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Proteid and protein, distinction be- | Rachitis, diet in, 295

tween, 682

Protein, 18, 681

absorption of, 31

in rectal feeding, 307

amount required in athletic train-
ing, 222

and proteid, distinction between,

artificial, made from both animal
and vegetable foods, 175
from meat, 174

from vegetables, 175

body-, protection by alcohol, 152
carbohydrates, and fats in com-
bination, quantity required,

concentrated, 171
in milk, 232

estimation of, 81
in vegetables, 104

metabolism of, amount required,


pepsin changing into peptones, 24
quantity required, 46
Proteolytic enzymes, 20
Proteoses, 24

Prunes, 115

Pruritis, diet in, 569

Prussian prison dietaries, 624
Psoriasis, diet in, 568

Psychologic action of alcohol, 156
Ptyalin, 22

Public institutions, diet in, 590
Pudding, aleuronat and suet, 677
almond, 675
cocoanut, 678
gluten, 674

suet and aleuronat, 677

Puerperium, diet in, 304
Pulled bread, 655

Pumpernickel, 106

Pumpkins, 112

Purin bodies, 531

in food materials, 532

tolerance of gouty patients for
food containing, 533

Purpura, hemorrhagic, diet in, 453
Pyelitis, diet in, 471

Pyelonephritis, diet in, 431

Pylorospasm, olive oil in, 124

Pylorus, stenosis of, olive oil in, 124

ulcer of, olive oil in, 124


Rabies, diet in, 348
Racahout des arabes, 652

Race, relation of food to, 60

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of milk, 234
Recipes, 648

for food for diabetics, 674

for nutrient enema, 311

Rectal feeding, 306. See also Enema,

irrigations, saline, 314

Red stools in infant feeding, 271
Refractory patients, feeding of, 319
Renal calculi, diet in, 471
Rennin, 24

in infant digestion, 37
Renovated butter, 85
testing, 85

Respiration, action of alcohol in, 154
Respiratory calorimeters, 42
chamber, 42

system, diseases of, diet in, 431

in obesity, treatment of, 433
Rest and exercise before and after
meals, effect on digestion, 59
relation of food to, 62

cure in diseases of stomach, 379
of Weir-Mitchell, 484
alcohol in, 489

Rhabdonema intestinale, 186

Rheumatism, acute, alcohol in, 342

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Sausage-poisoning, 192

Saxin as substitute for sugar in dia-
betes mellitus, 518

Scarlatinal nephritis, diet in, 336
Scarlet fever, alcohol in, 336
diet in, 335

milk as cause of, 188
Schleicher's diet in obesity, 557
Schmidt and Strassburger's test-
diet, 214

School, boys' diet for, 269, 635
children, diet for, 266
Schroth's cure, 574

Schweninger's diet in obesity, 556
Scurvy, diet in, 561

in adults, diet in, 561

Season, relation of food to, 62
Secondary anemia, chronic, diet in,

Secretin, 27

Secretion, action of alcohol on, 155
gastric, action of alcohol on, 155
of saliva, action of alcohol on, 155
Secretory and motor functions of
stomach, disturbances of,
dietetic test for determining
at same time, 213

function of stomach, determining
of, 212

oatmeal test-breakfast of
Boas, 212

test-breakfast of Ewald and

Boas, 212

test-dinner of Riegel, 212

test-meal of Germain Sée,

of Klemperer, 212
of Salzer, 212
test-meals for, 212

Seegen's diet in diabetes, 525

secretion of, effect of alcohol on, Sée's diet in obesity, 557

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test-meal, 212

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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meat in, 376

milk cure in, 379

olive oil in, 123

Penzoldt's diet-lists in, 369, 370

rest cure in, 379

special cure in, 379

disturbances of motor and secre-

tory functions of, dietetic test
for determining at same time,

fistula of, feeding through, 588
hemorrhage from, diet in, 398
hyperacidity of, diet in, 402
in infant digestion, 36
irritability of, in tuberculosis, diet
in, 361

motor disturbances of, diet in, 375
power of, determining, 213. See

also Motor power of stomach,
determining of.

nervous anacidity of, diet in, 401
disorders of, diet in, 401
subacidity of, diet in, 401
neurosis of, olive oil in, 125
operations on, diet after, 585
secretory function of, determining,

212. See also Secretory func-
tion of stomach, determining of.
ulcer of, diet in, 393

diet-list for, 720

Stomach, ulcer of, dietetic test in | Suppositories, food, 314

diagnosis of, 213

hemorrhage in, diet in, 393
Stomach-tube, feeding infants by,


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Suralimentation in tuberculosis, 362,
Surgical cases, dietetic management

of, 577

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Tapeworm, 184

soup, 654

Tea, 148

Stricture of esophagus, olive oil in, Tapioca jelly, 653


Strawberry junket, 659

Stretched butter, 202


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adulteration of, 201
flaxseed, 650

leaves, facing of, 201
linseed, 650

Temperature of food, effect on di-
gestion, 59

Terrain cures in obesity after cures
for pulmonary tuberculosis,

Test, acid, for milk, 82

dietetic, for determining at same

time disturbances of motor
and secretory functions of
stomach, 213

in diagnosis of ulcer of stomach,

of motor power of stomach, 213
for artificial colors in food, 208
for detection of preservatives, 206
for fat in milk, 80

for milk, 82

Waterhouse, for oleomargarin, 85
Test-breakfast of Boas, 212
of Ewald and Boas, 212
Test-diet of Schmidt and Strass-
burger, 214

Test-dinner of Riegel, 212
Testing mother's milk, 228
oleomargarin, 85

renovated butter, 85

Test-meal of Germain Sée, 212

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