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Ad-viçe', n. Counsel; instruc- | A'er-ŏl'o-ġy, n.
tion; notice; tidings.
Ad-viş'a-ble, a. Fit to be
advised or done; prudent;
proper; expedient.
Ad-viş'a-ble-ness, n. Fit-
ness; propriety; expediency.
Ad-vişe', v. t. To give advice
to; to counsel; to inform;
to apprise. v. i. To con-

The science
which treats of the air.
A'er-o-mǎn'çy, n. Divina-
tion by means of the air, or
of substances found in it.

Ad-viş'ed-ly, adv. With de-
liberation or advice; pru-
Ad-vişe'ment, n. Caution;
advice; counsel. [vises.
Ad-viş'er, n. One who ad-
Ad-vi'so-ry, a. Having pow-
er to advise; giving advice.
Ad'vo-ea-cy, n. Act of
pleading; intercession.
Ad'vo-eate, n. One who

pleads for another; a de-

Ad'vo-eāte, v. t. To plead
in favor of; to support.
Ad/vo-ea'tion, n.
Act of
pleading; a plea.
Ad/vow-ee', n. One who has
the right of advowson.
Ad-vow'son, n. The right
of presenting a priest to a

vacant benefice.

A/dy-năm'ie, a. Pertaining

to debility; weak; feeble. Adz, n. A Adze, J tool with an arching blade for chipping. E-ō'li-an, a.


Pertaining to, or produced by, the wind.-Eolian harp, astringed instrument played on by the wind. [air; high. A-ē'ri-al, a. Belonging to the Ae'rie (e'ry or a'rỹ), n. The nest of an eagle or other bird of prey. [aerifying. A'er-i-fi-ca'tion, n. Act of A'er-i-fôrm, a. Having the form of air, as gas. A'er-i-fy, v. t. To combine

or fill with air.

A'er-og'ra-phy, n. Descrip

tion of the air.

A'er-o-līte, n. A meteoric


A'er-òm'e-try, n. Art or
science of ascertaining the
mean bulk of gases.
A'er-o-naut', a. An aerial
navigator; a balloonist.
A'er-o-naut'ie, a. Pertain-
ing to, or practicing, aërial
A'er-o-naut'ies, n. sing. The
art of sailing in the air.
A'er-o-stǎt'ie, a. Relat-
A'er-o-stǎt'ie-al, ing to


A'er-o-stăt'ies, n. sing. The

science that treats of the
equilibrium of elastic fluids.
A'er-os-ta'tion, n. Aerial
navigation; aéronautics.
Es-thět'ie, a. Pertaining to
Es-thět'ies, n. sing. Theory
or philosophy of taste; sci-
ence of the beautiful.
A-fär', adv. At a great dis-
tance; far.
A-feard', a. Affected with
Af/fa-bil'i-ty, n. Readiness
to converse; civility.
Af'fa-ble, a. Easy of manners
or conversation; courteous.
Af'fa-bly, adv. In an affable
manner; courteously.
Af-fâir', n. Business; a par-
tial or minor engagement.
Af-feet', v. t.
To act upon;
to influence; to dispose or
incline; to aim at; to make
a show of.



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Af-fi'an-çer, n. One who

Af-fi'ant, n. One who makes
an affidavit.
Af/fi-da'vit, n.

A sworn
statement in writing.
Af-fil'i-ate, v. t. To adopt;
to receive as a member.

Af-fil'i-a'tion, n. Adoption.
Af'fi-nage, n. Art of refining
metals by the cupel.
Af-fin'i-ty, n. Relation by
marriage; close agreement;
chemical attraction.
Af-firm', v. t. To establish or
ratify; to declare positively.
-SYN. To aver; protest;

assert; asseverate.
Af-firm'a-ble, a. Capable of
being affirmed.
Af-firm'ançe, n. Confirma-
tion; declaration. [firms.
Af-firm'ant, n. One who af-
Af/fir-ma'tion, n. A solemn

declaration; confirmation; ratification. Af-firm'a-tive, a. Affirming;

declaratory; confirmative; -n. That which contains an affirmation.

Af-fix', v. t. To attach; to fasten to the end; to annex. Af'fix, n. A syllable or letter joined to the end of a word. Af-fla'tion, n. A blowing or breathing upon.

Af-fla'tus, n. Breath; blast;

Af-fliet', v. t. To give pain to;
to trouble; to distress.
Af-fliet'ed, a. Troubled; suf-
fering distress. [tressing.
Af-fliet'ing, a. Grievous; dis-
Af-flie'tion, n. State of being
afflicted; sorrow; calamity;
Af-fliet'ive, a. Distressing;
Af'flu-ençe, n. Abundance;
wealth; riches.
Af'flu-ent, a. Wealthy; rich;
plentiful; abundant.
Af'flux, n. The act of
Af-flux'ion, flowing to;
that which flows to.
Af-förd', v. t. To yield; to
confer; to supply; to be able
to sell, exchange, or expend.
Af-frăn'chişe (-chiz), v. t.


A tumultuous

To make free; to enfranchise. Af-frāy', n. quarrel; brawl. Af-fright' (-frīt), v. t. To frighten; to terrify; to alarm.n. Sudden fear. Af-front' (-frunt'), n. Open disrespect or ill treatment. -v. t. To insult; to offend. Af-füşe', v. t. To pour upon. Af-fusion, n. Act of pouring [the field. A-field', adv. To, in, or on, A-float', adv. or a. Swimming; in a floating state. A-foot', adv. On foot; in ac



A-fōre', adv. or prep. Before. A-fōre'said (-sěd), a. Named before. [past.

A-fōre'time, adv. In time A-fraid', a. Struck with fear. -SYN. Fearful; apprehensive; timid; alarmed; frightened; appalled. A-fresh', adv. Anew; again. Aft, adv. or a. Near the stern; astern; abaft. Aft'er, prep.

Later in time; behind; in search or imitation of; concerning. -a. Subsequent; more aft. adv. Subsequently in time

or place.

Aft'er-clap, n. An unexpect

ed subsequent event. Aft'er-crop, n. A second crop. Aft'er-math, n. Second crop of grass.

Aft'er-most, a. Hindmost;

nearest the stern. Aft'er-noon', n.

The time from noon to evening. Aft'er-pains, n. pl. Pains succeeding childbirth. Aft'er-piece, n. A piece per

formed after a play. Aft'er-thought (-thawt), n.

Reflection after an act.

Aft'er-ward, adv. In time Aft'er-wards, subsequent. A-gain' (-gen'), adv. Another

time; once more; in return. A-gainst' (-genst'), prep. Opposite to; in opposition to; in provision for. A-gäpe', adv. With the

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Ag-glu'ti-nant, a. Uniting as glue; causing adhesion. -n. Any viscous or adhesive substance. Ag-glū'ti-nāte, v. t. Το cause to adhere or unite. Ag-glu/ti-na'tion, n. Act of uniting, as by glue; adhe[to unite. Ag-glu'ti-na-tive, a. Tending Ag'grand-īze, v. t. To make great; to enlarge; to exalt. Ag-grăn'dize-ment, or Ag'gran-dize/ment, n. Act of aggrandizing, or state of being aggrandized; exalta[aggrandizes. Ag'gran-diz'er, n. One who Ag'gra-vate, v. t. To make worse; to exaggerate; to enhance; to provoke. Ag/gra-vā'tion, n. The act of aggravating. Ag'gre-gate, v. t. To collect. Ag'gre-gate, a. Formed of parts collected.-n. A sum or assemblage of particulars. Ag'gre-ga'tion, n. The act of collecting into a mass. Ag'gre-ga'tive, a. Causing aggregation; collective. Ag-grěs'sion (-grěsh'un), n. First attack, invasion, or encroachment. [first attack. Ag-gress'ive, a. Making the

gins to attack, or injure. Ag-griev'ançe, n. Injury. Ag-grieve', v. t. To afflict; to oppress or injure; to har


Ag-group' (-groop'), v. t. To bring together; to group. A-ghäst', adv. Amazed; stupefied with horror. Ag'ile, a. Quick of motion. -SYN, Nimble; active; lively; brisk. Ag'ile-ness, n. Activity; A-gil'i-ty, quickness. Ag'i-ta-ble, a. Capable of being agitated. Ag'i-tāte, v. t.

To disturb;

to perturb; to discuss. Ag'i-ta'tion, n. Disturbance. discussion. [tates. Ag'i-tā/tor, n. One who agiAg'let, n. A tag; a point at the end of a fringe. Ag'nāil, n. A disease of the nails; a whitlow.

Ăg'nāte, a. Related or akin by the father's side. Ag-na'tion, n. Relation by

the father's side.

Ag-nō'men, n.


An added [past. A-gō', adv. In time past; A-gog', adv. In a state of eager desire or curiosity. A-gō'ing, p. pr. In motion. Ag'o-nism, n. for a prize. Ag/o-nist'ie, a. Relating Ag/o-nist'ie-al, f to any violent contest, bodily or mentai.


Ag'o-nīze, v. i. To writhe with agony. - v. t. Το cause to suffer agony; to torture.

Ag'o-ny, n. Excessive pain.

SYN. Anguish; pang. A-grā'ri-an, a. Relating to an equal division of lands. A-grā'ri-an-ism, n. An equal

division of land or property. A-gree', v. i. To be of one mind; to harmonize; to yield assent; to suit; to correspond in gender, number, case, or person. A-gree'a-ble (15), a. Agreeing


or suitable; in conformity; pleasing to the mind or


A-gree'a-bly, adv. In an agreeable manner; conformably. A-gree'ment, n. Act or state of agreeing; concord; harmony; bargain; compact. Ag'ri-cult'ur-al, a. Relating to agriculture. Ag'ri-cult'ure, n. Art of cultivating the ground; husbandry; tillage. [er.

On the

Ag/ri-eult'ür-ist, n. A farm-
A-ground', adv.
ground; stranded.
A'gue (a'gu), n.

Chilliness; an intermitting fever. A'gu-ish (11), a. Shivering; chilly; partaking of ague. A'gu-ish-ness, n. A shivering as with cold. Äh, interj. An exclamation expressive of surprise, triumph, &c. A-hä', interj. An exclamation denoting triumph, &c. A-head', adv. Further on; forward; in advance. Aid, v. t. To help; to succor; to assist. n. Help; support; assistance; succor. Aid'-de-camp, (ad-deAide-de-camp, kong) n. (pl. Aids-de-camp, Aides-de-camp.) An officer who assists a general. Ail, n. Disorder; indisposi


tion. v. t. To affect with pain or uneasiness; to trou-| ble; to be the matter with. Ail❜ment, n. Illness; morbid affection.

Aim, n. Direction; endeavor; design; purpose; intention.

v. i. & t. To point, or direct as a weapon. Aim'less, a. Without aim. Air, n. The fluid we breathe; atmosphere; a tune; peculiar manner or appearance; mien; show of pride. - v. t. To expose to the air; to ventilate; to dry by air and warmth. [containing air. Air-cells, n. pl. Cavities Air'-gun, n. A gun discharg

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animal substance found nearly pure in the white of an egg. [part of wood. Al-bûr'num, n. White, soft Al'ea-hěst, n. A universal Al'ka-hěst, ) solvent. Al-eaid', n. A Spanish governor or warden. Al-ehěm'ie-al, a. Relating to, or produced by, alchemy. Ål'ehe-mist, n. One who practices alchemy. Al'che-my, n. Occult chemistry; the art of changing base metals into gold. Al'eo-hol, n. Pure or highly rectified spirit. Al'eo-hol'ic, a.


to, or partaking of, alcohol. Al'eo-rån, n. The sacred book of the Mohammedans.



Al'cove, or Al-cōve', n. recess in a library or other [varieties. Al'der, n. A tree of several Al'der-man (21), n. A magistrate ranking below mayor.

Ale, n. liquor.


A fermented malt

ical vessel used in distilling.

readiness or willingness. Ål'a-mōde', adv. In the fash-A-lem'bie, n. Chemion.-n. A kind of thin glossy black silk. A-lärm', n. A notice of danger; sudden surprise and fear. - v. t. To give notice of danger; to disturb; to terrify. A-lärm'-elock, n. A clock

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A-lert', a. On the watch; vigilant ; Alembic. brisk prompt. A-lert'ness, n. Watchful, ness; briskness; activity. Ale'wife (20), n. A kind of

fish resembling the herring. Al'ge-brȧ, n. A branch of

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mathematics that investigates the relations of numbers by means of letters and other symbols. Al/ge-bra'ie, Alge-bra'ie-al,taining to, or performed by, algebra. Al'ge-bra/ist, n. One who is skilled in algebra. Ā'li-as, adv. Otherwise.


A second writ; an assumed name. [other place. Al'i-bi, n. Elsewhere: anAlien (al'yen), a. Foreign;

adverse.-N. A foreigner. Al'ien-a-ble, a. Capable of being alienated.




Al'ien-āte, v. t. To transfer | Al-lāy', v. t. To make quiet; | Ål'lo-eu'tion, n. Act or man


to another; to estrange. Alien-a'tion, n. Transfer; legal conveyance; estrange[alienates. Al'ien-a/tor, n. One who Äl'ien-ee', n. One to whom the title of property is transferred. A-light' (a-līt'), v. i. To get down; to dismount; to fall; to descend and settle. A-lign'ment (-lin'-), n. The adjusting of a line; the line of adjustment; ground-plan

of a road. A-like', adv. In the same manner. —a. Similar; with

out difference.

Al'i-ment, n. That which nourishes. SYN. Food; nourishment; nutriment. Al'i-měnt'al, a. PertainAl'i-měnt'a-ry, S ing to, or supplying, food; nutritious. Al/i-měnt'ive-ness, n. The organ of appetite for food. Al'i-mo-ny, n. A separate maintenance allowed a wife out of her husband's estate, on her divorce or separation from him.

Ăl'i-quănt, a. Not dividing

without a remainder.

Al'i-quot, a. Dividing with

out a remainder.

A-live', a. Having life; living; active; lively; susceptible. [universal solvent. Al'ka-hěst, n. A pretended Al/ka-les'çent, a. Tending

to become alkaline.


Alka-li, or Al'ka-lī, n. (pl. Al'ka-lies, -liz or -líz.) caustic substance which

neutralizes acids.

Al'ka-line (-lin or -lin), a. Having the qualities of alkali. [alkaline. Al'ka-līze, v. t. To make Al'ka-loid, a. A vegetable principle possessing alkaline properties. All, a. Every one; comprising the whole number. n. The whole; every thing; the total. adv. Wholly; completely; entirely; quite.

to put at rest or bring down. SYN. To check; appease; calm; pacify; assuage; mitigate; repress. Alle-ga'tion, n.


affirmation or assertion. Al-lěġe' (al-lčj′), v. t. To assert positively; to declare; to plead in excuse; to cite. Al-lē'giançe, n. The duty of fidelity which a subject owes to his government; loyalty; fealty. Alle-gŏr'ie, Allegorie:al,}

a. In the

manner of

allegory; figurative. Al'le-gor'ie-al-ly, adv. In an allegorical manner. Al'le-go-rīze, v. t. To form or turn into allegory. i. To use allegory. Al'le-go-ry, n. A figurative sentence or discourse; a parable.


Al-lē'gro, adv. Quick; lively. n. A quick, sprightly movement in music.

Al/le-lū'ià (-lū/yà), n. Praise Al/le-lu'iah, Jeho

vah; a song or ascription of praise to God. Al-lē'vi-āte, v. t. To make light; to ease; to lessen. Al-lē'vi-a'tion, n. Act of

alleviating or making light. Ål'ley (19), n. A narrow

walk or passage. [of April. All-fools'-day, n. The first All-hail, interj. All health; a phrase of salutation. Al-li'ançe, n. Union by treaty or marriage; confederacy; parties allied. Alli-ga'tion, n. A rule of arithmetic. Alli-ga/tor, n. A large amphibious reptile; the American crocodile. Al-lit'er-a'tion


n. Repetition of the same letter at the beginning of two or more successive words.

Allo-ca'tion, n. A putting one thing to another.

ner of addressing; address. Al-lō'di-al, a. Free of rent or service; freehold. Al-lō'di-um, n. Land which is the absolute property of the owner; freehold estate. Al-lot' (7), v. t. To give by lot; to distribute. Al-lot'ment, n. Act of alloting; share allotted. Al-low', v. t. To permit ; to

grant; to yield; to make abatement. Al-low'a-ble, a. Proper to be allowed; permissible. Al-low'ançe, n. Act of allowing; that which is allowed; permission; abatement. v. t. To limit to a certain quantity of food or drink. Al-loy', n. A compound of two or more metals; a baser metal mixed with a fine. — v. t. To debase by mixing. All-saints'-day, n. The first day of November. All-souls'-day, n.

The sec

ond day of November. All'spiçe, n. The berry of the pimento.

Al-lūde', v. i. To refer to

without direct mention. SYN. To hint; to insinuate. Al-lure', v. t. To attempt to

draw to. SYN. To entice; decoy seduce. Al-lure'ment, n. That which allures or entices.

Al-lur'ing (11), a.

Having power to allure; enticing. Al-lū'şion, n. Reference;

properly, indirect reference. Al-lu'sive, a. Having allu


Al-lu'vi-al, a. Pertaining to, or composed of, alluvium. Al-lu'vi-on, n. (pl. Al-lū’Al-lu'vi-um, vi-ȧ.) Earth deposited by water.

Al-ly' (19), n. One united to another by treaty or by any tie; a confederate. - v. t. To unite by compact. Al'ma-năe, n. A book or table containing a calendar of months, weeks, days, &c. Al-might'y (-mit/-), a. All

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of alms for another. Al'mon-ry, n. tributing alms. Al-most' (17), adv. Nearly; for the most part. Älms (ämz), n. sing. and pl. Any thing given to relieve [of charity.

the poor.


Alms-deed (ämz/-), n. Alms'-house, n. A house for the use of the poor. Al'õe (ǎl'o), n. (pl. Al'õeş.) A tree of several species; the inspissated juice of the tree, used as a drug. A-loft', adv. On high; above. A-lōne', a. Single; solitary.

adv. Separately. A-long', adv. Lengthwise; onward; forward; together. All along, the whole way; throughout. - prep. By the length of. [side. A-long-side', adv. Side by A-loof', adv.

At or from a distance; apart. -prep. At a distance from; away from. A-loud', adv. Loudly. Al-pǎe'à (18), n. The Peruvian sheep, or llama, and the cloth made of its wool.

Alpha, a. First letter of the Greek alphabet, answering to A in English; the beginning.

Alpha-bet, n. The letters of a language arranged in order. v. t. To arrange in the order of an alphabet. Alpha-bět'ie, α. PerAlpha-bět'ie-al,


to, or in the order of, an alphabet. Alpha-bět'i-cal-ly, adv. In alphabetic order. Alpine, a. Pertaining to the Alps, or to any lofty mountain; very high. Al-read'y, adv. At or before this time; now.

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Al'ter-nate, or Al-ter'nāte, v. t. To perform by turns. v. i. To happen or to act

by turns. [turns. Al-ter'nate-ly, adv. By Alter-na'tion, n. Reciprocal

succession. Al-ter'na-tive, n. Choice of two things. -a. Offering a choice of two things. Al-the'a (18), n. A shrub. Al-though' (al-thō'), conj. Grant; allow or admit that; notwithstanding. Al-tim'e-try, n. Art of measuring heights. Al'ti-tude, n. The height of an object; elevation. Al'to, adv. High.- -n. The

counter tenor. Al'to-geth'er, adv. Wholly; without exception; conjointly. Al'um, n.

A peculiar astrin-gent mineral substance. A-lu'mi-nà, n. One of the Al'u-mine, earths. When pure it is called sapphire.


Al'u-min'i-um, n. A light, A-lu'mi-num, S


metal, the metallic base of alumina. A-lu'mi-nous, a. Containing or resembling alum. A-lum'nus, n. (pl. A-lum'ni.) A pupil; a graduate. Al've-o-late, a. Pitted like a honey-comb. [belly. Al'vine, a. Belonging to the Alway (17), adv. ForAl'ways ever; perpetually; constantly.

Am. The first person of To be. A-main', adv. With all force; suddenly. A-mål'gam, n. A compound of quicksilver with another metal. A-măl'gam-ate, v. t. To combine with quicksilver. A-mål'gam-a'tion, n. The act of amalgamating. A-măn'u-en'sis, n. (pl. Amăn/u-en'sēs.) A writer of what another dictates; a copyist. Am'a-rǎnth, n.

An ornamental plant with showy flowers; an imaginary flower that never fades.

Am/a-rănth'ine, a.



amaranth; unfading. A-mass', v. t. To collect into a heap; to accumulate. Am'a-teur (-tyr'), n. A lover of any one of the fine arts. Am'a-tive-ness, n. Propensity to love. Am'a-to-ry, a. Relating to, or induced by, love. A-maze' v. t. To astonish; to confound. n. A mingled feeling of surprise and wonder; astonishment. A-maze'ment (10), n. Astonishment; confusion. A-maz'ing, a. Wonderful. Am'a-zon, n. A warlike woman; a virago. Am'a-zō'ni-an, a. Relating to, or resembling, an Ama[bassador. Am-bas'sa-dor, n. See EmAm'ber, n. A yellowish fossil resin, used for ornamental purposes, varnishes, &c.


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