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in civil Society. Duties of the Rich; of the middle
Ranks; of the Poor. Difference between Poverty and
Indigence. Case of Peruvian Society supposed. Low
State to which it would reduce Mankind. Conclusion in
favour of various Conditions.

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Objections against the Dispensation.

Evil accompanying it, belongs to an imperfect State.
Its collateral Advantages. I. Universal Industry. A sti-
mulus to Exertion necessary to Mankind. Proofs from
Experience. A Compensation is made in the Advantages
derived from the Division of Labour.

II. Second collateral Benefit, the Communication of Arts

and natural Productions. Case of mere Reproduction

supposed; its Consequences. Advantage of Migrations.

Instances, from Countries with and without Communica-

tion: also from a View of the present State of the World;

Asiatic Russia; Southern Asia; Africa; America.

fusion of Christianity.

Adaptation of the Principle of Population to peculiar Cir-
sumstances of every Society. Its Operation not severe or


Recapitulation of the Argument. Concluding Remarks.

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General Plan of Justice and Goodness disclosed in the Gospel.
Outline of that Plan, according to Scripture.

The Nature of the Atonement, and the Cause of our being
placed in a probationary State, above our Reason, but
not contrary to it; and analogous to other of the divine

Concluding View of the Effect of moral Evil.


On natural Evils, and those of civil Life

Page 285

Different View they present to different Minds.

Natural Evils explained by a probationary State.

Death-its moral Effects.

Disease-its moral Effects.

Evils of civil Life. Their Extent.

Affluence not necessary to Happiness.

Force of Habit. Intelligence not wanting to the lower
Classes, in a Christian Country.

Superfluities only rendered necessary by Power of Custom.
Essentials of Happiness, Occupation, and Health.



On the Capabilities of Improvement in a State of ad-

vanced Civilization

Page 328

State of Society in Great Britain. Question, whether it

admits of Melioration.

Ignorance of the Poor, not a necessary Evil.

Indigence, its Alleviations and Preventives.

Parochial Banks for small Savings, recommended.

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