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TABLE 58.-Exports of principal agricultural products from Cuba in years specified

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? Value of sugar products includes rum; quantity is shown in millions of gallons excluding rum.

Weights are leaf used in the manufacture of exported tobacco products according to data from the Tobacco Institute.
* Other exported agricultural items are valued at nearly an additional million dollars.

Com. Exterior, Cuba Min. de Hacienda, Dir. Gen. de Estadís.

Sugar and tobacco and products made from them accounted for all but 12 percent of Cuba's exports during the period 1936-40 (table 59). Fresh fruits—including bananas, grapefruit, pineapples, and avocados-henequen and cordage, and winter vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and cucumbers-made up another 4 percent of the total. Livestock products accounted for only 1.6 percent of the total, although their value increased considerably in 1940 and 1941. Nonagricultural exports accounted for less than 6 percent of the total. These consisted principally of minerals, forest products, and sponges. TABLE 59.-Cuban exports, by product groups, average 1936-40

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Cuba's imports are predominantly manufactured products (table 60), but nevertheless agricultural products during the 1936-40 period accounted for more than one-fourth of the total (table 61). Of these, rice, flour, and lard were by far the most important, accounting for about 60 percent of all agricultural imports.

TABLE 60.-Imports of principal agricultural products into Cuba in years specified

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1 Imports of other agricultural products averaged, roughly, 2 million dollars during recent years.

Com. Exterior, Cuba Min. de Hacienda, Dir. Gen. de Estadís.

TABLE 61.-Pancipal imports into Caba, average 1838

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Imports of nonagricultural products consist primarily of manufactured textile products, machinery, automobiles, instruments, petroleum products, and paper. These accounted for well over one-half of the total imports.


The United States supplied slightly more than two-thirds of Cuba's total imports and Europe less than 19 percent in 1936-38 just prior to the outbreak of war (table 62). About 10 years ago the United States supplied only 56 percent and Europe about 25 percent. In 1940, however, as a result of the war, the proportion from the United States rose to 78 percent and that from Europe declined to only 10 percent (fig. 42 and table 63).

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FIGURE 42.-Cuban foreign trade, percentage distribution by countries, 1935-40.

TABLE 62.-Cuba's foreign trade distribution among principal countries, average

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TABLE 63.-Cuban foreign trade, by country and value, 1929–40

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