accidents, if he is indomitable. His appearance in the New York Assembly, and as a Senatorial Delegate to a National Republican Convention, resembles the solution of a very intelligent young man in pursuing preparatory studies for a course of politics, with the intention of taking, by practical attainment, exceptionally high degrees. Whichever way his footsteps tended, there were always permanent traces of them. He never lost and was always gaining ground. It is a saying of lawyers, there is "one point in a case." Napoleon and Nelson did not strike the array of their foes, ashore or afloat, with random purposes. They had the far-reaching vision of genius. There was added to it prescience and painstaking. They made it a business to

know why, when and where to deliver the blows that aimed with accuracy were driven home, like iron wedges with all the thunder strokes at command. Where Theodore Roosevelt walked, he made straight roads, and where he rode there remained highways. In school at Albany in the Assembly, as at Cambridge classified in Harvard, he moved into a higher class, wherever he changed his situation. In the Bad Lands he ascended an elevation, from which the whole continent was visible. There were two other courses of study to take before entering the departments of armed nationality-the Civil Service and the New York Police Commissions.

The shifting of Presidential terms by Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison, gave to Roosevelt the opportunity to give a practical inauguration to civil service reformation. Mayor Strong's municipal administration placed the militant civil service reformer at the head of the police of the great misgoverned city. This had the attraction of antagonism, but the fetters of incapable legislation had to be worn. The most considerable gain was the knowledge that provided utilities for the future. Repeatedly, thus far, Roosevelt had been equally happy in the offices he held and the dates and occasions, when he had taught himself their lessons, of quitting them.

The further evidences that the tide that bore him was rising were still more exemplary and effective. He was Assistant Secretary of the Navy long enough to prepare it for war, and sprang ashore to reveal the great and until then undiscovered secret of our military power-the finest cavalry in the world, the Rough Riders-and dismounted cavalry though they were in Cuba, he had them at the front in the only fighting on land, and there was "glory enough to go around."

The war ended, our army was snatched from Cuban fevers, and recovered health on Long Island. Roosevelt left Cuba, as he left the Assembly, the Civil Service Commission and the Police Commission, at the right time, and made no personal mistake, for he bettered at every change his opportunity to serve the country. He set the fashion of doing the right thing at the right time, in the right way, and pushing things with a rush never relaxed. The war over, he was called to be Governor of New York, and in that office made an illustrious record, in which we read the precedents of the Presidency. Then, as now, the enmity of his foes complimented him no less than the praise of his friends. When he was Governor there was an effort to "limit" him, and he made transiently a mistake, thinking he ought to take another term of the great State office, but was over-ruled by an irresistible public demand that he should accept the second office in the National Government. Happily, he did that.

So far as careful examinations of his public papers, as Governor of New York, were made, they prepared readers for his magnificent message to Congress; one worthy the country that the McKinley policy of peace and war

has raised to the rank of a World Power second to none, with the promise of soon becoming foremost of all.

There need be no comparison, for there is no competition in reputation, between President Roosevelt and his predecessor. Their public utterances in the first week of September last, if there was nothing else to quote by mutual friends, would forbid contention.

That our Government should move on without a jar, after so fearful a tragedy as that of McKinley's murder, that our system should automatically provide for the succession reassures ourselves and impresses the world with the stability of our institutions. That "we, the people of the United States," are fortunate to have President Roosevelt, to give confidence after a misfortune so shocking, this volume contains the ample proof in his official acts and public writings. He is the personification of the great and greater Americanism. The riches of the material for intelligent if inadequate presentation of his life and character, have been a source of surprise and gratification. The embarrassment is that of riches that can not be counted. It is full of general usefulness and profound public interest. The story of the Republic from day to day is of surpassing splendor and strength. The life of Theodore Roosevelt has been an admirable education for the task in his hands. He so comprehensively represents all the people, that even as the past is secure, in prosperity and honor, there is no land so fair as this in promise.

T. R.-2




EVER, excepting when there was war impending, was a President's message to Congress received with the profound attention given the communication from President Theodore Roosevelt, by both Houses and the people of all the States, December 3rd, 1901. It is remarkable for breadth and elevation, precision of statement, care and courage in recommendation, and of unusual bulk, but the length of it was not noticed because there was no space lost-no words not full of meaning, no passage that was obscure.

In matter the message was comprehensive and particular, in manner, the excellence of simplicity, the eloquence of information; and in literary merit it is excelled only, in Presidential papers, by John Adams and Abraham Lincoln. It impressed the country that the President is a man of very high class of ability, to persuade and to command. The readers of his histories and of official and other public addresses and orders, issued when Governor of New York, knew this; and that the strength and splendor of his style and variety and solidity of his substance have been increasing with his years and the gravity of his labors, and that the books he wrote in his boyhood were of surpassing promise.

The message makes its mark as of high tone and firm touch, with here. and there the gleam of pure gold in the rocks, with which the President is a builder. It comes home to the people by their firesides and lighted lamps, that he is the representative man of the great North American Republic in the momentous movement taking place to a greater nationality, that exceeds anything in our history-a current so deep and wide that though swift and irresistible, it is calm, flowing from an exhaustless source to an immeasurable destiny.

The Southern section of our country, under the weight of the peculiar and unhappy institution of slavery, was never tractable to personal force or public urgency. All the people were in some sense responsible for the inertia of the society that sustained it, and retarded the general development of the public at large. This inherited and anomalous force, sheltered in the States, gave rise to the habit of magnifying the distinction and asserting the practical independence of localities. It flattered and augmented the

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