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(I fiammation's Antidote)


For Abdominal Pain and Visceral Inflammation

A rational method of treating locally all forms of disease in which inflammation and congestion play a part.

The Denver Chemical Mfg. Co., New York

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The Pungency of Tobacco Smoke.

A recent Lancet article calls attention to the fact that probably not more than one-seventh of the nicotine survives in the smoke. On the other hand some observers have failed to find any nicotine at all in the smoke, and have considered pyridin as the harmful constituent. This body forms a large element in the oil which collects in the tobacco pipe, and this oil is very poisonous. It would appear, therefore, that the toxicity of tobacco may not have any relation at all to its nicotine content, and it is well known that some tobaccos contain a very small proportion of nicotine yet yield a smoke which is decidedly toxic. Certain Turkish tobaccos, for example, are almost free from nicotine, while they produce a pungent toxic smoke. It would be pretty safe to assert that all smoke is more or less toxic. If wooden shavings were substituted for tobacco in the pipe there can be little doubt that the smoke would have evil effects, but there is no nicotine in wood. The fact is, that the toxicity and pungency (though the terms are not necessarily interchangeable) of tobacco smoke are dependent chiefly upon the nature of the products of destructive distillation of the plant fiber. The pungency of tobacco smoke seems, at any rate, to bear some relation to the proportion of organic acids. present in the leaf. The amount of these acids, amongst which citric and malic acid are chief, varies widely, and as a rule that tobacco gives the softest and least irritating smoke which contains the smallest amount of organic acid. The citrates and malates on destructive distillation give acid products. Of two cigarettes the tobacco of which contains approximately the same amount of nicotine, one may be found to give an unirritating and the other and acrid smoke. When the two tobaccos so concerned are further examined it may be found that one generally yields a larger ash than the other, corresponding with a larger proportion of organic acid. The tobacco with a larger proportion of organic acid is more liable to give an irritating smoke. In spite, however, of all the learned, and oftentimes unlearned, ratiocination that has been devoted to the subject of tobacco smoking, it appears that we still have not progressed much further than the empirical observation that the injuriousness or harmlessness of the weed depends not so much on its character or on the way it is used, as on the kind of man who does the smoking.

Every Physician Knows.

Every physician knows full well the advantages to be derived from the use of antikamnia in very many diseases, but a num

The Blood Current
of the Aged.


General muscular flaccidity, the inevitable consequence of advanced age, is the result of a sluggish blood current. The heart loses its pumping capacity, the arterial walls soften and the blood stream lacks sufficient force to properly circuit the lungs and receive oxygen.

Increase the hemoglobin and the red corpuscles in the blood of the aged subjects and nutrition can be maintained at the proper standard.


blood rich in hemoglobin and red corpuscles,
intensifies its affinity for oxygen and in-
vigorates arterial circulation.
PEPTO-MANGAN (GUDE) exhibits its
blood-enriching, strength-imparting and re-
generative properties most conspicuously
when administered to persons of advanced age.
bination of organic iron and manganese, and

is free from the objectionable features of
inorganic iron preparations.

PEPTO-MANGAN (GUDE) is ready for

quick absorption and rapid infusion into the
blood and is consequently of marked and
certain value in the debility and infirmity of
old age.

Prescribe Pepto-Mangan (Gude) in
original bottles and avoid substitution. It
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Samples and literature sent upon application.
New York, U. S. A.

BACTERIOLOGICAL WALL CHART FOR THE PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE.-One of our scientific, and artistically produced, bacteriological charts in colors, exhibiting 60 different pathogenic microorganisms, will be mailed free to any regular medical practitioner, upon request, mentioning this journal. This chart has received the highest praise from leading bacteriologists and pathologists, in this and other countries, not only for its scientific accuracy, but for the artistic and skillful manner in which it has been executed. It exhibits more illustrations of the different micro-organisms than can be found in any one text-book published. M. J. BREITENBACH CO., NEW YORK.

ber of them are still lacking a knowledge of the fact that antikamnia in combination with various remedies, has a peculiarly happy effect; particularly is this the case when combined with salol. Salol is a most valuable remedy in many affections; and its usefulness seems to be enhanced by combining it with antikamnia. The rheumatoid conditions so often seen in various manifestations are wonderfully relieved by the use of this combination. After fevers, inflammations, etc., there frequently remain various painful and annoying conditions which may continue, namely, the severe headaches which occur after meningitis, a "stitch in the side" following pleurisy, the precordial pain of pericarditis and the painful stiffness of the joints which remain after a rheumatic attack-all these conditions are relieved by this combination called "Antikamnia and Salol Tablets," containing 21⁄2 grains each of antikamnia and of salol, and the dose of which is one or two every two or three hours. They are also recommended highly in the treatment of cases of both acute and chronic cystitis. The pain and burning is relieved to a marked degree. Salol neutralizes the uric acid and clears up the urine. This remedy is a reliable one in the treatment of diarrhea, entero colitis, dysentery, etc. In dysentery, where there are bloody, slimy discharges, with tormina and tenesmus, a good dose of sulphate of magnesia, followed by two antikamnia and salol tablets every three hours will give results that are gratifying.

Sanmetto in Prostatic Irritations, Urethral and Bladder Troubles. I have used Sanmetto extensively in my practice in prostatic irritations, urethral and bladder troubles, and am well pleased with the results obtained. In cases where the drug is indicated I always feel confident of obtaining good results.

Logansport, Ind.

"Summer Complaint."


During the summer months gastro-enteric diseases, in which diarrhea is a prominent symptom, are very prevalent and most fatal in infants and children. After correcting all hygienic and dietetic errors, an imperative indication is to empty the small intestine and overcome the fermentation and decomposition going on in the alimentary tract.

Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, in doses of a tea to a tablespoonful is a safe and pleasant laxative for infants and children, and after clearing out the intestinal canal, small doses, five to fifteen drops in a teaspoonful of steril cold water, every two or three hours, will act as an antacid and gastric sedative, con




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