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fingers which make contact with points upon the revolving drums. The large or main drum opens the main circuit and makes the motor and resistance combinations; the small drum reverses the motors. A multiple control switch is placed at one or both ends of each motor car and by means of the one at the front of the leading car the motorman controls the action of the controllers on all of the motor cars in the train. Some of the points of superiority of this system over other systems may be stated as follows:

It employs compressed air for operating the control apparatus and thereby uses a powerful and reliable agency. It uses the standard type of controller and standard types of valves and magnets, the latter having been used for years in the operation of the Westinghouse electropneumatic system of switches and signals upon the largest railways in the world. It is the only system in which the control circuit is isolated from the main power circuit. The control circuit is, therefore, not affected by a momentary interruption of current due to ice and sleet on the rails, or other causes. With the low voltage current, grounds and short circuits at the connectors between the cars during stormy weather or fires resulting from high voltage circuits through the train are entirely eliminated. The current for the motors is simply collected from the third rail, led through the local car controlling apparatus to the motors, and then back to the service rails, and does not pass from car to car. The controlling apparatus is so located that the motorman may have convenient access to all parts from the platform.

The motor circuits on any car are automatically opened in case of excess current and they can all be simultaneously closed at the will of the motorman. All controllers are automatically turned off by the application of the automatic air brakes, which is an important point since in case of a train breaking in two the brakes are automatically applied and at the same time the power is shut off. With other systems under some circumstances, it has been found impossible to shut off the power from some of the cars, while in the Westinghouse system there are a number of ways in which this may be accomplished, greatly reducing the possibility of


Both controllers and circuit breakers are opened by a breaking in two of the train, this action being independent of and in addition to the effects obtained by the application of the air brake. The controllers may be operated by hand, thus permitting the train to run to a terminal

station in case of any derangement of the controlling apparatus. The operation of both brakes and controllers is effected by a single air hose connection between the cars, the air compressor which furnishes air for the brakes also furnishing air used to operate the controllers.

The Brooklyn Elevated will equip all its new cars with four motors each. The 150 cars now in use equipped with the Westinghouse system have each two motors. The trains on the road are made up of five or six cars, two or three of which are usually motor cars. When these trains reach the suburbs they are broken up into smaller units of one or two cars, each of course containing a motor car, and the smaller trains branch off on different divisions. By the use of this system it is possible to operate cars individually as on ordinary trolley roads, or to make them up into trains of any length. Also, any proportion of motor cars may be used, making it possible to obtain any desired amount of power for starting the trains quickly, which is necessary in any service involving many stops.

The significance of the investigation into the different systems of train control which has been carried on by the Brooklyn Elevated will be appreciated when it is remembered that the Rapid Transit Subway in New York will be operated by electricity and, since its trains must be operated at high speed, some system of multiple train control will have to be adopted. There is, also, the Pennsylvania tunnel system under New York, which the ordinance recently passed by the Board of Aldermen requires must be operated by electricity or some other agency not involving the burning of fuel in the tunnel. In the great transportation problems which are being solved in New York City, the Westinghouse Company has borne a prominent part. It has furnished the power equipment of the Brooklyn Elevated, also the power equipment of the Manhattan Elevated, including eight of the largest generators ever built. It has contracted to furnish the power equipment of the Rapid Transit Subway, the power-house of which will contain six units similar to those furnished to the Manhattan people, while the Brooklyn Elevated contract indicates a satisfactory solution of the train control situation.


Reporting Brake Work.

The question asked by M. E. S. in this number of the MAGAZINE comprehends an important principle, yet given too little

thought and care by those reporting brake work, even though there has been a very considerable improvement over the days when the example given was not uncommon. The repairman found on the work book one morning the following report: "Air pump and steam heat governor won't work; overhaul them." The engine was in passenger service, was then cold and would not be fired up until after shop hours. As a matter of fact, the pump did work; for a failure in this would have necessitated use of hand brakes coming in, which would have been reported to the master mechanic by a telegram from the operating department. No such report had been made, yet absence of knowledge as to the actual or probable cause necessitated changing the pump, where otherwise the fault might have been easily and quickly repaired.

The principle referred to is that of making sufficiently accurate reports that an intelligent repairman will quickly understand what the fault is. This does not mean stating the exact fault in every case; for there are defects which can not be accurately located until the pump, triple, governor or part which is defective has been looked into.

Where the engineer is not sure of the exact location or character of the fault he should give the important symptoms of bad order after giving his opinion of the cause of trouble. To be sure, the ability to give the symptoms correctly requires an understanding of the apparatus, a knowledge of what to look for and how to make the necessary tests, but all this is information which, as an engineer, he should have.

Object lessons are the best teachers, and these are open to the fireman seeking for knowledge as well as to the engineer. Many men have thought they were right in their understanding of certain matters and never learned better because they did not discuss them with others. The man in error, who finds it out by such discussion is far ahead of the wise (?) one who never lets others find out how little he knows.

For these reasons it is desired to commend not only the man who asked the question, but the other one he refers to as "A." The air brake department wants more questions. They indicate an interest in air brake matters which it is desired to awaken that the engineers and firemen in general may better understand and operate this important apparatus.

Many an engineer, or fireman, for that matter, could have saved a serious accident, loss of life and his position by hay

ing and using the knowledge by which the approximate length of the train that cutin is determined by the length and strength of the equalizing discharge port F. B. FARMER. exhaust.

Oil-Burner Troubles.

The proper handling of fuel oil on a locomotive requires a greater degree of skill than is generally supposed to be the case, and the fact that a man may be an expert in the handling of coal does not go to show that he will succeed as an oil fireman. Of course, I don't mean to say that the poor coal fireman will make a good oil fireman, but I merely wish it understood that the degree of skill required by a man who understands the proper handling of oil is rarely attained, and, in fact, is not necessary in the handling of coal. There are a great many things that may happen to an oil-burner which will affect the

steaming qualities, so that it is necessary to see that everything is in proper condition before starting.

Nothing will cause an engine to fail in steam any quicker than when the flue sheet and flues get covered with soot. This soot is the result of forced firing, or, in other words, allowing more oil to flow into burner than is necessary, or that will be properly consumed with the amount of work the engine may be doing. In order to remove this soot from the flues, sand is used. This is introduced into the firebox by means of a funnel through a small hole made in the door for that purpose, and the funnel should be held so that the sand will be carried over, instead of under, the arch. The amount of sand that should be used all depends on the amount of soot that is on the flues, and sand should be used until all black smoke disappears.

The proper time to sand an engine is after leaving the roundhouse, when you are on the way to the train, as the flues generally get badly covered with soot resulting from firing up, and this should be all removed as soon as possible, but on account of the fact that a strong exhaust is necessary to properly clean out the flues, by carrying the sand over the arch and through the flues, it is generally advisable to wait until you pull out with train, for, if the exhaust is not heavy or strong enough, the sand will do more harm than good, by dropping down on the bricks in floor of firebox and in front of burner, thereby interfering with the free passage of oil from burner to front of firebox. It should be seen to before starting that the firebox in front of the burner is free from any bricks, and that the floor of firebox is as smooth as possible, for

when the bricks get rough they have a tendency to drag the fire, and the result is that the fire must be forced and black smoke follows.

To obtain thorough combustion in the firebox, a correct combination of steam and oil must be had, and this is obtained by admitting steam in the burner so that it will thoroughly mix or atomize the oil and spray it into the firebox. To enable the oil to flow freely from the tank to the burner, it must be heated. This is done by means of connecting a pipe so that steam will be led into the tank from the boiler. The connection between the engine and tank is generally made by means of a hose. In some types of heaters the pipe forms a coil inside of the tank, and there is a drain cock underneath which allows the water resulting from the condensation of the steam to pass off. This method, however, has proved very unsatisfactory, as it requires too long a time to heat the oil and a great many delays have been occasioned by the failure of the oil to run fast enough to the burner to maintain the desired pressure of steam on engines equipped with this style of heater. The most successful method of heating the oil is by allow ing steam from heater pipe to flow directly into the oil, thus heating it in a very short space of time. The oil should be heated as much as possible while standing still, and the tank heater-valve should then be opened up strong and left on until oil is hot, and then closed. In order that the oil may be heated just before it reaches the burner, a super-heater is used This consists merely of a pipe about a foot long, but twice as large around as the oil feed pipe. An opening large enough to allow the oil feed pipe to pass through is left at each end, and a slight pressure of steam sufficient to heat the oil is maintained therein. A drain-cock is also used to allow the water formed by the condensation of the steam to pass off.

The drumming or rumbling sometimes occuring is the result of opening the atomizer-valve too much, or by allowing too much oil to flow to burner while engine is working slowly. If too much water is allowed to accumulate in the ashpan from the injector's overflow, the exhaust will draw it up into the firebox and the fire will be extinguished. good plan is to make a few small holes in the bottom of the pan so that any surplus water will pass out. A pipe is connected from the super-heater to the oil feed pipe so that in case the burner should become choked up from one cause or another, by opening this valve, closing tankvalve, and opening the firing valve, steam


will pass from the super-heater to oil feed pipe and thence to burner, and will blow out any obstruction that may be therein.

Sometimes the oil feed pipe becomes choked up, and by opening the tank-valve and closing the firing-valve the steam from super-heater flows back through feed pipe and blows any obstruction that may be in it back in the tank. It must be seen to that this blow-back valve, as it is called, is closed properly after you have blown out the burner or the feed hose, for, should it be left open, it would interfere with the flow of oil to the burner and the fire will burn in a series of explosions.

Should the tank heater hose burst so that oil in tank could not be heated in the proper manner, after closing the dampers and putting the fire out at the first stopping place, the oil may be heated in the following manner: Close firingvalve, open tank-valve if it is not already open, and by opening the blow-back valve the oil will be heated sufficiently so that you can proceed very shortly with train, and if not in very cold weather the superheater will keep the oil hot enough to get to destination.

Much more might be said in regard to the handling of oil, but the information already given in this article will enable any one not having much experience to know what to do in case of any of the failures which have been described, and which are the principle ones likely to happen under ordinary circumstances.

How it Happened.

P. F. T.

It was on the 18th of October, 1902, that something developed on our line altogether new. We were out of Terre Haute that day, as the sun sank in the west. We only had two coaches, with 19 at her best. The first station out of Terre Haute, the name of which is Keller; how we passed that place that night, would almost surprise a feller. We rushed along through old Blackhawk, with everything all-right. The way we ran from there to Lewis was sure a holy fright. We left that place all smooth and nice, with everything still right. Next stop we made was old Coalmont, and she was soon in sight. We left Coalmont and on we ran, still at a good old gait. But when we got to Jasonville, were then four minutes late. So out of Jasonville we went, only these four minutes late. But when at Latta, at 6:18, we thought we'd met our fate. For no sooner had we passed along by the old switch-stand not far, the rays from the old 19's headlight gleamed down upon a car. So when George saw the car out

there, of course it made him wonder. He then at once applied the brakes; it sounded loud as thunder. No sooner had we hit the car loaded down with rail, it threw me out upon my head, and made my bones feel frail. I lost my head-I guess I did! I wandered quite a spell; one thing I

know, and know for sure, it made me quite unwell. No crews are great till they can see how less than little they would be, if in the dark they set a snare, by leaving cars out anywhere. JAMES M. CORBIN.

Talks with an Air Brake Instructor

By E. G. Desoe

Dialogue No. 14-Pump Governors. ton it will be forced down. Should this

Instructor. We will talk about the pump governor this afternoon. Do you know the duty of the governor?

air pressure above the piston be permitted to escape, then, the steam pressure on the bottom of the steam valve will force it and the piston up, thereby opening comStudent. Its duty is to control the munication to the pump so that steam can speed of the pump.

Instructor. Not exactly. The number of strokes which a pump may make per minute depends on the boiler steam pressure, back pressure of steam, air pressure in main reservoir, and amount of throttle opening. The duty of the governor is to start and stop the pump by admitting and shutting off steam to it. What is it that controls the operation of the governor?

Student.-Air pressure.

Instructor. By reference to the sectional cut, Fig. 1, you will be able to become familiar with the name of the different parts so that you can understand its explanation better.

You see that the steam valve and governor piston are connected together, so that when one is moved it will move the other. When in normal position the steam valve is wide open so that steam may flow freely to the pump. With 200 pounds steam pressure, air at 40 or more pounds pressure on top of the piston will force it down and thereby cause the steam valve to be closed, shutting off steam to the pump.

Student.-Excuse me for interrupting, but I would like to inquire how 40 pounds air pressure can close the valve against 200 pounds steam pressure?

Instructor. That is due to the area of the piston being 3.976 square inches, and of the valve only .7854 square inches. With 40 pounds air pressure there will be about 159 pounds force exerted on the piston, and 200 pounds steam pressure would cause a resistance of about 157 pounds on the steam valve. This gives a difference of 2 pounds to move them.

Student. I did not think about the difference in area.

Instructor. As I was saying, when air pressure is admitted to the top of the pis

again flow to it.

Student. I understand that the steam valve is either open or closed, and that it . is open whenever there is no air pressure on top of the piston, and that it is closed whenever there is 70 pounds or more pressure of air on top of the piston.

Instructor.-As a rule that is correct, but under certain conditions, which I will explain later on, it may be slightly open. Do you know what controls the flow of air to the piston?

Student. A small valve, No. 47 in this


Instructor. That is right. What controls the movement of this valve?

Student. I do not understand clearly how it is controlled.

Instructor. The valve 47 is attached to diaphragm 42, on top of which is regulating spring 41. The spring holds the valve closed whenever the tension is sufficient to overcome the air pressure in chamber "a" under the diaphragm, which has a tendency to open it by forcing the diaphragm up. Therefore whenever the pressure of air admitted to the governor is greater than the tension of the regulating spring, the valve is opened, and when it is less it is closed.

Student. I understand that the valve, which controls the flow of air to the top of the piston, is closed by the regulating spring, and opened by the air pressure admitted to the governor, acting on the under side of the diaphragm.

Instructor. That is right. If it is desired to have the pump stop when the air pressure admitted to the governor is 70 pounds, what is necessary?

Student.--It is necessary to have the tension of the regulating spring such that 70 pounds pressure will open the valve.

Instructor.-How may the tension of the spring be adjusted?

Student.-By removing check nut (No. 39 in this cut) and screwing down regulating nut (No. 40 in this cut) or unscrewing it. That is, screw down to give the spring a greater tension, and unscrew to give it less tension.

with sufficient air pressure on top of the piston the steam valve will be closed, and that it will be opened again whenever the air pressure becomes insufficient to hold it closed. You also understand how the air pressure is admitted to the piston. Instructor.-You now understand that Do you know how the pressure above the

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