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In the above table the Bryan-Sewall and Bryan-Watson tickets have been combined. The total number of votes received by the Bryan and Watson ticket was 222,207. Of this number Alabama gave 24,089; California, 21, 23; Colorado, 2,389; Florida, 2,053; Illinois, 1,090; Kansas, 46,194; Maine, 2,487; Massachusetts, 15,181; Mississippi, 7,517; Nevada, 575; New Hampshire, 379; Ohio, 2,615; Pennsylvania, 11,174; Tennessee, 4,525; Texas, 75,572; Vermont, 458; Wyoming, 286. Fusion electors were agreed upon by the Democratic, People's, and Silver parties in the following States: Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.




HE reminiscences of the campaign of 1896 form such a delightful chapter in memory's book that I am constrained to paraphrase a familiar line and say that it is better to have

run and lost than never to have run at all.

I shall always carry with me grateful, as well as pleasant, recollections of the newspaper men with whom I was thrown. The first premonitory symptom of greatness about to be thrust upon me was noted at the Clifton House shortly after my convention speech. Immediately after my return from the hall, a representative of a local paper asked me if I would have any objection to his sitting in my room. I replied, "No," and then innocently inquired why he wanted to sit there. He informed me that his paper had sent him over to report anything of interest. In a few minutes another representative of the press dropped in upon the same mission, and then another until my room was full. I found that they were prepared to minutely report circumstances which to me seemed trivial. The angle of inclination was noted as I lay upon the bed. I was given credit for using a paper to protect the bedclothes from my feet; the rabbit's foot given me as I left the convention hall was reproduced in the papers; the bulletins announced that Mrs. Bryan preserved her composure during the nominating scene, and when I remarked that I was glad she had done so, the world was at once permitted to share my joy. When, on Saturday night, we tried to steal away and have a Sunday's rest without our whereabouts being known, I found that five carriages followed ours, and the omnipresent news-gatherers interviewed us as we alighted. But they were a gentlemanly and genial crowd, and I soon learned to save myself much trouble by telling them the exact moment of rising and retiring, and by reporting in advance the things to be done and, in review, the things which had been done.

When we left Chicago on our homeward trip we found the car filled with regular and special correspondents, who seemed destined for exactly the same towns for which we were bound, and thereafter their railroad tickets were the same as ours.

Mr. Robert F. Rose, of Chicago, chief of the Associated Press


detail, and Mr. Richard V. Oulahan, of Washington, who acted in the same capacity for the United Associated Presses, were with me almost without interruption from the day of nomination up to November 5, and I feel greatly indebted to the two press associations for appointing such excellent fellows to accompany me. Besides Mr. Rose, for the Associated Press, I was accompanied to Lincoln by Mr. William E. Glenn, of the same association, and from Lincoln to New York by Mr. J. W. Cutright, who, after severing his connection with the Associated Press immediately after the Notification meeting, acted, for a time, as my private secretary. Among others from the Associated Press who assisted Mr. Rose were Mr. James D. Gibson, of Chicago; Mr. Thomas J. Dawson, of Washington, D. C.; Mr. Albert E. Hunt, of Philadelphia; Mr. S. D. Pine, Mr. F. E. Nevins and Miss N. E. Emerson, of St. Louis; Charles Roehrig and Murray J. Brady, of Chicago. Mr. Oulahan was assisted from time to time by Messrs. William Gibson, of New York, who went with us on the first trip from Chicago to Lincoln, Mr. Hayes, of Washington, Mr. James Abbott, of Chicago, and Mr. C. F. H. Pagan, of New York. All of these assistants were both agreeable and efficient, and I may add here that the reports given by both the associations were fair and impartial and quite complete, when one remembers the large tax made upon telegraphic facilities by numerous meetings.

Among the special correspondents, the most constant in attendance upon our travels was Mr. Charles M. Pepper, of Chicago, representing the New York Herald, and who proved that an unfriendly critic could still be a very friendly man. The results of the election returns showed him to be the best calculator in our party. Mr. A. Maurice Low, of Boston, representing the Globe, of that city, ranks. next to Mr. Pepper in distance traveled, and in congeniality was second to none. Both Mr. Low and Mr. Pepper have earned enviable reputations as special writers. Mr. Herbert J. Browne, of the New York Journal, came next in the length of service. He was one of the best writers with our party. Julian Hawthorne, Esq., of the New York Journal, and James Creelman, Esq., then of the New York World, but now of the New York Journal, were with us about the same length of time. Their reports for their respective papers were marked features of the campaign. We are especially indebted to Mr. Hawthorne for his description of the trip to the Notification meeting. and to Mr. Creelman for his report of the closing days of the campaign. Alfred Henry Lewis, Esq., also of the New York Journal, one of the

most original and picturesque of American writers, was with us during our southern trip, while Mr. Rudolph Block, and Mrs. Winfred Black, also of the New York Journal, were with us long enough to make their departure regretted. Mr. Albert J. Stofer, of the ScriptsRae League, is recalled as a representative who wrote well and sang as well as he wrote. My fondness for the watermelon was enhanced, if possible, by his rendition of "Dat Water Million Hangin' on De Vine." Mr. M. DeLipman, of the New York Journal, was the most noted artist who traveled with our party. Among those who were with us for a short time were Mr. Isaac Jennings Bryan, of the Chicago Tribune, Dr. William Shaw Bowen, of the New York World, Mr. M. J. Hutchens, of the New York World, Mr. William E. Lewis, of the New York Journal, Mr. Gibson, of the Philadelphia Herald, Mr. Chamberlain, of the New York Sun, Mr. Percy Walton, of the Evening Sun (N. Y.), Mr. Lloyd, of the New York Sun, Mr. James Faulkner, of the Cincinnati Enquirer, Mr. Tabor, of the Buffalo Times, Mr. Melbourne McDowell and Mr. Carl Smith, of the Chicago Record, Mr. Adams, of the Boston Herald, Mr. West, of the Washington Post, and Mr. Lowrie, of the Chicago Times-Herald. Mr. Irwin Thomas, of the New York Journal, who was with us from the date of the Notification meeting until we arrived in St. Louis on the third trip, was an easy first among the orators of the press, his reputation being firmly established in one speech at Erie, Pa.

I desire to record, not because it is strange, but because it deserves to be recorded, that while I talked freely with the members of our party, none of them violated my confidence, nor did any, so far as I recollect, make a serious error in quoting me. They were an honorable body of men and a credit to the high profession to which they belonged.

I cannot speak from my own observation of the National Silver party and People's party conventions, but some of the scenes enacted in the Democratic convention are indelibly written upon my memory. There were more interesting incidents, I think, connected with this convention than with any recently held in the United States. The contest over the temporary chairmanship, the contest over credentials, the contest over the platform, and finally the contest over the nominations, were all exciting and contained enough of uncertainty to make every session an interesting one. As for my own part, circumstances were more favorable than I could have planned. I was first sug

gested for the temporary chairmanship, but my name was ruled out when the National Committee recognized the gold delegates from our State, and permitted them to participate in the temporary organization. My name was again discussed in connection with the permanent chairmanship, but there being some talk at that time of my possible nomination, some friends thought it might embarrass my candidacy and some opponents thought it might give me an advantage over other candidates, and so this honor passed me by. It was fortunate for me that I lost both these opportunities to address the convention.

Being in attendance upon the resolutions committee, I could not respond when speeches were called for during the temporary organization. Not being upon the sub-committee which drafted the platform, I was not expected to take part in the platform debate. I have already spoken of the unexpected invitation extended by Senator Jones. An opportunity to close such a debate had never come to me before, and I doubt if as good an opportunity had ever come to any other person during this generation. A large majority of the delegates were earnest advocates of free coinage at 16 to 1, the speeches of Senators Hill and Vilas and ex-Governor Russell had aroused much feeling, and our people were prepared to vigorously support an exponent of bimetallism.

I never addressed an audience which seemed to act in such perfect harmony; it reminded one of an immense chorus trained to sing in concert. The applause broke out simultaneously in all parts of the hall, and ended as simultaneously when the next sentence began. The intense interest depicted upon the faces before me presented a picture never to be forgotten.

I was not permitted to see the rival demonstrations which took place during the nominating speeches and balloting, but they surpassed in excitement anything before witnessed by those in attendance.

During the progress of the campaign, I was constantly gratified to note the splendid work done by the Silver Republicans and Populists. I speak of this especially, because it requires much more of moral courage to leave one's party to support a candidate connected with a different party, than it does to support a candidate bearing the same party name. Such men as Senators Teller, Dubois, Pettigrew, Cannon and Mantle, and ex-Congressmen Towne, Hartman, Shafroth and Wilson, I merely mention the leaders, their followers were legion, were as active during the campaign as any of our Democrats. Among the Populists, in addition to members of the various committees, Senators

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