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teaching rests upon a scientific basis; that that basis has been fairly well established, and that methods of teaching should be in harmony with it. The Normal School holds that there is just as much difference between modern scientific teaching and ordinary schoolroom instruction as there is between modern methods of treating ores and the old wasteful methods of smelting, or between the modern scientific method of lighting buildings and that which relied wholly upon tallow dips. Farreaching and brilliant have been the discoveries and advances in medicine and surgery, but they have not been greater than those of pedagogy. The triumphs of scientific warfare in the late war were not more assured than are the triumphs of scientific school keeping. All of this being true, the advantages of such an institution as herein briefly described should always be carefully weighed in selecting a school or college in which to secure an education and to prepare for so honorable a calling as that of teaching.

Summer Session. -- The Regents have just provided for a summer session of the School, in which all of the departments will be represented and classes organized in all subjects included in the courses of study. This summer term will be a great boon to teachers who wish to advance themselves in their profession and yet do not feel financially able to give up teaching and attend during the regular school year. Many graduates of this and other institutions of learning have so often expressed a desire for such an opportunity to take up professional or other special studies that we are satisfied that this vacation session will prove even more popular than any of the summer schools heretofore conducted by individual members of the Faculty. As the legislature has made no appropriation for the summer session, it must be maintained by fees, and the fee for the nine weeks' session has been fixed at $13,



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payable in advance. When it is remembered that this sum places all of the facilities of the School at the service of the student, its reasonableness will be conceded at once. The expenses for books and board will be a little less each week than for the other terms. Many former students usually summer here, claiming that they can live in Emporia cheaper and more comfortably than elsewhere. See estimate on

a preceding page.

This summer session will open on June 15, giving students who come a few days in advance an opportunity to enjoy the various delightful exercises and festivals of commencement week.

In the arrangement of the daily program, students will be permitted sufficient freedom in the selection of studies to economize their time and strength to the best possible advantage. Emporia is probably as good a summer resort as there is in Kan


Its streets and avenues are lined with many miles of bluegrass parking and refreshing shade-trees. The lovely groves along both rivers heretofore mentioned are but a few minutes' walk from the center of the city. Boating, bathing, fishing, wheeling, open-air evening band concerts, and driving, added to golf and tennis on the Normal campus, give sufficient variety of exercise and amusement to meet the demands of the most fastidious. The Normal campus is covered with attractive shade-trees and nearly all of the rooms in the great building are cool and restful almost every day in midsummer.

Already a large number of teachers have signified their intention of entering for the summer session, and we look for representatives from nearly every county in the state.

Graduates of high schools and of the county school courses, who intend to teach next year will also find that the courses here offered will add greatly to the preparation for their work.

A Word to School Boards.-The State Normal School has always been grateful for the interest and confidence which school boards in general have taken in its work. It asks for a continuance of this confidence, and begs to suggest that you can be of great service to higher education by urging young men and women who may contemplate teaching to make special preparation for it, and by giving preference to applicants who have spent time and money in such preparation.

We always take pleasure in responding to inquiries for teachers, and hope you will bear in mind the special mission of the School and the place it occupies in the educational system of the state. Many of the members of each graduating class already have from one to fifteen years' experience in teaching in all grades of schools, some of them in principalships and superintendencies, and they are worthy immediate recognition.

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"The enthusiasm which one imbibes from earnest fellow students." "The spirit of mutual helpfulness among students and faculty helped me much."

"Enlarged acquaintance with educational people; strengthened purposes of life."

"I think I was specially benefited by contact with so many earnest, wide-awake teachers. My horizon was lifted and widened." "Showed me some of my own weaknesses and taught me how to overcome them."

"My time was so wisely and systematically filled that I gained much, and have since planned better for myself and others. Methods of instruction were so clearly presented that they are a continual source of help to me. The spirit to do one's best in everything was contagious, and took fast hold of me."

"I have learned self-reliance, and gained a broader view of life, its duties and blessings."

"I have found the normal methods of teaching practical and easily adapted to all grades of schools."

"Attendance there has made me self-reliant. I am no longer afraid to go before a class."

"It has given me a firm foundation upon which to build, and the process by and through which to continue building."

"A clearer understanding of the work I have to do, and of the manner of doing it."

"It has given me a knowledge of such a variety of methods that school work does not become monotonous."

"It has given me an insight into the true principles of education, and fitted me for work in which I am now engaged, i. e., primary work." "It gave me more faith in humanity, and a better conception of what constitutes a true teacher."

"Instilled principles of philanthropy which the burdened teacher ever finds pleasure in reviewing."

"Not a day passes in the schoolroom but that I have cause to rejoice that I spent three years in the Normal."

Calendar. The summer term opens June 15, 1899, and closes August 16.

The next school year opens September 5, 1899. The midterm classes form November 13, 1899. The second term opens January 29, 1900.

If further information is desired, write at once to the president, A. R. TAYLOR, Emporia, Kan.


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WE give a large part of our space for this number to the announcement of the State Normal School for the coming year and trust that all of our readers may enjoy the supplementary pages. We call special attention to the announcement concerning the summer school. If you are intending to enter in June, kindly drop us a card stating the subjects which you are thinking of taking.

WE regret inability to give an account of the Normal Battalion banquet in the March number of the MONTHLY. It was even more enjoyable than ever, the gymnasium being most tastefully decorated with flags and flowers. The ladies of the Baptist church were the caterers and everybody was warm in praise of the menu provided. The toasts and responses were witty and eloquent, keeping everybody in good humor and making the occasion one long to be remembered by the favored guests as well as by the members of the Battalion.

THOUGH the legislature could not see its way to make sufficient appropriation to establish the summer school as a regular session of the institution, the members of the faculty are so convinced of the necessity for the summer term that they have agreed to depend upon the fees for their remuneration. The Regents have, therefore, as explained in the supplement, provided for the organization of the summer session and it will be conducted in practically the same manner as the other terms of the school. Every subject in the course will he taught and already the assurance comes that all parts of the state will be represented in the attendance.

Pro Patria.

Curran C. Craig, Company E, 20th Kansas, who was killed March 26, in the heroic advance upon Malolas, was a student in the Normal and a member of the Battalion from September, '95, to April, '97. During his last school year he won the gold medal in the annual sergeants' contest. Captain Stevenson speaks of him thus: "No better boy ever entered the Normal; he was every inch a soldier." At the time of his death Mr. He enlisted at Garnett in Craig was twenty years of age. response to the call for recruits and was one of the three sons Mr. of Mrs. Jane Craig, who entered the army last summer. Craig has many warm friends here who deeply mourn his loss. The Philomathian society, of which he was a member, will soon place upon their walls a bronze tablet in commemoration of his death.

The Philomathian society has adopted the following resolutions:

WHEREAS, God in His infinite wisdom has seen fit to call to his place in the ranks of the immortal, Curran C. Craig while in the service of his country;

WHEREAS, We are grateful for his uplifting influence and his noble sacrifice;

WHEREAS, The Philomathian society has lost a loyal member, the State Normal school an earnest and conscientious student, and our country a useful citizen and soldier; be it

Resolved, That the Philomathian society hereby express its sorrow because of the departure of our friend and fellowworker;

Resolved, That the society place upon the walls of its hall a tablet to the memory of his noble.character.

Resolved, That a copy of the resolutions be spread upon the records of the society, a copy given to the STATE NORMAL MONTHLY for publication, and a copy be sent to the bereaved family with whom we sympathize in their great sorrow.


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Shall the above become means of instruction in our public schools? and if so, how?

Discussion to be opened by:

1. Supt. G. W. Kendrick, Junction City.

2. Supt. L. E. Wolfe, Kansas City.

3. Prin, M. L. Field, Topeka.

Friday, 2 p. m., Assembly Hall, High School.

Activities of Childhood. Papers, thirty minutes each.

1. Songs and Games of Children.-Supt. M. E. Dolphin, Leavenworth.

2. Jokes and Pranks of Children.--Supt. L. A. Lowther, Emporia.

II. Byways and Highways of Childhood.-Talks, ten minutes each.

A Symposium of the Doings and Sayings of Children.-
Led by the President, Dr. Chrisman, Emporia; First
Vice President, Prof. Olin, Lawrence; F. R. Dyer,
President State Teachers' Association, Wichita.

Friday, 8 p. m., Assembly Hall, High School
LECTURE. Child Study.-Francis W. Parker, Chicago Normal

This lecture is to be given under the auspices of the teachers of the Topeka public schools.

A warm invitation is extended to everybody. Railroads have given excursion rates.

The Belles-Lettres Society.

The opening of the new term of school brings many old Belles-Lettres folk, true and tried, back to school. They are ever ready as of yore to help the work along, and are greeted by a host of friends and a new set of officers. President Daniels wields the gavel and presides with more dignity than President McKinley can ever hope to acquire. In his inaugural address he said that the policy of the Belles-Lettres society would remain unchanged under the new administration; that it has been and will continue to be-expansion. Miss Chandler is vice president; Miss Senior, secretary; Mr. Bader, sergeant-at-arms.

The Belles-Lettres members are already deeply interested in the next oratorical contest and have elected men who, we believe, have the qualifications of the orator. Messrs. Rolfe and McConkey have been in school all year, and in their society work during this time, have shown growing power. They were the unanimous choice of the Belles-Lettres society.

We always have a crowded hall on Friday evening to listen

to the varied programs offered. During the past month there were many numbers given that deserve special mention. Among them we note "The Old Fiddler's Reunion." Five of our boys came with their violins and gave us such music as the country folk delight to step to. Then five of the Belles-Lettres girls gave a drill to the music of "Rock of Ages," sung by the Belles-Lettres quartet. They responded, when encored, with another drill given to the music of "Comin' Thro' the Rye."

Our orchestra, under the leadership of Professor Atkins, rendered some excellent music. Many instruments helped to add volume to the music. There were comb artists as well as flute and piano, besides horns, violins, mouth harps, guitars, and a jew's harp. The musicians were all at their best and both able and ready to respond vigorously to every motion of their leader. They received a hearty encore.

The Literati Society.

On Friday evening, March 7, the ladies of the Literati society entertained in the old gymnasium. The hall was artistically decorated with the society colors, and no effort was spared that would in any way add to the enjoyment of the occasion. After the doors opened the members of the society began to arrive, and soon the hall was crowded with two hundred guests, thoroughly enjoying themselves. All were made to feel perfectly at home, and as a result the evening was one of the most pleasant ever spent in the Normal.

During the first part of the evening, games were indulged in. The potato race was quite exciting, yet the boys did not become thoroughly aroused until the announcement was made that the ladies and gentlemen would take sides against each other in a clothes-pin race. Both sides were well represented, and of course did their best to win the prize. By a little scheming on the part of the boys, every other one stepped back out of the line making it that much shorter. The clothes-pins started, but the confusion was so great that the judges were unable to decide who won. However, it is the opinion of the gentlemen that they took first place. After repeated trials the contest was declared a draw.

Next we were introduced to by far the most palatable part of the program. Partners were chosen and all enjoyed the delicate repast which was served by the ladies. Punch seemed to have a stimulating effect. The games were resumed with renewed vigor and the evening finally closed with a cake-walk in which not only students but also members of the faculty took quite a prominent part.

What is the matter with the All-School, they did not accept the challenge to play ball? Brace up, boys, and give us a game. As usual, the members of the Literati society are hard at work. The hall was crowded and many new names were proposed for membership.

It is rumored that the ladies of the Literati society will organize a basket-ball club. You have the right idea-go ahead. If the All-School can't play base ball, probably we will be able to make arrangements for a game of basket-ball before the term closes.

WE are in receipt of an interesting letter from W. J. Gadberry here a short time since, who is now in the service of Uncle Sam at Matanzas, Cuba. He has made a fine collection of photographs and is sending it to the museum and Philomathian society for safe keeping. He will make a collection of curios for us by and by.

PAUL N. HAHN, in making his report, has a good word to say for the MONTHLY. His present address is Grinter, Kansas.

The Philomathian Society. Since the last Philomathian notes appeared in the MONTHLY the society has been providing for its friends and members a series of most enjoyable programs. From the time school opened last autumn the interest in the work has not flagged, but has ever increased. Many who were then new and untried members have become the most active workers in the society. This interest of the newer membership is one of the most hopeful features of the year's work, as it insures a successful future. At the last meeting provision had been made for a Nature program. Professor Wooster and C. Howard Lyon, an old Philo, now a teacher in the city schools, both gave interesting and instructive talks on nature. An extemporaneous discussion of the question: "Resolved, That the study of literature is of more importance than the study of nature," proved very interesting. To the musical portion of the program Miss Haley contributed a vocal solo and Professor Butler a violin solo, both of which were highly appreciated by the audience.

A great deal of interest is already being manifested in the June debate. The question selected is one remarkably well balanced, giving both sides about equal opportunities. The debaters are approaching the contest with a thorough understanding, and a feeling of friendly rivalry existing between them. Briefs are to be submitted. With such a question and with such strong advocates on each side the contest bids fair to be one of unusual strength and interest. Of course all Philomathians feel sure that it can go but one way.

The spring term is just beginning and many new students are entering. To all such we extend a cordial invitation to visit us

E. F. Hook, here in '92, now in Company H., Twentieth Kansas, was wounded recently at Manila. We hope that his injuries are slight.

R. C. Gordon writes that he is enjoying work at Galesburg, Illinois. His address is 459 East North Street. We hope he

may soon return to finish his course with us.

Oscar Longenecker kindly remembers us with an invitation to the commencement exercises of the Kansas City Medical College. He will probably enter at once upon his profession. The MONTHLY wishes him abundant success.

'99. J. B. Balcomb has accepted a position as civil engineer and assayer with the Almira Mining and Milling Company. His work for the spring will be in southwestern Colorado, with postoffice address at Red Mountain.

Why the Santa Fe Route Is the Most Comfortable to Los Angeles.

All railways entering California are obliged to cross the desert, which, by the way, has a worse reputation in the minds of some of our Eastern friends than it deserves. The most comfortable route from Kansas City is by all odds the great Santa Fe Route. It is shorter from Kansas City by 665 miles than through the Ogden route and is covered in about thirty hours less time; it traverses the smallest portion of the desert, covering the greater part of it in the cool of the day, that is after supper; it has the minimum of alkali dust; through the arid region outside the desert, it runs over a continuous mountain top.

The following diagram of altitudes which shows the actual elevation of the railroad track at the points named will make this clear.

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