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Haddock, 521, 522, 527, 532; Fleming, 535, 542, Stearns, 580; Harris, 600

Proportion on different roads.

Possibility of successful business

Prices, possible influence upon
Production, proportion of total.

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Childs, 498; McLeod, 563
Thomas, 556

McLeod, 573; Harris, 600

Haddock, 521;

Walter, 547; Stearns, 588; Harris, 603

General satisfaction with existing conditions
Direct shipments of freight by

Thomas, 549, 556

Fleming, 541, 542

Childs, 498

Childs, 504;

Alleged restriction of output by limiting supply of cars.

Small proportion sell their own coal

Haddock, 524-527; Walter, 545

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Saward, 508, 509
McLeod, 576

Greene, 474

Saward, 515, 519
Stearns, 596

Saward, 519, 520; Stearns, 593

Labor organizations, attitude of Reading Company toward Harris, 610, 611;

Lake transportation..

Lehigh Valley Railroad, anthracite coal business

Percentage of output

Relations to independent operators

Fitzpatrick, 833, 834, 837-840

McLeod, A. A., attempted combination of railroads, 1892.

Middlemen, economy from elimination.

Miners, nationality of

Morgan, J. P., relations to..

New England, shipments to..

Stearns, 581

Walter, 543, 548
Walter, 543, 547
Walter, 543, 545

Saward, 513
McLeod, 568
Stearns, 595, 596
Woodlock, 452, 455

Thomas, 553; McLeod, 561, 562; Stearns, 585

New York, Ontario and Western Rai road, coal business.
Connection with New York Central Railroad

Purchases of coal lands.

Relation to other railroads.

Reorganization and capitalization.

Shipments, proportion of

Tonnage and freight rates

Childs, 500, 501;

Woodlock, 452
Childs, 504

Childs, 497, 498; Stearns, 589

Harris, 598, 599, 603, 608

Childs, 502

Childs, 500

Childs, 496, 497, 500

Pennsylvania Coal Company, Erie Railroad, purchase by. Woodlock, 452;
Greene, 475; Haddock, 521; Thomas, 552, 553; McLeod, 572, Stearns, 589
Pennsylvania Railroad, attitude toward agreements of railroads.

Relation to coal companies
Relation to other railroads..
Percentage contracts, system described.

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Stearns, 579
Haddock, 524, 525, 527, 532; Fleming, 537
Childs, 496, 500;
Walter, 543; Thomas, 549; Stearns, 577; Harris, 610
Haddock, 531, 532;
Walter, 545; Thomas, 549; McLeod, 563; Stearns, 578
Effect on independence of operators
Investigation, method of

Cover life of property

Haddock, 531, 532
Stearns, 577

Thomas, 549
Fleming, 536

McLeod, 562,563

Saward, 509

Saward, 509

Haddock, 522, 532;

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Agreements of railroads as to, existence of practice discussed. Wood-
lock, 455; Childs, 499, 505; Saward, 512, 513, 516, 517;
Haddock, 526, 529; Fleming, 538, 539; Walter, 547,
548; Thomas, 550, 554; Stearns, 582; Harris, 599, 603
Reading Railroad, influence on McLeod, 572; Stearns, 582; Harris, 604
Consultations between railroads regarding
Sales agents, no recent meetings..
Seasonal changes, uniformity in making.

Impossibility of control by

Coal lands, influence of capitalization of
Desirability of maintaining present rates.
Effect of combination..

Thomas, 554, 555
Fleming, 539
Saward, 511, 516;

Haddock, 529; Fleming, 538, 539

Childs, 505

Saward, 518

Saward, 517

Haddock, 529, 530-531, 532;

Greene, 469, 470, 473; Saward, 513, 519

Effect of unlimited competition
Impossibility of maintaining excessive.

Harris, 602, 603
Harris, 603;

Woodlock, 455; McLeod, 568, 569

Influences tending to prevent excessive.
Independent operators, methods of fixing.
Limitation by competition of other products

Thomas, 555
Haddock, 525, 526, 529
Greene, 469, 470;

Fleming, 537, 541; Walter, 543, 548; Thomas, 555;
Childs, 501, 502; Saward, 510, 512; Haddock, 528-530;
McLeod, 562, 567, 569; Stearns, 583, 585; Harris, 602
Woodlock, 453

Overcapitalization of railroads, effect of..
Percentage contracts, influence of, as regards competition.... Haddock,

531, 532

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Production, consumption, distribution, by sections and States.

Childs, 505
Walter, 543

McLeod, 561, 562
Walter, 543

Output from year to year.
Productive capacity, and demand (see also Restriction of output).
Saward, 511, 512; Fleming, 538;
Thomas, 555, 556; McLeod, 565; Stearns, 587; Harris, 601, 602
Productive capacity, influences tending to increase
Childs, 499;

Seasonal variation in demand, and storage of coal
Supply, duration of

Greene, 475; Haddock, 529;
Thomas, 555; McLeod, 565, 566, 570; Stearns, 587;
Railroad mines, economies of operation by large corporations.
Publicity of accounts desirable...

Railroads, amount of coal mined by affiliated companies
Names and description of coal roads.

Profits on coal mining and transportation

Stearns, 587
Childs, 499, 500

Fleming, 540;

Harris, 605, 606
McLeod, 566, 568

Greene, 481
McLeod, 563
Saward, 508

Woodlock, 453, 454;

Greene, 472, 474

Anthracite Coal-Continued.

Railroads, amount of coal mined, etc.-Continued.
Proportion of coal traffic to total traffic
Relation to subordinate coal companies..

Reading Railroad, allotment of tonnage to...

Attempted combination in 1893

Capitalization of coal lands


Walter, 546

McLeod, 561;

Stearns, 579; Harris, 600

Saward, 514;

Haddock, 527; Harris, 598, 601, 606

Childs, 503

Harris, 596-611

Greene, 472;

Saward, 517, 519; Haddock, 533; McLeod, 566; Harris, 604, 605

Cars, distribution of to operators

Earlier attempts to control Jersey Central and Lehigh Valley

Labor, attitude toward

Harris, 601

Rice, 737-738

Harris, 610, 611; Fitzpatrick, 833, 834, 837-840

New England, extension into in 1892
Prices, influence on

McLeod, 567, 574
Stearns, 582; Harris, 604

Purchase of Central Railroad of New Jersey. McLeod, 572; Harris, 607, 609
Recent purchases of coal land unimportant
Reserved supply of coal.

Harris, 604
McLeod, 566, 570; Harris, 605, 606

Restriction of output (see also Allotment of tonnage), existence of

practice discussed.....

Saward, 514, 515, 517;
Fleming, 537, 538; Walter, 545, 547

Independent operators, limit of supply of cars discussed.. Haddock, 524-

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Haddock, 527, 528
Haddock, 533;
Stearns, 593, 594

Justice of demands discussed.

Tide-water ports, described.

Fleming, 542; Thomas, 555, 557;

United Mine Workers, demands of 1901 discussed
Virginia, alleged supply in

Wages of miners..

Wastes of competition..

Saward, 508
McLeod, 576
Haddock, 533

McLeod, 567, 574; Stearns, 593
Childs, 499; Saward, 515, 519
Stearns, 593, 594
Greene, 468-470

Recent increase

Sliding scales, history

Western markets, shipments, prices, etc

Childs, 500, 505; Saward, 516, 519

Fleming, 535

Fleming, 542

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Lindenberger, 326, 331

Lindenberger, 341, 349
Bethell, 788

Fuller, 40, 41
Fuller, 41

Fuller, 70

Fleming, 542
Thomas, 556, 557
Walter, 546, 547
533; Greene, 474

Haddock, 533
Fleming, 542
Barter, 312-315

Howes, 713

Fuller, 71; Saward, 520;

Haddock, 533;

Saward, 520; Haddock,

Labor organizations, incorporation as means of facilitating

Desirability of

Irresponsibility of.

Longshoremen, Great Lakes.

Argentina, per capita trade of, with the United States.

Armour Packing Company, requests changes in freight classification..

Associated Press:

Franchise, how obtained.
Cost of


McGovern, 671-672

Randall, 256

Randall, 256

Randall, 248

Originator of

Power of, as a monopoly.

Randall, 245, 248, 252, 255-257, 259; Roberts, 266, 267, 269, 273

Power of, to create public sentiment.

Roberts, 273, 274

Randall, 247, 248

geographical ex-

McGovern, 654

Western Union Telegraph Company relations with.
Associated Railways of Virginia and the Carolinas,
Association of Accounting Officers, waybill, form of, adopted .. Nicholson, 728
Atlanta, Ga.:

Freight rates compared with Birmingham rates
Compared with Savannah rates..

Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company, absorption by Western

Not in need of railways..

Union Telegraph Company.

McGovern, 680

McGovern, 681
McGovern, 680

Clark, 220-221; Roberts, 272

Langley, 860
Greene, 480

Parsons, 137, 143

Parsons, 134

Attorney-General, no authority over freight classification.
Audit Company of New York, nature of work.

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Parsons, 137

Bethell, 790-791

Lindenberger, 353, 354

Lindenberger, 337, 338

Griswold, 613

Howes, 710

Howes, 701

Schiff, 771, 772
Harris, 608-609

Fuller, 43, 47-49, 52, 59-69

Schiff, 769
Fuller, 29-32

Clark, 228

Parsons, 888

Parsons, 888

Schiff, 777

Bemis, 88

Markham, 426–432

Ripley, p. 301; Markham, 439; Talcott, 629, 630

Interstate-commerce law, effect on
Number of basing points not increasing

Origin of..

Bavaria, telephone system


Parsons, 128, 132, 133

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Labor conditions

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Clark, 207

Bethell, 788-789

American Telephone and Telegraph Company, relations with Bethell, 810-811

Western Union Telegraph Company, relations to

Berlin, telephone system

Bills of lading:


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Uniformity of, established

Birmingham, Ala., freight rates compared with Atlanta rates

Bismarck, Otto, speech of, on railways..
Bituminous coal (see Coal).


Application for employment, form of
Instances of practice

Laws prohibiting, difficulty of enforcement
Enactment by Congress advocated

Private correspondence, use of

Reading road, practically practiced by

Western Union Telegraph Company, established by

Blanket descriptions, case regarding Pacific coast rates

Boats on Mississippi River:

Barge lines

Cost and insurance

Bonds, railroads:

Excessive issue undesirable...

Erie Railroad, sinking fund on anthracite lands

Interest, reduction of rates

Limited to amount of capital stock in Massachusetts.


As a competitor of New York

Canadian export trade..

Canadian railway connections, its advantages by reason of.

Commercial importance

Freight differential at

Export rates through.

Export trade of.

Freight rates to

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Enterprise at

Street railway system

Telephone service, compared with Amsterdam.

Transportation facilities at.

Boston and Albany Railroad:

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Howes, 701

Howes, 700

How s, 701, 702

Howes, 701

Jackson, 843, 844

Bethell, 794

Howes, 701

Parsons, 132

Parsons, 129-134; Howes, 702

Parsons, 129
Parsons, 129, 130, 131

Thomas, 553

Howes, 702

Fuller, 70

Howes, 714

Bryant, 388

Report of Massachusetts Railroad Commission on.

Boston and Maine Railroad:

Freight rates on anthracite coal

Lease of the Fitchburg road

Boycotts, strikes distinguished from

Brazil, per capita trade of, with the United States.
Bridges, danger to river navigation from
Brokers, telegraph business, favor by telegraph companies, discussed..

Brooklyn Bridge:

Operation of railway

Rates compared with St. Louis Bridge

Randall, 244; Chandler, 199; Clark, 209

Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, insurance, cost of.

Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen:

Bemis, 88, 102
Parsons, 145

Fuller, 56

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