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to an animal. However, in the case of twenty-five who think a ghost "like a goat," the comparison is probably due to a confusion of the words "ghost" and "goat." The animals named would form quite a respectable menagerie. For example: white owl, white bear, white monkey, sheep, dog, cat, cow, horse, goat, pig, lamb, wolf, lion, camel, and so on. The children answering thus were largely in the lower grades, seventy-four of them not being over ten years old. I have a suspicion that many considered the ghost a hideous something comparable only to that animal which they most dreaded. I have interpreted all such answers to be susceptible of a physical explanation and classified accordingly.

There can be no doubt, however, that some of those that compare a ghost to a person, or an animal, have the genuine belief in ghosts. The following paper, written by a colored boy fourteen years old, in the fifth grade, is to the point:

I. "I would jump up and down if I saw a ghost, and scare it away."

2. "Yes, I do believe in ghosts."

3. "They have long tails and pointed feet, and fly."

4. "The first time I ever saw one was over by East lake, and I jumped up and down, but instead of me running him, he ran me home."

Here is another, by a fifteen-year-old girl in the seventh grade: "I think they are like a person,-I mean appear in the form Ghosts are supposed to be of a person, and dressed in white. people that are dead, and come back to haunt their enemies." Another striking instance of the probable confusion of words, as well as ideas, is the statement of fifteen pupils that a ghost is like the Holy Ghost.

The prevailing color, as applied to ghosts, is, as might be expected, white; though a few, perhaps a dozen, said black.

The time of appearance was not called for directly, but so far as could be ascertained it is at night, with few exceptions.

Source of information.-The answers to the fourth and last question, "When and where did you first hear of ghosts, and who told you?" were not altogether satisfactory. The complicated form of the question made it awkward for the little children. It was found that the age at which children first learned of the superstition cannot be depended on, except as it might indicate whether the idea had been gotten at home or at school.

The following results were definitely ascertained:

original sources of information taught belief in ghosts. On the other hand, the "first knowledge" may be due to an effort on the part of some one to fortify the child's mind against any such belief.

The Races. Of no less interest is the study of the races, taken separately. While only seven per cent. of the white children admit a belief in ghosts, sixty-four per cent. of the colored children freely admit it. This great disparity may in some measure be accounted for, if we may be allowed to assume that it is "less respectable" to admit such a belief among white, than among colored, people.

In their conceptions of what ghosts are like, the ideas of the colored children approach the supernatural to a greater degree, than those of white children, in the ratio of sixty-nine per cent. of the former, to fifty per cent. of the latter.

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CHART 1. MOTOR RESPONSE. Investi. Stand. Resist. gate.

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Don't Nothing Know, Ghost.


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The facts brought out here indicate that the home rather than the school is responsible for the "ghost idea." Of the definite sources of information, the mother is twice as guilty as the father. Servants do not figure as largely as was anticipated. The teacher is practically exonerated. By way of "palliation of the offense," so far as the home folks are concerned, let us be reminded that it does not follow that all these


Summary. What have we learned by this study? The most difficult task in an inductive study like this is to make the proper inferences. Often we think we have proven something when a closer inspection or further investigation brings a very different result. I will be conservative and venture upon but two or three generalizations.

In the first place, we have seen what the child's motor response would be: his attempt to remove himself at once from a presence that may result in bodily harm. Then we see his effort to establish his claim to intellectual respectability. Somehow and somewhere he has learned that it is not just the thing to believe in ghosts: hence, intellectual disbelief is registered in a vigorous "no." In the child's effort to describe a ghost, to picture in words what is in his mind, we see the nature of his emotional response. At the critical moment his boasted intellectual disbelief gives way to an emotional belief. So far as these papers are concerned, the "ghost idea" is (Continued on page 30,)


(Concluded from page 21.)

hardly he said to have a plot. It is a collection of incidents. The character study is incomplete and subordinate to the dialogue which is a perfect fusilade of puns, euphuisms, and alliterations.

The scene opens in Navarre in a veritable Forest of Arden. The young king, for ambitious reasons, plans to retire for study for three years, during which time he and his court pledge themselves by a solemn vow, to eat but one meal a day, to fast once a week, to sleep but three hours a day, not to wink all day, and to see no woman. Only one of the number seems to recognize the absurdity of the king's request and their vow. Berowne protests in vain. He is the only man of sense in the king's group.

The king dreaming of intellectual conquests, forgets that a famous French princess coming to Navarre on an important embassy will soon arrive, and is even now before his gates. He turns to a letter from the Spanish traveller into whose mouth Shakespeare put all absurdities of euphuism. Armado writes:

"Great deputy, the Welkin's vicegerent and sole dominator of Navarre, my soul's earth's god, and body's fostering patron.,' Armado is the dude of Shakespeare's day, full of foppish affectations of speech and manner.

The ladies draw near to the gates of Navarre and encamp. Boyet, the courtier and diplomat attending the princess, soon gives the clue of the purpose of their journey as he remarks to the princess:

"Now, madam, summon up your dearest spirits;
Consider who the king your father sends;
To whom he sends, and what's his embassy:
Yourself held precious in the world's esteem;
To parley with the sole inheritor

Of all perfections that a man may owe,
Matchless Navarre; the plea of no less weight
Than Aquitain, a dowry for a queen."

To his words the princess replies with vivacity, but dignity, sending him to Navarre with this message:

"The daughter of the king of France,
On serious business, craving quick despatch
Importunes personal conference with his grace."

And then the fact is disclosed that the attendant ladies of the princess have all previously met the attendant lords of the king. Boyet returns from the king to be followed almost immediately by the whole band of swearers of impossible vows, and here the hermit students enter into the conflict with love.

From the moment they enter, war is waged--a battle of wit, merry, sharp, provoking, and it must be confessed that the maidens have the advantage. Puns are fired like shots from a gun. Rosaline, sprightly, full of life, but a trifle bold in her repartee, takes no uncertain aim, but sends one of cupid's own darts flying straight into one masculine heart.

The distinction is nicely preserved between the wit of the princess and that of Rosaline. The princess invariably preserves a certain dignity of speech and manner. She greets the king in her official character, presenting to him the letter from her father. Like Queen Bess, she does not hesitate to take advantage of her own attractiveness to effect a certain end for her kingdom.

Shakespeare shows us little of her character, but the few touches he gives reveal a skilled diplomat and a well poised woman Her delicate mission is soon accomplished to her satisfaction, but in conquering in state craft, she loses her heart.

The king and his followers depart, and saucy Rosaline sizes up Berowne as the "merry mad-cap lord." And Boyet, skilled in knowledge of the heart, gives the princess friendly, though

Somewhat worldly counsel as to her conduct towards the king. Whereupon the maidens rally him as an old love-monger and Cupid's grandfather.

To while away the time, the princess and her train engage in a shooting match, and at this juncture, enter Holofernes, Sir Nathaniel, Dull, and the group of pedants, and all the laughter of Shakespeare seems turned on them.

Holofernes lugs Latin into every sentence, while Holofernes admiringly exclaims, "Truly, Master Holofernes, the epithets are sweetly varied, like a scholar at the least." Dull, stupid and opinionated, makes a fine foil for the gushing display of superficial erudition on the part of Holofernes and Nathaniel. One of the affectations of the day was an extravagant use of alliteration. It is well set forth in the speech of Holofernes, after the shooting match.

"I will something affect the letter for it argues facility.

The praiseful princess pierced and pricked a pretty pleasing pricket, Some say a sore; but not a sore till now made sore with shooting. The dogs did yell! put 1 to sore, then sorel jumps from thicket, Or pricket, sore or I else sorel; the people fall a hooting. If sore be sore, then L. to sore makes fifty sores; O sore L! Of one sore I a hundred make by adding but one more L." Then follows the scene where the young dramatist seems to hold his sides with laughter,-the scene where the love-lor n nobles all betray their heart secret.

First enters Berowne, uttering love plaints; but seeing another approach, he conceals himself in a tree. Enter King. Hit like Berowne, to be sure, and so badly hit by Cupid's dart he has actually turned poet. Hear his sonnets to the princess! Berowne hears them and at once diagnoses the king's case. A severe case of heart disease. In the midst of the king's read ing, enter Longaville, and exit king. Another love ditty, case number three of heart failure. And as Berowne had listened to the king's love ravings, so now Berowne and the king listen to Longaville. Longaville's condition is evidently more serious, in that he has produced more wretched poetry. And Berowne pathetically remarks:

"God amend us! We are much out of the way."

Enter Lumain, reading a love sonnet, exit Longaville. Actor, one, as on the old Grecian stage; au litors, three. But the humor reaches its climax when each of the hidden lovers reveals himself, and each discovers that the other men have discovered how many fathoms deep he is in love. The king brings about this catastrophy by stepping out to denounce his lords for their broken vows, little dreaming that every one has discovered his secret; whereupon Berowne steps forth from his hiding place, and merrily denounces the king for his hypocrisy. Though sentimental like the others, he seems to have a little more sense, and gives counsel against their unnatural seclusion from the world. The result is they plan a visit to the princess and her maidens. Disguised as Russians they approach, but not before word of their plan has reached their respective ladyloves. Boyet says to the maidens:

"Master your wits; stand in your own defense." Useless advice. Trust a bright girl's wit in a tilt with her lover. With overflowing life, skilled in many a wordy battle, these girls from the fair court of France were more than a match for their disguised wooers.

Not to be outdone, the maidens disguise themselves, and lead the lovers on to protestations of love to the wrong ladies, until it is almost a comedy of errors. To vows of devotion they protest utter disbelief, almost too convulsed with laughter to speak. The wooers depart discomfited. But-faint heart ne'er won fair lady, so they resolve collectively to try their fortunes again. Again they come, undisguised, and again the maidens have the advantage of the situation, for they discuss their Russian wooers, making them the objects of their mirth. Berowne

is the first to give up arms and surrender, acknowledging the disguise of their previous visit. When a general surrender seems imminent, the battle of words increases. The lovers Vow vows without number; the maidens will hear none of them.

A most spirited flirtation is suddenly brought to a pause by a message received by the princess. At the instant, the raillery between the king and the princess changes to deep seriousness as she tells him the contents of the message-the death of her father. She speaks with deep feeling, and at once shows herself a woman of depth and tenderness.

With a quiet dignity and gentleness she speaks to the king and lords thus:

"I thank you, gracious lords,

For all your fair endeavors; and entreat,
Out of a new sad soul, that you vouchsafe

In your rich wisdom, to excuse, or hide,
The liberal opposition of our spirits;

If over boldly we have borne ourselves

In the converse of breath, your gentleness was guilty of it.
Farewell, worthy lord!

A heavy heart bears not an humble tongue."

The princess now listens gravely to the king's suit, as he urges.

"At the latest minute of the hour grant us your loves."

She replies:

"A time methinks too short

To make a world-without-end bargain in."

It seems to her a hasty decision for so serious a step, so she sets him a task for a year to test his love-to retire once more to his hermit life. Then she says:

"Come challenge, challenge me by these desserts,
And by this virgin palm, now kissing thine,
I will be thine!

Then Rosaline, the saucy, the bold, copies her mistress,

sending her lover off for a year's test.

a coquette, but a very charming one.

To the last word she is

So the play ends, but not in weddings, and Love's Labor is Lost.

The play throughout shows the conflict between the real and ideal, the unconventional and the conventional. It satirizes many of the affectations of the day. Its puns are the wittiest in literature.

The princess is the prototype of Fortia; Rosaline, of Rosalind.

This group of women falls far below Shakespeare's later women characters in intellect, heart, and refinement. With the exception of the princess, they are all superficial society girls.

Neither are the corresponding men's characters quite up to the standard. They are just shallow enough to lose their hearts at once, easy victims for the mischievous girls. One wonders what would have become of the poor things had the French king not died. Doubtless they would have been com. pletely vanquished.

The whole play shows the utter absurdity of affected speech and manners, and an unnatural way of living.


The School Journal Lowers Its Price.

We see that this long-established weekly educational paper has decided to reduce its price from $2.50 to $2.00. It was begun in 1870 and has been a foremost advocate of many lines of progress in education, and has a well-deserved popularity. It

has been something of a task during the nearly thirty years of its existence to induce teachers to take a weekly paper on education, but a change has been apparent; the normal graduates, the life diploma people, the increasing number of superintendents and principals who want to be "in the swim" and keep track of educational movements has made a demand for a weekly paper. To meet this class The Journal has been reduced to $2.00 per annum. It will undoubtedly place many more sub

scribers on its list.

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'81. Arthur P. Davis has just returned from a year's work as hydrographer with the Nicaragua Canal investigating expedition. He was in charge of all the stream measurements, rainfall, evaporation, sediment, etc. It included an exhaustive determination of all hydrographic facts connected with the proposed canal. He is now in Washington completing his computations, and expects that his report will be published in December.

'89. J. M. Rhodes is pursuiug advanced post graduate work at Columbia College, New York. His address is 225 W. 120th


'90. Chester Culver is completing his senior year in the law department at Harvard.

'91. Louise Tiffany is teaching in the Sabetha city schools. '92. K. C. Davis writes from Ithaca, New York, that he is taking original work in comparative histology and cytology as his special study in Cornell University. He thinks the library at Cornell fully equal in facilities for postgraduate work to that of the Boston or the Congressional library. About twenty thousand dollars are put into the library each year. His address is 69 Eddy street.

'93. W. H. McBride and Carrie McCarty were married on the evening of November 9. They will reside in Emporia, Mr. McBride being in the employ of one of the leading hardware firms of the city.

'94. Mary Spence has accepted a position at Kenton, Okla. '94. Bennett Grove writes that he was elected superintendent for Harvey county by nearly eight hundred majority.

'94. Those visits of Brother Harman have not been for nought. Witness the following: Colfax B. Harman, Gertrude L. Crumb, married, Wednesday, October nineteenth, eighteen hundred ninety-eight. At home at Valley Falls, Kansas, November first.

'95. H. M. Means and Miss Maud Honnell, of Everest, Kans., were married on June 8 and have already become "old folks at home."

'95. Bert R. Betz, has been transferred from Wind River to the superintendency of the Siletz Boarding School at Siletz, Oregon. His salary has been increased to nine hundred dollars per year, evidence of the excellence of his work in the Indian schools. Mr. Betz was married on October 10 to Miss Minnie Fourt, of Lander, Wyoming. Mrs. Betz is a graduate of Frances Shimer Academy, at Carroll, Illinois. Siletz is within six miles of the Pacific coast and every night the braves are lulled to sleep by the beating of the surf.

'97. John S. Perry wires us that he has been elected superintendent of Wilson county by ninety-three majority. Congratulations.

H. C. Griswold has accepted a position in the Newkirk, '98. Oklahoma, high school.

'99. Miss Lena Becker has the sincere sympathy of her many friends over the recent loss of her mother.

'oo. George W. Stevenson was elected superintendent for Chase county on November S.

'oo. John Mathers has been elected superintendent for Butler county, the only man on his ticket winning.

DR. OSCAR CHRISMAN presents a paper before the N. E. Teachers' Thanksgiving meeting at Holton.

THE Collection at the State Normal School on Lafayette Day for the Lafayette monument, amounted to eighteen dollars and thirteen cents.

Prof. A. T. St. Clair had a mishap Tuesday noon, while on the school grounds exercising his running powers. He came in contact with a bench, that had several buckets of water upon it. Damage was done to the buckets and the Prof's "blues.” Who said the new professor wasn't a sprinter?-Independent News.

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EXPLANATION OF CHART.-The figures across the top represent ages; a the left, per cents. Line "a" represents all those that would run, the num ber decreasing regularly, with one exception, from seven years up; "b' would stand still-more or less afraid; "c" would resist; "d" would inves tigate.

The study shows the peculiar working of the child's mind in the matter of contradictions. There appears to be no logical sequence. He writes "what he thinks, then he writes what he wants to think, but it does not occur to him to write what he ought to think in order to be logical." Very few rose to the generalization that it is impossible to describe what we do not believe to exist.

The belief seems to be due to influences at home rather than What at school; and books play no small part in the matter. is the remedy? Evidently, teach disbelief. This applies to both parent and teacher. If the child cannot be prevented from hearing tales unfolded "whose lightest word harrows up the soul," he may at the same time be told the truth. His reading matter should be wisely selected. Instead of our teaching being mildly negative along the line of superstitions in general, and ghosts in particular, we should make it positive. We have seen that children are wofully ignorant of natural causation. Teach them that nothing just happens.

In conclusion, if it is true that man naturally has a liking for the mystical, the fanciful, a method of substitution might be warranted. This raises the whole question of the value of such fancies as Santa Klaus, nursery tales, fairy stories, and myths in general, the discussion of which is not within the province of this paper.

1 "Fear in Childhood',' by Agnes S. Holbrook, in Studies in Education, July, 1896. "Children's Superstitions," by Clara Vostrovsky, in Studies in Education, October, 1896.

The Belles-Lettres Society. Another month has passed and with it an unusually successful series of programs. The society is experiencing a phenomenal growth, not only in new members, but in interest and earnestness. The pleasant location of the hall, and the cordial greeting extended to all who visit or join the society are conducive to enjoyment.

Last Friday night Professor Jones talked to us in her usual pleasing manner. She said the summer time always seemed to give her messages particularly for the Belles-Lettres people. When she first came to Kansas she gave to the Belles the only message the summer had given to her. She has brought us four different messages since that time and has met in this society during that time, some of the highest minded women and bravest and strongest men of the institution. She was pleased to mention in particular, the name of D. S. Landis, a former Belles-Lettres boy, who wrote the poem "The Belles" for the Kodak.

Professor Jones said, that with all our boasted civilization, with all our pride, we, as a people, lack two things; first, the high sense of honor which will keep the soul white, and second, faith in somebody and enthusiasm for something.

Mr. C. C. Rolfe came before us as a criminal, sentenced Saturday night, October 29, at nine o'clock. A criminal because of neglect of duty-the duty to get rich. He proved to us most conclusively, contrary to "Acres of Diamonds," that in the past as well as the present, the world does not give a man "just what he is worth to it."

The question for the contest debate between the Lyceum and Belles-Lettres societies, held in the Lyceum hall, was "Resolved, That the Anglo-American Alliance is a desirable body in the United States." Messrs. Bader and Weatherby represented the Belles. Late in the evening Mr. Parker brought from the battle-field the stimulating news that we were victorious, and the Belles-Lettres hall rang with

Whickety! Whackety! Bif! Boom! Bah! Belles-Lettres! Belles-Lettres! Rah! Rah! Rah! When the victors returned another demonstration took place and amid applause Mr. Weatherby said, "We have met the enemy and they are ours," while Mr. Bader opened his speech with, "The Lyceum has a clear carpet."

An especially pleasing feature of our programs during the past month was the solo whistled by Professor Marsland. Professor Butler entertained also, with most ravishing music, and very kindly responded to an encore. Mrs. Boyle accompanied Professor Butler on the piano.

President Taylor was a very welcome visitor in our hall, accompanied by J. R. Burton, of Abilene, a noted orator of the


The Belles have two quartettes organized now and ready for work.

The progressive spirit of our members is aroused to the highest pitch of enthusiasm at the mere mention of the coming contest in dramatic art.

Officers: Mr. Bader, president; Mr. McConkey, vice president; Mr. Weatherby, secretary.

The Lyceum Society.

Another month has passed away and left to us only the traces of its existence. We are concerned no more with the past, and so our attention, zeal, and ambition should be bestowed upon the present and the future. The past can be of use to us only in so far as we are able to profit by the experiences of that time.

This last month we have profited by the experiences of the

former month, and consequently have made great improvement. Our society programs have been better, for more time and work has been devoted to them. Professor Marsland and Professor Butler happily entertained us one evening; the former, by the mingling of the piano strains and those of whistling in the variations of "Home, Sweet Home," and the latter with his friend, the violin. A number of interesting and helpful essays have been read, but when the seniors begin to expound their knowledge in the form of long and profound orations, every junior, sophomore, freshman and sub., will be on hand with pencil and a note book labeled, "Good points from wise students."

Our new members are gaining as much enthusiasm as the oldest of the old, and are willing to help in any way when called upon. The better we become acquainted with them the more confident are we that the "best" have flown to us, and that the other societies will, in time, have to conform their opinion to this, which will stand out so prominently and emphatically.

We derive not only power and intellectual growth from our society and its work, but also friendships and pleasures that can be gained in no other way. Our society is a place to free the mind from the cares and worries of text-books, note-books, color-charts, school houses, original designs, clay models, etc., and to enjoy life from another point of view. We can look back on the meetings of the Lyceum society and say:

"There are moments in life that are never forgot,
Which brighten, and brighten, as time steals away;
They give a new charm to the happiest lot,

And they shine on the gloom of the loneliest day."

The Literati Society.

The closed meeting held in the Literati hall on the evening of October 28, proved to be one of the most successful entertainments of the year. The attendance was large and the program as given was especially good. Mr. Scholl distinguished himself by one of his readings and was heartily encored. The wit indulged in by the debaters was a source of great merri


Late in the evening Professor Butler delighted us with a violin solo. Recognizing his ability we promptly recalled him and a second time we were pleasantly entertained. Recess came, as it always does, and with its coming the true spirit of the Literati was displayed. Enthusiasm was at a high pitch. The ladies gathered near the piano and gave the famous yell so familiar to all the school. The other side of the house, who were not going to be outdone, heartily responded, and soon all took up the chorus making the hall ring with outbursts of enthusiasm. After a recess such as few societies can have, President Oveson called the house to order. The reading given by Miss Vaughn, and the essay by Miss Coffee, were both very entertaining and instructive.

Twenty-three new members were voted into the society, after which began the mysterious work of this mighty session. Deep interest was everywhere manifest. The stillness of the hour was but the forerunner of the terrible calamity that was soon to befall this mysterious assemblage. Gordon, Gray, Robinson, Huffman, Gift, Engle, Finney, each in turn expounded the truths of the one stupendous question. Eloquence was soaring in the etherial sphere, when suddenly the lights were extinguished and in the darkness the house adjourned.

At a special meeting of the Literati foot ball boys, C. M. Lowry was chosen manager and Walter Priest captain. The Literati-All-School challenge was accepted. The date for the game has not been set, but the contesting parties will meet on the arena in about two weeks.

It is rumored that there will be a paper edited by the societies of the school.

One of the special features of our society work is the music. The trio given by the Misses Stanley, Gunn, and Woodrow, was an excellent selection. Miss Knappenberger played the accompaniment. Mr. Walter Priest favored us with "Just One Girl." This song was enjoyed by all.

At the regular meeting for the election of officers, Mr. Huffman was chosen president; Miss Ise, vice president; Miss Madden, secretary; and Miss Rittenhouse, chorister. With such a corps of officers we hope to raise the high standard of our society and carry off the honors of the coming contest.

The Philomathian Society.

The Philomathian society has passed into the hands of the ladies, which fact secures successful administration of affairs for five weeks. At the last election Miss Daisy Ott was chosen president and Miss Hibner, secretary. The gentlemen not wishing to surrender entire control, succeeded in making Mr. Shidler sergeant-at-arms.

During the past months the programs have been helpful and enjoyable. One evening was devoted to the study of Dickens. Professor Jones gave an enjoyable talk, relating incidents in the life of the great man not familiar to the average student of literature. On the same evening we were favored by two numbers given by young ladies of the Literati society, both of which were highly appreciated. At another meeting Professor Abbott in an entertaining manner explained the work done and the objects sought in manual training. Professor Butler visited the society and delighted all present by dispensing strains of sweet music from his violin.

The work done in debate by some of our new members is especially gratifying. It must also be said that some of the best work in debate has been done by the ladies. A number just beginning the work have already displayed such ability that they need not hesitate to debate with the best talent in school. Prospects for strong work in debate for the remainder of the year are bright.

The outlook is good. Never before has the membership of the society entered into the work with more zeal, and never before have our new members taken hold of the work with the earnestness of purpose they show now. Every evening spent in the hall is an evening of enjoyment and profit. Students and friends of the school always find a hearty welcome at this society.

The Companion for the Rest of 1898.

The principal attractions offered by The Youth's Companion for the remaining weeks of 1898 provide a foretaste of the good things to follow in the new volume of 1899. To the first issue in November Frank R. Stockton will contribute a humorous sketch, entitled "Some of My Dogs," and in the issue of the week of November 10th will appear Rudyard Kippling's thrilling story of the heroism of soldiers in the ranks, "The Burning of Sarah Sands." In the seven issues to follow there will be contributions by Lord Dufferin, William D. Howells, J. E. Chamberlin, the American war correspondent, Mary E. Wilkins, Hon. Thomas B. Reed, the Marquis of Lorne, Mme. Lillian Nordica and I. Zangwill. Those who subscribe now for the 1899 volume will receive every November and December issue of The Companion from the time of subscription to the end of the year free, the Companion Calendar for 1899 free, and then the entire 52 issues of The Companion to January 1, 1900. An illustrated announcement of the 1899 volume and sample copies will be sent free to any one addressing THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, BOSTON, MASS.

211 Columbus Ave.,

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