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saloon of the Hôtel de la Paix was procured for the purpose; and its director, Mr Kohler, gave promptly and generously, all the assistance that he could render, in furthering the arrangements. The Hôtel was profusely decorated with flags: fireworks were sent for from Paris: and the services of two fine bands of music were procured through his kind instrumentality. Other hotels, such as the Hôtel des Bergues, the Hôtel Beau Rivage, the Hôtel de la Couronne, and the Hôtel de l'Ecu, also displayed our national flag during the day; cannon were fired from a small vessel anchored in Lake Leman: and in the evening a fine exhibition of fireworks was made in several parts of the city.

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Invitations to attend the dinner were issued to the President, and Vice-President of the Grand Council of Geneva, to Messrs. Chenevière, Turrettini and Richard, Counsellors of State, to M. Harrington, American minister at Berne, to M. Upton, American consul at Geneva, to general Dufour, to Dr Merle d'Aubigné, to the count de Gasparin, author of the Uprising of a Great People, » to M. J. H. Serment, advocate, President of the « Auxiliary Committee of the American Association for the benefit of the Freedmen, M. Alexandre Lombard, banker, M. le prof. Adert et M. Debrit, editors of le Journal de Genève, M. Tronchin, editor of la Nation Suisse, M. Aug. de la Rive, to professor Naville, and many other well-known European. friends of the United States, several of whom, it will be afterwards seen, accepted; while others, either by official engagements or absence, were compelled to decline, greatly to their regret and ours.

The Americans who were present at the Hôtel to parti

cipate in the banquet, were:

Mr George D. Phelps.

Mrs Phelps.

Mr J. A. C. Gray.

Mrs Gray.

Mr H. W. Robbins.

Mr J. Mc Henry Kitching.

Mr L. A. Godey.

Mrs Godey.

Mr W. A. Moller.

Mrs Moller.

M. Jas. L. Claghorne.

Mrs Claghorne.

Mr Townsend Harris.
Mr George Bell.

Mrs Bell.

Miss Bell.

Dr J. Lawrence Lee.

Miss Lee.

Mr J. Thorpe.

Mrs Thorpe.

Miss Barnes.

Miss Dick.

Mr J. F. Page.

Mrs Page.
Miss Page.

Mr Anthony Lang.
Mr J. F. Page Jr.
Mr Thomas Page.
Mr J. A. Robinson.

Miss Gray.

Miss Hunter.

Miss Danforth.

Mr Parke Godwin.
Miss Godwin.
Mr F. S. Kinney.
Miss Kinney,

Mr Char. Lanier.

Mrs Lanier.

Rev. Marcus Ames.
Mr George Cummings.

Mr George Kemp.
Mrs Kemp.

Mr S. A. Sawyer.

Mrs Sawyer.

Mrs Eggleston.

Mr Eggleston.
Mr C. I. Taylor.
Miss Woodbury.

M. J. H. Godwin Jr.
Miss L. G. Metcalf.
Mrs Robinson.

M. A. H. Lowery.
Mr W. C. Fargo Jr.

Among the invited guests present, were Charles Upton Esq., American Consul at Geneva, Dr Merle d'Aubigné, M. Alexandre Lombard, with parts of their families, lord Walter Campbell, M. J. H. Serment, M. Marc Debrit, M. James Odier, M. Tronchin and others.

At the hour appointed, the company took their seats in the spacious dining-room of the Hôtel, which was tastefully decorated with wreaths, banners, etc, after which M. George D. Phelps of New-York, who had been selected to preside, briefly introduced the proceedings as follows:

Remarks of Mr Phelps.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are assembled to celebrate our country's ninetieth national Birth day, - a day sacred in the memory of every true American, and dear to the heart of every friend of liberty- here and everywhere.

While we are in a measure strangers and in a strange land, yet as the friends of liberty, we are all brethren, and in good harmony in our patriotic sentiments.

And although most of us are far away from our dear native land, we meet within the bounds, and under the flag and protection of our elder sister Republic the country

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of Geneva, whose streets have flowed with the precious blood

of many Martyrs to the same Holy cause of civil and religious liberty for which our patriot fathers so freely bled and died. Thus surrounded and inspired by kindred associations, sympathising strangers and congenial spirits, let us, with becoming thankgivings and rejoicings, commemorate the deeds, and hallow the memories of those, who, under God, wrought out for us our blessed inheritance and our National Glory.

But first, in conformity to the time honoured usage of our patriot forefathers, let us invoke the favour of Him, who is the author and bestower of our every blessing, and Who has ever been our country's constant friend and great benefactor.

The Rev. Dr Ames of Massachussets, being called upon, invoked the Divine blessing, when the company partook of the good things, so bounteously provided by the worthy proprietor of the Hôtel; at the close of which entertainment the President suggested that, as the company appeared to be quite satisfied with the physical comforts provided for the occasion, they would be now invited to the intellectual feast prepared by the Committee of arrangements. He then announced the regular toasts in order, as follow:

First toast.



The President of the United States, which after the President's Grand March was responded to by Charles Upton Esq., United States's consul in the city of Geneva.

Mr Upton's Speech.

I came here somewhat in the mood which Sterne described himself to be in when the Franciscan asked him for alms and he buttoned up his purse, predetermined not to give him a single sou; so I had predetermined not to speak, but I feel that it would be ungracious, and my silence might be misconstrued, especially when called upon to respond to the health of President Johnson.

For long years I belonged to a party opposed to Andrew Johnson, a party which latterly became a cipher at the South; but when the wretched rebellion was precipitated, and men who loved their country forgot party, I found myself at his side, and have been there ever since.

In the recent unhappy differences between the President and the Congress I have been more nearly in accord with him than with the Congress. But I will not dwell upon this subject, only to ask of you fellow-citizens, who will soon return to our common country and mingle in those discussions which divide her citizens, to remember the great services of Mr Johnson in the past and to judge him kindly; remember how much the nation owes him, how, from the beginning, his name was a bulwark against which the waves of secession dashed surlily and angrily; that he not only preserved his own State, but that, throughout the South, he was the shield and the shelter of the Union.

Allow me to pass from these topics, and, as your consul,

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