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This scale was a demand for an increase in the blank-book branch of binding, in some cases as high as $3 a week; but it was regarded as practically that already paid in the printed book branch of the industry.

Forty-eight employers and more than 1,000 employees were represented at the conference. The demands were granted as regarded the binders of printed books, but in the case of blank-book binders, the employers of whom did not appear at the conference, there were apprehensions of a strike. The matter was referred by the employees to this Board. An investigation, however, resulted in a unanimous expression of feeling on the part of the employers in question that the condition of business at the time would not permit the payment of the scale for binding blank books; and that, while they were not averse to a conference, the prospect of any good result was not encouraging.

This was reported to the employees in question, and they replied in December in writing, expressing satisfaction with the work performed by the Board.


The following decision was rendered on November 20, 1901:

In the matter of the joint application of the Massachusetts Breweries Company and employees.



This case comes to the Board on the claims of the employees and denial by employer that a certain night-watchman at the Rockland Brewery, owned by the Massachusetts Breweries Company, and now closed, was unjustly discharged on the thirteenth day of August, A.D. 1901.

The reasons of discharge were stated by employer to be:—

1. An assault by the night-watchman on August 10 upon the shipper in the employ of the company.

2. A threat alleged to have been made by the night-watchman against an officer of the company on August 13.

After hearing the evidence of the parties and their witnesses, and upon consideration of the same, we find that, so far as the second cause is concerned, the evidence is not sufficient to satisfy us that the threat was made.

On the first cause of discharge, the Board finds that the assault was committed and was without justification, and it is the opinion of the Board that the discharge of the night-watchman therefor was justified.

By the Board,


LEHIGH & WILKESBARRE COMPANY-BOSTON. On November 2 a strike of coal handlers occurred on the wharf of the Lehigh & Wilkesbarre Company at Charlestown, 7 men having quit work, to emphasize a demand for an increase of pay. The employees were advised to seek an interview with the employer, and see what might be done to bring about a cessation of hostilities.

On the 4th the business agent called at the office of the Board and reported that a settlement had been made that was satisfactory to the employees, the desired increase of pay having been secured.


Early in December, 1901, long price-lists were submitted by the parties to a dispute in the Barry factory, which were so different in phraseology that it was apparent to the Board that much conciliatory effort was required to bring the par

ties into agreement upon the issue that was to be submitted to the decision of the Board.

A conference was held on December 5 at the factory, in which these differences were harmonized, and a joint list substituted and affixed to the joint application of T. D. Barry and the representatives of the lasters in his employ.

On February 25 of the current year the following decision was rendered:

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In the matter of the joint application of T. D. Barry & Co. of Brockton and their employees in the lasting department.



This case involves a question of prices for pulling over for and operating the Consolidated Hand-method Lasting Machine.

After investigation and due consideration, the following prices are recommended for the work in question in this factory, under the conditions prevailing therein :

Calf, satin oil, velours calf, box calf, vici kid, Cordo


Enamel, patent leather ("buggy top"),

T-patent colt, corona colt, corona, patent box, patent calf, patent vici kid, patent colt,

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Long-legged boots, colored goods, peaked toes: no evidence has been received that would warrant the Board in making a recommendation.

By the Board,



On December 10, 75 cutters in the employ of Chick Brothers, shoe manufacturers of Haverhill, went out on strike for the purpose of emphasizing a protest against the conduct of an assistant foreman.

On being approached by the Board with a view to composing the difficulty, Mr. Chick said that the men were discharged for the purpose of re-hiring such as wished to keep at work; and, in the circumstances, until he had accomplished a reorganization of the cutting department, the services of the Board as a mediator would not be required. The strike lingered for several weeks. Efforts were made to obtain men to fill the strikers' places, but without complete success. Pickets were posted in the neighborhood of the factory, and every effort was made to keep prospective employees away.

On the 19th of December the Board went to Haverhill, and, in the absence of Mr. Chick, had an interview with the agent of the men. It appeared that, as a result of trouble with the assistant foreman, Mr. Chick had got word of a contemplated strike, and thought to forestall it by discharging every one in the department, and re-hiring those whom he desired; and these, accepting his invitation to return to work, had struck on the following day.

On December 20 the employer called, and stated that he believed he could secure cutters to take the places of the strikers, and, if his present plans should fail, he would avail himself of the Board's good offices.


On the 13th of December, drivers, helpers and other employees of the American Express Company in Lynn went on strike to emphasize a demand of $12 a week, 10 hours a day, and weekly payments instead of monthly; that there should be no Sunday work; and that over-time should be paid for at the rate of 25 cents an hour or ma

jority fraction. An effort to adjust the difficulty was made through the intervention of the Board of Trade, represented by Charles H. Hastings and Thomas W. Gardner.

It appeared that the main objection to granting the demand was the manner in which it had been presented. A conference was held and the men were urged to go back, pending a settlement, under assurances that the company. would act honorably; this proposition was referred to the union and rejected. Nineteen men were out. All the approaches to the places of business of the company in Lynn were picketed with strikers, and many who had thought of seeking employment with the company, on learning of the situation, concluded not to apply. Twelve men, however, it was said, were secured from other places, and with the help of the police the company proceeded with its business. The company said that they were not new employees, but men transferred from their employ in other cities.

By the 19th of the month a serious threat of a sympathetic strike of all the teamsters in the city, which would involve 475 team drivers, attracted the attention of all concerned. The company stated that it was willing to adjust wages and hours of labor in its own way, so as to regulate every employee from Maine to California, if necessary, and the point of controversy was that they must be allowed to make these changes in their own way.

A mass meeting of strikers was called, and Messrs. Hastings and Gardner delivered the company's offer for a settlement of the strike. It was expected that a conference would be held on the 20th, and in view of this the consideration of a sympathetic strike involving every teamster was postponed to that date. A conference was had on the 20th, between a committee of drivers headed by Martin J.

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