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Describe the Persian wars.

Who saved Greece at Marathon?

Generals on both sides at Thermopyla? Platea? Salamis? Mycalæ ?

What was the Government of Athens? Of Sparta ? Who was the legendary first settler of Rome? Whom did he marry?

What were the later wars of Rome?

Tell all about Hannibal's campaigns, all the battles he fought in Italy and with whom. Who finally conquered him, and where?

Who formed the first triumvirate? The second? What races settled Europe? What modern races from the Celts? From the Teutons? From what race are the Russians?

Who was Charles V? Who were the Kings of England and France in his time? What friendly meeting did the three have?

Who succeeded Charles V?

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Where is Cape Horn? On what Island? What strait between it and the Main-land?

What is the capital of it and the Phillipine Islands? What Island is it on? What is its latitude?

What is the latitude of London? Of St. Petersburg?

Between what degrees of latitude does Great Britain lie?

How would you sail from Philadelphia to St Petersburg? What capes would you pass between in reach. ing the Atlantic? What are all the waters you would pass through, and in what direction would you sail in each? What towers would you pass between in Straits of Dover? Names of passages between Norway and Sweden and Denmark. What city in Denmark do you pass near? What fortress do you pass just before reaching St. Petersburg? On what River is St. Petersburg?

Physical Geography.

Why is it colder on a mountain than in a valley?
Why is the sky blue?

Give causes of trade winds.

Give principal ocean currents.

Describe Gulf stream and give its causes.

What is a Sargasso sea? Why so called?

What is an isothermal line? Course of that passing through N. Y., traced W. and E. in winter and sum


Describe glaciers. What is the line of their termination called? How do they pass down?

Explain the bending of ice?

Why is it that a mountain on an island in the ocean or on a cape near the ocean is always surrounded by a cloud which the wind, though constantly blowing is unable to blow away?

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What planet is most like the earth?

What is the inclination of the earth's axis to the elliptic? What does this cause?

Where does the sun stop in its passage South? North? What are these points called?

What is solstice? Equinox? Perihelion ? Aphelion? Apsides? Nodes?

What is the orbit of the earth?

What are eclipses? How caused? Of Moon? Of earth?

What occurs when the moon is at its nodes? When at quarters?

What is occultation? Parallax ? Transit ?
What is the velocity of light? How discovered?
How long does it take light to travel from Neptune
to the Earth?

What is the distance of the moon?
Length of day of the moon?
Topography of the moon?


Describe the triangles of the neck and give their


Give anatomical description of hip-joints and rotator muscles.

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Internal pudic branches; course and distribution. Tympanic arterial plexus.

Vessels giving off external and internal plantar;

Describe the compounds of oxygen with sulphur description of them, and their communication with physics.

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Give the anatomy of non-congenital inguinal hernia, and describe the operation for relief of strangulation. Give the symptoms, pathology and treatment of carbuncle.


Bone; composition, development, histology, structure, kinds of examples under each, difference between long and flat.

Description of vertebra; difference between cervical, dorsal and lumbar; peculiar vertebra. Description of ribs; how many ribs. Description of sternum.

How many teeth; difference between lower and upper molars.

Bones of hand and foot; synovial membrane of wrists; number and arrangement. Same of ankle. Bones forming orbit, in order.

Muscles of front of arm; of back of arm. Same of thigh.

Muscles forming anterior and posterior pillars of fauces.

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dorsal vessels of foot.

int. mam. and

Intercostal arteries and spaces supplied by aortic,
sup. intercostal, respectively.
Portal circulation; external jugular vein.
Complete description of heart.

Anatomy and histology of eye and ear, full.
Brain; membranes of, spaces of, venous sinuses.
What would you see at a section on the level of
corpus calosum ?'

Ventricles of brain; their formation, position, communication, boundaries,

Describe the fifth nerve; all about its ganglia and their roots.

Chorda-tympani; origin, course, distribution and



Vertex presentations; varieties, their mechanism and terminations, usual and unusual. Same of face presentations.

Treatment of impacted face presentations; transverse presentations; their termination and treatment. Placenta prævia; varieties, cause, symptoms and


Dimensions of female pelvis and fœtal head. Description of Cæsarean operation, its modifications and technique.

Description of gastro-elytrotomy; line of incision; advantages claimed for; special precautions to be observed.

Smallest conjugate diameter justifying craniotomy. Medical Jurisprudence.

Mode of death, and post-mortem appearance of hanging.

Differential diagnosis between death by hanging and death by strangulation; of suicide.

Treatment of opium poisoning in full detail; some of phosphorus poisoning; antidotes.

Treatment of strychnine poisoning, and differential poisoning, and differential diagnosis between it and

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Describe maximum and minimum thermometer; mode of using and setting.

What is a barometer? What substance is used in it? Describe an aneroid barometer.

What is flame? Why are ordinary flames yellow? What is the relation between luminosity and the heat of flames?

Give examples of hot flames.

What does luminosity depend on ?
What is light? Theories of?
Name all sources of light.
Name all artificial lights.

Divisions of white lights and causes.
Velocity of light.
Laws of reflection.
Laws of refraction.

What is a Prism?

What is a spherical, and what achromatic aberra

tion? How are they corrected?

What is a microscope?

A telescope?

What kind of telescopes were used formerly, and are used now?

What is the largest telescope? What are its dimensions?

Have reflecting microscopes ever been used?
What is micro-photography?

What American has

done much to develope it? What light is used? What is electricity?

What is magnetism?

What are the forces that act on the compass?

What is terrestrial magnetism?

What is the magnetic North pole?

What is deviation of the compass, causes and how corrected?

What are the difficulties of navigating in steel ships? How overcome? Is the correction permanent? In ship building. how should the plant be situated in regard to the points of the compass? What is correlation of forces?


Conservation of

What bodies, besides iron, have magnetic properties?

What is the composition of coal gas?

What are isogonic, isoclinic, isodynamic lines?

What is chemistry?


How would you explain to a child the difference between physics and chemistry? What is the old chemistry?

The unit of old chem

istry? The old formula of water? All the allotropic forms of C? All the mechanical uses of C in all ite forms.

What is the composition of printers' ink? What is a chemical reaction? Give example. What is a test? Mutual test? Give examples. If you pound up BaCl, and CuSo, in a mortar, what will be the result?

What is law of reactions or mixture of compounds in solution?

What common mineral white paints are used in domestic painting?

Which is the best for the interior of a house? For the exterior? For water closets? What is lead mixed with?


What kind of linseed

What is organic chemistry? What is it sometimes

called, and why?

What is a carbo-hydrate? A hydro-carbon?
Name some of the hydro-carbons.

Give all the steps and agents used in quantitative analysis of a carbo-hydrate.

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of the government authorized?

Name all the diseases quarantined against.

If a ship came into port having small pox aboard, what measures would you adopt, and how long would you keep the ship in quarantine?

Would you ever detain a ship having no cases of infectious diseases aboard and having had none during the voyage?

What measures would you adopt in case of a ship having cholera aboard?

Of a ship having yellow fever, how would you disinfect the ship the clothing?

If cholera is prevalent, what precaution would you take in regard to drinking water?

What are the best agents for disinfecting a room or ship.

How do you use them practically?

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What is a gland? Are all glands organs or are all

organs glands? Name some that are not.

What is the chief source of heat in the body? The next? The next?

Mechanism of regulation of heat

What one gland is a great source of heat? Give all the functions of the spleen. What is the origin of the red blood corpuseles ? Where their end and where destroyed? How do white corpuscles get through blood vessels?

Give all the processes and describe the changes and agents producing blood corpuscles from the time a cubic inch of steak is taken into the month until it is converted into tissue, transformed in making heat, or excreted.

Functions of sympathetic nerves? Oflymph glands? Of red marrow of bones?

Where is glycogen made, and from what? Is it more like a starch or a sugar?

Name all the refractive media of the eye? Functions of the iris ?

How is the amount of light admitted to the eye regulated?

What is the nerve supply of the different parts of ciliary muscle?

Mechanism and nerve supply of accommodation? What structures of the eye are active in color perception ?

What is chlorophane? Zanthophane!

Materia Medica.

Therapeutic uses of heat and cold, and all the methods of applying each.

Name all the animal drugs and the sources, preparation and use of each one.

What parts of plants are used in medicine?
Name drugs that are rhizomes.

Drugs from cones? From flowering tops?

What drugs from woody trunks! Botanical names and natural orders of all these drugs named.

What is opium? How prepared? Varieties? What per cent. of morphine?

What are the varieties of poppy? Why called black and white?

Where does the best opium come from?

Give the principal alkaloids, their differential physiological action.

What two groups?

Give all the officinal preparations you can and tell what they are. Examples under some of them. What trituration is officinal? Its dose ? What oleo-resins are officinal!

Give all the preparations of arsenic.

Doses, com

mon names of the solutions, therapeutic uses. For what is arsenic used in phthisis?


What is inflammation ? Kinds of, and all the methods of treating surgical inflammation, abortive, palliative and curative? All the different methods of applying heat and cold and when each should be employed?

Stricture: Kinds, position, causes, and all the methods of treatment in full detail, with descriptions of the different operations and instruments used and names of inventors.

The different renal and vesical calculi, their composition, relative frequency of occurrence, etc.

Non-operative treatment of calculi.

All the operations of cutting and crushing. Full description of every operation, names of instruments used and tissues incised in each, and treatment subsequent to operation.

Hæmorrhoids: Causes, varieties and all the methods of treatment in full detail, with full indications of each; line of treatment, instruments used and materials of ligatures, etc.

Position and causes of strictures of rectum.
Treatment of fissures and fistulæ.

Operative procedure in gun-shot wounds of abdo-
How would you treat the wounded gut? How
What named stitches would you use? De-

men. suture?

scribe each.

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Fractures of clavicle, humerus, femur, tibia and patella? All the different methods of treating these fractures, with many named methods.

Describe Desaults', Moore's, Fox's bandage; gauntlet and semi-gauntlet. Give uses of each.

Apply Gibson's, Barton's, four tailed spica of

What is squill? Natural order, botanical name, part shoulder, recurrent of hand, and fore-arm. Velspean's of plant, preparations, therapeutic uses. Same of rhubarb.

What are antispasmodics? For what used? Name some of them.

(About thirty crude drugs presented, asked candidate to recognize and give common and botanical names, natural order and habitats.


What are divisions of symptoms?

Go through the whole body, system by system, organ by organ, give all the systems pertaining to each, and what do they indicate? (As symptoms pertaining to the teeth, gums, tongue, pharynx, œsophagus, nares, stomach, etc.)

Give in detail the stages of lobar pneumonia, clinical history, symptoms, pathological appearances in each and treat a case through all its courses.

What are the terminations of pneumonia?
What is crisis? Lysis?

What are the varieties of pneumonia!

Many questions asked on typhoid, typhus, intermittent and yellow fevers.

Also temperature chart of typhoid; meaning of sudden temperature; differential diagnosis, between typhoid and typhus; treatment of each.

Also many questions on the classification of skin diseases; all the principal lesions.

What are some pustular diseases?

papular, vesicular, etc.?

Some macular,

The animal and vegetable parasites! Skin diseases and names of parasites causing them. Candidate was asked every worm God ever made. (He gave all mentioned by Flint.)

Name diseases caused by each and treatment. (Candidate was asked a great many more questions in this department.)

double spica of groin, figure eight of foot, and posterior recurrent of leg.

Define technical name of nearly every disease to which the eye is subject; as, which is symblepharion, anchyloblepharion, ectropion, entropion, and a great many others (some of which candidate had never heard of or seen, and did not remember ten minutes after being informed of their existence.)

Ear diseases and their complications.

Examination of three specimens of urine and report

on same.

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4. Bacillus.

5. Pediculus pubis.

6 Linen fibre.

Clinical examination of a case in the hospital and written report, giving history, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment, the latter being a prescription or advice.

Surgical operation on the cadaver; ligation of the brachial artery; ligation of the posterior tibial in calf of leg; ligation of lingual triangle; amputation of thumb at metacarpal joints; amputation of middle inger at metacarpo phalangeal; amputation of foot (Lisfranc); amputation of shoulder (Lowry's); amputation of fore arm in middle (antero-posterior flaps).

Remember that we can still supply back numbers from January, 1891. Please be prompt about sending. Also send for Binder, Chart of Skin Diseases, and Official Formula of American Hospitals.

Original Communications.

Short articles on the treatment of diseases and experience with new remedies are solicited from the profession for this department; also difficult cases for diagnosis and treatment.

Articles accepted must be contributed to this journal only. The editors are not responsible for views expressed by Contributors.

Oopy must be received on or before the twelfin of the month for publication in the next month. Unused Manuscript cannot be returned.

Certainly it is excellent discipline for an author to feel that he must say all he has to say in the fewest possible words, or his reader is sure to skip them; and in the piuinest possible words, or his reader will certain isunderstand them. Generally, also, a downright fact y be told in a plain way; and we want downright facts at present more than anything else.-RUSKIN.


Notes and Comments.

EDITOR MEDICAL WORLD:--Let me premise my letter this month by asking of your readers a personal favor. I am now at work on a new book, on the lines of the "Manual of Treatment," to which it will be practically a second edition, considerably enlarged and rewritten in every chapter. Many good ideas have come to me from THE WORLD family, that I have adopted into my practice and will incorporate into the book. I am desirous of giving to every person the credit due, but it is impossible for me to recollect to which of your thousands upon thousands of readers I owe the suggestions. I will be very glad if each one who has originated any method of treatment for the value of which he can vouch, would send me a brief note concerning it. To save time and labor on my part, it would be well to put each in the form of the following:

"Complexion: In several cases where ladies complained of a muddy complexion at all times except during the menstrual period, I have found the tag alder (Alnus serrulata) of much benefit. The fresh plant has been used in the form of decoction, of the leaves, bark or root; several cups being taken daily. Blondes are most benefitted by this remedy." This is enough, though the number of cases treated, and any other material facts, should be added. Just think what a mine of wealth would be created if every capable practitioner in the country were to contribute his own discoveries.

It is greatly to be regretted that physicians have so little idea of business. No class of the community is so persistently and universally swindled. All of the suggestions made by "Business" (page 206) are worthy of attention. But combines" never succeed with professional men. There are too many hungry members always ready to take their chances of getting paid. But because we cannot do all we

wish is no reason why we should not do all we can; and a notable beginning will be made when we stop sending prescriptions to retail druggists who advertise for patients.

"Subscriber" (page 212) got pretty good results from his treatment of scarlatina by salicylic acid and acetanilide, and I think these drugs are much better than the older remedies. But one season's success means very little in this disease, as it sometimes occurs that all recover nicely without any treatment; while the next season's scarlatina leaves crape at the door of every house that it enters. I do not share the editor's enthusiasm for chloral, though I have employed it in very few cases.

Fistula in ano sometimes gets well without surgical aid, like Dr. Williams' case, on page 217. But such a result is not to be expected; and it is not safe to depart from the law of good surgery In this case the sinus should have been laid open, base divided, and treated antiseptically. Most frequently the healing, when let alone, is imperfect, and does not advance beyond the condition described by the doctor. My last case did very well on peroxide of hydrogen injections.

Physicians should never attempt to write their experience for a medical journal without keeping before their eyes the story of the blind man and the elephant. No matter how great may have been our individual opportunities of observation, they are as nothing compared with those of the great mass of the profession. This thought is ever present with me; and I therefore ask our readers to inform us whether their experience with frost in yellow fever is in harmony with that of Dr. Littlejohn. Each of you who have seen yellow fever should tell us whether you have found frost to kill the patient or not.

Dr. Tureaud's interesting letter mentions Hamon de Fresnay's hydrostatic balloon. During the first year I wrote for THE WORLD I translated for you from a French journal an account of this method and published it, I think, in 1887. It is a good method, and one that should be in the hands of every physician. Whether the granules of hyoscyamine and strychnine, given together or singly, are any better than belladonna and ergot, is a matter open to discussion. Nausea occurring spontaneously, or from emetic drugs of any sort, usually accelerates the opening of the uterus. But what are all these things worth beside chloroform?

Dr. Montgony's patient (page 226) has threatenings of convulsions, probably due to something abnormal in the bowels; worms, undigested food, or foreign bodies. Give him santonine and calomel, or rhubarb and soda, followed by bromides.

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